Under Pressure

Chapter 11: Realizations

When I got home that day, the door opened to a surprisingly normal scene. The smell of dinner in the air (smelled like curry, which very much did not mind), Lucy and Lilly seated on the couch with our newest candidate, deep in conversation. They all looked up at me as one as I stepped inside. “I’m guessing you have all been talking about our conversation from earlier.”


Lucy fixed me with an absolute deadpan look. “Nah, the weather was just unusually sunny and we debated it for three hours.”


“Glad you can be inspired by nature, then.” We all grinned a bit. We all needed it. “Layla. I’m assuming that they told you at least roughly how tonight is going to go?”


She seemed nervous. “Yeah, and tomorrow. I’ll be back at work, so that energy rush is going to go into my paycheck.”


“Good to hear. Let’s get some food into us, and we can get started. It’s going to be a lot, Layla. It’s going to feel overwhelming.”


“Lilly showed me a picture of you nude, you’re not lying.” I guess THAT was inevitable, huh?


“That, too.” I was grinning to myself. Although vanity was not quite my besetting sin, the fact that the monster between my legs was big enough to be accused of being a prosthetic when pictures surfaced always gave the family giggles when it wasn’t giving them moans of overwhelming pleasure. Dinner itself was delicious, but none of our minds were on it. There was an event to come.


Before long, I had Layla with me in the guest bedroom. She seemed both curious and slightly irritated at my need to take pictures of her from all angles. Without too much debate, she was the least attractive woman I’d ever had in this situation. Her skin was oily, dotted here and there with acne alongside her freckles from working with cooking oils. Her movements were awkward, her body soft and saggy despite her relative youth. She had little in the way of breast or behind to speak of despite her weight, too much cellulite, and no real advantage in the face department. In short, what I was taking pictures of was effectively not on the list for who she was.


Thankfully, that body concealed a brain that was razor-sharp and perceptive. Though we had not known her very long, she was fitting in well with the family. When I laid her down on the guest bed, she was already settling into position to make what I was about to do easier. With some assistance from a light lotion, I dug into her stressed muscles. My hands felt around her to seek out points of pain, and found many of them. It was like she had never really taken care of herself. Like this was the first time in years (if not ever) that she had gotten a massage. I was nowhere near any of the pressure points I’d soon be hunting, and she was still moaning and writhing under my ministrations like I was using every trick in the book. 


When I finally came to the first real power, the point in the middle of the back, just at the dip of the spine before the rise towards the shoulders, it gave way nearly instantly. Layla came, suddenly and strongly, unable to hold back her scream of pleasure. Probably unwilling to. Knowing what was coming next, I had already removed my belt before starting. When she immediately scrambled towards me and reached for my pants, nothing was stopping her from getting it out of her way.


The enormous length of my shaft was unleashed in full force, giving her pause even in her lust-addled state. “I know I saw pictures, but this is ridiculous!” Her hands would not nearly fit around it as she stroked my length. It felt like she’d done this before… but not too terribly often. While what she was doing felt nice, it wasn’t going to bring either of us anywhere close to finishing any time soon. Gently, I laid her down on her back. Also as gently as I could, I got myself into position and pushed myself into her waiting and willing depths. 


Despite all the care I could bring, her pleasure was mixed with a significant portion of pain as I bottomed out in her well before I got halfway in. “Holy heck, I’m so full! I feel like you’re going to rip me in two! Keep it going, just do me!”


Slowly, in and out, I gently and carefully stuffed her completely silly. Over and over, I had to hold back and feel where I was going so that I didn’t hurt her for real. In turn, she came for me repeatedly, so often that she eventually just passed out in a splayed-out mess on the bed. I was… nowhere close to done, but I wasn’t about to continue with an unconscious woman. Couldn’t really get her pajamas on her, but the blanket would be enough.


Still rock-hard, I walked out of the room to find my wife and our girlfriend waiting, and this time they didn’t have to hide what they were. Lucy was over six and a half feet of amazonian glory, Lilly was exaggeratedly curvy perfection, and after one glance at my current state they dragged me off to our own bedroom to give me some relief. This time, Lilly practiced what Lucy had taught her, growing until I was literally resting on top of her, all pillowy firm softness. Lucy mounted me, sinking me all the way into her as she rode me into that softness, the two together surrounding me in bliss. It did not take them long until I was cumming wildly out of control, spraying in and on them until I was fully satisfied. It took us longer to clean up afterwards, but sleep was quick to follow.



Thursdays were an early one for me that semester, so I was up and out the door before anyone else in the house was moving. No help getting put together for the day, no quickie in the shower, just brew some coffee and get moving. Then again, traffic in the morning was much easier to get through, so there were advantages to it. The sun was just rising as I pulled into the faculty parking lot. Though I had an early class, today was a day I would not need to be too terribly active due to a planned test. It meant that I’d be able to use my personal laptop to get some planning done. Planning that had precious little to do with my plans for the students this semester.


I had to look up options. Reserves. What the bank accounts looked like, what my pension looked like, if I could cash out, or get an early retirement. Maybe get a remote instruction position to coast out the last bit. Some likely RVs that could fit the four of us, ways to ensure my internet connection as we traveled. No individual detail was really difficult, but there were a lot of them and they were all important… and all of them were in a hurry.


The students left, often shaking their heads over the rather infamously tricky coding tests I was known for giving. That gave me about thirty minutes to do the really critical part. Overlaying the pressure point map onto the photos I’d taken of Layla was not exactly difficult anymore, given how often I’d done it now. Still needed to have some care about it. I didn’t want any mistakes happening with this process, not when I might not get another chance at it for her. 


A knock at the door reminded me to glance at the clock. It was still a few minutes early, but this class coming up had some students that liked to arrive early. I shut down the computer and closed the screen, pulling up the official school one before heading over to the door. The second I unlocked it, someone VERY quickly slipped in. Unexpectedly, not a student. Lilly was there, quickly moving over to the relatively large, solid desk I sat at.


“Lilly? Is anything wrong?”


She shook her head. “Nothing too bad. Lucy and I are having to burn through a lot of our reserves getting things done today, so I really need to recharge.”


“What do you need me to do?”


“Are you able to teach next period while sitting at that desk? Like… without walking around?”


I considered the question. “Usually not, but I think I can today.”


“Perfect.” She walked over to it, her body shrinking down slightly as she ducked under it, out of sight of the students. “An hour should be plenty, especially if your new face and form are inspiring what we think they are.”


What she meant was abundantly clear, and doing the class without getting up and walking was the least of my challenges. Once the students had filed in and collected their test sheets, sitting down to get to their efforts, Lilly reached forward and silently unzipped the front of my pants. A deft tweak let my dick free, though still hidden behind the desk, and took it into her mouth to start sucking. The feeling was… amazing. The spice of the novel location, combined with the sure knowledge that her reflexes and speed meant we’d almost certainly never be actually caught, gave a new and wild rush. She was taking her time, no rush. She wasn’t trying to bring me to an immediate orgasm, she was worshiping the mighty shaft in her mouth as she ritually gathered power from the room. It was like all of the mystic sustenance she craved was flowing through my balls for her.


When the last student left, closing the door behind her at my request, Lilly stopped the slow worship she had been at for nearly an hour. Diving in, swallowing me down, and setting me off in seconds. I came, and in doing so I came to realize something. No matter who you are, an hour of edging and slow pleasure will absolutely make the next orgasm dwarf what you normally think of as “good times.” I nearly blacked out from the minutes-long stream of bliss that shot from me, to be eagerly slurped down by my outrageously sexy girlfriend.


I was sweating and panting when she emerged, a smile on her face like the sun rising. She thanked me for the charge, looked around, and slipped out. It would take me some moments more before I could catch my breath and get ready for my last class of the day. I did remember to check and make sure my pants were back on properly, though. I even remembered to do so before that class came in. 


After that class was released, I found that I had a response in my email inbox already. The Dean had heard that I was leaving, and wanted to talk to me. Quickly. It came with a calendar reminder for Friday, during a time I’d otherwise have had to go off to a meeting. The tone of it was one of concern, and from the looks of it a fair bit of the worry was directed at staffing the school itself. You know, maybe that would work out to my favor, but for now I had to get home.


Traffic was forgettable. What was less so was the impression I got upon arriving home. There wasn’t any smell of food in the air, which was unusual by itself, and I didn’t see Lilly anywhere. Instead, Lucy was on the couch with Layla, who in turn was sporting her work uniform and a collection of bruises on her visible arms and face. “What the heck happened? Are you ladies alright?”


Lucy managed to look sheepish. This was a bit easier than last time, given that she was still in a mostly-public face. “So. Um. We probably should have seen this coming. Remember the big effects from the first pressure point?”


“Yeah. Big orgasm, spike in libido, and a huge dose of energy.”


“That last one’s important. It didn’t come with any additional coordination or dexterity for Layla. After three collisions and a burn, her boss sent her home.”


Palm, meet face. Lucy was right, we really should have seen that one coming. Lucy had unpacked the new apartment in a day. Lilly had to burn off a ton of energy playing frisbee. Emilia, our first candidate for the last person, ended up in a marathon lovemaking session with me that lasted so long that we missed two meals. Putting THAT in the middle of a fast food place in the body of someone with Layla’s track record was like putting the proverbial bull in the proverbial China shop.


“I’m guessing the next couple of doses are where the makeover part starts to kick in?” Layla looked hopeful. Couldn’t blame her, and I was glad to be able to give her good news for this one.


“That’s correct. I know it really transformed both Lucy and Lilly. By the time it set in they were both miles better than they were.”


Layla nodded. “Perfect, I want to push this as fast as possible, Jay. The others tell me that their bodies work better now. That they found themselves able to take more of that monster every day, and once they were used to it all the way they both moved… well, let’s say you’re not the only one in this apartment I’m interested in.”


Good to know. I just nodded at her. Lucy smirked a bit. Either they’d talked about this, or she just wanted to see the new girl squirm a bit. Probably three parts of one and one of the other.


Layla blushed, deeply enough that the freckles on her skin became less visible. “I want that. I want to be able to do everything I’ve spent my life trying to learn without breaking myself or what I’m working with. Let’s get this done as fast as we can.”


“There is a little bit more you need to know before we move forward, and I need Lilly here for it. How long until she gets…” the door opened behind me at that moment, “…back.”


Lilly was carrying a small canvas bag, unmarked, its contents a mystery to me. As the door swung shut behind her, she noticed a bit more attention on her than she was anticipating. “Um. Anything I need to know?”


“Layla wants to push the pace, Lilly. I was just telling her she needed to know what she was getting into, and you two need to demonstrate it.”


Lucy, even knowing roughly what I was about to say, still had to take a breath to refocus. “You sure about that, love?”


“You heard her. She wants me to push it as fast as I can, so she needs to know exactly what that means. It’s more than she knows.”


The woman in question was looking at all of us strangely. “Why are you talking like it’s some kind of cult initiation? I already know it’s a total makeover and gives your body a tune up.”


Lucy and Lilly looked at each other. Then me. I knew what they were asking, but didn’t know the words to use. “Okay you two. Friday Forms seem like what she needs to see. We can save the rest.”


“What the heck are… WHAT THE?” Layla’s question was interrupted very suddenly by my ladies letting go of their sharp self-control for the first time in her presence. Shucking off their clothing rapidly, as they had become used to doing, both grew. Their faces turned from hotness to eye-capturing perfection. Lucy grew by more than a foot, adding powerful muscle and a gorgeous set of assets as her hair changed to a stunning gold. Lilly grew a few inches Up and more than a foot Out, as her thin frame suddenly sported an unreal amount of breast and hip. Both finished their transformations in a matter of seconds, the effort of it significantly less than the effort of holding their public faces.


When Lucy spoke, her voice was much more resonant. More present. Infinitely sexier. “You did really well noticing that something was up, but as you can see you were nowhere near the truth of how far this goes.”


Her eyes were huge, her breath coming fast as she looked back and forth between them. I could smell the arousal coming from her, an effect that the two had on many people we’d had here. “I… what… HOW?”


I looked back at her, levelly. “I wasn’t lying when I told you how this worked. I can see your orientation taking a trip a couple of steps along the Kinsey scale, and this isn’t even everything. As far as I can tell, Lucy and Layla are only loosely connected with what we know as humanity. The faces you were familiar with are close to the ones they used to wear, before all of this. They don’t need to eat, they don’t need to sleep. That has been replaced by a need for lust and sex. They can starve if they try to abstain, and are always ready for it no matter what else is happening. There are other perks, but this you need to know about. Until yesterday, we’d never run into anyone who knew anything remotely about this, and now that we have we are getting ready to run. Do you still want to move forward?”


“Dude! You can’t just ask me to make a decision like that so quickly after dropping that kind of bomb on my brain!” Layla was still breathing rapidly, looking at all three of us and the rest of the apartment as her entire universe got recontextualized with wildly different base rules. I waited, giving her time. It took Lilly overnight, after all. The ladies were quiet, as well. Now that they didn’t have to work as hard at maintaining their form, they were much more relaxed. Much more patient. They weren’t counting down the seconds before they could be themselves, before they could have me inside of them.


I ended up being the one to break the silence. “Ladies, I think I smell curry, and we shouldn’t let that go to waste while Layla chews on the info we just gave her.” I grinned a bit at my pun. Despite themselves, all three of the women in the room did as well. “You don’t need to hide in front of her anymore, so you can stay in this form.”


“Uhm… can you… put on some clothes? Definitely no offense, but you’re a bit distracting.” There were some good laughs from the ladies, who sauntered over to our bedroom to get something on. Neither liked having to wear anything in these bodies, but they would to make this easier. True to prediction, the curry was good. Canned, but we didn’t let that stop us. We took our time, without too much conversation, just being there and existing was enough. It was a more open and honest kind of thing than any kind of discussion could be on this point, we three were fairly obviously biased and Layla would surely take that into account if we tried.


Eventually, what little talk there was just… drifted off. We were looking at her expectantly. Layla… well, it was hard to place exactly what was telling us, but we could all tell that she had come to a decision. What that decision might be was anyone’s guess, but she’d reached one. She seemed to notice that we’d noticed, and visibly readied herself. I saw, and nodded.


“I… I think that this offer you’ve made is… beyond words. This is worth everything. A chance for me to join the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. I accept!”


The ladies both were at her side, hugging her close and cheering. Having been in that position before, I could appreciate just exactly how appreciated that could make someone feel. Her expression went through several looks, rapidly. The nerves gave way to resolve, then to relief, then to joy… and in short order to increasing amounts of lust, given her absolutely enviable position between two of the objectively hottest women on Earth. Two women with absolutely perfect control of themselves, but a sharp slant towards feelings of physical pleasure. Layla’s own reaction grew and grew from the hugs and snuggles alone, until she began to orgasm. It was a gentle thing as they went, but as she whimpered between the others we could smell her arousal, could see as she went over the line and surrendered to the overwhelming sensations of being there. Lucy and Lilly had their hands nowhere near any part of her body that should have done this, but it did not matter. Their presence, their voices, their barest touch alone could do it, especially when they were excited. They were excited..


“I see the ladies have gotten you started right. If you are ready, we can go to the bedroom and take this to the next step. You will start becoming all that you can be.”


Shakily, she stood, but as soon as she did she made her way to my bed. Very, very quickly, only bumping into the walls two or three times along the way in her haste. Much more slowly and calmly than Layla, I stood and followed.I heard a couple of thumps and creaks coming from the room as I got close, but she was settled on the bed by the time I got in. Without another word, my hands found her back and got to work. Once more, the full treatment got her relaxed before I got to the main part, but this time was different. Different even from Lucy and Lilly. Everywhere I roamed across her body, she seemed to lean into me. I knew from firsthand experience that some of what I was doing had to hurt. These were not mystical pressure points, not yet. Just some hard pressure to get the pain and stress out. 


Instead, even (or perhaps especially) over where I knew she was bruising, she moved to put on ever more force. My hands sunk deep into her, finding tense and reactive muscles to straighten them. When eventually I sought out her shoulder muscles, Layla seemed to know that they were more significant than the rest. Buried beneath skin and muscle, I found the two tiny sparks of potential hidden there. With but a moment’s work, they gave way and unleashed their power into her body.


As all the others before, the effect was immediate and electric. Her back arched sharply as the orgasm ripped through her, a silent scream on her lips. While she was coming down off that high, I worked my way back down her body. Spine and arms relaxed under my grip, legs unlocking… only to suddenly tense back up as I got to the soles of her feet. For a moment I thought the pressure points there had let go with the slightest pressure. This turned out to not QUITE be true. Her silent moans of bliss rapidly turned to gales of uncontrolled laughter. She was squirming so badly that I couldn’t actually locate the pressure points. “Layla, can you please hold still? We aren’t done.”


She was breathing hard but eventually managed to calm enough to squawk out “ticklish!” Several more failed attempts later, I had to call in Lucy and Lilly to literally hold her down and nearly drown her in boob. This time, though she was still laughing uncontrollably, the ladies held her feet still enough for me to locate and activate the pressure points there. The laughs turned right back into screams of pleasure, the squirming body back to supine bliss, and I climbed up between her legs to reach the last two of the night. Her breasts were on the small side, not doing much to hide the two points under them, and as they let go her legs snapped shut around me, pulling me into her.


I was already rock hard, stuffing her as deep as she could take as Lucy and Lilly caressed us both. Pumping slowly in and out, but with more power than I could the day before. It didn’t take much longer before I was close to an orgasm of my own, and all three of the ladies sensed it. As I came, my wife and girlfriend each took one of Layla’s sensitive nipples into their mouths, sucking hard and magnifying the incredible sensations she was experiencing. Our orgasms stretched onward together, the power flowing through her as the cum blasted out of me. On and on, for a seemingly-endless time that was probably less than a minute all told. 


This time, though, there was one last shock waiting for me. Laid out by the strongest orgasm of her life thus far, Layla managed to lift her head with its flaming mop of red hair, look at me, and utter two words. “Keep going!”

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