Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 59: Pocket World

Chapter 59: Pocket World

The matter with the dark elves’ invasion of Asgard has come to an end.

Thanks to Spiderman and the rest that followed Benjamin, the Asgardians were able to quickly contain the situation and bring peace into their realm once more.

Naturally, they held a huge feast at the end and celebrated till they all passed out drunk.

The following day, Benjamin dragged their drunk asses back to Earth and gave them a day off.

Well, except for Spiderman who was not allowed to drink alcohol.

Still, Peter was quite enthusiastic about the whole thing and brought a bunch of souvenirs to show off to his girlfriend MJ.

Currently, they were gathered in his room.

“So I was like, ‘Sir! Please put down the large goat!’. But of course, he didn’t do it so I had to whup his ass! Also, do you know that goats there are like, sooo huge! Like the size of a horse! But…goat! And they’re pretty noisy too. Ah, but they gave me some of its milk. Yes, their goats have milk. Don’t ask. It’s tasty though.”

MJ just stood there silently while Peter rattled on and on about his trip to Asgard while introducing the various souvenirs he got.

He has been like this for an hour already and he doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon…

Finally, MJ couldn’t stand it anymore and quickly patted Peter on the shoulder.

“Alright, tiger. Slow down. I get it. It’s amazing. But did you do your homework yet?”


Peter trailed off.


What homework?


“Shit! I completely forgot about it!”

Peter panicked and quickly took out his notes in his bag to do his homework.

Seeing him like this, MJ laughed.

It was quite something to see someone who had just fought a bunch of dark elves in Asgard to panic about school homework…

While Peter scrambled to do his homework, MJ started picking up the souvenirs that Peter brought with him and looked at them curiously.

MJ picked up a tooth-like thing and asked.

“Hey, what’s this one supposed to be?”

“Hm? Oh, I think that was some kind of goblin tooth or something. One of the Asgardians was talking about fighting one in the past and showed it to me. I must’ve brought it back as well.”

“Dark elves, goblins, Thor, Odin, Asgard…it really makes one wonder. What is myth, what is real?”

MJ sighed.

In the past, they were all just normal kids in a normal world.

But at some point, it seems that the world around them has gotten a whole lot stranger.

Her boyfriend Peter became Spiderman and fought a lot of crazy villains. Eventually, MJ was pulled in as well as she helped Peter in the background.

Then there were aliens from another planet…now Gods….

Everything just made her feel…powerless.

Nothing happened of course. Actually, the Asgardian who spoke about it was quite drunk. That was just a normal animal tooth and he was spouting nonsense before.

Suddenly, several police sirens rang out from outside.

Peter didn’t think twice and quickly slapped a spider emblem on his chest which then started to expand and cover his body, creating his Spiderman suit.

It was something Benjamin made for him so it’s easier to put on.

“Gotta go!”

“Stay safe!”

Just like that, Spiderman left through the window and quickly swung through the city, leaving MJ in his room.

As Spiderman was swinging through the streets of New York following the police cars, he quickly arrived at the scene of the crime.

But as he got there, he found that someone had already beaten him to it.

Spiderman groaned in frustration.

“Ugh, it’s her again!”

By her, he meant another spider-themed hero like him who calls herself, Spider-woman.

She had a white slender suit with pink linings and a mask and hood.

Peter doesn’t know it yet but this woman was actually a transfer student in his school who had transferred a few months back, Gwen Stacy!

Spider-woman just finished webbing up the bunch of thieves and saw Spiderman land on a lamppost.

She doesn’t show it with the mask on but Spiderman swore that she was smirking at him.

“Too late again. Hehe.”

Then, she quickly left after saying her piece, irritating Spiderman even more.

At this moment, a giant billboard was showing the Daily Bugle with JJJ.

“First it was Spiderman, now there’s even a Spider-woman! What’s next!? Spider-gay!? Menace! I’m telling you! This city is being infested by these menaces! You all need to wake up and see it clearly!”

Spiderman was a bit speechless.

When is this guy ever going to give up…

Suddenly, JJJ looked somewhere off-camera.

“What? What do you mean we’re being sued!? They can’t do that! What do you mean I have to go to court!? Huh? This still on? Jarred! Cut the feed! What the hell are yo-”

Spiderman sighed.

It seems the EPD had also had enough and the legal team had started to do something about JJJ.

Spiderman felt a bit bad about JJJ but…on second thought, nah, he deserved it. Who told him to run off his mouth without thinking?

Shrugging, Spiderman left and went back to his friends and continue his ‘normal’ everyday life.

Although his ‘normal’ everyday life may soon come to an end as well…

He doesn’t know it yet, but his world is only about to get a whole lot weirder.


“...Okay, even for me, this shit is weird.”

Benjamin was completely dumbfounded by what he was witnessing before his eyes.

As he floated in the sky, he watched a certain white-haired woman dancing and singing in the heavy snow while casually creating an ice castle around her…

To explain the current situation, let’s wind back time for a bit.

Benjamin had just finished dealing with the matter in Asgard and was about to help Steve and the others catch Red Skull but…well, they seemed to have already finished the job.

It was to the point that Steve felt bad about Red Skull. It was his bad luck that Captain Marvel was currently on Earth too and had time to kill so she quickly solved the matter.

Even Benjamin felt speechless at how anti-climactic it was.

Of course, it was Red Skull who was the most angered.

Years of patiently planning…gone! Just like that!

Why aren’t they playing by the rules!?

Isn’t it supposed to be only Captain America who will fight me!?

They cheated!

But well, this was just how it is.

Frankly, Benjamin was more confused about why in the comics or movies, in a world where there obviously are other heroes, why don’t they appear when another hero is fighting their villain?

Sure there may be some special circumstances but…when the villain is affecting the whole city or even the whole planet, where the hell are the other heroes!?

Although, it seems that they weren’t able to catch Red Skull as he had somehow vanished. Benjamin was also unable to locate him.

Anyway, Benjamin was quite free now and decided to explore Limbo since he hasn’t gotten the chance to do it yet.

Limbo was quite a strange place. Although it looks like hell, there were also sometimes rifts that appear now and then that seemed to lead to strange new worlds.

Sort of like, a small pocket dimension.

It’s not a whole world as big as a universe, but still a unique world on its own.

Benjamin saw a lot of things as he explored those pocket worlds but he was most speechless about the one he was currently in.

Because this world seemed to resemble a whole lot like…the movie, Frozen from his previous world…

Right now, he was watching Elsa singing ‘Let it go’ on a snowy mountain.

He has no idea why he can hear background music even though the storm was quite hard.

This pocket world isn’t big and it was just the size of a continent.

Benjamin was at a complete loss and couldn’t understand how all these were possible.

It seems that Limbo has its own set of laws. Normal logic doesn’t work here at all.


Benjamin watched Elsa and thought to himself.

Isn’t her ability being wasted here?

Such a powerful ice power user…can’t I recruit her in the EPD somehow?

It would be quite funny to see Elsa fight against Thanos. Will it also turn into a musical? Is the world going to be saved by music?

Benjamin thought about it some more and the more he thought about it, the more he feels it was interesting to bring her over to his side.

At this moment, Elsa has finally finished singing ‘Let it go’ and completed her hair and dress transition.

Benjamin’s gaze lingered at her chest for a moment and cursed the Disney of his previous world for nerfing it in the movie.

But he could understand.

This was definitely not the type of body one can show in front of kids!


Benjamin shook his head and descended in front of Elsa while clapping.

Elsa was confused and quickly went on alert. Ice spikes appeared and floated around her.

“Who are you!?”

“That was quite an impressive…performance you did. My name is Benjamin Freed. I mean you no harm.”

Elsa frowned.

“...What do you want? And…how were you flying just now?”

She was surprised to see Benjamin float down in front of her.

She thought her powers were already an anomaly in this world, but…she doesn’t seem to be the only one?

Could there be others?

A slight hope appeared in her eyes.

For a long time, she’s suppressed her powers, fearing losing control and being treated as a monster.

She knew she was different from normal people.

She was special…

But such a specialty brings loneliness.

No one can understand her. Even with her sister by her side, she still felt alone in the world.

But…what if there were others? Others like her? Gifted with extraordinary powers!

Of course, while she was hopeful, she was still wary in front of a stranger like Benjamin who just appeared.

Benjamin could understand her thoughts and smiled.

He lifted up his hand and…suddenly, the whole world seemed to stand still.

No, it wasn’t that Benjamin stopped time. But rather, he stopped the current snowstorm so it seemed as if time had stopped abruptly.

He had control over Nature. Stopping a snowstorm that was caused by nature was naturally as easy as lifting a hand for him.

Then, he pointed at the mountain they were on, and suddenly, fresh leaves and trees started to sprout.

Soon, the once snowy mountain had turned into an abundant forest!

Benjamin looked in the distance toward the direction of where the town that Elsa came from.

“I’ve fixed the cycle of nature in this pocket world. It shouldn’t cause something like a long winter ever again. The townspeople will be fine.”

This pocket world was still a part of Limbo and there were all sorts of things that could affect it. It was normal that the cycle of seasons would be out of whack every now and then but with his power, it shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

Benjamin turned back to Elsa.

“You don’t have to be shackled in this world forever. Out there, there is a much larger world. A world where you can properly use your abilities to their fullest. You won’t need to be afraid of being alone.”

Elsa looked at the hand that reached out to her and fell silent.

It was all too sudden and she didn’t know what to think at first.

But it seems that to her, at least, Benjamin didn’t seem to have any ill intentions.

It may be worth trying…

What was the worst that could happen? She was still confident of her own abilities in case the need arises for it.

After a while, she opened her mouth and Benjamin suddenly heard soft music in the background.


“Nope. I’m not gonna do a duet! Just say yes or no!”


Elsa could only helplessly stop her urge to sing and nod.

Benjamin heard the background music stop and sighed in relief.

That was close.

“But umm…would I no longer be able to return here?”

“Hm? You still can. Don’t worry. You are free to come back here anytime you want.”

“Then, alright. Ah, but I need to tell my little sister first.”


Benjamin nodded.

Speaking of, Anna was already on her way up the mountain when the snow turned into a forest. She should be reaching the ice castle soon.

As expected, she appeared at the foot of the castle.

Elsa went down to talk to her and calm her down.

Benjamin sighed in relief seeing as he managed to trick- ahem- convince Elsa somehow.

Suddenly, he heard another upbeat background music.

Looking down, he saw Elsa and Anna singing together and making a huge fuss….

Uhhh…is this really a good idea?

Benjamin started to regret it a bit…

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