Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 30: Bro, why are you a woman!?

The moment I logged into the game, my mind was stunned by the amazing sight before my eyes.

With part of the "darkness" in the game world now dispelled after I had done the Liberation Quest, the sky is now clear with the moons and stars being visible at night time.

Yes, "moons". Because apparently, there are two moons in the game world. One blue, and one red, with the former being larger than the latter.

After I was finished staring at the beautiful night sky, I then looked around my surroundings and needless to say... I was stunned.

One was because the Holy City, Arialight, at night is another sight to behold. And the other reason was: Oh my goodness! They fixed the city really fast!

The place that was once in ruins, is now completely restored and bustling with NPCs and players on the streets. In just one night.

Should I explore the city for a bit? Nah. I should probably head to Lily Corvo immediately and meet up with Hikari and Himeji.

However, before I go, I should make sure to allocate my attribute points that I have not used yet into my stats first.

As I opened my status window and took a look at my stats, I pondered for a moment.

Should I raise another stat besides Intelligence and Agility? Maybe Luck?


"Hey! That beautiful Dark Elf lady over there!"


While I was pondering on where to allocate my attribute points, I heard a familiar voice behind and turned around. And what do you know? It was the same blondie I've met before twice already.

"Ah." he seemed to have recognised me as well, the moment I turned around. "Oh. It's you." he said.

"It's me." I repeated back. "Still looking for a soulmate, are you?" I snidely asked.

"Nah. I'm passed that already."

"Are you now?"

"Yup. Because I've already found her. I just need to look for her though."

Oh wow. I'm actually happy for him.

"So~ What's she like?" I asked, nudging him with my elbow.

Blondie laughed and answered. "I have no idea," he said. Which was not the answer I was expecting.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I know her name and the fact that she's a Dark Elf. But I have no idea what she looks like exactly." he explained. "I heard that she has a great figure and is a mom in real life though. She's also most likely to be here in Arialight. Which is why I'm going around, hitting on every busty Dark Elf lady I can find. I'd never expect to see you here though."

So that's how it is then? Well, I'm a guy in real life so it can't be me. I also would not have expected to see the blondie here too, if I'm being honest.

"Welp. Anyways, I'm off to find my Dark Elf Mommy soulmate. See ya!"

"Ok. Good luck on your search, man."

I waved the blondie goodbye and returned to my status window.

Hmm... Maybe I'll handle this later. I should really go to Lily Corvo now and meet up with Hikari and Himeji.

Closing my status window, I took Lampy out of my inventory and proceeded to make my way to Lily Corvo. Hoping that I won't run into any Jacksons again, since I needed to pass through the Shade Forest to reach my destination.

Good thing is that I didn't. But maaaaaan, would that be awful if I did again.

At long last, I've arrived at Lily Corvo and headed straight for the town central area where the fountain is. Upon reaching there, I immediately spotted a Beastman fox girl with silver hair, equipped with a Japanese sword on her waist. Next to her is a small Human girl with fluffy pink hair and a shield bigger than herself strapped on her back. Believing those two to be Hikari and Himeji, I approached them.

"Yo, Hikari, Himeji. Sorry to keep you two waiting." I greeted them.

They stared at me with a blank look for a while. Then, the Beastman fox girl with silver hair, who is presumed to be Hikari, spoke.

"Bro... is that you?"

"Who else would I be?"

After confirming each other's identities, Himeji's jaw dropped, whereas Hikari dropped to her knees, whom my eyes followed, finding her reaction weird.

"Why..." Hikari muttered something.

"Why the heck are you a woman!?" she then bellowed. Surprising me a bit because she suddenly shouted.

"What's with that reaction? I told you before that my character is a Dark Elf, didn't I?"

"Yeah! But you didn't mention anything about being a woman!" Hikari retorted quickly. Her shouting was starting to draw the attention of other players around us.

"I fully expect a hot big brother, Dark Elf Daddy. Instead, you're a big titty Dark Elf Mommy/Big Sister with that body and voice!" Hikari complained regardless of the onlookers. Hitting the ground in tears. "Give me back my excitement!"

"So..." I asked her. "You want me to create a new character then?"

"Hell no! You're freaking perfect, bro! Don't you dare change it!"

"Right... So can you stop that now? You're causing a scene, you know that?"

"Huh?" Hikari finally realised her surroundings as she looked around. Her face then flustered red, as her ears hung down from embarrassment.

How cute. I want to pat her.

"Let's go somewhere else for now."

"Oh. Then I know the perfect place. Follow me, sis!"

"Whatever you say...." I then looked at Himeji. "You're coming too, are you?" I asked her.

"Ah! Umm, yes, Big Br— I mean... Big Sister Yoruto."

"My name is Yoru in the game. So just call that from now on."

"Ok, Big Sister Yoru."

There's no need for the 'Big Sister' though...

And so, Hikari, Himeji and I went to another location: A fairly nice restaurant in the town where players can apparently eat in the game, even though it would not physically affect their hunger in real life.

To think there was such a feature...

By the way, we ordered burgers at this fantasy restaurant.

"Now then, time to introduce our characters properly. I'm Lumina. My Class is Samurai and I'm a cute little fox-type Beastman, which I've told you before already." said Hikari, cheerfully snickering at me. "Glad to meet you in the game at last, bro. I mean... sis."

Then, it was Himeji's turn.

"I'm uh... HimeHime. My Class is Shielder and as you can see, my race is Human."

HimeHime... Derived from her full name, Himeji Himekawa, I suppose? As for Lumina, I guess it has a similar meaning to the name "Hikari" but in a different language?

"The name's Yoru here. Class is Magician and Race is Dark Elf. I'm also a woman now as you can see."

"Oh yeah, I can definitely see. Like, those are some enormous melons you have there, sis. Hard to believe they were the results of being randomised."

"Trust me. There were. I would have changed my gender if I had checked the result of my poor decision."

"Good thing you didn't then." Hikari gave a thumbs up. "They are perfect." she stated. "Bigger than HimeHime's in real life, don't think so, HimeHime?"

"Mm. They are. Big Sister Yoru is umm... very big." Himeji remarked, staring straight at my chest.

Why do I feel irritated? Is this how women with large breasts feel when men stare at them like that? Also, I'm pretty sure Sanae's are bigger than mine.

While we were having our conversation, our food finally arrived and... well...

"What in the world is this?" I questioned what my eyes were looking at.

"It's the burger you order, sis. Eat up."

"Yeah, but... Why does it have legs? And the bun has eyes!"

"It's called a Spider Burger for a reason, you know."

"But I was not expecting this!"

There's no way this can be good.

Regardless, I took a bite out of it.... and felt strangely amazed yet disgusted as a result.

The meat is juicy but lacks flavour. And the texture is god awful! What is this hairy stuff I'm feeling in my mouth? And why is the "cheese" so sticky!?

"Terrible, am I right? The food in the game aren't that good, to be honest."

"Yeah. I agree."

The developers definitely need to improve on this for sure, if they have the time.

"I would rather make my own food."

"Oh! That's a good idea! In fact, HimeHime and I know of a good spot to hunt ingredients for cooking."

"Huh? Oh. Yes, we do. We've actually tried cooking something ourselves, but failed in the end."

"So there's a cooking system in the game?" I asked.

"Of course there are! It's counted as one of the crafting mechanics in the game, along with weapon crafting, armour crafting and so forth." Hikari explained.

Come to think of it, I am equipping the Magic Buckler which was made by Diego himself, who is a player. And I do have a skill that lets me detect crafting materials in my area.

"So then, mind taking me to that hunting spot?"

"Heck yeah, we will! You can show us your playstyle too while we hunt. Right, HimeHime?"

"Mm. I want to eat Big Sister Yoru's cooking in the game as well."

"Then I guess we know what we're doing today." I said, standing from my seat when Hikari suddenly grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Wait, sis. You haven't finished your meal."

"No way am I finishing that!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to buy some potions. Will meet you two at the fountain later."

"Alrighty then. Take care, sis!"

I left the restaurant early, waving Hikari and Himeji goodbye as I walked to the town's general store.

Speaking of which, it's been a while since I saw the old man. I wonder how he's doing?


Thanks for reading. 🍫

Btw, off topic, can any of you recommend me some skyrim se mods? Been playing that game again recently and got addicted to it again. Even though I got hundreds of uncompleted games on steam lol.

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