Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 147

The European player, Eric Stiner, looked at the news presented on the forum with a grim expression.

"These damn Dragon people."

"They are ahead of us again. The 4-hour exchange time was missed. As a result, we in Europe suffered heavy losses in the auction house!!"

"Damn Dragon scum."

Eri Stiner's expression was grim. He looked at the gold coin exchange rate in his sight, a terrible ratio of 1:113 yuan... Some people on the forum exchanged gold coins from the Turin world at a price of 1:20, and some exchanged gold coins at 1:50.

But don't exchange now?

Will the subsequent exchange rate be lowered?

He was not sure whether it would be lowered, but in any case, they felt that they had lost the initiative; the players of Dragon Country exchanged 4 hours in advance and took all the benefits, which was equivalent to leaving them with a mess.

Eri Stina dialed the communication and asked:

"Has the assassination started?"

"My lord, we are preparing."

"As soon as possible, Dragon Country has gained more and more advantages, and their arrogance must be suppressed. The player named Su Yue must die."



In the dark night, a tanker truck drove down the winding mountain road.

Layers of road signs and indicator lights on the winding road.

Against the backdrop of a company man wearing a work hat and uniform.

He held a cigarette in his mouth.

Sparks burned in the half-open car window, and the smell of smoke mixed with the burning oil of the vehicle and the turning of the steering wheel, constantly moving downward.

"We will take good care of your wife and children. We just killed one person."


The driver recalled the mysterious scene of the other party explaining the matter to him. His expression showed a moment of fear, and after the fear, he felt calm.

He did not think he had done anything wrong.

He even felt that he was righteous.

For his wife and children.

It was worth it to sacrifice his own life so that his wife and children who immigrated to Europe could live better. It had nothing to do with right or wrong. It was just a man's instinct.


He threw the cigarette butt out of the window. He would never do such a thing in the past, but it was different now. He had changed.

Even the wildfire could not stop him.

The fire was in the foothills. Because of the sound of a tire rubbing and a cigarette butt rolling down, a withered rotten leaf was ignited.

The rotten leaves had long been dehydrated, and there were many fleshy worms lying on the extremely dry leaves.

These rotten leaves caught fire at a touch, forming a small-scale fire at night.

"Mad man! This is on the mountain! How can you just throw cigarette butts and set fire? Do you know that after being discovered by the forest ranger..."

The truck driver smiled at the curses beside him, and even felt a pity in his heart that the fire was stopped before it could burn.

The checkpoints below are increasing...


"Stop immediately and accept inspection."

The lights in the distance are on. Military and police forces have set up checkpoints here to prohibit him from going down the mountain?

Haven't these guys planned a complete murder route?

Haven't they claimed to be fully prepared?

The driver had a complicated expression.

He could only stop and cooperate with the inspection. Fortunately, there was no problem with his identity and qualifications, including the contract for the transport of this batch of goods.

"Let it go."

The driver vaguely felt that the security in Turin had become more stringent. Could it be because of the man named Su Yue?

If it was really because of him that a city was under martial law?

Doesn't it mean that the government attaches great importance to him?

Doesn't it mean that he is accomplishing a great thing by assassinating the other party?

The driver was delighted and looked into the distance. The huge shadow of the city looked like a beast crawling in the night, and the arms and claws of the beast flew towards the sky.

Some tall buildings seemed to be showing their will to the sky.

Some factories were still emitting smoke.

Some lights in the city had not been completely turned off, but in any case, the night made the city seem a little quieter.

The driver opened the forum message in the dim firelight.

"The Dragon Country of Turin World is ahead again."

"The exchange time was advanced by 4 hours, which led to the scramble for the gold coins of Turin World, making the price of these gold coins high."


The players of Japan are probably going to be pissed off. Now Dragon Country has the upper hand again. Their lords will probably be hit head-on by Dragon Country in future national wars. "

The driver listened to the broadcast of Turin World and thought about the previous resurrection scene.

Looking at the target's location.

The intercom heard cold European language, and he also replied to the other party in European language. At this moment, his blood seemed to be frozen.

A strong sense of morality was condemning him, but if he didn't murder the other party.

How could his children and wife survive in Europe?

So, only a sorry sounded silently in his heart.

"You are not the first person to murder him. There will be others to cooperate with you. You are just a link in the plan of hundreds of people to assassinate Su Yue. Don't think too much of yourself. ”

This feeling of conspiracy largely offset the fear and uneasiness brought to him by the murder of the Dragon people. Yes, there are hundreds of people doing this with me. I don’t need to feel remorse and guilt, right?

The driver thought about this picture.

He sat happily at the dining table with his children and wife. The children played happily, and his wife gently took the food and called him husband.

The driver had a tired look on his face.

The air in the city was not as fresh as the foothills. The driver took a sip, adjusted his state, blinked, and the target appeared in front of the truck.

The position on the red dot clearly showed the enemy’s position.

At this moment.

The driver’s pupils shrank violently, and the high beam and whistle sounded. He pretended that the brakes failed, but in fact his right foot was firmly on the accelerator, which frantically made the truck form a strong inertial acceleration, like a locomotive crashing into the wall!!

"Su Yue, be careful! ! ! "

"Husband! ! ! "

At night, Su Yue, who was having supper, was beside him, while Elisha and Nancy were watching the truck suddenly burst into their position, with sparks burning and wheels rubbing against each other due to the violent acceleration.

If the surveillance camera showed the acceleration and collision of the truck, it would not leave people too much reaction time, but happened in a very short time.

The truck rolled over Su Yue in the distance with the momentum of a whirlwind.

The driver's pupils showed a touch of madness, cruelty and a soft light reserved for his family.

The colorful night, like spots, dotted his face.

He looked crazy, his right hand was pressing the horn and honking the whistle, his mouth was drooling, and he didn't even know what he was saying at the moment!

"Ahhhhh! "

The driver opened his mouth and roared.

At this moment.

He will hit the other person to death.

Then he will turn into meat paste.

At the critical moment, his words and actions are like a slow-motion camera. The driver looked at the distance with a puzzled expression.

He was a little stunned and surprised.

Just when the car was about to hit Su Yue and the beautiful and perfect woman outside.

Black roses flying all over the sky, iron spikes with thorns, and flesh branches growing from the ground!!

The truck, mixed with hundreds of tons of powerful inertia, tore the first branch...

The second, third, and countless vine-like branches.

It seemed like a thorn zoo, blocking the truck's assassination plan.

The vehicle, mixed with inertia and countless flesh fragments dragged on the ground, rubbed against Su Yue and turned sideways. The dazzling headlights expanded in Su Yue's eyes, but he just smiled and said, "Is that all? "

"The auction house incident had nothing to do with me, but they wanted to assassinate me to retaliate?"

Nancy said in horror: "Su Yue, are you okay?"

Su Yue said: "No problem."

Nancy couldn't help but watch the truck stop in shock. The dangerous feeling of violent acceleration and sudden stop was probably something that others couldn't understand at all.

But Nancy knew what kind of strength was needed to stop such a vehicle.



Eris was also frightened, but his first reaction was not to worry about himself, but to ask: "Husband? How are you? "

Su Yue said: "European zone launched an attack on us," before he finished speaking, a red dot appeared on Eli's neck. The martial law in Turin was terrible, but even so, the shadow of a sniper rifle appeared high above the hotel in the distance.

The president of a big country like Eagle Sauce would be assassinated.

Su Yue did not think that he was much nobler than the president. At least he was also an ordinary person. A person who needs to exist in the living world will have weaknesses.

He needs to eat, drink, move, and appear in the outside world when changing positions.


It is inevitable that the murderer will seize the flaw and launch an attack, which is a very normal and reasonable situation.


The trigger of the sniper rifle was pulled, mixed with the damp and cold smell of the cold night, the sniper's first bullet missed, followed by the second one.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One after another, bullets pierced Su Yue's ears, arms, shoulders, and arms, but in the field of view of the scope, the sniper was shocked to see the supernatural scene in front of him.

He couldn't understand the situation at the moment.

His actions of sniping the opponent were normal in themselves,

The truck was suddenly intercepted by a mysterious force, which was not normal.

When he shot, the bullet seemed to hit some ripple-like air walls, and the bullet accelerated by huge potential energy and kinetic energy was blocked by air-like ripples.

This made him feel completely incomprehensible.


"How could it be like this?"

"The bullet was blocked by the invisible force field shield?"

He continued to fire bullets in disbelief. Seven or eight bullets hovered in front of Su Yue's eyes, forming a terrifying picture.

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