Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 35: The Reunion of a Lifetime

"Here it is."

I have guided Hikari and Himeji to the entrance of the Underground Catacombs, as the two of them stared at it.

"I'm surprised you can fit in this." Hikari remarked.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Nothing..." she said, trying to change the subject after that. "Come on, sis. You go first." she gestured.

Putting aside her remark earlier, I stood in front of the hole and jump into it. Once again enjoying the short ride down as I slid with my hands to my chest.


My voice echoed in the slide. Then, I reached the end of it.


They should really make this thing longer. It's way too fun for something so simple.

However, such thoughts can be put aside for later. Because from the slide, I could hear Hikari and Himeji's voices as they seemed to be sliding down as well. So, I moved out of the way, and they came right out of there together. Landing on their butts.



That's got to hurt. Even for a game...

"You two alright?" I asked as I offered them both my hands.

"Yeah. We're fine."

"Thank you..."

They took my hands and got up to their feets. Then, they looked around the dungeon and had different reactions to it.

"Whoa... This place looks cool." said Hikari, unafraid by the atmosphere of the dungeon or the skulls and bones in the walls.

"It's... really dark though. Even with our lampbugs' lights." Himeji remarked, sticking close to me and Hikari as she seemed to be spooked out.

What did she mean 'dark', I wonder? Seeing how well I could see— Oh wait. I have the Night Vision skill.

"Can you two not see well in here?" I asked them.

"Nope. Nah ah. It's totally pitch black here. At least, beyond the radius of our lampbugs' lights." Hikari replied.

Himeji seemed to see the same way as she tightly clinged onto my arm.

"I don't like this place. Can we go to another dungeon?" she said, but... I highly doubt we can from the way we entered here.

And while I was looking away, Hikari went up to Himeji and patted her on the back. "What's wrong, HimeHime? It's not so different from the darkness in the open world, ain't it? Well, that is until sis here cleared the Liberation Quest and removed the eternal night mode in this region." she said, trying to lighten her mood.

"Yeah, but... this place is just scarier for some reason." Himeji argued.

And I agree with her. Probably because we are in a catacomb.

"Let's just move now. I'll take the lead and you two can just follow me from behind. Okay?"


"Y-Yes! I'm fine with that, Mama."

"Alright then, let's go."

And so, we began our dungeon time in the Underground Catacombs with me in front and Himeji and Hikari in the rear.

Thinking about it, it was certainly a weird formation for our party to be in. But what can we do about it when the tank is afraid to take the lead?

But that's alright to be honest, as I suggested that I would lead the party because... I won't lie, I wanted to test out the new skills I had just bought from the skill shop in Arialight as soon as possible.

So, upon encountering the first group of monsters, which were a couple of Boneys and Steelys, I dove into the fray and used my newly acquired skills on them.

"High Wisdom. Magic Amplification. Magic Booster. Multi-Charge Ball!"

Balls of electricity were thus fired at the monsters. Being lightning-based, the attack moved way faster than the fire spells as expected, and shocked the enemies before me. 

However, the monsters aren't going down so easily as they still have quite the amount of HP left.

Lone Wolf isn't active because I'm in a party with Hikari and Himeji.

Underdog isn't working either since I'm now a higher level than the monsters, compared to the last time I was here.

Two of the damage boosting skills that I used to rely on are no longer valid. Making Magic Amplification the only way I can boost my damage output. The problem is... the skill only increases my damage by ten percent. Much lesser compared to the two other skills.

If only I can have more damage amplifying skills...

Maybe the skill will evolve if I use it enough.

Hikari, Himeji and I then pressed on. While we went deeper into the dungeon, Hikari and Himeji noticed something and walked towards whatever they saw.

"Oh. That was easy. We got one!"

"Shh... Quiet, Hikari. I want to hear what the tablet is saying."

They were holding something in their hands. Something which I can't see.

Himeji mentioned "tablet", didn't she? Did they get the quest to collect the stone tablets like I did when I first came here?

As I wondered about that, another group of monsters appeared behind us and attacked me. So, I engaged in battle with them.

"Multi-Magic Amplification. Multi-Magic Booster. Multi-Aqua Shot! Multi-Aqua Shot!"

I Multi-Casted all of my skills, including my buffing skills, and launched my attack at the undead monsters.

Using Multi-Casting with Magic Amplification and Magic Boost probably won't do anything. But I did it anyway because I figured they can be evolved if I multi-casted them to reach the skill evolution threshold faster.


At least... that was what I thought, as two unexpected things happened.

The undead monsters before me died to the first Multi-Aqua Shot I fired at them.

Aqua Shot is a basic level spell. Meaning it shouldn't have one-shotted them like Charge Ball did earlier.

Secondly, the second Multi-Aqua Shot I fired was casted way too fast than it should have. But because the monsters were already dead and had vaporised into black mist, the attack simply hit the wall instead.

What the heck is going on?

Were the undead monsters weak to water-attribute attacks? Or was it something else?

"Hey, sis. What's wrong?" Hikari tapped on my shoulder. Interrupting my thoughts as she and Himeji were done with whatever they were doing.

"Say... did you two get a quest when we entered the dungeon?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. We did." Hikari replied. "I'm guessing you didn't since you've already completed it, huh? Himeji and I are supposed to collect five of these stone tablets in the dungeon. I did not expect the thing to give us lore so suddenly though."

So they did get the quest.

"I see... Then defeating the boss of this dungeon would be the end goal of the quest you two have."

"Hey! Spoilers!"

"Oh. Sorry. Anyways..." I then changed the subject. "I want to ask something: Do undead monsters have weakness towards water-attribute attacks?"

"Huh? Water? Err...." Hikari paused, thinking about my question.

It seemed like she didn't know either.

Then, she turned to Himeji and asked. "Say HimeHime, do the undead monsters in the game have weakness towards water-attribute?"

"Umm... I don't know..." Himeji answered. "Sorry." she added.

"It's alright." I said to her.

So neither of us know, huh. Guess I'll just assume that the undead monsters are weak to water-attribute attacks then.

"Let us continue. You two still need four more of those stone tablets, right?"



"Then follow me. I know where they are."

And so, we went deeper into the dungeon again, as I escorted Hikari and Himeji to the locations of the other stone tablets where I can still remember since it hasn't been that many days since I came here.

The second tablet they had no problem collecting. But the third was slightly a problem since they had to avoid the traps in the path that leads to it.

But once that was cleared as well, we continued making our way to the end of the dungeon where there was something I’d just recalled.

"Come to think of it, I've been hogging most of the battles in the dungeon." I then turned around and asked Hikari and Himeji. "You want to have the next enemy we come across?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, sure." Hikari answered. "I mean... I was completely fine with watching you fight solo. But since you're offering, how could I say no?" she then turned to Himeji. "What do you say, HimeHime? Want to show off our skills to sis for real now?"

"Y-Yes. I would like to. But... I don't want to deal with those ghost monsters..." Himeji replied, as she was most terrified of the Ghasts that tend to appear in the dungeon.

Himeji has always been terrified of ghosts as I recall. Hikari once told me about the time last summer when she, Himeji and three more of their classmates decided to sit around a campfire and tell ghost stories during their school's camping trip. The result was that Himeji ended up passing out mid-way during the first story.

"You should be alright, Himej— I mean, HimeHime. At some point along this path, we should be coming up into the miniboss area soon. It's a giant centipede monster called a Centibane with no other monsters besides it in that area." I informed her, which puts Himeji's mind at ease as she didn't seem to mind bugs, considering that there is one flying next to her, providing light.

Without further ado, we arrived at the area where the Centibane is.

Come to think of it, since I let Bane go after I left, I wonder if the Centibane we'll encounter is the same Bane that I tamed, or a different Centibane, just with a similar appearance and all...?

The answer will soon be revealed as the Centibane miniboss appeared before us, as Hikari and Himeji took their battle stances while I stood back and watched.

However, Himeji then noticed something off as she eased her stance and said. "Umm, Mama? Why does it say that the giant centipede is yours?


Hikari looked at the Centibane's status as well while it stood there idly.

"Yeah, you're right. It does belong to sis. 'Tamer: Yoru' it says." she said. "Also, what the heck is with its level?"

Hearing those two saying that, I decided to look at the Centibane as well.


Name: Bane.

Race: Centibane

Lvl: 37

Tamer: Yoru.

A creature that roams underground. It is highly toxic and indiscriminate towards other beings aside from itself. Beware not to get caught up by its large body as its movement can be quite unpredictable. It is recommended for adventurers to have some countermeasures against its poison. And now, a question: What's a thousand minus seven?


"No way..."

I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at its status. But seeing my name being registered as its tamer and the name of the Centibane itself, I muttered out.

"Bane... is that really you?"


The Centibane... No, Bane cried with joy as it slithered past Himeji and Hikari at a fast speed and came right up, rubbing its carapace against me.

"Ha... hahaha... Good to see you again, buddy."


It was an unexpected reunion as I subconsciously patted its head when it greeted me.

Meanwhile, Hikari and Himeji were looking confused at the situation as they came up to me and asked.

"So, sis... mind telling us what's going on?"

Thanks for reading. 🍫

And sorry in advance, but this chapter will be the only chapter update just for this week. Thank you for understanding and have a nice day.

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