Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 44: Hell Unleashed

Somewhere in the arena, two players are travelling together in the darkness.

They are Lumina and HimeHime. Or Hikari and Himeji, whichever one prefers.

They walked in the night without their lamp bugs' lights on. For it was after they had aided Yoruto in gathering those Magicule Herbs in the darkness, they have each acquired a similar skill to Night Vision which Yoruto has: Nocturnal Senses for Hikari who is of the Beastman race and Sensory Adjustment for Himeji who is of the Human race. They have also acquired the Night Walker skill which Yoruto has as well.

With these skills, they used them to their advantage in the darkness. As such, they were able to deploy several ambushes on other players.

"Blade Stance, Second Form: Crescent Moon Slash!"

With a backflip slash across her opponent's torso, Hikari defeated another player whom she and Himeji had ambushed. Gaining her another hundred points for the event.


Player Lumina has defeated Player Kakanot.

Player HimeHime has defeated Player Vegetable.


"Whew~ And that's another one for the count." Hikari sheathed her sword and relaxed her tension.

"Say, how many does this make now?" Himeji, who has defeated another opponent of her own, approached Hikari asking.

"About six... seven, I guess? I don't know. I didn't really count." Hikari replied. "But still... This map is pretty big, huh? How many players are left?"

"There's still a lot, I'm pretty sure." Himeji then opened her map. "Hika— Lumina, I think we should take a break somewhere safe for the time being."

"Yeah, you're right. I want to make sure that we face my brother in the match." Hikari opened up her map too. "Let's go to a forest or something. Get somewhere with cover for us to rest."

"Then it should be that way." Himeji pointed, as the two girls began making their way there.

Along the way, the two begin conversing about the match.

"Lumina, do you think Mama will be alright?"

"He'll be fine. Brother seems to be doing well himself. I mean, just look at the kill feed. He's on a roll!" Hikari was amazed by her brother as she walked while looking at the kill feed, showing her of her brother's rampage as his character's name presents itself on numerous occasions in it.


Player Yoru has defeated Player Diccolo.

Player Yoru has defeated Player Satoshi.

Player Yoru has defeated Player Yor.

Player Yoru has defeated Player Sindri.

Player Yoru has defeated Player Andre.

Player Yoru has defeated Player Grillin.

Player Yoru has defeated Player Yura.


"Yeah... It is amazing. But..." Himeji began to wonder. "How is Mama managing to do all of these so quickly?" she asked her friend, who has no idea how as well.

"Maybe those guys are just noobs?" Hikari suggested.

"But one of those players Mama defeated was Sindri. Isn't she one of the top players?" Himeji then pointed it out.


Hikari became baffled hearing what her friend had just said and looked at the kill feed again. Meanwhile, her brother's name on the kill feed just kept on popping up while she was checking.

"You're right... Hold on. Bro defeated Sindri already!?" Hikari was unable to contain her shock.

"Do you think he knows who Sindri was?" she then asked Himeji.

"I don't think so. Mama didn't know who Zanny was until we told him." Himeji answered.

"But he knows who Red is. Soooo....."

The two of them stopped walking for a brief minute as they looked at each other.

They have no idea how Yoruto was defeating his opponent, nor do they want to find out until they face him. That's why, upon the silence brought between themselves, they decided to just drop the subject and move on. Because only when they meet Yoruto, will they know his methods.

"Do you think we'll be able to make it until we meet Mama?" Himeji asked her friend, starting a new topic of discussion.

"Of course we will!" Hikari said confidently. "As long as we don't use our lamp bugs and navigate through the darkness with our skills, there's a less likely chance we will be targeted by other players in the map. Besides, even if we do get targeted, I believe in you, HimeHime, that you'll have my back."

"I-I believe in you too, Lumina." Himeji replied quickly in a nervous tone, in response to her friend's words of faith towards her.

"Not only that, but we also have Knight's Valour and Knight's Last Stand from the Hidden Dungeon we went with my brother. And those skills are busted as hell. So I'm sure it'll be fine." Hikari added, as the two of them continued to walk.

But then, they stopped.

Their conservation was cut short as they noticed several balls of light in the forest they were heading. Knowing that those were the lights from other players' lamp bugs, the two crouched down and began to stealthily approach the players as quietly as they could in order to execute an ambush on them.

As they moved closer and closer to their target, they started to hear the sounds and screeches of several Bug-type monsters coming from the same spot as their targets.

Thinking that their targets are currently engaged in combat with the monsters on the map, the two girls decided to use this opportunity to take advantage of the confusion and initiate their ambush as quickly as possible.

And so, no longer needing to care about the noise they make, Hikari and Himeji rushed forward to their prey with their weapons drawn, ready to strike the first player or monster they would come across.

However, when they jumped over the bushes to attack, what they ended up witnessing was not what they were expecting.

Their targets were indeed in combat with the local monsters. However, the fight was already long over by the time Hikari and Himeji showed themselves. For what the two girls are looking at now is the aftermath of the fight, where over twenty Bug-type monsters of various kinds are simply eating the players away until their HPs drop to zero.

Pinned down and unable to move due to some of the monsters' ability to paralyze their target, the players being eaten could not do a single thing as all they could do was to simply lay there on the ground and accept their fate.

That is until one of the players being eaten saw Hikari and Himeji standing next to him, completely stunned by the horrors they were staring at.

"H-Help.... me...." he reached out to them with all of the strength he has in his right arm, hoping that they would grab it and save him.

However, that arm was then bitten off by one of the monsters before the rest of them devoured that player whole.

"Hi-Hi-Hikari... What am I looking at...?"

"I-I don't know... But..."

The monsters have finished eating their meal and seek to find more. Their heads all turned in the same direction, having already found their next meal in the form of a silver haired fox girl and a pink haired human girl.

With their fear overwhelming their disbelief, Hikari grabbed Himeji's hand who's slower than her, turned around and shouted.


...The two of them were eventually caught.



Player Yoru has defeated Player Lumina.

Player Yoru has defeated Player HimeHime.


Oh. Hikari and Himeji are down, huh?

Well... That's a shame. I wasn't hoping they wouldn't get mixed in the crossfire.

Oh well, what's done is done, I guess.

I am currently in one of the forests on the map, playing with Lamp and Buzz while the rest of the crew do my bidding.

Apparently, any players they've killed were counted as my kills. So because of that, I have acquired over 10,000 event points at this point and will continue to do so while my bug friends continue to kill.


Player Yoru has defeated Player Chad Mcthunderkock

Player Yoru has defeated Player Sayaka

Player Yoru has defeated Player Onyx

Player Yoru has defeated Player Red

Player Yoru has defeated Player BorutosDad

Player Yoru has defeated Player Neinhart

Player Yoru has defeated Player ChocolateLover030


More and more just keep on dying, don't they?

"Hmm.... Maybe it's time I check on the crew. What do you think, you guys?"


Lampy landed on my shoulder as if it was ready to go. As for Buzz, they started to hover around me, grabbing my clothes and lifting me up in the air.

"Whoa! You guys are strong, huh?" I exclaimed surprised, seeing that I am now flying in the air with the help of Buzz.

"Bbbbzzzzzzzzzzzz~" Buzz made some noise, as if to express its happiness for being complimented.

"Okay then, onwards Buzz! To where the rest of our friends are!"


With my orders given, we took off to check on the rest of our buddies.

At the time when Yoruto began to move, the rest of the players at this point had joined together in a united front against the army of bugs he had unleashed.

At the very center of the map is where the battlefield lies.

"Kill them! Kill them all!"

"How many bugs are there!? They just keep coming!"

"Shut up and just focus on killing them! They'll end eventually!"


Though united, the players were still struggling against the bugs as they screamed and shouted at each other while repeatedly using their best skills at their disposal to kill as many bugs as they could. But it was not enough against the wave of bugs they faced.

"Darn it! We haven't taken care of Zanny yet. Why the heck is this happening!?"

"Forget about Zanny! It's Yoru we got to worry about! She's the one behind this!"

"Where the heck is she then!?"

"I said shut up, you guys! Just kill these mother*******!"

""You shut up!""

The argument among themselves continued, as more of their comrades were dropping faster than the bugs they were killing.

Eventually, some began to run. Leaving their allies behind.

"Hey, where the hell are you guys going!?"

"Shut up! I don't want to die here!"

The deserters ran without regard for their allies' lives on the battlefield. On the contrary, they were happy to use them as distractions while they escaped.

However, although it may seem hopeful for these deserters, the bugs still chased after them, devouring one after another until suddenly, one of them in the front bumped head first into something soft before falling on his butt.

He looked up and there he saw a beautiful Dark Elf woman with black hair, violet eyes and enormous breasts, looking down at him with utter disappointment along with a group of large horney monsters hovering behind her.

In awe of her beauty and in fear of her presence, he quickly realised who he was looking at.

It was Yoru.

Having to witness his patheticness on the battlefield when he abandoned his comrades, Yoru said to him.

"Bad boy."

"I'm sorry, mommy!"

Then without mercy, he was curb stomped to death. Lucky man...

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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