Undying Life

Chapter 52 - 52: Toasting to the Bright Moon

Chapter 52: Chapter 52: Toasting to the Bright Moon

Listening to Bei Qingsi's story, Zhong Shan kept frowning and slowly filled both cups with wine.

"Revenge? I think you shouldn't seek revenge," Zhong Shan suddenly said, offering a cup of wine.

Bei Qingsi, still immersed in her sorrow, widened her eyes at Zhong Shan's words, a flash of anger crossing her gaze. She did not take the wine.

"The Bei family, three hundred and twelve members, and that servant of yours... by now, he too has likely met a grim fate. In other words, you are the last remaining member of the Bei family," Zhong Shan said softly, offering the wine again.

Bei Qingsi frowned at Zhong Shan but eventually took the cup.

Seeing Bei Qingsi accept the cup, Zhong Shan shook his head and said, "You are the last bloodline of the Bei family. Revenge? If you fail, wouldn't that mean the complete extinction of your family? The last trace of the Bei family would be gone."

Holding the cup, Bei Qingsi frowned, her white eyebrows adding a delicate touch to her expression.

"Then what should I do?" Bei Qingsi asked, her lips parting slightly as she stared at Zhong Shan.

"Don't seek revenge. Live well. Don't extinguish the last spark of the Bei family," Zhong Shan said softly.

To Zhong Shan, ever since he saw Bei Qingsi bathing naked, he felt somewhat indebted to her. The favor of the jade slip had been repaid by his entrance into the Kaiyang Sect, and witnessing Bei Qingsi's vulnerability was a debt he sought to repay. At this moment, he aimed to guide her toward life.

"No, I must avenge this hatred," Bei Qingsi said resolutely.

Seeing Bei Qingsi's determination, Zhong Shan sighed and said, "If you must seek revenge, then at least ensure there is a descendant for the Bei family."

Looking at Zhong Shan, Bei Qingsi's face showed a trace of peculiarity, and then she blushed slightly, shaking her head gently.

"You wouldn't understand. Don't try to persuade me. Let that day's incident be forgotten. I am still Bei Qingsi," Bei Qingsi sighed, shaking her head.

Seeing Bei Qingsi's stubbornness, Zhong Shan knew he couldn't persuade her, so he let it go, saying softly, "Alright. Just promise me that you won't act rashly in your quest for revenge. Try to protect yourself."

With that, Zhong Shan raised his cup to Bei Qingsi.

Bei Qingsi smiled slightly and touched her cup to Zhong Shan's.


The sound of the cups touching seemed to resonate in Bei Qingsi's heart, as if at this moment, she could forget all past grievances and lay down all burdens, feeling an immense sense of relief.

After drinking, the two of them looked up at the moon together.

"It's been a while since you've had some snacks, hasn't it? Try these," Zhong Shan said, introducing the pastries on the plate.

Surprisingly, Bei Qingsi did not refuse. At this moment, it seemed she had let go of everything. After confiding in Zhong Shan, she felt much lighter, as if a heavy shackle had temporarily been lifted. She ate with unusual enthusiasm.

Watching Bei Qingsi's current state, Zhong Shan shook his head, seeing the weight of her heart. He sighed softly, unable to help more, but he could at least try to make her night pleasant.

Throughout the night, Zhong Shan and Bei Qingsi drank and talked under the moon, sharing heartfelt conversations. It was a night of true happiness for Bei Qingsi.

This night was the happiest she had been since the destruction of her family. In all these years, she had never felt such joy. Why did she feel this way with Zhong Shan? She had never spoken of her family's vengeance to anyone, not even the top disciples of the Kaiyang Sect. Yet, for some reason, she felt compelled to confide in Zhong Shan tonight.

As for Zhong Shan, he understood why Bei Qingsi had opened up to him. Earlier, she had wept silently under the moon, undoubtedly reminiscing about the tragic destruction of her family. In that moment of sorrow and suffocation, her heart was at its most vulnerable. Zhong Shan, who had once seen her naked and yet had not been killed by her, and who had also brought the means to clear her father's name, naturally became a confidant in her eyes.

Zhong Shan, being perceptive, knew he couldn't resolve her issues but could at least help her alleviate some pressure. Otherwise, one day, the immense burden she carried would either crush her or drive her insane.

As the moon was about to set, Zhong Shan suddenly spoke, "Earlier, I heard you mention that in a few days, you will head to Eight Gates Mountain?"

Bei Qingsi looked at Zhong Shan. After several hours of conversation, the awkwardness from that day had completely dissipated. She found it incredible that she had talked so much with Zhong Shan. Since the destruction of her family, she had never spoken with anyone for so long, except for her master, Gusuzi.

"Eight Gates Mountain holds one of the pieces," Bei Qingsi said softly.

"One of the three pieces of evidence?" Zhong Shan asked, frowning as he looked at Bei Qingsi.

"Yes," Bei Qingsi nodded gently.

Zhong Shan looked at Bei Qingsi and shook his head, refraining from further persuasion. He knew he couldn't change her mind, and besides, he wouldn't be accompanying her. It was better not to ask too many questions and trouble his mind.

"Sigh," Zhong Shan sighed softly, feeling a deep sympathy for Bei Qingsi.

Seeing Zhong Shan sigh, Bei Qingsi suddenly felt a warm sensation in her heart, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time. Finally, she turned her head and, together with Zhong Shan, gazed at the setting moon.

Zhong Shan's insight into Bei Qingsi's emotions had brought a rare sense of comfort to her. The moon, symbolizing a witness to their shared confidences, now set, taking with it a part of their burdens and sorrows. For that night, at least, they had found solace in each other's company.

The next day, just past noon.

In the hall, the servants brought tea, gently placing it before Zhong Shan, Tian Ling'er, and Bei Qingsi.

After a night of heartfelt conversation, Bei Qingsi had managed to let go of her past embarrassment over being seen naked by Zhong Shan. A subtle bond of friendship seemed to have formed between them. It was a peculiar friendship, reminiscent of long-time companions yet tinged with a faint ambiguity, a delicate mix of emotions that both chose to silently acknowledge and then forget.

"Sister Qingsi, why didn't you come out yesterday? I had something to ask you," Tian Ling'er said, looking at Bei Qingsi.

"Uh, I had a bit of an epiphany yesterday," Bei Qingsi replied, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, that's good then. Sister Qingsi, I want to ask you, how can I break through to the Golden Core stage?" Tian Ling'er quickly asked.

"You've reached the tenth level of the Innate stage?" Bei Qingsi asked, surprised.

"Yes, I want to reach the Golden Core stage during our upcoming training. When the year is up, I want to give my father a big surprise," Tian Ling'er said, her eyes shining with determination.

Zhong Shan, sitting nearby, did not say much. He simply sipped his tea, enjoying the sight of the two peerless beauties conversing.

Looking at Tian Ling'er with some astonishment, Bei Qingsi thought for a moment and said, "You're now at the tenth level of the Innate stage, which means all your acupuncture points are fully opened. Your True Essence flows continuously. Now, you need to merge this True Essence into a unified whole within your acupuncture points, breathe in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through these points, and refine your body into a state of primal unity. This is the Golden Core."

Listening to Bei Qingsi, Zhong Shan also paid close attention. The Golden Core stage? So, the so-called Golden Core is refining oneself into a state of primal unity? A unified physical body is the Golden Core?

"In other words, refining oneself into a Golden Core? A personal Golden Core?" Tian Ling'er asked after pondering for a moment.

"I think it won't be long before I can call you Junior Sister," Bei Qingsi said with a slight smile.

Usually as cold as frost, Bei Qingsi rarely smiled. At this moment, showing a slight smile to Tian Ling'er, who was also a woman, left Tian Ling'er momentarily stunned.

"Sister Qingsi, you look so beautiful when you smile," Tian Ling'er suddenly said.

Upon hearing Tian Ling'er's words, Bei Qingsi's expression became serious, and her previous smile vanished.

"Ling'er, you flatter me," Bei Qingsi said calmly.

"It's true! If you don't believe me, ask Zhong Shan. You're really beautiful," Tian Ling'er said foolishly.

With Tian Ling'er pointing him out, Zhong Shan could only cough lightly and nod.

Seeing Zhong Shan nod, Bei Qingsi's face turned an unprecedented shade of red, but she quickly changed the topic, "But there is one thing, Ling'er, you must pay attention to."

"Uh?" Tian Ling'er immediately followed Bei Qingsi's lead.

"Breaking through to the Golden Core stage, merging your acupoints into a unified whole, is a long process. It cannot be rushed. When the time comes, you might need to go into seclusion for a long period, without any interruptions. Therefore, it is best to wait until you return to Kaiyang Sect to attempt this breakthrough. For now, focus on accumulating true essence in your acupoints," Bei Qingsi advised after some thought.

"Oh," Tian Ling'er nodded, feeling somewhat dissatisfied, realizing that reaching the Golden Core stage before completing their training was unlikely.

Seeing Tian Ling'er's expression, Bei Qingsi could guess why she was disappointed. She quickly added, "Breaking through to the Golden Core stage is not something to be taken lightly. It requires a long period of seclusion and sometimes a significant amount of spirit stones for assistance."

"Spirit stones?" Zhong Shan looked at Bei Qingsi, a strange look in his eyes, as he had never encountered them before.

Bei Qingsi glanced at Zhong Shan and, after a moment of thought, explained, "A Golden Core stage cultivator has a lifespan of four hundred years. Achieving the Golden Core stage is exponentially more difficult than the Innate stage. Unless one has exceptional talent, it's usually necessary to cultivate in places rich in spiritual energy to continuously advance. That's why cultivation and mountains are inseparable."

"Oh?" Zhong Shan expressed his surprise.

"Mountains, in this context, refer to blessed lands because only in these blessed lands does spiritual energy converge in abundance. For instance, my Kaiyang Sect is rich in spiritual energy, whereas this place is relatively barren. Areas with abundant spiritual energy are always fiercely contested by cultivators," Bei Qingsi continued.

"Mm," Zhong Shan listened attentively.

"Generally, without a blessed land, reaching the Golden Core stage is almost an individual's limit because, at that stage, one's lifespan is only four hundred years. However, there is something in the world that can store spiritual energy. That's spirit stones," Bei Qingsi said.

Zhong Shan furrowed his brows, listening intently. Tian Ling'er, though somewhat knowledgeable, was also listening patiently.

Seeing Zhong Shan so focused, Bei Qingsi felt an inexplicable urge to explain it to him in detail.

"Spirit stones are formed by concentrating spiritual energy within a special type of stone. The stone must be refined until it is transparent, only then is it a perfect spirit stone. Otherwise, it is useless. There are two types of spirit stones: red transparent yang spirit stones and blue transparent yin spirit stones," Bei Qingsi explained.

With a turn of her hand, she produced two round stones, one blue and one red, and gently handed them to Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan lightly grasped them, feeling the abundant spiritual energy contained within, almost as if it were about to burst forth.

Tian Ling'er took one and examined it closely.

"These two are yin spirit stones and yang spirit stones. Generally, having these two types of spirit stones allows you to continuously absorb spiritual energy to enhance yourself," Bei Qingsi said.

"So, Golden Core stage cultivators are always in dire need of these spirit stones?" Zhong Shan asked, furrowing his brows in thought.

"Yes, wherever there is a spirit stone mine, there is bound to be fierce fighting," Bei Qingsi said after some thought.

"Mm," Zhong Shan nodded.

"In the cultivation world, spirit stones are also used as currency. With spirit stones, you can buy what you need," Bei Qingsi said softly.

"Mm, based on what you said, if every Golden Core stage cultivator needs these spirit stones, then they must indeed be a fair standard of exchange," Zhong Shan said, nodding, understanding the concept of currency well.

"Yes, spirit stones are categorized into upper, middle, and lower grades based on the amount of spiritual energy they contain, which is reflected in their color depth. These are middle-grade spirit stones. Upper-grade spirit stones are darker, while lower-grade spirit stones are much paler," Bei Qingsi explained.

"Oh? How is their value determined?" Zhong Shan asked.

"One upper-grade spirit stone is equivalent to ten middle-grade spirit stones, and one middle-grade spirit stone is equivalent to ten lower-grade spirit stones," Bei Qingsi said.

"Mm," Zhong Shan nodded, committing this to memory.

"Sister? Ling'er? Senior Brother is back," Yun Qian's voice suddenly called out from outside.

Their conversation was interrupted. Zhong Shan furrowed his brows and gently stood up. Tian Ling'er had already rushed out.

Exchanging a glance with Bei Qingsi, Zhong Shan led her out of the hall as well.

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