Undersea Reincarnation – [Octopus Monster Evolution LitRPG]

1.17: The home stretch


Henry was pulling his tentacle out of the scoured gills when he saw movement above.

With his Telekinesis still in use, he had no option but to use Inkjet.

A cloud of black ink bloomed around him for a moment before it was partly blown away by the shockwave of a cracking tail right above his head.

Henry used Inkjet again and rolled out of the ink as a rock, then he finally confirmed what he thought was happening.

Two more Whipcrack sharks had arrived, merely seconds after he’d attacked the first.

“I haven’t isolated it after all. It was their vanguard.”

The second shark whipped the dissipating ink, and Henry held still. The sharks roamed around him, while their scout twitched a couple of times before it went belly-up.

Henry gave it a few more seconds. He wasn’t afraid. They were smart, but not smart enough to suspect a rock.

He just wanted to make sure there weren’t more about to show up before he tore these two to pieces.

“You guys are the new Riptides, then.” Henry waited for the first shark to circle closest before he unrolled his tentacles and surged forward. He immobilized it and shoved a bladed tentacle into its gills. The second immediately moved toward him and cracked him with its tail.

The shockwave was extremely uncomfortable, but Henry had gained a few more levels since the last tail-attack. The three extra Constitution points at least halved the damage from the tail attack.

Still, he filled the space with ink, and slunk down to the sand again, freeing the second shark so it could bleed out.

Henry made himself into a rock again and watched the agitated third shark. It spun left and right as it swam around, and Henry waited.

He was confident in taking a tail-attack but he didn’t need to risk getting bit.

The shark did a couple more laps, then it swam away.

“Huh. I’ll take that, I guess.”

He dropped his disguise, picked up the two Cores, and swam home.

He was about to rank up. And the System might show back up. He had to be ready.

A Riptide shark rushed him from above, and Henry gave it a mouthful of ink before diving into the network of crevices in which he hid the turtle shell.

“I promised your kind peace, you dick. Don’t make me regret it.”

Henry zipped into his home and came to a stop on the seabed. He spat out one of the gray cores in front of him. “I’ll leave the other in Maw. Maybe this one’ll be enough. I could use the other for Tokens.”

Henry looked at the core for a moment, then exhaled. “Here we go.”


1x Whipcrack Shark Core (E) 

Consume | Exchange for Consumption Tokens [2908]



The Core dissolved into gray smoke, and rushed into him.


Undecided Marine Biologist - Level 93 achieved! 


Undecided Marine Biologist - Level 100 achieved!

2x Stat point awarded.

Bite: Bite of the Whipcrack Shark acquired

Mimicking Tentacles (E) - Level 1 -> 2

Inkjet (F) - Level 6 -> Level 8

Razor Limb (E) - Level 3 -> Level 4

Telekinesis (E) - Level 5 -> Level 6


The magic of the Core seeped into his flesh, and Henry waited. He looked up and around, then narrowed his eyes at the quiet space. He was about to speak when a new interface popped in front of him.


Congratulations. You qualify for a Class evolution!

Calculating Evolutionary Points…

Triumphed over a predator more than 25 levels above your own.

Triumphed over a predator more than 50 levels above your own.

Triumphed over an E-Rank being as an F-Rank being.

Attacked a Bahamut Whale to collect a tissue sample and was not reduced to mush.

Unlocked a Trait within a week of class assignment.

Calculating results… 5x Evolutionary Points granted!

Access to Trait Upgrade module granted.


Henry couldn’t help but feel some pride at that. But before he could bask in the praise for too long and wonder too much about the new menu he had access to, another prompt showed up.


Select one of the following Class Evolutions:

Stalking Threat:

A Class for the hunters of the ocean. You have proven yourself a ruthless predator; hunting, trading blows, and triumphing over beings stronger than you.

- This Class will empower offensive and stealth abilities.

- Focuses on Strength and Constitution

- 4x Skill slots and 4x Trait slots (half on Class Evolution, half at level 50)


Surviving Opportunist:

A Class for the opportunist who waits to strike and thrives in the shadows.

- This Class will empower stealth and regenerative abilities.

- Focuses on Spirit and Constitution

- 2x Skill slots and 6x Trait slots (half on Class Evolution, half at level 50)


Telepathic Scholar:

A Class for those who wish to observe and learn. The Telepathic Scholar has an easier time befriending sapient beings and fading into the background when required.

- This Class will empower psionic and scouting abilities.

- Focuses Perception and Spirit

- 4x Skill slots and 4x Trait slots (half on Class Evolution, half at level 50)


Henry peered at the description. His eyes were drawn to the last option, but he knew that wasn’t something he could take. These oceans weren’t the place for scholarly pursuits. Not as the main focus. Taking that path would be akin to bringing a book to a knife fight. Nevertheless, he noted the nature of the class. Considering every notice he had received so far, meeting and befriending the Bahamut Whales was sort of a big deal.

He eyed Surviving Opportunist next. It was the safest option and mainly how he’d been surviving so far, but he didn’t like the part where he would be scurrying about in the dark. It meant that he’d be waiting for opportunities to fall into his laps; as much as he sometimes played it safe, he wanted to create his own opportunities. He didn’t want to spend the rest of the year in the ocean.

Plus, what would happen if he ever got cornered? What would happen if his stealth and regeneration failed? He might not have the strength to break through.

That left the Stalking Threat. The proactive option. The straight and short path out of the ocean.

Henry looked up for a moment, and saw the water surface in the distance.

I’d be committing to being a butcher.”

He knew he wasn’t being fair to himself. If he hadn’t killed all those Riptides, he might have already ended up as a meal to something else. Or he would probably be wasting away under a rock.

He wasn’t a human back on Earth anymore, trying to find ways to safeguard the oceans and reduce humanity’s impact on its biodiversity. He was part of this ecosystem, and this was the proverbial jungle. It was eat or be eaten. 

Still, he wasn’t really a predator. He wasn’t killing those sharks to eat them. He was killing them for their levels. 

“I’m providing an easy meal to other opportunists?” Henry ruefully shook his head. “I don’t really have a choice do I?”

The whales had told him he needed to at least go up another class–if not two–to get through the Great Current. And the direction they pointed him in was supposed to be the safest stretch.

To have a chance at leaving this ocean, he would have to swim through a sea of blood. 

He studied the classes again. Was that all there was for level 100? It wasn’t clear what empowering abilities meant, or what focusing on stats would do. But the extra slots would be nice.

“So what’s a marine biologist? Back in your world?”

Henry’s head whipped around. 

Sitting on the ground behind him was a miniature man wearing long, flowing gold robes. He picked up a handful of sand and let it flow out of his hand, then grinned up at Henry.

“You seem to be struggling with your class choices. I even sense a bit of confusion? Maybe disappointment? I have to admit, you definitely have been more decisive since I last saw you. And I’m glad you’re still alive.”

“Thanks,” said Henry mentally. He glanced at his options and decided to say it. “It doesn’t feel as strong for a level 100. Maybe because I’m not understanding the benefits?”

The man nodded enthusiastically. “That’s fair. Think of it like this. In your case, a class is a reinforcing frame around something with more power and potential than most have in this world: your species. Classes let you customize aspects of and add power to what’s already there. And you get access to many more stats than any octopus has ever gotten. Don’t focus on the class itself. Focus on the ensemble. As for the benefits, you’ll get some free stats every tenth level, and some Skills and Traits will be strengthened. Maybe even evolved. We’ll see when you pick, won’t we?”

Henry nodded as he examined the man from a distance. He was hearing him with his physical ears. Clearly. Underwater.

“Are you a god? The whales referred to you as Supreme.”

The man shuddered. “The Bahamut Whales? Interesting folk. And no, I’m not a god. That’s why I stopped talking to the locals as much, to be honest. They keep praying to me and building temples and asking for favors. I don’t know when or how it started, but it got out of hand real quick.”

Henry recalled the first prompt. He couldn’t believe he’d forgotten the details about Deepcaller’s species. Bahamut Whales?

The not-god shrugged and smiled. “I answered your questions. How about you do the same? What’s a marine biologist?”

Henry sighed. “Someone who studies marine organisms and their interactions with the environment. We conduct research. Study ecosystems, behaviors, and our effect on the oceans of the world. To advance our understanding and our conservation efforts.”

The man flattened down the sand around him with a hand, slowly smoothing it down. “You haven’t been doing all that well on the last part, huh.”

Henry glared at the tiny man who gave him a wide, shit-eating grin.

“I know.”

The man shrugged and leaned backward. “If it’s of any help, the residents of this world call the beasts that can kill and eat them monsters. That seems to help them in not having as many reservations as you seem to be having. When it comes to wars between themselves though…”

Henry nodded. He didn’t have much to comment on his own struggles, but there was something else he could ask about. “How far is the closest inhabited area?”

The man stood up and dusted off his golden robes, then shrugged. “Not that far. But then again, I wouldn’t take my perspective for such a thing. Do you realize it feels barely like a couple of seconds since I last saw you? My frame of reference will only confuse you. You got some advice from the whales, right? Just do what they said. They’re living much more in the present that I am.”

What kind of bullshit answer is that? Henry Identified the man.


[Nice Try (Not a god) - Lvl 0]


The man pointed two fingers at him and winked. He stretched for a second, then clapped. The gesture made a sound underwater and that was more disturbing than anything else. “This was fun. I guess I’ll see you in a few more seconds. Or maybe never.”

“What are you? I mean, you’re sapient. You sound like a human. But you’re doing things that just seem… impossible.”

The tiny man began walking toward the entrance of the turtle home. Upward, at an angle. He put his hands on his hips and glanced back at Henry with a wide grin. “Maybe I’ll tell you. In three or four meetings,” he added, and pointed to Henry. “So make sure you stay alive!” The man sighed and shook his head. There was a wistful smile on his lips when he looked back up. “I should do this more. See what the people of this world have been up to. It’s been a while… Anyway, good luck!”

Then the robes swirled in on themselves, and a golden tiny shark came out of the bundle of dissolving clothes and swam out of the shell.

Henry poked his head out, but as expected the man was nowhere to be found. Henry went back in and settled down on the floor.

“I’m getting too used to this.”

Henry shook his head and focused back on his Class selection. With the explanation from the system-man, he felt better about his options. He would have liked getting this explanation on his first day.

Henry breathed in deep, and nodded. “Survive now. Regret or re-evaluate later.”

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