Under Pressure


By request of my Patrons, please enjoy this brief glimpse into what happens next in the lives of the Under Pressure crew.





“It’s great to talk to you, honey. Sorry I had to give that news, the apartment didn’t work out so we’re going to make sure you get the summer term in school and we will visit!”


“I get it, Dad, just wish it didn’t come so suddenly. And right after you moved in! Seriously, we just got to see it for the first time.”


“I know, I know. Don’t worry about us, though. Our finances are in order, and your mother and I are going to try out the RV life for a bit. We never really got to go exploring, so now we plan to make up for last time.”


“And knowing you, you’re going to go be a white knight guest star for every failing computer in every city you visit. Don’t lie!”


“I promise I’ll try not to, but we both know you’re probably right. I have to go, your mother looks about ready and we have a long way to go today before we park. Love you!”


“Love you too, Dad!”


There was a click as the call ended, and as soon as it did my hand found Lucy’s as we both shared intense orgasms. From beneath the table we’d been sitting at, Lilly and Layla emerged, both smiling broadly and licking their lips. Which one had been doing whom, I’ll leave it to the reader to guess. Not that it mattered, all of my ladies could suck a golf ball… or a bowling ball, really… through a garden hose. They all ate pussy like world champions, too, though I had not direct experience on that count. The look on my wife’s face was clear enough evidence of that. 


The table we sat at was itself in the main compartment of the RV I’d spoken to my daughter about, which in turn was parked at a campground in the outskirts of the city Lucy and I had called home for nearly three decades. A week from the fateful day I had made the arrangements with the Dean, a week since I had brought Layla to her present literally-radiant perfection, a week since she had called in to work to tell them she was leaving town after the fire that had consumed her apartment. Her boss understood that much, their separation was easy and amicable.


It took Lilly and Lucy about two days to find a good vehicle for us, mostly we didn’t want to use any supernatural abilities we had in pursuit of it. No shapeshifting, no sex to convince people. They still struck awe with their beauty and sex appeal, had extremely effective minds behind the bodies, could read people like open books, and did the mundane research that went into such things in a tenth of the time it would normally take. The dealerships stood no chance against them, especially since no custom work was required. My only regret was that my need to lay low combined with my lack of time to practice shapeshifting meant I couldn’t go out and watch them do it. 


Lucy decided to drive out. Lilly had just given her a huge smile, and Layla had never been able to get a license before. Me? I probably would have, but my phone pinged at me again. The promised contract update from the school I taught… used to teach… at. The terms were generous, as they went. Not as great as a tenured professor or a senior admin, but it would keep me on track for retirement and do a lot to cover food and gas for our new life. The Dean either already knew or didn’t NEED to know that the money didn’t really matter. It was less than a quarter of my family’s income at this point, we didn’t need to eat, and now without a rent payment it meant almost everything was discretionary.


Short version? The numbers might not look it, but we were now pretty much in the Idle Rich category for lifestyle.


I felt the vehicle gently taking the first few turns to get out onto the highway. Vegas was not the closest city, but it certainly attracted a certain type and would let us blend in. If we needed to move again, LA would be it, followed by Hollywood. Places where beautiful people congregated, where names were cheap and actions meaningful. Places where camgirls congregated, and where random flings and pickups weren’t out of place.


Oh, right. Almost forgot about that part. See, thankfully my own transformation didn’t shut off my ability to feed my three fair ladies… but by the same token, while I had three different… call it flavors?... to feed on, so to speak, they didn’t. I would always be their favorite, but variety was the spice of life. Of course, given that no man on Earth could possibly come close to both my skill and what I was packing between my legs, it meant that their preferences for these pickups matched mine. Add the fact that right about 95% of the random risks associated with those scenes just didn’t apply to me and mine, and we got to have fun at essentially every stop. 


Not everything went smoothly, of course. Internet connections were unreliable in this lifestyle, so a few of the annoyingly persistent pieces of paperwork had to be timed for when we could be near a coffee shop or parking lot where such problems were less likely. Same with physical mail, though thankfully that was less and less of a problem (and I’d arranged with our oldest child, grown and with a family of her own, for what few things remained to go to their address for now). We also had to be much more watchful than we liked in case someone decided to follow us. That faded after a few days without spotting anyone.


I mean, given that we could all directly sense the lust that we inspired meant it was VERY hard to sneak up on us.


The videos kept getting recorded in various exotic locales, the business kept rolling, and I kept on both guest-starring and stripping out data which might give away where we happened to be. Uploaded to three or four sites, generally the top channel in all of them. Really, even if we needed to eat, we’d be saving faster than I ever did as a college professor. Such is life, right? Still, I’m pretty sure our kids and grandkids would enjoy the benefits of that. The four of us were pretty much living the good life already, so it wasn’t like we needed to go get a yacht and McMansion to feel good about ourselves. 


We were in no hurry. It was about a week later that we stopped at a little place in the middle of the desert. Plenty of fuel but a place to top off. Little shack of a motel with four rooms meant for people who didn’t want to push another four hours to actually get to Vegas proper. We had just gotten through filming another video that involved me bench pressing Layla and leg pressing Lilly, entangled in each other, while Lucy blew me (okay, sue me, it’s fun when you don’t have to worry about dropping anyone). We even had half-decent internet in the room, so I could do uploading and scheduling things after the post-orgy cuddles, but all four of us heard it. The scream. A woman’s voice, high and loud and drawn out, coming from nearby.


Without needing to exchange a word, without hesitation, all four of us pulled on just enough clothing for decency and charged towards the source. Wasn’t hard to find, really, not for someone with hearing like ours. Out the door, maybe twenty feet down the hall to the other room, twisting the doorknob hard enough that the shoddy lock sheared and let me in as though it were not there. We burst in, ready to do whatever it took to rescue the screaming woman.


What we found was a balding, chubby, middle-aged man balls deep in a nude and obviously orgasming woman. One significantly younger and more attractive than him, even without counting my own tastes. The man was so consumed with what was happening that he hadn’t even noticed our entry, shooting off deeply into her with contractions that jerked his whole body. The lust flowing off of them was not normal, practically filling the room with its intensity. Especially coming from him. His hands, and flowing from a spot under the back.


The pressure points. Somehow, this guy had performed the first one. Just like I had, seemingly so long ago and yet so recently.


The man came to his senses, panting hard with the overwhelming power of the pleasure he had just experienced. He looked over his shoulder at us, shaking his head in disbelief, and in a slightly rough voice said “who the heck are you?”



So it turns out the man… Gregory… had about as much knowledge as I did at the start of this all. That is to say, none. A combination of lifelong loner, a bunch of stored vacation days, and a mid-level lottery win led him to head for Vegas. A desire to orgasm into something other than his own hand led him to hire an escort by the name of Brenda, and the combination of his desire to put his hands all over her plus a tension knot in her muscles alongside a certain location mid-spine led him to putting enough sustained pressure onto the point to activate her. This, in turn, led directly to multiple screaming orgasms coming out of the woman, who found that she enjoyed her job a LOT more now. 


There were exactly three things I could do from here. First, I could advise Brenda on what she’d be feeling the next day. Then, I could warn Gregory about the rabbit hole he was about to step into. Last, though? Once he confirmed that’s what he wanted and was willing to face? Well, whatever force was on the map for the supernatural would already be able to find him with what he knew, so the best thing I could do for him was to make sure he was armed. Lilly had the best eye for it, so I sent her to make a hand-copy of the precious map of pressure points. For this, I didn’t even trust a copy machine.


“Listen closely to me. You did this once by accident, but she isn’t very likely to be the one you want to spend your life with. You don’t know her, she doesn’t know you, and sex only goes so far. For this to complete, for everything to work, you need to be all-in. It can be the best thing that has ever happened to you or them, and I hope it keeps being so, but go in for the right reasons. That emotional connection, that state of mind, is what makes it go right. The ability to induce transformation is rare.”


“Why are you helping me like this? I might have won the lottery, but you and I both know this knowledge is worth way more than anything I can give you.”


I smiled a bit. “Believe it or not, some of us just want to see others be happier. It costs me nothing but an evening of my time to impart this knowledge to you, and hopefully after you have put your new life in motion you will do the same for others. Now, I am not giving you the rest of what I found. There are great and terrible things that can also be unlocked by those who wish to do harm. If that is your goal, I don’t want you doing it. Spread joy.”


He thankfully readily agreed, and told me in the end that he even had an idea of exactly who he was hoping would say yes. Whether he meant it or not, his attitude was earnest enough to convince me it was the right thing to do. Over the next few years, I’d end up finding… well, if not a lot more like-minded people, than more that I would have originally given credit for. Hopefully, what I paid out would pay forward.



Thank you for joining me all the way through this story. Originally only intended to be the first four chapters, more just kept coming. Since I’ve been asked, yes, the world is available to write in. Just let me know, and I’ll happily give you the details.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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