Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 141

The old man was so angry that he was beaten.


"Woo woo woo... Dad!!"

At the school gate, a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life, wearing a black military uniform, looked particularly sharp and murderous, standing outside the classroom door.

The teacher introduced with a smile: "This is Mr. Su Yue, the combat hero who came back from the Dukar front."


"Su Yu, your father is a hero!"

"So handsome!! Is war really cruel?"

"I don't think he limps."

The children looked at Su Yue innocently when he came to the classroom, "Dad!"

Su Yu and Su Yun rushed towards Su Yue. Su Yue's eyes showed a complex and inexplicable emotion. Applause came from behind the podium. Compared with himself when he was dirty and carrying a heavy backpack, Su Yue felt a sense of homesickness when he went home.

Everything was familiar and strange at the same time. He couldn't describe and understand this feeling. He missed his hometown, his children and his wife, but this longing didn't seem so real.


A staggering voice came, and Elie leaned against the wall, looked at Su Yue, moved his lips twice and threw himself into his arms.

"Hubby... That's great, that's great."

Su Yue was thrown down by him at the door, with her chin resting on her beautiful long hair and forehead, and said, "I went to visit the children." Elisha stroked his face and asked:

"How is it, is it okay this time?"

Su Yue said, "It's a short vacation of 14 days, and I have to go back in a while."

Elish tried to hold back her tears, but she still cried, and Su Yue lowered her head and kissed her.

There was no one at home.

He talked about what happened on the front line of the battlefield. Adults don't need to hide from each other, and he didn't want Elisha to worry. He kept talking about interesting things on the front line, but Elisha still heard a lot of troubles and sounds from his ears.

For example, in the first story, there are many dead bodies.

In the second story, they broke into a private house. It seems that Su Yue is describing taking away the dead's things, but Elisha can feel a strong horror from his happy description, so the degree of crying has become deeper.

Su Yue was stunned.

Wasn't he trying to comfort her? Why did she cry even harder?

For a long time.

When the time came and they could no longer be affectionate.

"I'll cook for you."


Elis touched his face gently and said, "Have a good rest. If you don't want to work, don't go anymore... The front line is too dangerous. The news is reporting information every day. I'm worried every day. The children are always asking when their father will come back... Many colleagues in the company... their husbands, their husbands... have all died."

"Brother Yue... please, don't go."

Su Yue was silent.

Don't go?

What about the contract? Do you want to breach the contract?

The 14-day rest is a short vacation. If you disobey orders and don't return to the team, you will be a deserter and will be court-martialed or even executed.

So he put his hand into Eli's long black hair, said without saying anything: "I have been promoted to corporal now, it's okay, officers face much less danger than ordinary soldiers, and dirty work doesn't need us engineers to do." Eli trembled and said: "But you have no military merit, how did you get promoted to corporal?" "..." Su Yue remained silent, Eli cried again. Su Yue flipped through the backpack and smiled: "I brought you a lot of gifts..." "And at least the economic problem has been solved. We can make more money now. The important officials of Dukar have increased the military budget. When I was on the front line, the salary of soldiers increased by 30%, which is more than enough to cope with life and even make you and your children live better in the future." Su Yue did not realize that he had completely been substituted into 700 years ago. It was like the life of the former lord, Canaan and Turin world were completely separated, and he was not aware of this risk at all. But war is too tough...

If he were the Lord of Canaan, Su Yue, he might not feel compassion for the scene in front of him. Lord of Canaan, Su Yue, is a [demigod], he will not be tired or exhausted.

His troops will not be [defeated].

His strength is invincible.

Everything that ordinary humans should feel, such as [fatigue], [threat of death], [raising a family], [difficult] life, etc.

Conditions should not appear on the Canaan lord Su Yue.

Su Yue unknowingly, his perception has become increasingly numb due to the war. Now he just wants to turn on the TV with lifeless eyes and lie on the sofa to do what a middle-aged man should do.

It can be understood that his brain nerves have mutated.

A child's head.

It is different from the head of a middle-aged person.

Middle-aged people have been stereotyped. Their world and social values ​​are like a piece of fish nailed to a chopping board. This fish is neither fresh nor worthy of attention. No matter how, it is incomprehensible and constrained to a desperate situation and death.

Such a desperate situation will not cause his death in an instant, but more like a chronic disease.

When chronic diseases begin to expand.

It will take decades, or even until the moment of death, to recover and realize the abnormality and situation of things.

"Don't you want to meet your former colleagues?"

Su Yue smiled.

He saw that everyone was looking at dead people. There were too many civilian corpses on the battlefield. Fresh lives often did not belong there. Mud, dirt, lice and bloodshed were the cruel truth of the battlefield.

He walked around outside and felt that he was beginning to become incompatible with "peace".

Everything made him feel uncomfortable.

The middle-aged greasy man who looked out of the second floor to observe the situation downstairs and peeked at the buttocks of women on the street made Su Yue feel like he was looking at a scout in the enemy's guard tower, and subconsciously wanted to raise his gun to shoot him.

The smiling vendor handed over the brown sugar buns, half a piece of sugar cubes and the slight sound of coffee falling on the table, which made Su Yue seem to hear the feeling of shells and bullets shuttling around his ears and bouncing on the craters.

All the slightest movement turned into a kind of tension.

On the outside, Su Yue did not become any different from ordinary people.

But he felt that the nature of his life had been completely changed.

He became a prisoner of the battlefield.

A puppet of war.

It seems that without war and battlefield environment, he is nothing.

He can't become anything.

He even developed a kind of disgust for peace in his heart.

"Dad... I'll sing a song for you."

Su Yue took the coffee, stirred the sugar cubes in it, and smiled: "Okay."

Elis hugged her husband's arm, and the family enjoyed the happiness happily.

The tram whizzed by and the iron sheet was roaring. Su Yue looked at many men in military uniforms walking on the street, looking at their heavy backpacks and bags.

At this moment, he was wearing a suit, and he felt as relaxed as if he was wearing nothing at ordinary times.

The weight of the helmet and the steel gun was too heavy.

He seemed to have unloaded his fatigue.

Gregory took his sister's hand and walked towards this side with a few children. Su Yue waved to him.

"Where's Abraham?"

"He didn't come."

Suddenly, the streets were under martial law by a large number of soldiers. Su Yue looked at the group of soldiers lined up on the street with a puzzled expression, as if waiting for some important person to review the troops. He asked with a puzzled expression:

"What's going on?"

Elise also became puzzled: "Why are the troops lined up on both sides?"

Gregory said: "I don't know much. I called Henry before, and he said he would prepare a surprise for us."

Su Yue vaguely felt that the surprise Henry mentioned was related to the current situation.

Not long after.

A man wearing a red tasseled pointed helmet, long leather boots with sharp spurs, and a majestic man riding a tall black military horse in a Dukar noble hunting suit, came towards them from a distance under the flattery of a group of Dukar dignitaries and nobles.

He crossed the street, dismounted, and waved to Su Yue and Gregory in the face of the suspicious eyes of countless ordinary people.



Su Yue looked at Henry's noble dress with a shocked expression, as well as the iris and cornflower logos on his hunting suit...

"Fuck you???"

"What's wrong?"

Elise looked at her husband in confusion and swore.

"Is Henry a royal family?"

Gregory was also stunned: "He... He is the Crown Prince???"

This feeling is like they met the King of Dukar on the front line, who appeared to review the troops. It is rumored that the king is the most noble existence in the world. He seems to be a sacred existence who does not need to go to the toilet, work, rest or eat.

Some uneducated soldiers even questioned the king's identity. What do they think is a noble person?

The front-line troops for review and alert had been visited by the king two months ago.

At that time, Su

Yue and Gregory were just watching from afar.

They had no real contact with the upper class nobles of Dukar.

But they never expected that Henry could be related to the royal family?

The corners of Su Yue's mouth twitched.

He thought of [Henry VII] of [Bato Empire], "Could it be that Henry is Henry VII of the Batto Empire? ?????? This is impossible?"

"Where is William? Where is Frederick? ? Where is Jin Xiuer?"

"Where is Europa? What role does the Cthulhu pantheon play in this world?" At this moment, chaos began to hit his already numb and indifferent nerves again.

Crown Prince Henry got off the military horse and walked towards Su Yue and Gregory.

"I'll give you a chance to kiss my riding boots."

He looked at the three people with a smile.

The court minister beside him said: "These are all the comrades of His Majesty the Crown Prince."


"Dad... Crown Prince!!" Gu Yu was stunned.

Elis also looked at Henry with a surprised expression.

Henry smiled and interacted with Gregory's children and Su Yue's two sons for a while, and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. The family is too busy... If you have any questions in the future, you can tell me."



Numb, all numb, ordinary people near the entire coffee shop seemed to have undergone general anesthesia... Henry talked about the seizure of the coal area and discussed the overall situation of the war with Su Yue, as if the two people in front of him were not cannon fodder corporals on the front line, not low-level officers, but two generals... This made the staff officer next to him frown.

Su Yue: "..."

He became more and more silent, and the world became more and more weird. Henry VII was actually his comrade-in-arms? ? If he returned to the Turin world, would he still remember himself?

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