Unusual Cases

Chapter Eight: Do Cheaters Ever Prosper?


El sat in her car for a while, doing her mental exercises and waiting for Melanie to respond. She hadn't done any exercises all morning between her anatomical probing and the awkward reunion with her older brother. If she didn't want to start shedding IQ points, she would have to be more assiduous about it.

She was wearing more of Melanie's old clothes - jean shorts and the smallest t-shirt she could find. It fit just right, though she was nipping out without anything else on underneath. Tomorrow, it would probably be loose.

<Ok you can come over whenever, Melanie messaged.

<Mom and dad are out]

El sighed and steeled herself. What was she going to do? Pretend nothing happened? Admit that something happened but minimize its significance? Spill the beans about everything? Melanie didn't have to know. Not yet.

<Be there in fifteen, she messaged. She adjusted the car seat, sighed, and drove off to Melanie's.

Fifteen minutes later, she sighed again and knocked on Melanie's door. El's hands were shaking in nervous anticipation. Melanie would be able to tell that something was up. Her girlfriend answered the door almost immediately, her smile turning bright and beautiful the instant she saw El. That hopeful smile was too much. El burst into tears right there on the porch, heaving great sobs and bracing herself against the door frame to keep herself from collapsing.

"What?" Melanie said. "Shit, El. Come inside."

Melanie escorted El to the big sectional couch and sat her down, sitting beside her and trying to soothe the sobbing girl with a back rub. El took a few heaving sobs before looking up at Melanie - even with both of them sitting down, she had to look up.

"I cheated on you, Mel," she said in a tiny voice.

Melanie drew back, her concerned expression suddenly steely. "What?"

"Y-yesterday. At the community center, just after I left your place. There's a girl there who's been coming on to everybody pretty strong, and I kind of lost it. I don't even know what I was thinking, but I couldn't keep it secret."

"Do... do you love her?" Melanie looked like she might be about to burst into tears, herself.

"What? No!" El was laughing and crying at the same time. "No! I was stupid and horny and she was very persuasive. And she's a pseudohermaphrodite, so..."

Melanie took a moment to process that. "So... she fucked you?"

"No, I sucked her thing and touched myself."

Melanie looked a bit relieved, but put a full foot of space between them. "That's hardly cheating," she said softly. "I... I sort of cheated on you. No, not sort of. I totally cheated."

El wiped the tears and snot from her face. She wasn't sure if she was relieved, angry, or both. "When? Who?"

"After you left my place, after our photo session. I was pretty worked up... I kind of assumed we'd get up to shenanigans and when we didn't, I was on edge, and... god, I'm rambling..."

"Who?" El asked again.

Melanie blushed. "This is going to sound bad. Like, really bad," she said. "Please don't judge me too harshly, El... I heard you out, right?"

"Who?" El said more firmly.


El blinked. Jackson? Melanie's younger brother? Her big, solid, sexy younger brother? "That makes sense," she said.

"Are we breaking up?" Melanie asked. She chewed at her lip.

"I don't want to break up."

"Me either."

El couldn't tell if she was crying for joy or if it was just inertia from the earlier crying. She blew her nose. "I don't want to break up," she said again. "But... I think we might have to add some variety into our routine. I'm pretty much all changed down there..."

A sly grin crossed Melanie's face. "You want the D?"

El blushed. "I think I might."

"Then I think I know how to tide you over."

Melanie, beckoning with a curled finger, led El upstairs to her bedroom, passing Jackson's room. The thumping, groaning sounds of frantic lovemaking could be heard within. El wasn't quite sure what to think about Melanie and Jackson. That would be like fucking Nolan. Ew.

Melanie closed the door behind them and sidled over to the chest that used to house her old stuffed animals. Mr. Bunners and Mrs. Bearsly had been evicted to parts unknown in favor of a different sort of toy of the very adult variety. It was filled to the brim with dildos, vibrators, 'personal massagers', butt plugs, and a myriad of things that El couldn't even identify.

"You got all these in the mail?" El asked, awe in her voice.

Melanie nodded. "I haven't had a chance to use even half. What do you say?"

El didn't say anything. She slinked over to Melanie's bed, slid her shorts down, and showed her girlfriend exactly what she had to work with. And Melanie sure had some ideas about what to do. In short order, El discovered what, exactly, was the big deal about vibration. The buzzing of a personal massager right at the juncture of her pussy and clit sent a steady ramp of stimulatory pleasure through her groin, washing all the way back through her abdomen and ramping ever-higher until she screamed in the sudden release of orgasm, thrashing all over Melanie's bed. Then Melanie bent down, kissing El on the lips and pinching an erect nipple.

"Whoa... they're warm," Melanie said.

"They're sensitive!" El moaned.

So in they went with the nipple clamps, which hurt a bit but also tweaked some unplumbed kink in El, adding stimulation atop of arousal. She and Melanie ground against a double-ended dildo, feeling one another up. Melanie's breasts had continued to swell and were full, perfect DD cups, as big as grapefruits and huge in El's much smaller hands. They had too little sag to be natural breasts, but had no other indications of being recent developments. Melanie liked having them fondled, her moans rising in pitch when El played with her nipples, rising doubly when she latched her lips around one and swirled her tongue around the prominent areola. When Melanie came, she rolled on top of El, her hips grinding as they kissed. Melanie's hair dangled down, long and thick and dark, forming a little sanctuary where they could stare into one another's eyes. El was really glad they hadn't broken up. Then Melanie sat up and undid the nipple clamps.

"You've got a little A-cup," she giggled, jiggling a barely-jigglable breast. "It's cute."

"I didn't have them yesterday," El said between groans.

"They're growing, then."

El was growing famished again, too, and it was no wonder why she'd been so hungry lately. She was a growing girl, after all. But for the moment, she contented herself with eating Melanie's sopping cunt as Melanie toyed with her below. Her girlfriend broke out a dildo and proceeded to experiment with El'sr slick snatch as she returned the favor by probing the musky depths of Melanie's pussy. The dildo felt pretty good - there was something amazing about the sliding, stretching sensation of an object so deep within her. Penetration was a game-changer. And when Melanie worked her clit at the same time, it ticked off just about all the right boxes and El's whole body went rigid in a single keening cry of ecstasy. Melanie giggled and rolled off of her, stroking El's still-growing golden locks as they both basked in the aftermath of their lovemaking. She pulled El's hair up into temporary pigtails and giggled again.

"Good lord that's cute. Have you thought about who to ask? About our, uh, vitamin D supplements?"

"Yeah," El said. "My friend Ash from Team Gender-Bender."

"Is that what you call it?"

She shrugged. "That's what I call it. Don't tell anybody else. You'll like Ash. And maybe we can also get Petra. She's the one with the you-know clit-dick."

Mel pulled out her phone and started browsing through her social media. "Interesting," she said flatly. "I'm not sure how I feel about welcoming the woman who seduced my Babydoll Barbie into my bed, though."


"Seriously, though..."

"We can think on it," El said. "Anything interesting in the world?"

Melanie's face wrinkled in consternation. "Maybe... hmmm." Her eyebrows went up and her hand covered her mouth. "Oh my god, El! You're famous!"

- - - - - 

Famous wasn't quite the right word since nobody knew who Elias Bouquet was. But El's picture was making the rounds in the news. There she was, on the home page of the RealNews website, getting assaulted in front of a crowd angry of onlookers. From the picture, it looked a lot worse than it had felt: a cute blonde girl being throttled by an angry, much larger woman wielding a CEC sign in the other hand. The woman's face was red, her eyes wild with hatred as a meaty hand gripped the much-smaller and clearly-frightened El by the collar.

"When did this happen?"

"Yesterday. Petra and Ash saved me."

"Ah." Melanie smirked. "I guess that explains it. You should have told me."

El hadn't even told her mother. She'd sort of hoped it wouldn't get out. She wasn't at all keen on having her face all over the news, but now the cat was out of the bag. Was the media going to want to talk to her? Were more protesters going to come after her? Regardless, it felt like a violation. She read the news article over Melanie's shoulder. The headline read:



by Miranda Cuthbert

The caption for the photo read:

'Protesters harass an AHS patient at the North Corona Community Center'

El was relieved that the article very much took her side on the incident and was generally pro-AHS people. She wasn't sure she liked being referred to as a 'patient' or 'victim' as the article stated, though. It was just who she was now. An AHS person. Just then, her own phone rang and El wiggled away from Melanie to check her messages. It was from Ash.

<I just got back. Where should I pick you up?, he messaged.

"Hey, Mel. Do you want to meet Ash?"

"Ooooh Ash!" she made a few suggestive thrusts with her hips and laughed. "Sure!"

Ash pulled up in his car, an older VW Beetle, half an hour later. Its lilac pastel color was completely at odds with Ash's current appearance - and, for that matter, what little El knew of Ashley from before she'd changed. In a reversal of El's own car adventures, he had the seat pushed all the way back to fit. Had El known what he'd be driving and that Melanie might be accompanying, she'd probably have insisted on taking her Accord. She didn't feel like rocking the boat now, though.

"Nice house," Ash said. The Harmons certainly had a nice abode in a nice neighborhood. It was probably worth twice what El's parents' house was, and they were by no means poor.

"It's not mine," El said. "This is Melanie, my girlfriend."

"Hey, Melanie," Ash said. He shot El a quizzical look.

"She knows all about the protests yesterday and about after. And about Luci. I told her everything and she wants to help."

Ash relaxed visibly. "That's cool. We can use the help, I suppose. I'm, um... not sure I have enough room."

"El doesn't take up much space!" Melanie said a bit too cheerfully.

She bounded around to the car's far side with athletic ease and pulled the seat forward, waiting for El to get in. That was fair. Melanie was close to 5'10" tall and outweighed El by at least fifty pounds. The back seats of a Beetle were much better suited to El's size. She climbed in and found the seating roomy, even after Melanie pushed her own seat back a few inches.

"Okay, let me look up the addresses..."

"I've got them memorized," El said.

Ash smirked. "Of course you do."

As they drove, El looked back and forth between Melanie and Ash and wondered whether she'd made a terrible mistake. Melanie was definitely giving Ash eyes and Ash wasn't being nearly as covert in his sneak peeks as he clearly thought he was being. There was a lot to like in both of them. Ash was pushing north of six feet tall now and had rugged good looks that belonged on a pulpy romance magazine, right down to the piercing blue eyes and two-day stubble. He'd ditched the jacket altogether and his too-tight black t-shirt displayed the physique of a man who'd put a year in at the gym over the past three days. Thanks AHS! Melanie, of course, was Melanie. The new Melanie 2.0 turbo. Her breasts were barely-contained in her moss-green top, which was somewhere between a tank top and a sports bra, displaying plenty of toned arms, abs, and everything else in their lightly-tanned perfection. She was showing a good three inches of cleavage and could have displayed more if she'd wanted to. Her fitness shorts were basically lycra boy shorts - the same color as her top and very form-fitting, from the smooth 'v' of her crotch to the muscular swell of her well-defined ass. El would have been very surprised if the hem went an inch past her crotch. Also thanks AHS!

El felt her own bug bites - a bit more than bug bites now. Beginner's boobs. But if Melanie and Ash really hit it off, what then? El would definitely be the third wheel in that equation. Thermonuclear megasex squared plus El was still basically just thermonuclear megasex squared. She was a rounding error. What the fuck had she been thinking?

"I can't believe you used to be a girl," Melanie said. When she squeezed Ash's bicep, his glance flicked up to check on El in the rear view mirror. El gave a little nod to make it clear that she was one rounding error very much attuned to the situation.

"Wild, right?" Ash said. "I'm still getting used to it, obviously. It's almost as crazy as thinking that El used to be a dude. And I'm guessing you got AHS, too?"

"How could you tell?" Melanie put her finger to her mouth with such coquettish innocence that El almost laughed.

"Um, I..." Ash wiggled in his seat. "Oh! We're here!"

They'd arrived at the first address, a double-wide out near the edge of eastern Corona. They crunched around for a while, knocking on the doors and peering in the windows before deciding that nobody was home. They knocked on the next door neighbor's door, a mid-seventies woman wearing sunglasses even though she'd just been inside.

"We're looking for Luke and Ben next door," Ash said. "About our age, maybe? We're looking for them."

"Little Lucas? That boy isn't but ten years old. What's this about?"

"Sorry to have bothered you, ma'am."

The second house was closer to downtown, a little picket-fenced house on a little block of old development squeezed between townhouse complexes. They had to park two blocks away to find free parking and then started toward the place.

"Hold up," Melanie said. "My social media is blowing up right now. I need to put a few messages out, but it'll only take a minute." She held out her phone, posed, and clicked a picture. "You two go ahead. This will only take a few minutes."

Ash shrugged and started toward the second house. El followed after him, worried that Melanie wouldn't remember which house it was. She hadn't memorized the addresses. They walked the few blocks down to maybe-Luci's house, down the busy stretch of midday street running toward downtown Corona. Just walking and enjoying the warmth of late afternoon, it was easy for El to forget the extent of her changes and to just be. But as soon as her mind drifted to it, it was unavoidable: her every motion felt different, her every sensation seemed attuned to her new form, and everything around her was strangely large. She'd been terrified and helpless against that woman the other day. Then she looked at Ash in profile as they turned onto the little side street leading to the target house. Was it possible that Elias had been nearly that tall a week ago? Ash was massively bigger than her.

"This is the place," Ash said, checking his phone.

"There's a car in the driveway," El said. "And lights on. I bet someone's home."

Ash knocked on the door and right away El knew they had the right place. A boy wearing only gym shorts opened the door - only, boy was a poor way to describe him. He looked to be in his mid to late teens but was easily as big as Ash and probably a bit bigger. His MMA-fighter build and angular stubble-rough jaw contrasted with the slightly boyish face he hadn't yet grown out of. He stood there for a moment, his eyes appraising Ash as a rival and El as a potential conquest. It was a lot creepier than when Ash gave El eyes.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Are you Ben?"

His surprised reaction made it clear that he was. "Who the fuck are you?"

"We're friends of Luci's," Ash said. "We need to talk to her.

"You can't talk to her," he said. "She's busy."

He started to close the door but Ash held it open. "We're going to talk to her," he said.

"Ash," El said. She put a hand on his arm - the muscles beneath were tense like steel cord. "Let's be smart about this."

"We're going to talk to her," he said again.

Ben crossed his arms and flexed. There was a lot to flex. "Too bad. She's my sister. She's mine," he said with a finality that made El shiver.

Ash tried to push his way past but Ben blocked him, pushing back on Ash's shoulder with a meaty palm.

"Listen to your girl. Be smart about this. I got no beef with you, just let me have my sister."

"She's not yours to fucking have," Ash spat.

Ben took a swing, Ash blocked it with his forearm, and the two men started grappling.

El looked on in apprehension as they wrestled for control. Ash punched Ben's gut, but the shirtless boy absorbed most of the blow and kneed Ash hard enough to make him stumble off the porch. Then he lunged and the two of them were on the ground, rolling around and trying to gouge and punch at one another. They were almost evenly matched - Ben was a bit bigger and stronger and Ash faster and scrappier. Neither was particularly skilled at fighting. But when Ben got a lucky roll, he mounted Ash and readied to rain blows down. El screamed and rushed forward with balled fists - punching his back and sides and even the side of his head as hard as she could. It didn't do anything but annoy Ben, though - he snorted and pushed her to the ground with one quick shove before turning back to Ash.

That moment was all Ash needed to recover. He bucked his hips and pushed a surprised Ben off him. Then he rolled to his feet and the two squared off again. El looked on helplessly, still recovering from the shove. As she got back to her own feet, something rushed by her and suddenly Melanie was on Ben's back. She sank in a choke hold, which Ben tried to pull off. He was significantly bigger than Melanie, but she was still pretty strong and within a few seconds he stumbled to the ground. She held the choke for another moment to make sure he was unconscious.

"Did I just commit a felony?" she asked. She pulled out her phone to make sure her hair was in order.

"Not if he didn't see your face," Ash said, wiping the blood from his lip. "If we're lucky, when he wakes up we'll be gone with Luci and he'll have no idea what happened."

"So let's get Luci," El said.

- - - - -

They found Luci in her room dressed in a cheap French maid costume that was utterly insufficient for her burgeoning figure. The 'Naughty Maid' box it had come in, as well as boxes for a dozen other sex and role-playing accessories were neatly piled by the door. Everything in the room was tidy, aside from the trash can, which was piled high with tissues, wet wipes, and condom wrappers. At least they were using protection. Given the state of the rest of the house - fast food wrappers, soda cans, and pizza boxes littering the hallway, clutter everywhere, the parents weren't around and Luci wasn't allowed out to clean very much.

Luci was on her bed happily flipping through a book of nature photography and bobbing her head to whatever was playing in her ear buds. Her red hair was piled high in an elaborate bun with little curls dangling past her heavily made-up face. As soon as she noticed the door opening, she got up onto her knees, legs spread wide, her very female sex displayed to them. She wiggled her bare butt back and forth.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Ash said. He grabbed the girl by the waist and turned her to face them.

"Oh! You're not Ben!" she said.

Melanie took Luci's hand and led her from the bed. When they got to the threshold of her room, Luci's platform-heeled Mary Janes clattered to a stop. "I'm not allowed leave my room."

Ash sighed and gripped her waist again, lifting the girl bodily with a grunt and placing her down just over the threshold. Luci stood there confused, her pouty, crimson lips trembling.

"You're out of your room now," Melanie stated. "Are you allowed to stay out?"

"Um. I guess?"

"Come on," Ash said.

They walked out the front door, past a slowly-rousing Ben and out to the main road. When Luci saw Ben, she gasped.

"What happened to Ben?"

"He's taking a rest," Melanie said.

"Where are we taking her?" El asked.

"To Dr. Turcott," Ash replied.

They must have been quite a sight, the four of them walking up the road. A petite, slender blonde in too-loose clothes, a slightly less-petite redhead in a far too-tight sexy maid's uniform wobbling on platform-heeled mary janes, a definitely not-petite bunette fitness model popping her curves in sexercise wear, and a slightly-battered, square-jawed, sandy-haired young man wearing a black Kim Possible t-shirt that was so tight on his bulging frame it was ripping at the seams. It was a testament to their travails and transformations that El was probably the most normal-looking of the group.

"We can't go to Dr. Turcott," El said. "First off, we don't even know where she is. She's in the community center for a few hours a day, but it's not like she lives there. Second, if we get lucky and run into her, I'm pretty sure she's legally obligated to get Luci back home."

"We're not taking her back home," Melanie stated. "That pervert was turning her into his sex slave."

"Fine," Ash said. "We can go to my house. My mom will be cool with it."

They all piled into Ash's lavender Beetle. If it had been a bit of a tight fit before, it was far too cramped now. Luci could barely fit behind Melanie in the passenger's seat and there was no leg room to speak of behind Ash. El sat cross-legged and found she was far more flexible than she'd realized. It was small consolation for the fact that she apparently couldn't throw a punch to save her life (or anybody else's), but at least she might be good at yoga.

Ash's place was only five minutes away in a development of townhouses and condos just south of Lake Vernon. They parked in a little side lot and waited for Ash's neighbors to go inside before making their conspicuous trek into the house. Before they went in, Ash cracked the front door ajar and called in.

"Mom, I'm home! I have friends."

"I'm decent," she called back.

Inside the doorway, boxes of clothes marked for donation were stacked almost to the ceiling. Beyond that was a fairly typical suburban townhouse, right down to the family pictures in the stairwell and the smell of chocolate chip cookies wafting from the kitchen. Less typical was the woman who sauntered out from the kitchen to greet them.

"Hi, mom," Ash said.

"These are your friends from the community center?" she asked.

She didn't look old enough to be Ash's mother - she looked late 20s at most. And, moreover, she didn't look like anyone's mother... dressed in a tight black t-shirt seemingly engineered to accommodate breasts twice the size of Melanie's borderline-realistic pair. Her skirt was black and leather, half-way to her knees; her thick and wild mane of hair was midnight-black; and her skin was pale enough that El would have thought it cosmetic - but AHS could easily accomplish what biology could not. Across the ivory-white canvas of her skin were intricate tattoos all down her arms, peeking out from the skirt, running up the sides of her neck, and probably elsewhere underneath that preposterous getup. Ash would later tell them that hers was the first documented case of AHS giving somebody tattoos... apparently strikingly similar to the tattoos that had faded from another AHS person years before.

"El and Luci are from the C-C. Melanie is El's girlfriend."

"I'm El," she waved.

"I'm Ash's mom, but you can call me whatever the fuck you want," she said, covering her mouth in surprise. Her blush was quite evident against her preternaturally fair skin. "Sorry! Fuck these fucking impulses... Call me Heather, please. I've got a cursing thing. So if I act like some goth metal bitch, I apologize. The doctor says I'll learn to fuckin' deal with it. Cookies?"

"I'm starving!" El said.

Over cookies, Ash explained the situation to Heather, who took the whole thing with aplomb, appropriately cursing when they got to the part about Ben imprinting Luci and keeping her from doing the mental exercises that would preserve her intellect. El didn't contribute much to the story, as she was busy stuffing her face with chocolate chip cookies. When Heather offered her milk, she drank three brimming glasses of the stuff. When she finally stopped to pat her foodbaby and burp, Ash and Melanie were watching on in astonishment.

"Holy fuck, did you just eat all the cookies?" Ash laughed.

"Fuckin' language, Ash! Um... dinner's in an hour if you're still hungry," Heather said.

The four of them retreated to Ash's bedroom at the back of the house, where they busied themselves with looking up ways to overcome Luci's imprinting. Unfortuantely, there wasn't much to find on it. El found a trove of literature on deprogramming, but most of it was focused on people in cults and extremist movements and the treatments would take weeks or months if the programming could be overcome at all. The 'ultrahyperagreeable' aspect of rare AHS cases had been identified early on, but there was no indication that anybody had ever tried to overcome imprint programming.

"What if we can get her to imprint to someone else?" Melanie asked. "She's still got AHS Vehicle, so maybe we can switch it."

"That seems really dangerous," El said. "I mean... we're all good people, but I'm not sure I'd trust myself with that."

"Better us than Ben," Ash said. "Hmm. What if we could get her to imprint onto all of us?"

El thought about it for a minute. "That might work," she said. "If it'll work at all, it might mean that she'll only be imprinted onto the three of us collectively. That way, she'll only be locked into a command that one of us says when the other two are around. It's not perfect - she'll always be pliant - but it has psychological precedent and maybe we can figure out orders that will let her work around it."

"That sounds iffy," Melanie said. "Psychological precedent says who?"

Said El. She showed Melanie the research she'd just browsed on cult deprogramming and her girlfriend agreed it was worth a shot. They spent the better part of half an hour taking turns ordering Luci to do things around the room. Pointless little things like tidying different parts of the clutter, doing little movements like standing on one foot, or repeating silly phrases for them. Ash and El's idea was that, if the imprinting with Ben was at all still plastic, they'd be able to transfer it to themselves with a barrage of commands to overpower whatever had locked Ben's status in her suggestible brain. Things were going well until Melanie told Luci to shake her hips at the same moment Ash told her to bend over and she did both, bending at the hips and shaking her ass back and forth until her little maid skirt flipped up and Luci was shaking her very naked and very aroused peach of a pussy at them.

Ash took in a sharp breath. "Fuuuck," he whispered.

El licked her lips. It had been hours since she and Melanie had their little play session.

"Shake your ass up and down," Melanie said.

In the next instant, Luci was twerking her delectable ass in front of all of them, pussy juice streaking down the inside of her supple thighs as she giggled. El couldn't take her eyes off it - the swollen orbs of her ass, the svelte curve of her legs, the delicate wet pink of her pussy, all of it was hitting all the right dials and knobs in El's decreasingly quiescent libido. Melanie sidled up behind her and started groping El's tits through the cotton of her shirt, running her palms over the erect nipples.

"I think they're bigger," she whispered into El's ear.

"Fuuuck," El groaned. "They feel amazing."

Ash licked his lips. "I think it's high time we took a study break."

The next half hour was devoted to seeing how much sexual mischief four people could get up to in the confines of Ash's modest bedroom. It turned out to be quite a lot - El got to partake of all of them. At one point, she was making out with Melanie, who was being eaten out by Luci, while getting taken from behind by Ash, who groped her small-but-growing tits for leverage. As her pussy was getting reamed from behind and the high whine of her 'oohs' and 'aahs' filled the air, she was vaguely aware that this was the first time she'd had an honest-to-god dick in her, but it felt like the most natural thing in the world. At this point in his transformation, Ash was as big as Elias had been or a bit bigger, and the feeling of simultaneous warmth and stretching and movement was a trifecta that resonated deep within her cunt. Even that holy trinity wasn't quite enough to push her over the edge, but when Melanie thumbed her clit, El saw stars. The added sensation set her off and her ass pushed back in counterpoint to Ash's thrusts and El was only gradually aware that those hoarse cries of runaway passion were her own surrender to surreal pleasure.

El needed a breather after that, so Ash moved on to fulfill other obligations. His stamina was impressive, and when he eventually came in Luci's sopping snatch, he was ready again minutes later and then El was eating his spunk out of Luci's quivering slit while Melanie sucked Ash back into readiness. El had Melanie's tit in her mouth, had Ash's mouth slurping out her pussy, and had somebody's finger working its way into her asshole when Heather knocked at the door.

"Dinner in five minutes," she said.

"Okay," Ash grunted, smacking his lips. "We'll finish up in here."

Five minutes wasn't quite enough, but they managed to do it in ten. El graciously volunteered to take over dick-sucking duty from Melanie, who was a bit put-off by Ash's apparent eagerness at the idea. But she was content enough to order Luci through her sexual paces while El kept Ash's organ busy.

El had been thinking a lot about fellatio since her bout with Petra the other day and had even watched a few tutorial videos on the subject. She put that theoretical learning to practical work and found it mostly on-point. When Ash eased himself into her mouth, she relaxed and took the whole thing in without issue, even though it was a bit bigger than Petra's organ had been. His cock had the mixed tastes of slick pussy and gooey cum all over it and El loved it. She knew it was supposed to be mildly gross and degrading, but something about the consistency and taste fired some little AHS-altered locus in her brain that made her feel warm all over. She loved feeling the little veins and bumps of his cock, loved the shape and the texture as her tongue swirled around it.

"Jesus Christ!" Ash exclaimed, bracing himself against Melanie's wiggling ass for a moment. "You've never done this before?"

El held up a singular finger. She'd serviced Petra just the other day.

"If you get any better..." Ash said, but he didn't finish the sentence because El's slurping tongue decided to silence him. In a way, she had just as much control over Ash as the moaning Melanie did over the lapping, labile Luci.

All the while, El was fingering her pussy and tweaking at her little jiggling tits - there was enough of them to be properly jiggly now, at least when Ash was face-fucking her with dedicated thrusts. But she didn't let that distract her from doing a good job. This was still pretty new territory to El and she didn't want to waste the chance to get better. She set Ash off with a little squeeze of the lips, and his jizz jetting into her mouth and sliding down her throat was enough to set El into her own spiral of orgasm. Her fingers rubbed her already-sopping cunt and she collapsed into a mewling pile as Ash unlocked his fingers from behind her head and pulled away. She lay on the floor for a moment, giggling and touching herself and wondering how this could possibly all be real. She slurped in a bauble of cum that had somehow escaped her notice and relished its slide down her throat.

"You'd better keep this one, Melanie," Ash said. He ran his fingers through El's hair. "Otherwise, she'll get snatched up in, like, four seconds flat."

"Yeah," Melanie said. She kissed Ash's cheek and then bent down to give El a slow, sensual kiss, afterward licking the extra streaks of cum from her cheek. "She has her uses. But fear not, brave Sir Ash, as I declare thee our boytoy until such a time as the Lady El sayeth 'no more.'"

"Then I shall endeavor to keep in both of your good graces," he said with a bow. "So... how do we know if the thing with Luci worked?"

El propped herself up on her elbow and looked to the sated Luci in her now-ruined maid's uniform. "Luci, what things did Ben make you do?"

Luci told them - Ben had commanded her not to, but she told them anyway. Her imprinting was broken - at least her imprinting to Ben was. Whether she'd imprinted to the three of them - well, how much did that matter? They were going to do right by her if they could. And as Luci told them what Ben had commanded her to do, had made her do to denigrate herself and route herself down the pathway to sex slavery, they grew angrier and more repulsed. He was her own brother! They were supposed to care for one another and he'd betrayed, degraded, and perhaps permanently impaired her.

"If I ever see him again, I'll kick his fucking teeth in," Ash said.

"Me, too," El agreed. "Can we go downstairs now? I'm famished."

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