Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 42: You Really Are A Jerk

When the light faded from Maria's eyes, she looked around in bewilderment when she noticed that she was in a completely different location.


When the cloaked person dispelled his [Levitation], Maria was harshly dropped onto the floor.

"Hey jerk! What was that for?! That's not how you handle a lady!"

"A lady?" The cloaked person began looking around before saying with a chuckle, "I don't see one."

"So not only are you deaf, but you're also blind! There's a lady right in front of you!"

"Hmph, all I see... is a halfwit!"

"Why, you!!!"


The cloaked person tossed something over to Maria. She was just about to swat it away, but quickly noticed that it was actually Lilah and immediately caught her.


"Shut it, you halfwit...because of you I lost something very important...and 1 million gold!"


The cloaked person moved back their hood and a beautiful face of a girl? Or a boy...was shown to Maria.

"...What are you?" Maria asked immediately.

"...Now that was rude...can't you tell that I'm a great demon?!"

"A demon? All I see is a boy!" Maria retorted in disbelief. The androgynous person in front of her, who declared that he or she was a great demon, was no more than a pale young boy with a small demon tail and 2 two small stubs on the top of his forehead that were supposedly horns!

The only reason why he appeared so tall was actually because he had cast [Levitate] on himself and had worn that overly large mage robe of his!

"What?! A boy?! I'll have you know that I'm well over 1000 years old!"


Maria thought deeply when she heard this and immediately came to a conclusion. "So, let me get this straight...you're a grown man?"


"...A man who disguises himself as a young boy...so basically, you're a pervert who's blind, deaf, idiotic, and stupid?"


"Oh! Not to mention, you're also a jerk!"


The man boy's face began to twitch incredibly when he heard Maria's words.

"Hey~ you okay there?"

"Ugh...you and that girl are BOTH exhausting! I can't believe my luck... the only two people who I've taken a liking too are both annoying halfwits!"

Maria ignored the child and took a look around the room. When she saw all the complicated magic tools and spell tomes, she was immediately reminded of something and turned towards the self-proclaimed over 1000 year-old and asked, "Hey, I remember you saying that you're my... Master?"

The child looked up at Maria as if looking at an idiot. Did he not make that clear not so long ago? In fact, it was only 5 minutes ago that he told her!

"I told you that on the ground floor you halfwit!"

"That means you're the Magic Tower's Arch Mage!"

"Oh, so now you get it?! What of it?"

"Ohhh~ I didn't think you'd be so young! I guess being mage isn't all about age huh?"

"...Did I take in another idiot as well?" The Arch Mage rubbed his forehead exhaustingly. Maria found it kind of cute when the little boy was trying so hard to act like an adult.

"Huhuhu~ you're so cute, so I'll forgive you! Also, I'm really sorry for calling you names! But what you did earlier was really mean y'know~"

"Don't care. I do what I want... Also, that was a little test of sorts. If you didn't move to save your fairy, I wouldn't have taken a liking to you and I would've sent you off after tossing you some spell tomes~"

"...You really are a jerk, you know that?"

Maria walked around the room and picked up a spell book and read the title.

[Spell Book: Teleport

Notice: You do not meet the necessary class requirement! You do not possess the necessary requirements to initiate Manual Learning]

"Hey, Arch Mage boy~ is this spell what you used earlier to bring us here?"

"Gah! I'm not a BOY! Also, my name is Paimon! The Great Demon Paimon! Do remember it!"

"Okay Paipai~"

"P-Paipai?! I'll have you know that you're talking to one of the 7—"

"Paipai~ you're so noisy~"


Maria secretly used [Inspect] on Paimon and there were many question marks all over.

[Arch Mage of the North Paimon Lv. ???]

Class: Arch Mage

HP: ???/???

MP: ???/???

Titles: ???, ???, ???, ???, Arch Mage of the North, ???, ???, ???]

Maria was inwardly amazed, but she didn't express it. No matter how she looked at the NPC, he was only a young boy playing grown up. Even now he was still pouting and fuming at Maria for calling him with such a cute nickname and cutting him off.

"Gah! You and that girl are so exhausting!"

"You keep saying 'that girl', but who're you talking about?"

"Who else?! It's that stupid, lazy, alcoholic thief, Hella!"

"W-what?! Hey! Don't you dare disrespect Miss Hella!"

"Y-you! You speak so formally about that alcoholic thief! But to your new master you actually—"

"Shut up Paipai!"

"Gah! My name is Paimon, not Paipai!"

"No~pe, you're Paipai to me!"

"Give me some respect, you little ingrate!"

"Not until you stop disrespecting Miss Hella!"


"Hihihi~ that's a good boy~" Maria began rubbing Paimon's head and this only further agitated the Arch Mage.


'No matter what I do or say, this stupid fallen angel just doesn't get it!'

"Agh...whatever, what'd you say your name was again?"


"Okay then Maria, let's get down to business."

Paimon waved his hand and a chair and table flew over and landed right in front of Maria.


"Thank you Paipai~"


Paimon waved his hand again and a couple of books flew off from the bookshelves inside the large room and landed on top of the table in front of Maria.

"Read all these."


Paimon only gestured for her to go ahead and Maria exclaimed in horror, "More studying?!"

"What'd you expect? Did you want me to serve [Magic Comprehension] and [Magic Deduction] to you on a silver platter?"

"...yes..." Maria shamelessly replied.

"Idiot, there's a clear reason why those two skills have such names!"

"...uhhh...but I dun wanna...I wanna hunt...and fight~"

"No whining, hurry up and start with the basics. Before you've stepped out of this tower, I'll mold you into a fine mage!"

Hearing those words, Maria was horrified.

"NO! I don't want to be imprisoned!" Maria leaped out of her chair and made a beeline towards the door, but suddenly—


"...hey, halfwit...did you honestly think that I didn't set up a [Bounded Field] yet?"


Paimon approached the fallen Maria and smiled gently at Maria. He then said slowly, "You're. Not. Getting. Away~"

His smile was so gentle, but Maria only saw it as a sadistic and evil smirk.

"You really are a jerk, Paipai!"

"Enough with the Paipai!!!"

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