Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 5: Now, Back in the Real World + [Forum Discussion 1]

The next day, early in the morning around six.

I am currently preparing breakfast for Hikari and myself. Grilling two sausages and two ham and cheese sandwiches in the oven, while also cooking some fluffy scrambled eggs with a sprinkle of some pepper.

I totally did not mess up trying to make sunny-side ups and went with making scrambled eggs instead.

The sausages are done. So are the sandwiches. My scrambled eggs are also finished.

Meaning now all that's left is to wake Hikari up.

I divided the food portions on the plates, took off my apron and head on upstairs to my sister's room. Knocking on her door.

"Hikari! Breakfast's ready."

...There was no response.

"Hikari. I'm coming in!"

I gently open the door.

"Hikari. Hey! Wake up. It's morning already."

"Don't wannnnaaaa...."

Hikari covers herself under her blanket, as I attempt to wake her again.

"Come on, little sister. Breakfast's ready, you know. You don't want it to get cold, do you?"

Hikari showed her face a bit and glanced sharply at me for a moment. But she then went back under her blanket, complaining.

"It's still so early though. Why do I have to get up now....?"

"You have morning duties today, remember?"

"Oh... yeah... Forgot about that." she said, rolling herself out of bed and rubbing her tired eyes.

"G'morning, brother."

"Good morning to you too, Hikari. Go get your face washed first before coming down for breakfast."


Hikari then dragged herself to the washroom, while I headed to the dining room and waited for her. Afterwards, we ate our breakfast.

"Mmmm~ The toast is so good!"

"Glad you liked it."

"Oh. By the way, brother. How was the game?" Hikari then asked while munching on her food.

"It was fun." I shared with her my experience. "The atmosphere of the game was really eerie yet exciting. The combat as well was pretty nice, having to move your body around like that. And the NPCs were really lively. Almost as if I was talking with a real person."

"I know, right! The game is so fun and the AIs in the game are top notch. I heard that the developers were all geniuses from a famous university. Which is how they were able to make UFO look so nice and cool. I even stayed up until four last night because of how fun it was!" Hikari enthusiastically rambled on.

"Oh. And speaking of the game, brother, what class and race did you pick?" She asked, excitedly curious.

"I chose the Magician class." I answered. "But as for the race, since I didn't want to go through hours in customising my character, I just clicked the randomise button and ended up with a Dark Elf character."

"Ho ho ho~ So you're a wizard, eh, Harry?"

"Well, I like the appeal of wielding magic."

"That's good for you actually. Coz each race has a racial trait that can either help or do nothing for the character you're building. And being a Dark Elf can increase the amount of magical damage you deal to your opponents by a small percentage. You got quite lucky there with your randomising, bro."

Really now? I did not know there was such a thing regarding the race. But I guess it'd be more appealing to have that sort of feature instead of making the race option purely for aesthetic purposes.

"Ok, so, what are you then, Hikari?"

"Me? Well, I'm a Beastman who picked the Samurai class-de gozaru. As for Himeji, she picked the Human race and the Shielder class."

"I see."

So if we three play together one day, we'll have ourselves a fairly balanced party. I like the sound of that.

"By the way, Hikari..." I then put the fork down. "What was that about you playing the game until 4am, hmm?"

"Ah." Hikari exclaimed audibly, realising that she'd messed up and started devouring her plate clean then and there.

"Thanks for the meal! I'm going to get changed now!" she said, and rushed back up to her room.

"Oi! Hikari!" I yelled, but she managed to escape before I could lecture her.

Good grief. That child.... I'll be sure to scold her later.

Meanwhile, I proceeded to finish my breakfast as well. Washing the dishes afterwards when suddenly, I hear the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" I shouted, quickly putting the dishes away and made my way to the front door to see who it was.

When I opened the door, a young girl with hazelnut hair and brown eyes, dressed in the uniform of the same school which Hikari attends, was standing on the other side of the door.

"Oh. Hello there, Himeji." I greeted her with a bright smile on my face.

She looked nervous as she always does. Fidgeting around with her hands, every time I talked to her. Still, she politely returned my greeting in a soft and meek voice.

"G-Good morning, Big Brother Yoruto."

"Good morning to you too. Hikari's going to take a while before she's ready. So why don't you come in first and wait?" I said, and stepped aside from the entrance to welcome her in.

"Then... pardon me for the intrusion."

A little while later, Hikari came down with her school bag and is wearing her school uniform. I gave her her lunchbox as she and Himeji then headed off to their school together.

Now then, I should do some cleaning around the house first before going for my part-time job at eleven.


UFO Forum > Game Discussion > General Chat - Thread 189

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[A weird bug]

 1. OP

The issue has already been reported to the devs.

But I thought I should talk about it here.

Basically, I found a bug last night which I can only describe as surreal.

 2. A Passing Adventurer

>> 1


 3. OP

So last night, my friend and I had planned to play the game until morning. But due to some things on his side, he told me to login first and wait for him there. And since I was all by myself but didn't want to get a head start with grinding my level, I thought why not waste some time doing a stupid quest while I waited and went to the general store.

 4. A Passing Adventurer 

Wait. Sorry. I'm new to the game here. What kind of quest can you get from the general store?

 5. A Passing Adventurer

>> 4

It's a really stupid and difficult repeatable quest for the simple task of collecting 5 herbs for the old man of the general store.

 6. A Passing Adventurer

>> 5

Really? How hard can that be?

 7. A Passing Adventurer

>> 6

Hard. Like really hard and frustrating.

The herbs are located in the forest near the starting town and they blend so well with the grass and bushes, you'll need to look for them carefully to even find one. Which could take hours depending on where you look at.

Now imagine doing that ×5

 8. A Passing Adventurer

Bruh. That sounds terrible. Who the hell would ever want to do that? LOL

 9. A Passing Adventurer

Well actually the quest can be pretty easy, if you listened to what the old man says.

You just need to turn your Lamp Bug off. LOLOLOLOL

 10. A Passing Adventurer

>> 9

Bruh. That has to be a troll from the devs or something.

Switching off your Lamp Bug is basically suicide.

You will get overrun by monsters in no time.

Like seriously. The encounter rates between having a light and having no light at all is basically like day and night. You fight a few monsters here and there when your light is on. But when it's off, good luck with facing waves after waves of enemies, you lunatic. Especially when you can't see a dang thing in the dark.

 11. A Passing Adventurer

>> 10

Ikr! The devs should really try to adjust that.

 12. A Passing Adventurer

>> 10

Couldn't you do it as a party then?

 13. A Passing Adventurer

>> 12

Technically, yes. But it's not worth it.

The quest only gives you 5,000 gold as the reward. No Exp. No additional items. Nothing.

It's just 5,000 gold which honestly, is a lot. But not worth it when there are so many other quests that are better.

Plus, it's still a waste of time regardless of whether you do it as a group or not.

 14. A Passing Adventurer

>> 13

Got it. I'll take note to avoid that quest then. Thanks for the info.

Anyways, OP. Please continue your story. I want to hear more.

 15. OP

>> 14

So anyways, when I asked if I could do the quest, the old man suddenly shouted, refusing to give it to me.

And he was pretty adamant about it.

 16. A Passing Adventurer


 17. A Passing Adventurer

Seriously? Can NPCs even do that?

 18. OP

>> 17

Apparently so. But that's not the part where it's surreal.

The surreal part was right after he refused to give me the quest, he started breaking down into tears, mumbling about how he didn't want herbs anymore, how he didn't need herbs anymore, how he had enough of herbs already. Saying "herbs herbs herbs herbs" over and over again like a broken recorder.

And that's when I realised his AI was bugging out.

 19. A Passing Adventurer


 20. A Passing Adventurer

Yo wtf?

 21. A Passing Adventurer

Dude. That's creepy, man.

 22. A Passing Adventurer

Was the old man high on herbs or something? LOL

 23. OP

I don't know. But that's the story basically. I've already reported the case to the devs and got a message back later on, saying that the issue has been fixed. So the old man should be alright now.

Still tho. It was really scary looking at the old man's AI bugged out like that.

I wonder what happened to him?

I would ask the devs but it didn't seem like they knew either.

 24. A Passing Adventurer

Maybe someone did the quest so many times that it broke the old man's AI?

The quest is repeatable after all.

 25. A Passing Adventurer

>> 24

LOL what? No way, man.

You've got to be a psychopath to be able to do that till the AI breaks.

Doing the quest one time took a few hours for me to complete. Imagine doing that times who knows how many.

And the game was only released three days ago. No way anyone could achieve that insane feat.

 26. A Passing Adventurer

>> 25

Maybe they're just better than you at finding herbs. LOL

But I agree. There's no way anyone could ever do that within a 3 days timespan.

And even if they did, why would they when there are so many more things to do in the game?

 27. A Passing Adventurer

>> 26

For money maybe? 5,000 gold is a lot for a beginner.

Who knows. Maybe they wanted the skill scrolls the old man sells and did the quest too many times?

 28. A Passing Adventurer

>> 27

I don't know, man. That sounds a bit too absurd for me.

Like doing it twice, I get it. Thrice, understandable also. But to the point where the AI breaks? Bruh. There's no way.

Besides, can the AI even break from that alone? Sounds too far-fetched to me.

 29. OP

Anyways, let's just say that it's a bug the devs had failed to notice during beta testing and leave it at that.

I have shared my story and I still haven't slept yet since my all-nighter. So I'm going to bed now.

See ya.

 30. A Passing Adventurer

>> 29

Good night, OP.

 31. A Passing Adventurer

>> 30

Don't you mean good morning? LOL jkjk.

>> 29

Sleep well, OP.


Thanks for reading. 🍫

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