Under Pressure

Chapter 2: Acceleration

Tuesday mornings tended to be slow around our home, since I didn't have office hours or classes until the afternoon. I woke up spooning my wife, who fit deliciously into every nook and cranny of me like she was made for it. Her head rested on my right arm, my left over her with a palm full of luscious boob. I could have stayed there forever, but my brain was catching up to the present. Also with the fact that said boob was definitely feeling larger.

Was her period incoming? Might explain some of what had been going on, but if so I'd want to enjoy this week then go make sure we were stocked on Midol.

She seemed to sense that I was awake... and up, morning wood being what it was. She didn't seem to mind, wiggling a bit to tease me before inviting me to join her for a shower. I had literally never in our relationship refused THAT kind of request, and even though we eventually got each other clean at least half of the time was spent flirting mercilessly with each other.

Eventually, though, the day did have to continue. We both got dressed (gazing hungrily at each other), ate breakfast (gazing hungrily at the pancakes), and got to work on all the domestic household things that kept the home happy. In my case, that was dishes and vacuuming. She seemed to find a million excuses to be next to me, rubbing against me all she could.

When eventually I had to leave for work, I was glad the commute time gave me some breathing room to get my raging hormones back under control. She'd planted an absolutely sizzling kiss on my way out, one that had very little to do with restraint and everything to do with intent.


I again got there with some time to spare. This time, though, after getting set up I pulled out my printout from the previous day and started studying. With dedication.

I checked off the seven points I had found over the past couple of days, trying to map out which other spots would be easiest for me to find from there the next time I got her naked on our bed. I figured I would have a day or two to get them set in my mind, given that we had just gone two for two and we were not as young as we used to be. I was feeling sore around the waist, back, and shoulders from the physical efforts alone even now, requiring some stretching as my Intro class shuffled in. Flip side, given that kiss, I might not be skipping a day this time around.

It went easier than the day prior. In part, this was due to the class itself being easier (really, explaining pieces of a motherboard was second nature by now). It was also likely because I wasn't frantically searching for theoreticals. I had my notes, I just had to learn them better.

A slight role reversal given some of the grades I handed out that class, I know, but still.

In any case, the day went fast. My classes might have all been afternoon, but there were three of them with no real rest between. Nobody ever wanted to teach the 101 courses, so being willing, I got all of them. I had a lot of grading to do given my recent absence, though my secret weapon at home was always my wife, willing to help look over things in order to try to keep her old skills sharp.

At least, that's what I thought I would be doing up until I opened our door again.

The place was absolutely sparkling. It looked like something that belonged on the cover of a home magazine, after a dozen people spent a week staging it. No boxes were visible anymore, they were all unpacked. The shelves were loaded with our books, the entertainment stand set up, the wife nude on the couch, the smell of another wonderful meal in the air...

Wait, back that up one.

She stood, slowly, and stretched out. Arms up in the air, full body on display. She looked taller, some of that extra padding less apparent than usual, as I stood there staring at her. She definitely didn't lose anything where it counted, though, her hips swung slightly and her breasts swayed hypnotically as she practically flowed over to me. She reached out to me, literally grabbed me by the tie to pull me close, and whispered "Dinner can wait. So can the bedroom. You are having sex with me on that couch, right now."

I could smell her desire in the air as she dragged me over, and by the time she had methodically removed every piece of clothing on me, I was harder than I could ever remember being in my life. Her lips, looking fuller, quirked up into a smile. She was on her knees, her breasts wrapped around my shaft and slowly pumping me, feeling like heaven itself. I was about to burst right there when she stopped, got up onto the couch and spread her legs for me. Some things were clearer than words, and I was happy to oblige. I took one step forward, leaned in, and speared into her without resistance. She was more than ready for me, she was eager, and the gasp that came from her lips was shaded with relief that she no longer had to wait.

For my part, I couldn't resist adding to it. As I slowly made love to my wife, my hands found the points at the middle of her back and up by her shoulders. When she leaned back into them, I transitioned to the ones under her noticeably fuller breasts. Then, I went further. There was a pair to the sides, under her ribcage. They were not quite where I thought they would be, but I knew what to look for and felt them. She felt me find them, too, clenching down on me as I began to rub into them, and orgasming explosively when I triggered them.

Let me tell you, the feeling of a woman orgasming that strongly while you are in her is absolutely incredible. I managed to hold on, barely, and only because it was the third day in a row we had done this. She somehow found leverage and practically dove onto me without pulling me out, landing on top of me on the carpet. My hands were all over her, but settled again on one point on the back of her skull, right where the very top of her spine connected. This one was deeper, harder to find, but eventually I did. She knew what I was doing, and was trying to move in helpful ways that eventually let me reach it. With one final thrust into her, I pressed hard onto the pressure point as well, and joined her in another explosive orgasm on the living room floor.


I woke up there and glanced at the clock. About 30 minutes had passed, I had a blanket on me keeping me warm, and I could hear the sounds of Lucy moving around the kitchen with a sense of industry. I stood up, looking for my clothes, and found pajamas next to me.

Next to them was my briefcase, open, with the papers stacked much more neatly than I had ever had them in my life. I could see the numbers written on them as well. There were tick marks next to a couple of questions on that top page. Somehow, Lucy had gotten going, covered me with a blanket, laid out clothes, organized my papers, graded three classes worth of assignments, AND was already back in the kitchen preparing things. In thirty minutes. After having sex so good it literally knocked me unconscious.

I'm not sure how she did it, but I knew more than ever that I was lucky to have gotten her.

I pulled on the silky pajamas she had laid out for me, walking a bit slower than usual over to the kitchen. I saw her there, wearing panties, a bra, and nothing else. Had to pause a moment to admire the view, but she seemed to hear me and turned around to look. The view from the front was just as good as the one from the back. She spoke up first. "Oh, honey, good, you woke up! I was afraid you'd miss dinner after all of that. Took care of the papers, hope you don't mind, but I didn't want you to be frantic in the morning if you slept all night..."

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, love!" She was acting like she was afraid I'd be upset. After all that had happened in the last hour or so, I don't think I was capable of a negative emotion right then. "Everything was perfect, I glanced at a few of them and didn't see anything wrong. I've also never been that organized, ever, so that will make tomorrow easier." My stomach decided to ruin the moment by rumbling, loudly. Something about it being later than we usually ate, combined with using a lot of energy recently. Ahem.

She heard, apparently. "Go! Sit down, I'll bring out the plates!" I must have still been slightly dazed as I complied, by the time I had fully sat she was setting the laden dishes down. Steak and mashed potatoes, something we've had many a time before but it never gets old. This time, though, there was no doubt as to the extra effort that had gone into it. They were seasoned perfectly, right on medium rare, served up steakhouse style with mushrooms and onions, and even the potatoes were loaded up.

"What's the occasion? You usually bring out the big guns like this for our anniversary, and I know that's almost a month out."

"Just felt like it! I've been so motivated today, getting things done non-stop like I was back in the body of a cheerleader on the high school team."

I looked at her again. Well, admired is probably more of the word, since she was still wearing nothing but her underthings and sensuously eating the steak. Filling out her cups, too, skin smooth and toned. "Seriously, you look it."

"I hope you still feel that way tomorrow," she said, adjusting her lacy bra strap. I noticed as the left boob bounced a bit that it seemed to be overflowing a bit as well. "My clothes aren't seeming to fit me quite right today, and I realized that I haven't gotten new ones in a while. Planning to take a trip out to get some new ones while you're at the college tomorrow."

"Tell you what, I only have two conditions."

"Oh?" Her eyebrows raised up a bit.

"First, you model everything for me." She smiled a bit at this, it was a bit of a hobby for her to do that anyway. "Second, you stop by Victoria's Secret for at least one matching set, I want to see you in it."

She smiled much more broadly at that. It almost looked feral for a moment, I suspect that had been part of the plan anyway. As I was finishing my plate, the thought of her in that kind of display had predictable effects on me. Much to my shock. I had literally just been fucked unconscious, and my body was ready for round 2? I wasn't a teenager anymore, but you couldn't convince my penis of that at this time.

"Oh, poor baby, is the thought really exciting you THAT much?" My wife practically purred this. Another pint of blood seemed to rush down south for the winter. "Put that plate in the sink and get to the bedroom, I'll see about taking care of you, extra special."

Let me tell you, a blowjob makes for an incredible lullaby.


I had gotten to sleep early and slept like a rock after all that we had been doing, so I woke up about five minutes before my alarm on Wednesday morning. The sun was just barely streaming in the window, and as I got up I realized that Lucy was both fully naked and supine. Still, something tickled the back of my mind. Something different, more than I thought before. The scientific part of my mind took over, and I walked over to my desk. The old-fashioned ruler I still had there was just the ticket, I laid it gently next to her and took a step back to snap a picture with my phone. I'd have a chance to analyze it today, but for that moment I needed to get ready for work.

She came to me around the time the coffee started brewing, walking silently up behind me to give me a hug from behind. A rather handsy one, not that I was complaining. "Good morning, Jay. Thanks for letting me sleep a bit longer."

"No problem, love," I replied as I turned around. She had put on a bathrobe, the thin one I was such a fan of. Knee-length and floaty, still comfortable as well. Well, it was knee length. Now, though, it ended a couple of inches up from it as she pressed herself into me, giving me a good-morning kiss.

I didn't taste anything minty, but she had to have cleaned up. No morning breath, nor cum breath. I enjoyed it for a moment before she moved off to the side and grabbed eggs from the fridge. Felt like I barely blinked before they were cracked into a bowl and seasoned for breakfast. I still got the coffee done, though. That was on me. I was feeling good, truth be told. Lighter on my feet, a bit more energetic, like I wasn't carrying quite as many pounds or years on me.

Lucy and I smiled a lot during breakfast. Both of us were eating pretty much one-handed, the other touching shoulder or back or thigh. The coffee was good, the eggs were amazing, and the company was the best in the world. Unfortunately, time waited for nobody, so that perfect little morning did have to end much too soon. I grabbed my materials, careful to keep the briefcase in its freshly-organized state, kissed my wife, and drove to work with that smile still on my face.


By the time I got to the computer lab for my scripting class, my brain got back around to where it was that morning, remembering that I intended to measure things. I pulled up the picture I had taken, along with the nude from before. There was no doubt about it, there was significant change between the two. Don't get me wrong, Lucy looked great nude all the time, but comparing the two I wouldn't have blamed someone for thinking they were different people.

The ruler I put in the pic let me do some calculating, and she had definitely grown significantly. Barely shorter than me now, instead of tucking up under my chin. Her breasts were much fuller and perkier, looking like the last twenty years and three children had no negative effect on them. She was noticeably thinner, her hair a shade or two lighter, her hips wider, skin looking much smoother. Even her fingers seemed longer, her lips more full. She had moved from cute straight into MILF territory, like someone you might see on a website you'd only go to in private.

That was besides the attitude and libido, which was on an entirely different level than any point since our honeymoon. This was not normal, no matter how much I had been enjoying the results. That just didn't happen to someone in her late forties. Could those pressure points really be doing all that they'd claimed?

I took the comparisons off my screen about five minutes before my students started drifting in, the smell of a dozen different coffee mugs bringing me back to the present as I presented the day's project assignment. Nothing to bring home this time, they'd show me whether it was working by the end of class. Another thought struck me about our ongoing events, though. If her body shape was changing, I'd need to redo my map.

Once the students left, I had an hour before my next bunch. I locked the door and pulled the privacy curtain down over its little window. For this, I'd need to use the big screen, and it would not do for anyone walking by to see what I was doing.

I started with the newest picture of my wife that I had taken this morning, reorienting it and toying with zoom so that it would be in roughly the same position as the maps of the pressure points I had. I then pulled up the one I had made, of those twenty points on her old pic. Overlaying the two definitely showed the difference, so I set the old map to transparent and got to tweaking it onto the new Lucy. It didn't take long, despite the changes it was still generally her.

Now to verify it from another angle. I saved the image separately and pulled up the new picture again, without the points drawn on it, and clicked to bring up the original map of pressure points and meridians that I had dug up those few nights ago. Must have missed a click somewhere, though, as when I hit enter, I accidentally dropped two images onto the screen. One of them, the busty model mapping, was noticeably closer in silhouette to my wife than it had been last time. The other, though...

Yesterday's picture of a motherboard dropped onto the screen, also in transparency. The pattern of lines, channels, and components overlaid what I was working on, much to my annoyance. I was moving my mouse to undo the error when I noticed something. Where it occupied the same space as the meridian model, it seemed to match up. At least roughly. Even the primary components seemed to be roughly where a few of the other pressure points fell. I'd have to store that idea for later, saving it to a third file before getting back to work.

Tweaking the original to fit my wife ended up with very similar results to the map I made a few minutes prior. I would have to adjust my aim a bit if I wanted to keep doing what I was doing, and especially a few of the points I hadn't yet gotten to were showing at slightly different locations than before. I saved and printed the new one, clearing off the displays before my second class came in.

I even remembered to unlock the door. Considering where my mind was, this was an accomplishment.


I drove home slowly that afternoon, getting my thoughts in order. The changes so far had been accidental, just a result of me trying to give my wife particularly good massages. That would no longer be true. Even just the suspicions I had meant that I needed to sit down with her and actually talk before doing anything further. Massages could be massages, these points could not happen by accident due to the effort they take to hit. Going forward, it would be deliberate.

The thought was a bit scary. What if she objected once she knew what was going on? One thing I didn't know was how to revert things. That was heavy on my mind as I walked down the hall to my apartment door, as I dug out my key to go in, steeled for what might be a difficult conversation.

I managed to get the door about a third of the way open before I got tackled by a blonde blur in a long coat.

My back hit the wall of the hallway outside as I realized that an unfamiliar pair of lips had attached themselves firmly to mine in a way that was very familiar from the last couple of days. The enthusiastic kiss had blown my nervous mood straight into oblivion as I started breathing harder, wanting more instantly. She broke off a second later and stepped back, letting me get a look at her. A very, very good look at a woman who was clearly my wife, but not the same as before.

She had changed more since I took the picture that morning, that was immediately clear. She was wearing heels, but they were not so large as to account for the fact that she was level with my height. Her eyes were noticeably larger and brighter, her lips more full, and her skin just about perfectly clear. Her breasts were also distinctly larger even covered by the coat, and her hips were pushing the sides of her pants further than I could remember. "Welcome home, love! Come in!" She turned and walked back into the apartment, her hips swinging as she did.

What can I say? I followed. I was nervous, not stupid.

The living room was not as spotlessly organized as the previous day, but only because there was a series of bags in front of the entertainment stand. There was some of the fancier packaging paper poking out of one of them, but before I could look closer my wife let the coat fall from her shoulders to the floor, and my attention was fully occupied.

She was wearing almost nothing underneath, just a small black lace pair of panties and a bra that was barely there. She turned to face me, and let me tell you that she wore it well. She had gone from thin to having hints of power there, I could see the faint lines of sleek muscles in her abs, thighs, and arms. Her skin was smooth and hairless from the neck down, and her breasts were DEFINITELY much larger than I had ever seen them before. Not even while she was actively breastfeeding had they reached that size. Her hair cascaded down her back in a smooth wave

My heart just about stopped in my chest looking at her. I felt my jaw drop, and could do nothing to prevent it. I could feel my breath pick up pace as she gave me The Look, the one that said quite clearly that she knew exactly what she was doing to me and desired it. She walked... no, sauntered... over to the bags and leaned over. From the waist. Confirming what I thought before, her ass had gone from cute to looking both round and firm, just made for sinking my palm into. She came up, facing away from me, and fortunately for my ability to reason began to put on a shirt and what looked like a long black skirt.

I caught my breath. It was not easy. I tried to slow my heart rate. That was much more difficult. "Love, hold on a sec," I found myself saying as she finished putting on her choice. She turned around, the skirt swirling appealingly as she did so. "We need to talk for a minute before you continue. I'm loving the show, and you, but I need the blood in my brain for the next ten minutes."

She got serious very quickly. Though she was still looking unbelievably hot, the sashay and seduce stopped like she hit a switch. She walked over to the couch and sat next to me. "What's wrong, Jay? You haven't looked this nervous all week."

"That's the thing, love. I think... you have changed this week."

"Oh, of course I have! Just look at me, I didn't even look this good while I was doing cheerleading!"

That was one thing out of the way. She at least knew she was changing. "I think I know what is causing it. The massages, specifically those pressure points. I think they're doing it."

She always was smarter than she gave herself credit for, and I saw her eyebrows furrow as she put two and two together. They flew upwards seconds later, the correlation was not at all deniable. She looked at me, sharply. "Jay... show me your notes. Please."

I leaned over to open my briefcase and pull out my latest pages, by the time I had it out she had a pencil ready. She checked off the points I had found. Looked like about half of them. She closed her eyes. "How did you pick these points? There have to be over a hundred on the last page."

"Pleasure and relaxation, love. I was designing the massage and pressure point use specifically to get rid of your stress, and have more nights like we had when you convinced me to do the research."

She smiled. "Well, I'd say it worked. You were certainly thorough making these maps. Now... according to this, you've hit, what, half of the pressure points that you researched? Does that mean I'm only at the halfway point?"

"I think so, but I have no genuine idea. I thought all the mysticism was new-age nonsense and just went for physical things. Now that we know what's going on, though, we have a choice to make."

"You're right. Are you willing to keep pushing the transformation along?"

My mouth opened, ready to try to talk her into it, then snapped shut as I realized how she phrased it. "Huh?"

"Jay, this is the greatest thing that has happened to me in my life, other than marrying you. I just want to know whether you are okay with me transforming like this. Am I the same person you married? Would you keep me?"

My internal monologue went from doom and gloom to unicorns and rainbows REALLY fast. "You do not need to worry about ANY of that! I'm keeping you forever, no matter how far out of my league you are. I was terrified that you'd be disgusted and want to stop once you found out what was happening!"

"I think if you had known what this would do when you started, I would have been. You made sure to tell me as soon as you figured it out, you made sure I could tell you yes." Her smile got a bit wicked. "Or scream it, as the case may be." She got serious again. "Can you... take it slow, then? Give me one dose today, then finish it out tomorrow? Just in case it can go too far."

I breathed out. "I can do that. Tell you what. Today, I will finish up your hands and arms. Just looking at that muscle makes me think what's underneath might be stressed, and those are major lines marked on the chart. If it's all good tomorrow, if this keeps happening the way you want, I'll do your legs and hips tomorrow. But first, I have to ask."


"That's a new bra, and it looks bigger than what you were wearing last week. How big have you gotten, and how did whoever measured you react to you?"

She actually blushed. "I... I'm apparently a 34DD now." Yum! "By the time I got to the store, my bra was barely holding on. The lady there was super cute, and when my bra finally snapped off in the changing room, she looked just like you did when I dropped my new coat. Took her a minute to remember where she was and measure me. I could smell her getting worked up the longer she was within line of sight of my naked breasts."

That might be the first time I've ever heard her call a girl over the age of six "super cute". The mental changes might not be contained to energy and drive. I could smell her getting worked up again, I could hear her breath coming slightly quicker. Her next decision came as no surprise. Just her execution of it.

"I'm done waiting, Jay." She stood up, looking me straight in the eyes. "The rest of the show will wait. So will food. I need you, right now, and I want you to keep pushing those pressure points as fast as you're willing to go.


I had gone from sitting to sprinting faster than ever in recorded history, yet somehow she still easily beat me to bed and got naked besides. As sexy as she looked standing, as amazing as she moved, nothing could possibly equal her naked and eager, legs spread, looking at me with those sizzling eyes. I had barely gotten into her before I felt her clenching around me. As I bottomed out in her on the first stroke she orgasmed hard. It had taken seconds, and I was just getting started. She was warm, wet, and deliciously tight around me, seeming to pull me into her core with every stroke. I would not last long at this rate, so I stopped and rested for a moment, deep within her. "Are you ready, love?"

She nodded, so I rolled us over. She was now on top, straddling me, and I reached for her hands. Two points in each hand, one by the ring finger and one up by the wrist. I started by the wedding band, still on her hand after all these years. I felt for a moment, found the point, and began applying pressure on both sides. It was a stubborn pair of points, and took a couple of minutes before I felt them tense up, then suddenly release.

The effect on Lucy was immediate and dramatic. Her back arched, and she came again around me as she held to her prediction, screaming "Yes!" The wrist points followed shortly after, and this time she orgasmed so hard that I could literally see the muscles in her abdomen working. She leaned down into me, lips meeting mine as she milked me completely internally. There was one more pair to hit today, as I wondered how much further this could go. As she laid on my chest, my hands came to the stretch of muscles bridging the arms to her chest. Buried deeply there, impossible to find if you weren't looking, was another pair of pressure points. Lucy's eyes widened as she realized I wasn't yet done, I looked deep into them and paused. She nodded, breathing deep, pressing her lips against mine, and I began to push up into her as strongly as I could, focused on those points. Her face contorted briefly into pain, followed by her screaming her ecstasy directly into the kiss.

This time, the orgasm didn't stop as she began to pound into me, locking me into her legs and taking me into her as deeply as I would go over and over again. I joined her seconds later, exploding into her depths so hard it felt like my soul was shooting into her.


This time, I didn't lose consciousness, but I was flattened there on the bed as Lucy sprung up once more as soon as she caught her breath. By the time I had shakily gotten something on and wobbled out to the kitchen, she had the soup warming back up. She was wearing a soft-looking pair of pajama pants and a loose shirt, ones I didn't recognize and that would have fit her like a tent two days prior. "Hey, there. How are you feeling?"

She looked back at me. Her smile was broad and open. "I can actually feel things shifting this time, it's happening faster. Feels good, and I really can't wait to see where this goes." Dinner was slow and delicious, as I wondered the same thing.

After all the changes so far, they were accelerating? Just how much more would she transform by this time tomorrow?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.