Under Pressure

Chapter 6: Discovery

Life, being life, managed to settle into a kind of routine despite its oddities. I would go to work, Lucy and Lilly would spend time together taking care of minor things or just chatting or knitting or reading. Lilly needed it, badly. There were still moments almost every day, though getting fewer, when she would be in the middle of something and just break down, my wife was always there to catch her and give what comfort she could.


Given her supernatural skill at reading people, this was a lot.


I would come home, we’d have dinner. Lilly had a degree, but a Political Science and Business Admin double-major wasn’t helping much when Lucy and I would grade papers with terms like “object class” and “registry values” on them. Still pleasant to be around and with, though.


In the evening, we would go to bed, Lilly to the guest room that she had made her own. Lucy would “unclench”, as she liked to put it, taking on a more natural form to her and ravishing me with a hungry will to keep herself going. Not that I was complaining. This went double after one particular evening, after we had our fun (in this case, involving her shapeshifting into a celebrity that I USED to think was one of the hotter ones on earth) and we were settling in for the night. I looked at her, she had her phone out and was looking with furrowed brows at a website that I was familiar with. “Love, can you tell me what the slang here means? I picked this place because it is really good for staying anonymous, but I can’t tell what exactly they’re saying.”


Given the website, I couldn’t blame her. Only reason I could tell was because I made a conscious effort to stay current, in order to better communicate with the kinds of students that would be coming through scripting and programming classes. In this case, the picture she posted was of the one she preferred to make love to me in, the same one Lilly caught that brief glimpse of. She was clothed in this particular picture, not that it looked like it was stopping anyone. At least a dozen people had responded to her directly, begging for where she got the picture and who it was, thanking her for putting it there, or similar. One accused her of manipulating the picture, which I knew was quite real. I had taken it myself.


“If you were trying to get a sense for enthusiasm, you found it. If you tell these guys you have nudes to post and put them over in an appropriate board, you might break the site.”


Her eyebrows rose. I sighed. Despite me telling her many times, and despite her acknowledging it, she still had spent less than two months in her transformed state after more than forty as her old self. She was not used to being the object of attention, desire, and lust, no matter how good she was at it. After a moment, she started getting visibly excited. “You mean… it’s not just people who see me in person? Everyone finds me that sexy?” I could literally smell her getting aroused again.

“Love, three of them are specifically asking for links to sites that people sell nudes on. They’d throw bank accounts at you for bikini pics at this rate, much less full nudes or videos. Now, we need to sleep, and you’re too excited to get there. My turn to do you a favor for once.” I wiggled down under our sheets to find her distinct arousal and dove in tongue first, tasting her sweetness and making it challenging for her to be the quiet one this time.




I really should have known that it would not stay that simple. We started, tentatively and carefully, putting up some pictures of her for sale in a couple of places, her breath quickening each time. “I can tell… there is a spike of lust in this building within a few hours whenever we do a new one. At least a few people from around here are looking at those pictures every time.”

“Still no nudes yet, the most was a bikini. Imagine what it’ll be like once you’re ready to do that!”


“Like I told them, nothing online until I get enough of them paying. Nice little supplement we have going, though.”


It certainly was. She barely had enough pictures up to fill one page of display, and if rates held up she’d make more than me this year. Not that I minded, again, I was the one who actually got to have sex with her regularly. It only took a couple of weeks for her to get to the point of posting a nude picture online (as predicted, this made her followers go crazy), which excited her enough that even she seemed desperate that night. It took me more than an hour to sate her hunger for me.


Again, not complaining.


I didn’t even complain when she asked me to join her, wearing a mask. I took the pictures as she rode me, struggling to stay composed enough to do so, and her little enterprise exploded when she did. Comments generally acknowledged that OF COURSE her boytoy would be packing overwhelming heat. I just grinned, knowing that she was the one who had given it to me as an odd part of her own transformation.


How does this make things complicated? Well, on a Saturday morning after a couple of weeks of this, I had slipped over to the bathroom. As was my usual habit recently, pajamas weren’t a thought in my mind overnight. The better to snuggle up to Lucy with. My mind wasn’t really in the present, and I left that bathroom looking forward to nothing more than going back to sleep with my wife. The thought of her, the thought of snuggling into those breasts and feeling her, the thought of what she’d want to do in a few hours’ time as we woke up, had me at more than half mast as I was stepping out.


Which meant that, as Lilly wanted to get IN unbeknownst to me until that point, she got a very large eyeful of my own enhanced proportions. She couldn’t help looking down at my enormous member with its distinct blue ring near the base, matching the lines of power on my wife. With an “eep!”, she ran off back to the guest room. I sighed, thinking slowly that I should probably tell Lucy about this, when she came back. I was somewhat used to this reaction from girls Lucy seduced, but it was not lust in Lilly’s eyes. It was direct fury. She had her phone in her hand, the picture not entirely clear from this angle but familiar to me. It was one I had taken of my wife, in her sexy form, mounted on me and obviously enthusiastic about it.


“Lilly, I…” CRACK! Her right hand came across my face. For someone who was right about five-nothing and a hundred pounds soaking wet, though, she could put some serious power into that. My head jerked to the side, my ears ringing, as I could hear her start to yell for Lucy to come out there.


This might be awkward.


My wife showed up very quickly, expecting some minor embarrassment. At worst, the possibility that I had tried to flirt with Lilly. She came out in a bathrobe, otherwise wearing nothing but her public face. It took her half a second to notice my nude state and Lilly’s obvious anger. It took her the other half of that first second to notice the picture that was on the screen of Lilly’s phone, though that was hastened by the fact that Lilly was practically shoving it in her face, accusingly pointing at me as her words started to come back into focus.


“He’s cheating on you! Some hussy’s been posting her pictures all over the internet, and look! You can’t tell me THAT can be mistaken for anyone else! He’s been doing it right here, in your home, while you sleep!”


Lucy got a very serious look on her face. “Jay, get some clothes on. I will be in to talk to you after I get the details from my friend.” Now, this might have worried me more if she wasn’t also the hussy so spoken of, but it served as an excellent opportunity to let me go get some pajamas on and wait to talk to my wife without a very angry houseguest listening in.




“Alright, Jay, serious talk time. After all, you’re the one cheating on me with some cam girl.”


“What can I say? She offered to be my sugar momma if I helped take some pictures.” Even in the context of the conversation, that was too much, and both of us fell into silent gales of laughter for a few moments, hard enough that she actually grew to her supernatural state. “Okay, okay. So, we have some choices to make. We can kick her out, which I don’t want to do. Only other choice is to come clean with what you can do and hope she is somehow okay with it.”


“There’s another option, love.” The look on her face was once again very focused. Determined, even. She had given this one thought prior to tonight, and obviously thought it would be the best option.


“What might that be? Not too many options on the ground right now.”


“I give you permission to ask her to join us, and if she says yes to transform her like you did me. When I told you last month I had some possibilities in mind, the only reason she wasn’t on the list was because she was… is… married.”


My brain went blank for a second, grinding to a halt. I had legitimately not even remotely thought of that, but now that it was in my head neither my brain nor the other thing fighting for my blood supply could find ANY objections to it.


My wife saw the look on my face and the tent in my jeans, and walked forward to me, shifting all the way back into the form she once lived in, before I found the first pressure point. Cute, soft, and all mine. She whispered softly in my ear, “and just think. She is so much hotter than where I was when I started, too. Just imagine what she might look like at the end of the process.”


My dick officially won the tug-of-war battle over all the blood in my body, my wife grinning in her feral way. She descended in her original body, taking my by-no-means original member down her throat in a way she most certainly was not capable of two months ago. She wasn’t trying to take her time, I was too hard and our guest was still waiting in her own room. She was hungry and needed to focus, while giving me my own ability to focus back after that particularly spicy comment.


Within a couple of minutes, we were both set for the last part of this conversation. We went back out and headed to the guest room, to Lilly.




Lucy led the way in, figuring it was probably safer. When I entered, Lilly backed off a couple of steps. I could understand, she probably felt trapped. I was the first to speak up, though. “Lilly, we have a few things to talk about with you. I’ll let my wife handle the first part.” Lilly’s eyebrow was raised at this.


“The first thing I want to say is that Jay is not cheating.” Lilly gave a bit of an undignified and unbelieving snort. “Cheating would require that I not know about it, or that I disapprove. Both of these are false.”


“Really, Lucy? I didn’t figure you for the swinging type. Traditional, upstanding mother of three in a nuclear family.”


“And we didn’t figure you for the type to go searching for pictures of buxom cam girls riding on twelve-inch dicks, either, so can we call that a wash and move on?” Lilly had the grace to blush at Lucy’s retort. “Now, I need you to accept that much before I can tell you the next part.”


“Okay… you know, this conversation is going nowhere close to any I thought I’d be having with you, but sure. You’re down to swing, and didn’t want to bother me with it until I caught him. Nice tattoo, by the way.”


I got a bit of a laugh over that. “That last quip is a bit more appropriate than you might suspect. Lucy’s next bit has a lot to do with it. Now, watch closely, and listen to what she has to say.”


Lilly’s face went from sarcastically amused to intensely confused rapidly, and she turned to look at Lucy once more. Once she did, Lucy released her tight hold on her form, transforming in the space between seconds into the same ridiculously hot woman I had been photographing myself banging. Lilly’s eyes flew wide open, she was inhaling as if to scream but the sound wouldn’t come out. Lucy spoke once again. “As you can see, even though I’m quite okay with him having his fun with others, the woman in the picture is me.”


Her eyes rapidly went back and forth between us, but since we did not change further and she was not waking up from this, she eventually seemed to decide that this was reality. “What… how… did you do that?”


“That’s a story that’s only a couple of months old. I’ll let my husband explain, he has the better grasp of it anyway.”


I grinned a bit. “Not like I knew in the beginning. Lilly, in your body are a large number of pressure points. Each has a somewhat different effect, but this has to do with a particular set of them. Twenty-one of those points together unlocked Lilly’s own internal ability to do this, maximizing her pleasure and joy. The form you see is one of the ones most comfortable and natural-feeling to her now, the one you know as her is the one she had before all of this started. Transformation isn’t the only effect, but it’s the big one. I know how to perform this now. Didn’t back then, it all started by accident, but I figured it out.”


“Why do you sound like that’s not all you want to tell me?”


Lucy interjected. “Because it isn’t. We made an agreement once we realized where this was going. Jay would never make another person transform like me without my permission and their consent. Lilly, you are one of my best friends, a good person, and deserving of all the joy I can bring you. If you accept it, I gave Jay permission to transform you.” She smiled again. “I was going to talk him into it after your papers were signed, but when you caught us it pushed the timeline up by a lot.”


Lilly was thankfully standing next to the bed, so when her knees gave way she could just twist a bit and land her (rather cute, now that I was looking) behind on it. Her eyes were closed, she was thinking hard. Lucy and I stayed quiet. What we had proposed to her was not just life-changing, it was completely unexpected. There was no way Lilly could have possibly anticipated this, could have possibly even begun to plan for it. Even the idea of staying in the apartment longer-term had been farfetched to her twelve hours prior.


I’m not sure exactly how long we stayed like that. Lucy and I standing close together, eyes on Lilly as she contemplated what might be the biggest decision of her life. She opened her eyes. “Lucy, this is a big thing you have offered to me. I know it can’t be all roses. What is the catch? Is it all worth it?”


Lucy thought about that for a moment. “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t think it was worth it, but there are a couple of catches to it.” I looked at her, interested. This wasn’t a perspective I had really considered before. “Your sex drive is going to go way up, ready to go at the drop of a hat even after an hours-long romp. You will eventually need to feed upon it, even more so than food or water, unless we stop it very early in the process. I can eat and enjoy those things, but going without sex feels like it can kill me.” She closed her eyes and chose her next words carefully. “The last big thing? There are likely two people you will ever meet who will understand these things. You are currently talking to them. To everyone else, you will be either an object to be desired, a trophy, or you will have to hide your nature from them. You’ve seen the pictures we put up, I’m sure you know what the comments section on those look like, and that will be your day to day life every time you walk outside the front door unless you actively hide it.”


Lilly nodded. “Thank you for being honest about it. I… I need some time. Let me sleep on this for the couple of hours we have left before morning. We can talk more over breakfast.”


“I think that works for us.”




We all slept in a bit more than usual the next morning, but Lucy and I got up first and started to put breakfast together. The quiet, intimate time of our mornings was one we had always treasured any time we got the chance, and today was no different despite the fact that we were cooking for three.


Lucy was flipping the first pancakes and I was halfway through brewing the coffee when Lilly came out. Her head was not in the present, but she still got right to helping. Plates went to the table, and silverware with them. It felt normal, it felt natural.


We took our seats, we began to eat, to chat, to get going. The elephant in the room stayed in the corner for a bit longer, letting us just enjoy the morning together. Eventually, though, the coffee was done, our bellies full. The air itself seemed to be waiting for the decision to be made, and Lilly seemed to feel it too.


I was the one who eventually couldn’t take the silence, though. “Lilly, I think we have procrastinated on the discussion for long enough. If you want to do this, we need to know.”


She took a breath. Two. She was reaching for words, and I could do nothing to help her find them. Not yet. “I think… you two have made an incredible offer to me. You just need to know some things, too. You tell me that the big thing wrong is that, outside these walls, I’d be objectified and valued only for my face and form. That I wouldn’t ever be able to convince anyone that I have a brain, unless I hid almost everything else about myself. Honestly, though, you are forgetting a few things.”




“Stop. Just, please stop. Let me say this.” I nodded, lips sealed. “Even with that attitude, even with all that you have shared with me, did you even know I graduated with honors, on a dual-major? Business Admin and Political Science. A woman. You don’t, because I have never since then been able to use it. My husband is a doctor whose brother used to play with me when we were schoolchildren. He wanted me, and convinced my parents that by marrying him I’d have a comfortable life neither I nor they could ever possibly provide. The only thing that made him consider this was that I was attractive and Asian. That’s it. I’m arm candy to him, someone who keeps his home organized and his bed warm. Kept.”


She shook her head a bit, bringing herself back to the present. “That is all my life has been for the last four years. That’s why, when he came home after drinking a few too many with his work buddies and left me with a bruise, I finally found the strength to leave him. What you have offered to me? The ‘catch’ is still two steps up from where I was last month.” She was crying. So was Lucy. So was I. Her voice remained strong. “I came here, and I’ve seen what life is supposed to be like. When I thought Jay was cheating, I was angry in a way I’ve never been for myself. How DARE he throw it all away over a cheap fling? How DARE he jeopardize what I would almost literally kill for? And now, not only do I see that it was more real than even I thought, but you’ve invited me to join you. Warped and damaged as I am, with the baggage you know is about to come home with it, and you still think I’m worthy of tasting this. To answer your question directly, though, it would absolutely be a dream come true. Please, let me be yours. I want to join you.” Her tears were flowing freely, as she begged for what we had freely offered.


Lucy’s smile was like the sun coming up, and infectious. “You want it. I give my permission to Jay to give you the full treatment, just like he gave me. That only leaves one person whose opinion matters here.” She looked from Lilly to me.


I smiled a bit. “And I agree with both of you. Lilly, welcome to the family.” The joy that spread on her face banished the dark and the pain. I found myself wanting to make sure it stayed that way, and I had a lot I could do to make sure it did. “Now, you need to know how this is going to go. With Lucy, this took about a week. We can go faster, but I do not want to risk messing something up by changing what I know works.”


She breathed a sigh of relief, hope on her face. “A week sounds good. Really good. What do you need from me?”


“I need to take some pictures of you nude, to start.”


“... what?”


Lucy laughed, bright and clear. “You’re going to enjoy this part. Jay activates those pressure points by means of a combination of very talented massage and intense sex. He uses the picture to put together how exactly he is going to do it. Customizing things to you, making sure he gets it right. I guarantee he isn’t going to be selling the picture or putting it up in his office at the university.” Lilly breathed easier… and then immediately began to remove her shirt. “Whoah there! I know you’re eager to get started, but we have windows open! Why don’t you two take this to the bedroom while I clean up here?”


We all laughed, and Lilly got up to go to our bedroom. Lucy grabbed my arm before I could follow too closely. “Jay, this is important. The sex is not just a natural reaction to the frankly overwhelming pleasure of you hitting those pressure points. It is critical. I don’t know how I know this, but I do. She is going to want you, badly, and you are going to give it to her. I will be there by the time you start the fun part.” I’m not going to lie, other pieces of me were reacting to this thought, but I needed to keep that under control for the moment.


She let me go with a kiss, and I walked quickly to my bedroom. Lilly was waiting. She had stripped nude, every inch of her on display. Trim and fit, the body of someone whose life depended on looking her best. Her legs were smooth and toned, so were her arms, and what little she had on her chest was also firm and perky. She kept her bush neatly trimmed, the focus of a hint of enticing curve about her hips.


“Lilly, if ever you had doubts about how good you look, rest assured they are unfounded.” I pulled out my phone and helped her lay down on our bed. Her skin was soft and smooth under my hand, a fact I could not avoid noticing any more. I took two steps back and snapped a picture, framing it in my mind’s eye to help myself later. “Let me go get some massage oils. Today will be only one point, and I know how to find it no matter how you are shaped. Just roll over onto your front and I’ll get started.” She did so, and I took one more picture that way before going to do what I said.


I was back in moments, and she was breathing visibly deep. The moment the oil dripped onto her back, she twitched a bit, and tensed under my hand when I touched her that way. Lilly had obviously almost never gotten any real positive physical touch, and like the touch-starved she began to nearly melt under my ministrations as I ran my hands up and down her body, working out the tensions I found.


It took a long time, and Lucy joined me to help with this part before I was even halfway through. We did all that we possibly could to take her stress away and replace it with rest, with the ability to finally relax. We succeeded, and I had to wake her up in order to warn her that the finale was coming. “Lilly, we are almost done here. The next part will start the process of transformation, and I do not know how to reverse it. Are you ready?”


“I am, Jay. I want this.”


I had felt the presence of the first pressure point as we were working on her before, and my hands returned to it with confidence. Along the spine, at the dip before it rose to the shoulders, lay a spot of resistance and tension. I began to work at it with focus and intent, and Lilly’s uncontrollable moan told me I was in the right place. Without warning, I felt that resistance melt away, releasing its power into her willing body.


“Oh my GOD that feels incredible! I’m… I’ve never felt like that before! I felt it everywhere, even deep within me…” she squirmed, turning to me with a look in her eyes that conveyed a very specific kind of hunger.


Much like my wife had a month and a half before, she immediately scrambled for my pants, turned on beyond words at the pleasure she felt. Unlike my wife, what she found was not something she was in any way used to. “Oh, whoah, so I was remembering that right. I still want it, give me that monster!” She flipped onto her back, inviting me with legs spread wide, Lucy cradling her head and running her hands over Lilly’s delicious body. I looked to my wife, she nodded at me, and I took the open invitation to spear into the tiny Asian woman before me.


A couple of things became obvious soon. The first was that even before my own changes, Lilly would not have been able to take all of me. I bottomed out in her before I was even halfway contained, and stretched her out so far to both sides that her extreme pleasure was mixed with a half-measure of pain. I had to rest and pause to let her settle around me, to let Lucy’s hands work more of their (in this case metaphorical) magic on Lilly’s body to help her muscles relax and take me. I started to move again after a while, and this is when the second thing became obvious.


After we got into our rhythm right, the stimulation of being stretched out so far plus Lucy’s own kisses and caresses combined drove Lilly over the edge of orgasm rapidly. Lilly’s eyes flew open, I heard her gasping at the pleasure as I felt her squeeze what she could take of me. “How are you doing that? It’s the same as when you hit that point, it… is… so… good! Ah!” I could feel her going off again, the sensations almost a constant thing, and after feeling her like that I decided to let go of my own control and ride the crests of pleasure with her. I came, pumping her full of my essence, and Lucy looked as overjoyed as Lilly.


We all came down off of that high together, sharing the embrace on our bed as the morning sun filtered in through the window. Lilly was cuddled up between Lucy and I coming back from her afterglow. “What even was that? I’ve never felt anything like it, I felt so good it was like it was pulling my entire body in.”


“Lilly,” began my wife, “That… was an orgasm. More than one. I know my husband is good, but you were having a lot of them. You’re sensitive all over and multiorgasmic, and you’re telling me that those were your first orgasms?” It was the first time I had seen my wife be incredulous in literally any sexual matter in almost two months.


“I… yes. If that’s what an orgasm is, then everything I’ve ever thought they were was false. That’s the first time I’ve had that experience, and I want more. Hope you don’t mind.”


I know I’ve said this before, but I was not complaining.



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