Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 383: Are you bullying our human race for not having an emperor?

Humans will always exist only in the humanoid thought stamp, a god-like existence!

They created the humanoids. The humanoids were born for humans from the beginning, for all humans, to protect humans, to retake the homeland where humans live, and for humans to set foot on the land of their mother planet again.

The mission of the YoRHa unit is to retake their homeland. As frontline combatants who always fight against mechanical life, that inexplicable feeling will be more obvious.

In constant disappointment and despair, facing countless enemies, dying again and again, and reborn from the database, replacing broken limbs, staring at the mechanical parts in their bodies, and staring at the rebellious companions who were executed.

What supported them to persist ignorantly was only one sentence from beginning to end: The glory of mankind will last forever!

The Creator is a respectful name for humans by humanoids, and it is also a fact.

The communication between the language expert and 2B and 9S was very smooth. After seeing the living humans, the two humanoids really worshipped them like believers seeing God, and their thinking ability was basically zero.

It may also be that they triggered the ultimate clause engraved deep in the core, obeying humans, giving priority to humans, and obeying humans unconditionally.

With the help of 2B and 9S, the language experts quickly deciphered the language of this civilization through primitive methods and the help of quantum computer AI, and then spent a short time to make a portable translation device.

Now, they can finally communicate normally with the people in this world.

After two days of communication, 2B and 9S knew everything. The two were robots, and they were advanced robots. Their bodies were not only similar to humans, but also had structures similar to humans. However, the muscle fibers were artificial, the red blood was coolant, the brain was the core, and there was an energy flow system in the chest.

They usually go to the sun, and the black clothes on their bodies are solar chargers. The powerful energy conversion efficiency allows them to move for a long time.

As for why they were made into the image of girls and boys, they didn't know. They only knew that it was designed like this when humans first designed it. Different series of humanoids have different appearances, but there are not many humanoids in total.

There are only a few humans left on this planet, living in the moon base.

There are also invading aliens on Earth. I heard that those aliens are hiding in the shell of the spaceship.

The aliens who invaded the Earth used biological viruses and self-replicating mechanical life to kill humans and try to seize the Earth, but they were hit by the human bombing and could only hide under the shield of the spaceship. The giant spaceship on the coast has been silent for a long time and is being protected by a large number of mechanical life. ♝♦  ♦♦

Humans have tried to counterattack many times, but the various air defense equipment made by mechanical life has made humans return empty-handed every time. In the end, they can only use the top small forces and spend a long time to eliminate the enemy, that is, the artificial humans represented by the YoRHa unit.

After understanding the situation of this world, the fleet commander of the killer world is excited. This is a brand new Earth where the government does not exist and it is devastated, but it can still allow life to grow!

There aren't many humans left, which means...

"2B, thank you for your contribution to humanity over the years. Go take a rest first... uh, recharge."


2B reluctantly looked back and took a look at the living humans, then followed the soldiers to another rest room to sit quietly.

After the people left, the experts and military commanders in the lounge looked at each other, their faces straightened, their backs straightened, and they looked indignant.

Immediately, one of them slammed the table in anger, "It's really outrageous. How come these aliens who invade other people's homes are in every world! Do you really think we humans are easy to bully?!"

"That's right, they are just bandits and robbers!"

"We want to drive the aliens out of the earth and take back our home!"

"The earth in the parallel universe is also the earth of mankind! We want to take back our home and let our compatriots on the moon return to this land!"

"That's right! Let these alien bastards see the power of mankind."

The expert of the group did not express his opinion, but his face was also full of indignation.

They have never seen such a miserable Earth. Even in the zombie world, at least many people survived. In this world, few people survived, and animals also died. These aliens really hurt people!

Fight! Fight hard! Those aliens must not return!

They want to recover the lost land and welcome the return of mankind!

The commander also slapped the table excitedly, but he actually wanted more. This is a planet that is exactly the same size as the Earth and is also called the Earth.

If they are incorporated into the management of the killer world Earth Federation, they can open up the gap with other worlds.

Although they are all people in the same bed, there is still a little competition between them. Moreover, developing an entire planet can feed more people and obtain more resources and money. Why not?

But we have to see Umbrella's opinion first, because Umbrella is in charge of this kind of thing. It is like a recognized arbitration office. Any conflicts between the worlds can be resolved under the mediation and negotiation of Umbrella.

Umbrella also manages the development of new worlds. Although it is basically in a state of guiding development and assistance after the beginning, its status is not entirely based on this.

The most important thing is the research and development capabilities, scientific research strength, and the reputation accumulated over the years, which support Umbrella to stay in the position of judge.

A new world has emerged, and how to judge the ownership is a problem.

The commander does not need to worry too much about these. After reporting, there will naturally be high-level federal officials who want to obtain the mining rights of this planet to negotiate.

The result of the negotiation came out soon. They can take over the mining rights of this world, but all problems need to be solved by themselves. If other federations discover the plane connected to hell, they can also obtain the development rights of that world without negotiation, provided that human rights and autonomy are respected.

Like the world where the killer world vents, which is full of mechanical life and human beings are already in name only, they can naturally take over an entire planet completely.

After getting permission, there is no need to hide.

Mobilize, mobilize hard!

After partially removing the covert status, the confiscated equipment was returned to 2B and 9S, who were asked to contact the YoRHa headquarters to act as a monitoring satellite.

Soon after, the army of the Killer World arrived in the New World through a large lasso device. The fleet of the Earth Federation is not an ordinary army, and the permanent scale is as high as 200 million.

The 200 million are pure combat personnel. The Killer World has spent a lot of money to quickly occupy the no-man's land and solve the alien troubles.

There are many good things here. With a little archaeology, the characteristics of the Killer World, which was originally mediocre and just developed earlier, can be established.

The technology that can think and make robots so clumsy is very valuable.

The first batch of 30 million troops is ready to occupy the ruins of the former federal capital of the Earth and the vast forest next to the ruins.

On the way, according to the guidance of 2B and 9S, and the remote support of the YoRHa troops on the space station, the army divided into two large groups relied on fierce firepower and anti-reconnaissance technology that could not be recognized by the mechanical life network. They quickly arrived at the largest city of the destroyed Earth Federation.

Next to the forest area, there is a tribe of mechanical life forms that have awakened their self-awareness and are friendly to artificial humans. Although they look stupid, they do not rush over to attack humans like ordinary mechanical life forms.

It is said that a small ball lying in a metal crib is the leader of this tribe. The admiral learned about this little thing. After thinking about it again and again, he decided... to kill!

Even if these mechanical life forms love peace, there will be no space for them to survive if humans come. If they are driven out, they may awaken further, and then the hostile mechanical life forms will besiege their army. It is better to demolish them.

After all... they are here to start a business, not to do charity.

It is not certain whether mechanical life forms can be considered life forms. Maybe they can be considered, but they are weapons launched by aliens to eliminate humans. They are hostile units. It cannot be said that there is an error in its program and it may become one of their own. Just believe them.

Or even if they are trustworthy, what does it matter? Their position is destined to make them unable to integrate into human society.

Compared with the group, the Earth Federation is much more rude. Each federation manages tens of billions of ordinary people. Even in the new era, there are rich and poor, but there is no shortage of materials needed for life.

They always have to obtain resources to distribute high welfare. They can provide a lot of welfare by squeezing robots, but there are still many workers who are in their jobs all year round. The guarantee of holidays and rest days cannot make them easily leave their jobs.

So more money and ways to create more wealth are needed to make life better, so that the votes and support rates in the future are higher, so that they can see a wider world and leave their names in history.

The new world is a huge playground that can satisfy the fantasy of many people.

The Federation of the Killer World has planned to build this planet into a tourist planet and a resource planet, attracting hundreds of millions of tourists from other worlds to consume, so that their world ranks slightly higher in the plane joint organization.

This is the goal!

There is no need to hide this positive goal. All the soldiers participating in this operation know what they are doing, and knowing what they can get after doing it is the best mobilization.

The war weapons pushed forward all the way, and the abandoned cities of the original world were soon flattened by powerful firepower, and no mechanical life could escape.

They soon found a processing workshop of mechanical life in an abandoned factory. There was also a huge mechanical life in this workshop. The surface of this mechanical life was surrounded by a force field, which gave it a strong defensive power with its body made of scrap metal and various rusty iron sheets.

The worn-out appearance did not affect the strong defense of the large mechanical life. The force field around the body should be the technology of aliens. In the process of opening the force field, it can also move and attack flexibly. It is more flexible than the deflection force field of the battleship, but also weaker.

The tank troops were separated from the battleship in the sky by 20 kilometers, and they attacked the factory that manufactured mechanical life for 2 minutes, completely destroying the large mechanical life and the factory.

The powerful firepower and the fighting style that can be long-range and not tight completely defeated the mechanical life that is used to close combat, which is completely different from the human-type fighting style.

When a combat humanoid encounters this kind of giant monster, he will use a long sword to chop or launch a long-range slash. This kind of firepower coverage is the first time that 2B and 9S have seen it.

It was very shocking. The sky-high firepower carried out indiscriminate attacks on an area. The distance of 20 kilometers and the advanced shielding technology made the mechanical life completely unable to detect it and could only passively take the beating.

The factory that originally needed to be carefully dealt with was beaten to the point that it was completely unrecognizable in two minutes. The smoke was filled, and when the wind blew away, only large craters and countless fragments of mechanical life were left on the spot.

Humans are so powerful!

Why were the creators driven to the moon in the first place?

The army was still advancing all the way. It took less than two days to clean up the abandoned city that occupied a large area of ​​land. Every corner was carefully cleaned up, and even the complex underground had been cleaned up.

After that, the human army set up a camp in the forest. They brought a lot of supplies and raised shields to protect themselves. After removing their equipment, they smiled and talked about interesting things during the battle, or ate, drank and had fun.

When they encounter an injured companion, they will not feel sad, but will poke the wound, listen to the companion's scream of pain and laugh.

After the wounded are sent to the medical room, they will soon come out alive and kick, chasing the person who just stabbed their wound. The camp is full of laughter, and there is no sense of the heaviness of war at all.

2B looked at everything in the camp absent-mindedly. So this is the way of life for humans...

The news that the Federation of the Killer World picked up a habitable planet for free, and there are alien spaceships on it spread. The leader smiled every day, and the others were envious.

After the routine meeting, they immediately increased the troops to develop hell and tried their best to find the entrance to the new world.

The attacks of the demons became more frequent. They seemed to have noticed that humans were expanding and intended to block them all in the Shadow Plains.

Unfortunately, in hell, humans don't care about the restricted use of nuclear weapons at all. Every time one is launched, hundreds of thousands of demons will die. This has led to the high-level demon lords who command the loose demons not wanting to fight humans head-on for the time being.

It seems that the human resources here are inexhaustible, and there are a lot of them. The weapons they carry are not affected by the environment of hell, and even the quality of individual soldiers is on par with ordinary demon knights.

They plan to wait and see. This boundless world is never short of fighting. The demons with infinite lives have endless time to wait or gather to find a way to deal with humans.

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