Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 20: Take this… and Die.

I have activated my skill, Final Push. Making me invulnerable to all damage, as well as increasing my damage output by some percent. I don't know. I need to check again.

Against the two Jacksons which I've appropriately named, Black and White, I charged towards them after applying Haste onto myself again to ensure that their attention was on me.

""Hee Hee~""

Black throws a low kick, whereas White sends a rush of punches. I stopped my charge and held my ground with several Magic Shields deployed on my back to tank the attacks like they were nothing.

Final Push is a bit too overpowered, ain't it? I thought, seeing that I took no damage at all after receiving the attacks from the two Jacksons head on, despite not being a tank.

Just as the Jacksons were busy with attacking me, Yura came into the fray, using the opportunity to deal several backstabs on the enemies and inflicting the Bleed debuff onto them. As well as inflicting the Curse debuff onto them with the Ritual Dagger in his hand.

"Good job, Yura." I muttered under my breath as I watched him retreat when the Jacksons turned around to face him.

"Hey! Eyes on me, big boys! Multi-Firebomb!"

I attacked them while they were distracted. Drawing their attention back to me when they lost more HP.

Twenty had already passed after that. I'll need to get them into positions quickly using the remaining ten I have left.

So, I taunted them. Gesturing with my finger to them to, "Get over here."

Did the taunt work, or was it simply their desire dictating them to kill me? Either way, White charged at me in a glee while Black binds me with its Thorn Bind, charging up another breath attack after that.

"I was telling you both to get over here. Not one of you."

Black's breath attack was launched first, but I used Moon Walk to teleport myself out of its Thorn Bind. Reappearing before White who wasted no time in levelling the ground I was standing on.


I started counting down.


White's rush attack still continued.


Black began to dash towards me now.


Moon Walk skill has finished its cooldown.


Yura shouted to me, "It's ready!"

And then zero. "Moon Walk!" I teleported myself behind both Jacksons. 

White immediately stopped its attack, realising that I was gone. And Black did a 180 spin, knowing that I was behind it now. However, before they could make their next move, I pointed my staff at them.

"Multi-Thorn Bind! Multi-Mana Bolt!"

The two Jacksons were immobilised quickly as numerous Mana Bolts went flying at them.

With the Eye of the Accursed staff equipped, I was hoping to utilise its effect which will give me a chance to paralyse my enemies if I use spells like Mana bolt or Mana Blast. I used Mana Bolt in this case since I did not want to use that much of my MP after this.

Unfortunately, neither of the two Jacksons received the Paralysed effect, so I sighed and moved on with using Multi-Magic Shield to trap them further. Just as I did with Black when I first faced it alone.

"Now, Yura!" I then shouted the moment they were secured in place.

Hearing my command, he jumped in front of me and used that skill of his: "Smokescreen!"

Black clouds of smoke filled the area once again. Diminishing the enemies' visual on us, while we can still see them clearly despite how unrealistic that is.

But hey, it's a game. A lack of realism should be fine. Especially for a skill like this.

"The Jacksons can't see us again, Miss Yoru. What are you going to do now?" Yura curiously asked.

I patted him on the head, walked past him and told him to "Sit back and watch." as I stand before our enemies, some distances away from them, aiming my staff at them.

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: Nine seconds."

I set up my first attack.

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: Eight seconds."

I set up the next.

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: Seven seconds."

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: Six seconds."

I drank some MP potions after that.

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: Four seconds."

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: Three seconds."

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: Two seconds."

"Delay-Multi-Firebomb: One second."

Then as Yura's Smokescreen began to fade, I drank one more MP potion and gave the enemies a final one-liner.

"Take this and die. Multi-Firebomb!"

The Smokescreen had faded. The Jacksons have broken out of their bindings. However, whatever they do now was too late as a number of about a hundred Firebombs laid waste onto them. Including the ones which I am casting right now.

For the next several seconds, all that could be heard from the Shade Forest were the sounds of explosion from the attack as it cancelled out the cries of the Jacksons' suffering while their HPs quickly dropped to zero before my attack even ended.


[Congratulations! You have defeated the Area Boss: The Jackson.]

Exp gained: 6,969

Gold obtained: 194,291

Item(s) get: [Horn of the Jackson], [Eye of the Jackson].



[Congratulations! You have defeated the Area Boss: The Jackson (White).]

Exp gained: 7,198

[You have levelled up to LV 20!]

Gold obtained: 201,471

Item(s) get: [Hide of the Jackson], [Tail of the Jackson]


And just like that, it's over.

I took out several HP potions from my inventory and drank it all empty. Replenishing my HP which was in the red.

If I had taken another one of their attacks the moment Final Push was over, I would have di— Wait, no... I still have Knight's Last Stand to save me and Knight's Valour to keep me safe for another 30 seconds.

However, I didn't want to use those skills now since I have plans to keep them reserved for when I attempt the Liberation Quest later on.

"Are you alright, Yura?" I walked up to him after defeating the two Jacksons.

It would seem that he's fine, looking at his HP. He also did not seem to have heard me, seeing as how he was showing an expression of shock and awe while looking at me.

"So cool....." he muttered.

"Miss Yoru, that was amazing! You've just defeated two Jackson bosses on your own!" he then exclaimed loudly.

"What do you mean 'alone'? You helped too, didn't you?"

"Yes. But I didn't do much aside from applying Curse and Bleed debuff on them. And they didn't even do much since most of the damage they'd received was from you."

"I supposed that is true." I patted Yura on the head. "But the Curse and Bleed you'd applied on them really helped a lot, you know. Your Smokescreen skill too. That skill especially was a lot of help in defeating those two monsters. So, the credit doesn't just belong to me. It should be shared between the both of us, okay?"

"Umm y-yes, Miss Yoru. Thank you."

Yura smiled blushing. Happy to have received such honest praises from me. Making me happy in turn for seeing how cute he looks right now.

"Now then, what did you get from the bosses?" I stopped patting Yura, as we moved on to discussing about our loot from the boss drops. "All I got were their body parts. What about you?"

"Hold on. Lemme see....." Yura took a quick look at his inventory.

"Uhhh, I got the Jacksons' body parts too; a skill scroll for a skill called [Smooth Criminal]; a Single White Glove; and a pair of Anti-Gravity Shoes. Oh! And I've also levelled up to level 16 now."

"Wow.... That's quite a lot, huh?"

Also, how in the world did a single piece of glove and shoes end up as item drops from two demon goat monsters?

"So then, what should we do now? Shall we explore some more, or..."

"Umm... What time is it now?"

"5:45 pm."

"Oh. Then umm, I'll have to log out now. My dinner time is at six, so...."

"That's all right. I was actually thinking about logging out too since I have to make dinner for me and my family too."

When I said that, Yura's eyes lit up.

"You can cook, Miss Yoru?"

"Sure can do. I can also clean, do other house chores and have to take care of a spoiled little girl who is currently in her third year of junior high. It's really tiring to be honest. I've also quit playing video games for a long time because of that and have only started playing this game because my said little girl pestered me to do so. She also plays this game, by the way."

"Oh. Uh, sounds like you're really busy then."

"Nowadays, not so much actually. I'd realised that I have more free time than I had initially thought, so playing this game is kind of a time killer for me."

".....Ah." I'd realised then that I was keeping Yura up with this conversation. "Sorry." I apologised. "We should probably return to town now, so that we can logout safely."

"It's alright, Miss Yoru. I was the one who started the conversation anyways." Yura said." But still...." he then muttered softly next.

"....I did not know Miss Yoru is a mom. I guess that's why she'd always pat me on the head like how my mom always does."

"Yura? Is something the matter?"

"Oh. Umm, no. It's nothing, Miss Yoru. Let's go back to town."

And so, Yura and I returned to town without running into much trouble after that.

We added each other to our friend list along the way, said goodbye after entering town and logged out.

Upon returning to the real world and removing my Dive Gear, I got up from my bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen, so that I could start cooking before Hikari came home.

Hm? I got a text from Hikari.

"..........I see."

So Himeji's coming over again, huh.

Time to make another feast then. Now, what should I make?

Something spicy, I suppose.

As I have stated in the previous chapter, I need a break and take my mind off of writing for a bit. No updates for next week. Sorry.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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