Undying Life

Chapter 1005: Another Encounter with Nü Qinghui

Chapter 1005: Chapter 1005: Another Encounter with Nü Qinghui

"Thump, thump, thump!"

As soon as Zhong Shan opened his eyes, he saw the little blue furball, Xiao Qing, hopping merrily from his left knee to his right, then back again. It was playing around with great enthusiasm, bouncing with joy.

"Xiao Qing, come here, don't disturb Zhong Shan!" Nian Youyou's voice came from a distance.

The little furball stopped, chirping incessantly in its peculiar way.

"You're awake?" Nian Youyou exclaimed with excitement as she noticed Zhong Shan had regained consciousness.

At her call, the others who had been guarding the area quickly gathered around Zhong Shan.

Luo Xingchen, Mr. Corpse, and Nangong Sheng all looked at Zhong Shan with expressions of deep respect and excitement.

"Saint King, you're awake!" Luo Xingchen said, his voice filled with admiration.

Only Luo Xingchen knew the extent of his injuries—his body had been utterly shattered, his soul dispersed, the sapphire in his forehead destroyed, and his ability to control time lost. He had been on the brink of fading from existence. Regret had been unavoidable, but even if he could go back, he knew he would still have fought Zilu with everything he had.

He had already made his peace, yet somehow, after the Saint King's eye technique was activated, his injuries began to heal at an astonishing rate. With his own guidance, he had visibly recovered.

It was incredible! What kind of eye technique was this?

It seemed this was already the Saint King's third eye technique! Could one person possess three different eye techniques?

Luo Xingchen had fully recovered, and so had Mr. Corpse and Nangong Sheng. Their cultivation had even advanced further. Everyone was in awe of the Saint King's abilities, wondering how many more undisclosed powers he held.

A Great Immortal—just a Great Immortal—had nearly slain an Ancestor Immortal!

"Are you all right now?" Zhong Shan asked.

"We're fine! In fact, our cultivation has all advanced!" they replied immediately.

"Are you okay?" Nian Youyou asked with concern.

"I'm fine too," Zhong Shan reassured her.

The group nodded in relief.

"Chirp chirp chirp!" Xiao Qing jumped onto Zhong Shan's shoulder, chirping non-stop.

The little furball seemed anxious, staring at Zhong Shan with wide eyes, unable to speak but clearly trying to convey something urgently.

"Alright, let Zhong Shan rest a bit first!" Nian Youyou scolded Xiao Qing lightly.

"Oh, so you understand what it's saying?" Zhong Shan asked curiously.

"Yes, it's asking you for the reward you promised," Nian Youyou replied with a smile.

Hearing Nian Youyou's explanation, the little furball immediately bent over and nodded, looking quite comical.

A reward? Instead of being upset, Zhong Shan laughed. After all, it was thanks to Xiao Qing's timely intervention that they were all alive. He had indeed promised to reward it.

"I always keep my word," Zhong Shan said with a grin.

He reached into his robe and pulled out a small purple wooden box.

"You're really going to reward Xiao Qing? That red light earlier already gave it a huge benefit!" Nian Youyou remarked with a chuckle.

"Chirp chirp chirp!" Xiao Qing chirped in protest at Nian Youyou, then turned to Zhong Shan with a hopeful expression.

"I know you love to eat merits and fate. I'm sure you'll like what's inside this little box," Zhong Shan said as he handed the box to Xiao Qing.

The little furball eagerly reached out with its tiny arms, grasping the box. The box was twice the size of Xiao Qing, making the scene look especially amusing.

As everyone laughed, the little furball Xiao Qing skillfully opened the box. The moment the box was opened, a flash of golden light shot out.

"Chirp chirp chirp...!" Xiao Qing's chirping gradually turned into a sound of pure bliss.

Inside the box was none other than a fragment of unclaimed fate energy, a gift from the Nine-Tailed Princess before the closure of the Fox Realm. Xiao Qing's eyes narrowed in delight as it gleefully jumped into the box, pulling the lid shut to enjoy its treat in solitude.

This scene prompted another round of laughter from the group—Xiao Qing was indeed an amusing creature.

Zhong Shan had been unconscious for ten days. During this time, news of Zhong Shan's exploits had remained trapped in the underworld because the Ghost Gate had not reopened. While the news couldn't spread beyond, Zhong Shan's fearsome reputation had already become well-known throughout the underworld.

When Zhong Shan and his party arrived at the entrance to the Yellow Springs, the ghost cultivators scattered in fear, clearly aware of Zhong Shan's terrifying prowess. Defeating an Ancient Immortal was one thing, but nearly killing an Ancestor Immortal? That was an entirely different level of power.

As Zhong Shan reached the Yellow Springs, King Yan Luo and the others didn't dare leave the Yan Luo Hall, allowing Zhong Shan and his group to leave without hindrance.

As for Zilu, he was still recovering from his grievous injuries, far too wounded to retaliate.

After exiting Fengdu, Zhong Shan and his group headed northeast.

"This Book of Life and Death doesn't seem very effective. Why didn't it affect Zilu?" Nian Youyou asked, puzzled.

"We'll need to consult a Curse Master to understand it fully. Fortunately, I know someone who can help. Once we reach the Heavenly Court, we can ask her," Zhong Shan replied.

"The Heavenly Court? I might not be able to go with you to the Heavenly Court," Nian Youyou said after a moment of thought.

"Why not?" Zhong Shan frowned.

Stroking Xiao Qing on her shoulder, Nian Youyou explained, "When you first saw me, Xiao Qing wasn't with me because I had sent it on an errand."

"An errand? Is it not finished? I'll go with you," Zhong Shan offered.

Biting her lip, Nian Youyou said, "Xiao Qing went to see my master. My master sent a message through Xiao Qing, asking me to meet her at Mount Jiuhua. She said she would take me somewhere afterward."

"Your master?" Zhong Shan's expression turned slightly tense.

"Nü Qinghui," Nian Youyou confirmed.

Nü Qinghui—Nian Youyou's master from the Small Thousand World. She had played a significant role in helping Zhong Shan reach the peak of the Heavenly Extreme Realm after their spiritual confrontation with the Ancient Divine Power. She had also shared an intimate connection with Zhong Shan during that time.

"Her?" Zhong Shan's emotions were complex.

"Yes, my master doesn't want me to tell anyone about this. Don't worry, as soon as I've finished my task, I'll come find you. No matter where you are, I'll find you, and then nothing will ever separate us," Nian Youyou vowed with determination.

Zhong Shan fell silent.

"I'll be quick!" Nian Youyou said, as if afraid Zhong Shan would be upset.

But Zhong Shan's silence wasn't due to Nian Youyou's departure—it was the thought of facing Nü Qinghui again. How would he handle that?

"Alright," Zhong Shan nodded, reassuring Nian Youyou.

"But how will I find you?" Nian Youyou asked.

"Once you reach Great Zheng, you'll find me. Whether in the Zhuanlun Territory in the underworld or the Fengzhong Territory in the living world, Great Zheng will always stand strong," Zhong Shan declared confidently.

"Alright!" Nian Youyou replied with a smile.

Mount Jiuhua!

After a short journey, they arrived at Mount Jiuhua. From a distance, they could see a stunning woman standing atop the mountain.

The woman was veiled, but her extraordinary beauty and alluring presence were unmistakable.

"Master!" Nian Youyou called out.

The woman slowly turned around, her eyes holding a hint of a smile. However, when she noticed Zhong Shan standing beside Nian Youyou, her expression stiffened, and a complex emotion flickered in her gaze.

Zhong Shan waved his hand slightly, signaling Luo Xingchen and the others to give them some space. Understanding the cue, they withdrew, leaving only Zhong Shan and Nian Youyou to approach the woman.

Nian Youyou flew over to her master, immediately hugging her arm. "Master, I've missed you so much!" she teased.

Nü Qinghui's voice was somewhat stiff as she responded, "You're here. Let's go as soon as you're ready."

It was clear that Nü Qinghui was reluctant to speak with Zhong Shan.

"Master, this is Zhong Shan. You know him!" Nian Youyou reminded her.

"Alright, I'll be waiting ahead. Say your goodbyes and then come find me," Nü Qinghui said quickly, almost as if she was trying to avoid Zhong Shan, before turning to fly away.

"Nü Qinghui!" Zhong Shan suddenly called out.

Hearing her name, Nü Qinghui paused mid-flight, unsure how to react. After a moment of hesitation, she turned to face Zhong Shan, her eyes showing a hint of stubbornness.

The two locked eyes, a brief silence hanging between them. Nian Youyou, standing nearby, seemed to sense that something was amiss, her eyes widening in realization.

"Are you alright?" Zhong Shan asked softly.

"Alright?" A wave of bitterness surged through Nü Qinghui's heart. No one could understand the turmoil she was feeling.

"Whether I'm alright or not has nothing to do with you!" she replied after a brief silence.

With that, Nü Qinghui bit her lip and flew off into the distance, choosing to wait there rather than face Zhong Shan directly.

"Xiao Qing, go to my master!" Nian Youyou called out.

"Chirp chirp chirp?" The little furball tilted its head in confusion but obediently flew over to Nü Qinghui.

Nian Youyou then flew over to Zhong Shan's side, her hand resting on his waist. "You and my master, are you... very familiar?" she asked in a small voice.

Zhong Shan looked at Nian Youyou and gave a wry smile. How was he supposed to explain this? The history between them, involving Ancient Divine Powers and reaching the Heavenly Extreme Realm, was complicated.

"Yes, you could say we're quite familiar," Zhong Shan answered with a bitter smile.

Suddenly, Zhong Shan felt a sharp pain in his side. Instinctively, he was about to counter the attack with his defensive energy, but he quickly realized what was happening and refrained from resisting.

It was Nian Youyou, pinching him sharply at the waist.

"Hmph, you old lecher!" Nian Youyou huffed in mock anger.

Old lecher? Zhong Shan rubbed his nose, somewhat taken aback by the accusation. It was the first time anyone had called him that, and he wasn't sure how to explain the events of the past.

Unlike others, Nian Youyou, despite her reproach, was still on Zhong Shan's side. After pinching him, she noticed that he hadn't resisted at all, and a sense of guilt washed over her. Feeling bad, she started to gently rub the spot where she had pinched him.

Seeing this, Zhong Shan felt a warm affection in his heart. He reached out and took hold of Nian Youyou's other hand.

"If anything like this happens again, tell me beforehand...!" Nian Youyou suddenly said while continuing to rub the spot.

Though her voice was soft, Zhong Shan was stunned by what she said—it felt like a thunderbolt.

He stared at Nian Youyou in surprise. "You... you're not angry?"

Despite having several queens, Zhong Shan had never been able to fully understand Nian Youyou's thoughts. Although his queens rarely voiced their discontent, there was always an underlying resistance. But Nian Youyou...?

"What good would it do to be angry? You're an emperor. An emperor without many concubines would be a disgrace. I've seen this kind of thing often. I'm not going to be like my master and get stuck on it," Nian Youyou said, pouting slightly.

Zhong Shan couldn't express the overwhelming feeling in his heart. As he watched Nian Youyou's lips pout in that endearing way, he couldn't help himself. He leaned down, and for the first time, Zhong Shan's lips met Nian Youyou's.

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