Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 010423: A Short Tale

This is a tale of a young man during his time in high school.

The school he attended was one with a terrible reputation, as many of its students were delinquents and the teacher were pushovers, who are afraid to do anything about them. Those who did, however, ended up retiring as a result.

It was as if the school came out of a manga.

Regardless, the young man chose to attend at that high school. Particularly because the fees were cheap.

"Hey you." Spoke one of the delinquents.

He was a sophomore student, who possesses the stereotypical traits of a wannabe gangster. Namely, the bleached blonde hair, the many piercings that violates dress code, and the salon tanned skin.

With two other of his buddies, he barged into a classroom for first year students during lunch time and approached the young man who was minding his own business.

"You're the rumoured upstart they're talking about, yeah? Let's go outside and have a little chat." the sophomore arrogantly demanded the young man.

However, he was ignored, as the freshman simply continued eating the beautiful lunch box he had made, consisting of several perfectly rolled omelettes, octo-weiners, a small portion of salad, and deep-fried pork sitting on some rice.

Delicious. It was a well crafted lunch made with love and care. At least... to the young man. Not so much to the sophomore, who kicked his table, knocking the entire lunch box onto the floor.

"Oops. My leg slipped." the sophomore sarcastically stated, looking down at the young man who was in disbelief.

The young man then placed his chopsticks down and stood up. Looking at the sophomore delinquent and his buddies in the eyes, he said. "Fine... Where to... sir?"

The delinquents smiled and proceeded to lead the young man to the back of the school, where most people rarely go.

Ten minutes later, those delinquents were on the ground. Beaten and knocked out by the young man who did not suffer so much as a single scratch on his clothes or body.

"Next time, don't talk me. Thank you." the young man left the scene after that. Heading to the cafeteria to purchase some breads for his lunch.

Though the delinquents were beaten, the problem was not over for the young man. For he has become a serious target now for messing with them. And for several other reasons as well.

The young man was a mature and respectable individual, and is well liked by the other student body and most of the faculty staffs.

A handful of the female students were always seen hanging around with him. Sometimes, even the girls from the second and third year would hang out and be friendly with him.

Some of the teachers would even blatantly show their favouritism towards him and he was even on good terms with the principal himself. Even the school janitors liked the young man, as he would greet them everyday and even help them out whenever they seemed to need it.

Furthermore, he was strong that even the delinquents in his school stood no chance against him.

For a mere high school freshman, the young man became quite the popular character within a short span of time.

It was as if he was the protagonist of a shounen manga, with an unknown force backing him up.

This naturally caused a stir of envy and hatred from the delinquents, who saw the young man as a nuisance to their rebel life.

Because of that, although the problem started out small, it eventually grew overtime. To the point where some of the delinquents would stalk the young man to his home and report it back to their leader.

And so, one day before winter break begins, the young man was called out by the leader of the delinquents; a third year who has a fairly muscular build and tattoos on his neck and body. Surrounding him were a hundred other delinquents. Some of them wielding baseball bats or bamboo swords. All of them, staring at him with contempt and ferocity as they seemed to be unable to restraint the urge to mess him up.

Needless to say, the young man was still calm before their presences, as he hear what their leader has to say to him.

"So... Yoruto, was it? I'll get straight to the point. Join us, why don't you?" the delinquent leader spoke with glee and a demanding tone, indirectly saying that he would not take 'no' for an answer.

"No thank you." the young man, Yoruto, refused nonetheless. Promptly the delinquent to take out his phone and approach him.

"Now don't say that." said the delinquent leader, putting his arm around the young man's shoulders. "You've got a handsome face and a strong body. I wouldn't want to have to break it when you could be a great asset to my gang. Or perhaps..." he then shoved his phone in Yoruto's face. "...You would be more convinced to join me, if I show you this." he said.

Displayed on his phone was a certain photo. It was of Yoruto outside of his own house, greeting his sister, Hikari, as he returned home.

At that moment, Yoruto knew where the conversation was heading.

"What a cute little sister you have. It would be terrible if something bad happens to her, wouldn't you... agree...? Eh...?"

And at that moment, something snapped within Yoruto.

The delinquent leader, who acting confident at first, suddenly turned pale when he saw the horrifying glare on Yoruto's face.

Instinctively, he'd realised that he was dealing with something that was out of his league.

"W-Wait! It's just a prank, bro—"

With a look that can kill, Yoruto struck the first blow and knocked the teeth out of the big guy. Then, he continued to beat his face in and break his limbs until it became a bloody pulp, which had only stopped escalating from there once the other delinquents stepped in. Thus, a fight broke out between Yoruto and a hundred armed delinquents.

The incident made headline on the newspapers, where the article says that a hundred students involved in that fight were hospitalised. A majority of them suffered with multiple bruises on their bodies. Some of them suffered with light fractures in their limbs. And a few of them had more than just broken bones in their bodies.

All of it was caused by one student as the patients claimed. Whom had suffered not a single injury in that fight, asides from a portion of his uniform being torn at the end.

It was as if the whole fight came out of an anime. Simply absurd and totally unbelieveable.

Because of that, not a single person of the public believed it to be true as the event was quickly deemed as a fake story and easily swept under the rug in the end.

Yoruto, who was surprised that he only got a three-day suspension, went to visit the leader of the delinquents a few days later.

"Hello, Senpai. I came to see how you're doing." he said, holding up a small bag of apples which he had brought along.

The delinquent leader, who could not move a single part of his body, became terrified as the young man grabbed a stool and sat next to him.

"First of all, I would like to apologise." Yoruto started talking. "I have overreacted and have caused you and your friends a lot of pain. Even though I do not feel guilty in the slightest for what I did, I do realised that it was too much. And for that, I am sorry." Yoruto lowered his head. Then, grabbed a knife and one of the apples from his bag and starts peeling it.

"I do not think you can forgive me that easily. But if, by some chance that you would allow bygones to be bygones, then I hope that we can be friends or at least, be on better terms from now on. Because I would never want to do this sort of thing ever again, if possible."

Yoruto then sliced the apples and served it on a plate to the delinquent leader.

"So what do you say, Senpai? Do you think you can treat this incident as if nothing happened? It would great if you do. After all, like you'd said..."

"...It's just a prank, bro."

From that day on, not a single delinquent dared to mess with the young man, as he proceeded to live a somewhat normal high school life until graduation.

The End.




"What the heck is this?"

"It's a one-shot short story I made based on the events you told me about during your high school years, bro. What do you think? Should I upload it on the internet for the world to see?"

"Hikari... If you're going to do that. At least make it accurate."

Yoruto points out the mistake that his sister had made in her story.

"It's fifty guys. Not a hundred. Get your numbers right."


It's April Fools, you guys! Here's a special chapter for the day.

The actual next chapter will be uploaded in the next few hours.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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