Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 26 Funeral

The handler who arrived at the scene first was wearing a smart suit and a well-kept hairstyle. He seemed to be a white-collar worker from a certain company.

He is a senior handler with many awakenings. After hearing the alarm, he rushed to the scene immediately.

Faster than Li Yelai and Xinghuo.

But now, he was standing by the roadside numbly and calmly, adjusting his suit as if he was attending a funeral.

Then, he looked at Starfire in the car and extended an invitation: "Go, Starfire, and give him a ride with me."

"Don't worry, these are his last words stored in the communicator. The general meaning is that if something unexpected happens, you will send it to him. He also hopes that he can keep some mysterious materials in his soul well to make you a Psychically armed." The handler spoke calmly, as if he was just asking Starfire to have a meal.

Starfire's face looked very ugly, and her body froze for a time.

He reached out to open the car door, but failed.

After successfully grabbing the handle again, Starfire gritted her teeth and pushed open the door.

"How could he really do this? I saw him yesterday and he was fine. Why did he lose control of everything?" Starfire still couldn't believe it.

Yesterday, he had a phone call with 'Moda'. 'Moda' on the other end was enthusiastic and generous, and encouraged Xinghuo not to be anxious and competitive.

Why is it twisted now?

"The reason is unknown. This is something we will investigate later." The handler said calmly: "Now, come with me to give him a ride. Starfire, this is the way you want to go. Every official handler Responsibility to bear!”

Psykers are at risk of becoming distorted and out of control.

In both cases, the psyker's chance of losing control increases dramatically.

The first type is when you advance and break through.

Especially highly awakened psykers.

Because the more awakened psykers have, the larger their soul wells are, and the greater their connection to the virtual realm. Its own projection in the virtual realm will become larger and larger.

Therefore, it will be affected by the greater power of the virtual realm, and even attract the attention of virtual realm creatures.

Under the penetration of ethereal power or the malicious induction of ethereal creatures, psykers may become distorted and out of control, and eventually become monsters that they even hate.

Therefore, when breaking through, psykers must be very careful. If possible, they will arrange for teammates to protect themselves to prevent the distortion from getting out of control.

This also reminded Li Yelai why he said he was happy to be able to brag to himself after the cheese breakthrough was completed three days ago.

After successfully breaking through, she can be considered to have escaped from the door of hell.

The second situation of loss of control.

Because of some reasons, he completely lost control of his spiritual energy.

Psychic power is a double-edged sword, and when a psyker masters it, it is naturally invincible.

When psionic energy begins to go out of control, it becomes a nightmare that drags the psyker into the abyss.

There are many reasons for this, which may be emotions or mental knots, which lead to some kind of hole deep in the heart of the psychic, and the psychic energy can take advantage of it. This causes the psyker to lose control.

There were once wild psykers who carried out evil rituals crazily in order to resurrect their children. After repeated failures, they became insane and eventually twisted.

The reason why the headquarters asked Li Yelai to have more contact with the doll was because it was worried that years of loneliness would crush the doll and cause her to twist and lose control.

But this ‘motor’ didn’t have such good luck.

He was out of control after all.

From a handler to a victim, from a law enforcer protecting the people, to a monster that needs to be eliminated immediately.

But he also made preparations. He even informed the liaison officer on the other end in advance through the communicator and wrote down his will.

He hoped that the junior he brought out, namely 'Xinghuo', could clean him up.

This is the last goodwill left by the senior ‘Moda’. In his expectation, Starfire would grow as a result, and he would also be rewarded with merit points. If he was lucky, he would even be able to leave him a psychic weapon.

But Xinghuo almost collapsed, letting him kill his best friend brought great psychological pressure to him.

Faced with the handler's invitation, Xinghuo hesitated.

Li Yelai could understand how he felt, if Yang Chen and Cheese suddenly lost control.

Li Yelai sighed quietly.

Motor and Starfire have known each other for a long time, and were friends before Starfire became a psyker. Ma Mo is the leader who brought Spark into the processing department.

Now we are facing each other with swords. This is the greatest tragedy.

"But this is one of the responsibilities that the handler has to bear." The handler still said in a calm tone: "If your teammate loses control, what you have to do is to end his pain."

Then, the handler looked at Li Yelai: "You are the night general, right? As a champion player, you will know in the future what feats your captain has done for his teammates."

Feat, mate.

The former champion team, at its peak, frightened countless enemies of mankind. It is said that there are rumors that he has overpowered all members of the processing departments of other giant cities.

But at a certain moment, I suddenly became lonely and finally became the team I am today.

Is the championship team’s loneliness related to the out-of-control distortion?

Li Yelai felt a sudden thought and did not continue to ask. He suddenly didn't want to know the truth anymore.

But Starfire was still hesitant.

At this time, an inhuman roar came from the room upstairs.

"He's about to move, we can't wait any longer." The handler glanced at Starfire regretfully: "I'm going to clean him up."

He is very strong, and it doesn't take much time to deal with the twisted motor. Waiting until now is entirely for the last wish of the motor.

"No, I'll do it. I'll do it." Starfire's eyes were red and she gritted her teeth in response.

I saw him pick up a glove, which was a custom-made weapon from the branch's equipment department.

It looks like an elegant cloth glove, but it can create sparks or flames by rubbing and snapping your fingers.

Coupled with the flame control of Zero Path, Starfire's ability is released. Just snap your fingers and rub your palms to release flames directly.

This is much easier to use than Li Yelai's jet axe, and it's also easier to hide.

There is no way, who told people that the ability to return to zero path is awesome?

Starfire put on the gloves with red eyes, but said calmly: "Ma Da is a second-awakened psyker. Night General, can you help me hold the battle?"

He knew the strength of the motor, and he might not be able to 'send' the motor on his own.

"Of course!" Li Yelai responded with a heavy heart.

Then he held the big black umbrella and identified the summoning silver bell hidden in his pocket. With his psychic weapons, the help of the Double Sword Knight, and Starfire, he should be able to fulfill Ma Da's last wish.

After that, Li Yelai glanced at the handler.

"Go ahead, I won't take action unless it's absolutely necessary." The handler responded with an ugly smile: "Be careful, Motor is a second-aware psyker of the Path of All Things, and his first ability is the Void Realm Beast Talk, which can control animals. Even the second ability of extraordinary creatures is the mimetic wolf roar, which is a sonic attack. "

Li Yelai and Xinghuo nodded, and then, using air steps at the same time, they jumped directly into the third-floor balcony of the residential building.

After entering the balcony, Li Yelai noticed something was wrong with this room. There were many iron fences welded into the room that was supposed to be the master bedroom, and there were chains hanging from the ceiling. A good room is like a prison.

The figure in police uniform turned his back to the two of them, facing the corner, holding his hands on the wall, and let out an inhuman roar.

"Lao Ma, are you okay? Let's go back and have barbecue." Xinghuo shouted in a low voice with some expectation. He also hoped that this was a misunderstanding, or that the motor could still be saved.

The figure paused after hearing this and slowly turned back.

Instead, it revealed a horrified and twisted face, with a protruding lower jaw and face, like some kind of canine. But there was no fur, only flesh, flesh and bones growing rapidly from under the skin, and blood dripping from the sharp fangs. Not only that, his limbs have also been twisted, twisted and lengthened, and sharp claws have grown on his fingers.

"Hey." The motor made a hoarse sound. He turned his body towards Starfire, arched his body, and pressed his extended arms to the ground.

Apparently, he got into some kind of attack stance.

"You guy. Why did you..." Xinghuo, who was completely desperate, shook his head in pain, and then snapped his fingers. Sparks flickered between fingers.

Then, the fire started!

The fanatical flames instantly ignited the entire room. The motors were startled by the flames and screamed from their mouths. Rushed out of the room at great speed.

Starfire's eyes were red and tears were streaming down her face when she heard her friend's wailing.

But he didn't stop, waving his hand to extinguish the flames in the room, and chased away.

He snapped his fingers again at the motor running up the stairs.

The motor, covered in flames, tumbled down the stairs screaming.

But the moment he stood up, he opened his big mouth and let out a deafening howl.

Wolf howls echoed in the corridor, and Starfire felt as if her brain had been hit by a hammer. She was in a trance, and her vision blurred for a moment.

This is the path of all things, mimicking the roar of a wolf!

When Starfire's eyes recovered, the motor had already rushed to the front.

The sharp claws had already been swung down, grabbing hard on Starfire's psychic barrier.

As the claws slid down, a ripple of air appeared in front of Starfire, and it actually tore open Starfire's barrier!

Another sharp claw stabbed out instantly before the barrier was restored, as if it was about to disembowel Starfire in the next second.

Starfire was startled, and while leaning back suddenly, she snapped her fingers again.

This distance is the most powerful for his flame burst! It can consume the opponent's psychic barrier to the greatest extent, and even directly ignite the opponent's body.

However, it's too late!

The distance between the two sides is too close!

This is the weakness of the Return to Zero path. The power of the ability is the strongest among all paths in the same awakening progress.

But the physical strength is too weak compared to other paths.

After being approached, one can only rely on the psychic barrier to resist the attack.

When the psychic barrier is torn apart, you can only look at your own reaction.

"Hurry!" Starfire shouted in her heart.

However, at the moment when the motor thrust out the second sharp claw, a faster cold light flashed through.

However, Ma Da himself took a few steps back, allowing Xinghuo to avoid the fatal blow.

That long knife was a long knife that flew out from behind Xinghuo!

The blade penetrated the motor's shoulder directly and nailed the motor to the wall.

Ma Da raised his ferocious face and saw the sudden attacker.

It was Li Yelai who was following Xinghuo!

The long knife he threw saved Starfire. This was the Overlord's throwing halberd!

It is also Li Yelai's current only long-range attack method.

Using psionic skills, you can apply psionic energy to the weapon within a certain distance that is enough to neutralize the opponent's psionic barrier.

To achieve a surprising and winning effect.

The motor that was nailed to the wall did not draw its sword and run away, but looked at Li Yelai, and a smile actually appeared on that ferocious face.

"Thank you..." He seemed to smile and whispered his thanks.

Li Yelai's face was moved, but he sighed: "Goodbye."

Li Yelai did not continue to take action, nor did he summon the double-sword knight.

Because, in the next moment, the hot flames covered all the sounds.

boom! boom! boom!

Starfire snapped her fingers continuously, and flames rushed towards the immovable motor until the burning motor's body fell from the long knife and no longer responded.

Only then did Xinghuo stop the attack in despair, and stared blankly at Ma Da's body.

He knelt down on his knees, looked at Ma Da's bones, and fell into a deathly silence.

In silence, Li Yelai stepped forward and drew out the scarlet sword. After patting Starfire's shoulder, he turned and left without saying a word.

When Li Yelai walked back to the stairs on the first floor, he heard the heartbreaking crying coming from above.

Li Yelai paused for a while, and finally left the residential building expressionlessly.

Outside the residential building, more than a dozen psychics had already arrived.

They looked at the residential building in silence and saw off their teammates. Then, several psychics rushed into the building with expressions of grief and anger.

They didn't believe that there must be some reason for the veteran player's motor to suddenly become distorted.

They want to find the reason and the possible culprit!

This had nothing to do with Li Yelai. He saw the cheese that had just arrived.

She was sitting in her new car, resting her arms on the car window to support her chin, looking in the direction of the residential building in a daze.

The firelight reflected her face, which looked blurry and beautiful. Like a dream.

After seeing Li Yelai coming, Cheese said softly: "If, one day, I become twisted and lose control. But I'll ask you to liberate me. I'm afraid of pain and I'll be more flexible."

Li Yelai continued to be silent, Chezi reached out and poked his chest and chuckled: "Don't be reluctant to let go when the time comes. That will be the greatest relief for me."

"Stop being so talkative." Li Yelai responded in a low voice.

The scene just now had a great impact on him, and he seemed to understand for the first time the burden of being a handler.

Resist disasters, suppress taboos, watch over the people, and in the end, draw your sword against your former teammates.

Can I really fulfill these responsibilities? Do you deserve it?

No, what is there to doubt now?

Isn't this the path you have chosen?

Li Yelai breathed out slowly, and the change in his mood caused some kind of change.

This caused the nearby digital processors to look at Li Yelai.

Li Yelai felt that there were new changes in the well of his soul.

It's expanding, it's pioneering.

So, Li Yelai looked at Cheese and said softly.

"I'm going to be promoted"

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