Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 149

The money was so high that it was worth the money.

34.6 billion gold coins is already a huge sum of money.

But what Li Ye didn't expect was Gu Longqing's sincerity and attitude towards him.

He showed enough value.

Gu Longqing gave him the corresponding respect. It's impossible for such a heroic character to become weak, right? What's more, he sacrificed even a top socialite like Elishi and his sister Gu Yu for Li Ye.

It seems that Gu Longqing's entire battle strategy is about to come out as things progress.

In Turin, Su Yue looked at the Hema supermarket.

Busy Elishi.

"Do you want this beef?"


Su Yue's expression showed a trace of dull emotion. He saw life from life and life from the game.

After the European District hired a killer to assassinate him, the seriously injured driver and the enemies were interrogated.

The information about the European District killer was quickly obtained.

The enemy was in the dark.

Su Yue and others were in the early Ming Dynasty. In the next few days, it was nothing more than war chess deduction. Not many stories happened, so I won't talk about it.


Ksira said to his brother Zos Omog: "This time, the conflict between the Wind King Hastur and my father was restrained..."

Another man shrouded in mist and volcanoes said:

"Next time, I will execute him."


Zos Omog frowned and said: "Su Yue did bring a lot of trouble, but don't you think deeply about it, brother?"

"Volcano King" Ghatanothoa is full of wriggling intestines. Creatures that see him will be petrified, wrinkled and scaled, with surging power like volcanic rocks.

His arm suddenly turned into a toad-like monster with tentacles and thousands of eyes.

"Unless he really has the power of the Old Ones."

"Otherwise, he is not worthy of marrying my sister."


Zos Omog, the second brother, is really worried about Su Yue.

One crisis after another is intensifying.

Let's go back to the original question. What roles did the Abyss and Abraham play in it? Why did Hastur and Cthulhu go to war? Was there a conspiracy of the Abyss power, and the influence of Graz'zt, the Lord of the Silver Palace, "Dark Lord"?

If we look at the gods from a human perspective.

They are bloody.

They kill.

They conquer as soon as they see.

They seem to be going further and further on the wrong path of destroying everything.

But if we look at everything from the perspective of the gods.

It seems that nature has its own way and method of self-proof.

Although the actions of a god,

The death of a god.

Even the promotion of a god is absolutely impossible to be a random act. They can brew a conspiracy for hundreds or thousands of years, and the game between them is not as simple and easy as ordinary people understand.


In front of the black and red beech wood desk, the pen is writing.

In the Barto Empire, Henry VII's pupils were shrinking violently...

"Cloud City, Dukar?"


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!!"

An internal affairs official was shocked to see Henry falling into a coma. He seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. The reason why a demigod is called a demigod is because he has some authority that only gods have.

Henry VII panted violently and wrote all the scenes he saw in his dream on a piece of white paper.

"I need to see Pope Benedict."

The Minister of the Interior asked in confusion: "Aren't you against theocracy..."



If we talk about noble and prominent people in the entire Barto Empire, no one is more prominent than Henry VII. Many of the walls of his palace are made of colored glaze and gems transported from various places, and they are as beautiful as expensive handicrafts.

It is said that due to the craftsman's craftsmanship, a pearl on the palace wall fell off, which led to a three-year war between the lords of the neighboring territories, and the death of millions of people.

A jewel in the palace of His Majesty Henry VII can cause the death of millions of people. The power of the Batto Empire in its heyday can be seen, but now it is different from the past.

The Iron Dynasty.

The Rune Empire,

The Terran Human Kingdom is plundering

Seizing the territory of the Batto Empire, although the nobles of Batto and the great noble lords of Hettings tried their best to resist and launched a war, they had to admit one thing.

Henry VII has become more and more stupid.

He believes that pleasure is more important than royal power.

Theocracy also seems to be quietly stealing the power of the scepter in the hands of Henry VII, as if to make his power begin to be covered in dust in this world.

This matter originated more than 50 years ago, when Henry claimed that "we are under the rule of the devil", and all this is meaningless.

"Why? Father!!"

The little prince was executed.

Henry's stupidity led to a mutiny and court rebellion 50 years ago.

No one knows what kind of bloody cleansing took place in the chaotic Batto Empire court, but some people claimed at the time that they saw traces of "devil" in the court of Henry VII.

The devil killed everyone.

Rumors from the outside world did not shake the foundation of Henry VII's rule. The Batto Empire quietly declined in the past fifty years. The territory was occupied and passed away. The nobles became more and more corrupt and hedonistic. In order to enjoy themselves and maintain their own rule, they even forgot how to command the army. The tradition of military strength in the past was strangled by Henry VII himself in the depths of the court.

A large number of famous generals and commanders were murdered.

Disappeared in the records of the court recorder for no reason and became names one by one.

——"Dark Lord" Grazite! !

Henry VII, looking at the snow-white mirror in front of him, suddenly knelt slowly on the ground.

This action is not ordinary.

Who would the emperor of a powerful dynasty like a cornflower kneel to?

As the pinnacle of worldly power.

The Lord of the Abyss cannot make him kneel; the weak king cannot make him kneel; the king of the Orc Empire cannot make him kneel; the Holy Church and the angels are only equal to the authority of Henry VII - so the answer points to only one thing, he is kneeling to [God].

Only [God] can override the monarchy, not even the Pope.

So Henry VII's kneeling.

It means the coming of [God],

In the dark bonfire.

Henry VII prayed: "Great "Dark Lord" Grazite, your conspiracy and plan are within reach... Canaan Lord Su Yue has achieved some power and weapons. When I need to abdicate and when I need to go further, I need your intervention and admonition."

The shadow of "Dark Lord" Grazite appeared in the mirror.

His six fingers, a strong and indifferent body.

It seemed even more terrifying than when Su Yue first saw him in the Silver Palace. The fundamental reason why Henry VII declared that everything he did was meaningless fifty years ago was the bottom of the Batto Empire, the bottomless abyss!

When the bottomless abyss is right under your feet, all efforts and struggles seem to be in vain.

He once launched a war against the devil. At the foreign portal leading to the Silver Palace; Henry VII's royal court troops and Rick's guards were completely defeated by the powerful army of the demon lord.

The royal court was attacked and broken by the evil spirits of the abyss. Henry VII was worried every night and endured humiliation. In the end, the entire royal family and nobles became vassals of the Silver Palace.

Demons can naturally make human forces vassals.

Just like the Holy See, it is a huge "faith tentacles" arranged by the entire heaven in the mortal world. Heaven is laying out, why hasn't hell come to the world?

Hell is laying out.

Why didn't the abyss appear in the world?

Are they trapped in the abyss and unable to escape?

Then why can so many mortals summon the power of the black goat through the devil's manual and summon demons to sell their souls.

Then why are summoning and some technologies banned by the Mage Tower considered heresy and burned on the gallows of the Holy Church?

Is it just because the priests and pastors of the Holy Church are bored and have nothing to do, just to find an excuse for their legitimate preaching and a reason to release usury?

Heresy, real existence.


In reality, Henry VII, the emperor of the mortal world, kneeled before Grazite, the Dark Lord, and said, "I saw many scenes... Lord Su Yue of Canaan and I became comrades-in-arms on the battlefield, sharing life and death."

"We bandaged our wounds in the trenches and artillery fire. Modern wars are extremely terrible and cruel."

"The enemy's tanks crushed our resistance."

"The haze and artillery fire crushed our spirits."

"In the dark distance, in the world of Dukar, everything is as beautiful as a dream, as beautiful as a fairy tale, and it lasted for 700 years!!"

"Dark Lord" Grazite's mouth slightly cracked into an abyss-like arc, and he said:

"You can be the vanguard of the abyss invading the material plane, and Canaan is the first direction."

Henry VII knelt on the ground and said: "Great "Dark Lord", I need your support... to completely solve the problem of false Pope Innocent IV (innocent IV) threat. "

The Dark Lord" Graz'zt's arm brewed a thunderstorm.

Henry VII knelt respectfully in front of the demon lord.

In fact, the real ruler of the Abyss.

Already a true god.

They mastered and stole the authority of the real gods, but did not call themselves a certain god. Some powerful abyss lords of gods have the power of gods, but still regard themselves as mortals, but the demigods in the world correspond to the level of abyss lords?

The Lord of the Abyss Plane, the master of a plane, how can he not be considered a god?

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