Unusual Cases

Chapter Three: Team GB


After breaking the bad news, Dr. Turcott left them to process the news. When the hornies came, they still fucked, but Elias thrust with a defeated mechanical regularity, and when he came it was with the knowledge that his manhood and his ejaculate were slowly winnowing away with each passing moment - and would be quickly winnowing in the next day or so. Melanie still got plenty of enjoyment out of their coupling, crying out and moaning with abandon every bit as much as before. But, perhaps because of the knowledge of what was happening, or perhaps simply because he was becoming less of an amazing fuck, she increasingly guided them toward bouts of oral exploration. It still felt just as amazing for Elias, though, and the hornies were as intense as ever. Over the course of the next few hours, though, Melanie's bouts of raging libido seemed to be abating. She was a day or a day and a half further along than him and she was just about out of that phase.

"My libido isn't spiking quite as badly," she said. Her dark hair was longer and glossier than ever, black like onyx and falling past her shoulders in luxurious cascading waves. Elias's own brown hair had a few errant streaks of blond. Blond!

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"I'm still horny," she admitted, groping a pink-tipped breast with a little shudder. "But it's kind of evening out. Like... before, I was above average in between and unbelievably horny when it was coursing through me. I just couldn't even, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I'm still getting that. I guess not for too much longer, though. And in between, it's just like it was before?"

"No, it's higher. Instead of being above average and unbelievably horny, it's averaged out, I guess. I'm pretty horny to really horny. But even if I stabilize at pretty horny... well, I think I'd be DTF almost all the time. How can I possibly be a real doctor with real patients when I'm constantly at a simmer?"

"Maybe you'll get used to it?"

"Maybe," she said uncertainly.

After their next bout of fucking, some CDC people knocked discreetly (again almost exactly ten minutes after) and came in to escort Elias to the facility for unusual cases. Melanie kissed him goodbye, the taste of his seed still on her lips, and gave his shrinking Mr. Happy a little squeeze for good luck.

Federal law prohibited virulent AHS patients in hospitals and it would take one to two days for the PV-981 to do its work, so the special cases were being housed in the community center across town. Elias took a quarantine truck with a few other people with rare symptoms. One woman had a large and moving mass of something protruding from her side. It was mostly concealed with a bedsheet but quite obviously abnormal. Another was an enormous, burly, darkly-bearded man who just stared into the distance and occasionally drooled, his scrub pants straining to contain an erection the size of Elias's forearm. Compared to them, Elias figured he was getting off lightly.

The North Corona Community Center wasn't the Marchioness. It wasn't even the Holiday Inn. It was spacious enough for all of them, but they'd had to convert the various small classrooms and conference rooms there into makeshift bedrooms with small, uncomfortable mattresses and exactly one private bathroom for the whole center. The community center consisted of a big circular rotunda that served as a central hub with three side hallways - the A, B, and C wings - spaced equally around the circle. The largest room in each wing was set up as a lounge and dining area, while the second largest served as a makeshift medical lab. The rest of the rooms were for the 'unusual cases' to stay in during their two-day stays. Elias was set up in the A wing - apparently with a handful of folks with similar conditions. Dr. Turcott explained how things were going to go in their first group meeting in the big rotunda:

"Some people are very sensitive about their conditions," Fran Turcott explained to them. "So the rule is that you can go anywhere in A-wing, but you can't come into here or the other areas except for when we're having our group time. Since there are only five of you, A-wing should be more than enough space, right?"

"Yeah," they mumbled.

"So... before we start our session, is there anything not about your cases and your transitions that you want to ask me?"

"Um..." the only girl in the group said. She was about Elias's age with short, mousy brown hair, a faded green army jacket, and all of the other articles needed for a punkish tomboy look. "The woman who came with me in the quarantine truck was screaming the whole time, and she had... like, sticky stuff just oozing down from her... you know, her privates. The whole time. Is she going to be okay?"

Dr. Turcott drew her lips into a pained expression. "Sorry! I'm not allowed to discuss other patients here, but things can go wrong with AHS. Patients only need individualized medical treatment in something like one percent of cases, but with an outbreak the size of this one, one in a hundred means dozens of people. Some of the cases are medically grave... others, like yours, are just unexpected."

"So... you're some kind of expert?" an older man said. He looked to be in his thirties and was the oldest in the group. The rest of those in their gender-changing group were within a few years of Elias's nineteen years. "How do you know about our cases?"

"Aside from my medical degree?" Dr. Turcott asked, her smile slightly strained. "Well... because I was one."

She tapped on her tablet and loaded a picture. It was a slightly handsome blond man, late twenties with a cleft chin and two days worth of stubble. He wore a physician's white coat with a name sewn into the pocket patch: Dr. Francis Turcott.

"This is my internship photo from just after I got my medical degree fifteen years ago," she said. There was some resemblance there - in another life, Frank could have been Dr. Turcott's slightly younger brother. "I was working at the Dallas Medical Center as a psychiatric resident when they had their big outbreak ten years ago... and the rest is history. I had something like what some of you have. If you want me to bore you with the clinical details, we can arrange for one-on-one sessions."

The man was incredulous. "And you're... you're okay with that?"

"I wasn't thrilled at first," Dr. Turcott said. "But it's really grown on me. I love who I am and I love helping people like me. And, whether or not you want to embrace the new you, whoever that might be, I hope I can make things easier because I know what you've been through." She forced her serious expression to brighten. "But enough about me! We're all going to be seeing a lot of one another for the next few weeks, so let's make introductions! You already know me - so let's hear about you. You don't have to say anything more than you want to say, but I want you to feel like you can share here and you can all support one another in a judgment-free zone. Okay? Let's start with you and go around the circle." She nudged the boy to her left. He was maybe sixteen with sandy hair and already had a lithe, androgynous look about him.

"Hi, I'm Lucas. Dr. Turcott told me I have something called Klinefelter's syndrome, which might be why I've... well, I guess that doesn't matter. It means the AHS doesn't know I'm a boy so it's doing... this to me. But I hope it won't be as bad as I think."

"Hi, I'm Ashley," the tomboy (and increasing emphasis on the boy) looking girl said. "I have what's called AIS. I already found out about that a few years ago... basically, it means I'm XY but my body can't recognize testosterone. Or at least my body couldn't. I guess the AHS will take care of that. I'm not thrilled to be having a..." she dangled her finger around. "A thing. But I guess there's no escaping it. Smash the patriarchy." She made a little fist pump.

"I'm Malcolm... Jesus, this feels like AA or something," the older man said. "They have no clue what's happening to me. Something about a camera?"

"Chimera," Dr. Turcott said. "It means... well, that's not important."

Malcolm shrugged. He had a thick beard, but it looked a bit patchy, like it had been falling out in parts. His eyebrows were strangely slim and sculpted against his brow and dark hair was growing in across his half-bald pate. "Yeah, well whatever. Now I'm going to turn into a chick. No thanks. Fuck AHS." He shot the doctor a challenging glance.

"It's fine," she said. "You can say whatever you want here. Remember: no judgments! Next?"

"Hey, I'm Diego," the next man said. He looked to be in his early twenties with tanned skin and Latin good looks made androgynous by the early stages of the disease. "I'm like Lucas, I guess, chromosome-wise. XXY. To be honest, this is pretty dope and I'm kind of excited to see what will happen. I've always been... I dunno, experimental? I've mostly been into men, only occasionally with the ladies." He winked at Ashley. "But lately, I've been fucking everything that moves, you know?" He laughed. "Judgment-free, right?"

"That's right," the doctor said.

"Right. Well, the people who get this thing turn out pretty hot, right? I was a pretty hot dude... except for this..." he poked at a slightly swollen chest. "That's the Klinefelter's apparently. But it don't matter. I laid enough pipe for ten lifetimes. Now I'm looking forward to being a really hot chick and see how much pipe I can take. It's all good, right?"

"That's a very... positive... attitude," Dr. Turcott said. "Refreshing, actually. And lastly..."

"Hi, I'm Elias." Elias waved lamely. "I have an SRY gene on my X chromosome, which means AHS thinks I'm a woman. I hope whatever I'm changing into won't ruin my life because I liked my life. I'm not gonna lie and pretend I'm super excited about what's happening, but maybe it'll be better than I was worried it would be. It's good to meet all of you. It's good to see I'm not alone, even if I wish the situation was different."

"Great!" Dr. Turcott said. "Now let's talk about AHS transitions and how you can help one another through them!"

- - - - - 

The five of them in the gender-changing group were stuck in the community center for anything between one and two days, depending on how far along they were. After their saliva levels of vehicle dropped below the threshold level for infection, they would be free to go home but were urged to meet up with Dr. Turcott and the others in the center three times a week for the next three weeks. Fran went through the exercises that they were supposed to be doing - that Elias had already been doing - that were important for everybody but especially so for those turning into women, because they were vulnerable to the same extreme mental effects that normal women with AHS were. They were urged to keep a journal with their thoughts and observations for their own records and for posterity and given a thick, glossy CDC-issued guide with information about AHS and all of its various flavors.

Elias spent a lot of time in the lounge area doing his mental exercises and posting to social media. His father and brother were worried sick about him - he'd told them that he was safe and that his 'unusual case' wasn't anything to be concerned about, but he hadn't provided any details beyond that. And his mother... well, she had other things to worry about. Melanie was sending him nudes on a regular basis - nudes of her increasingly shapely body.

<I have ABS!!!, she texted him.

Sure enough, she had nicely-defined abs. In fact she looked noticeably more toned and in shape, but not in a bulky or masculine way.

<I LOVE SPORTY!!!, she texted and sent a naked flex pose. She looked bronzed and firm. Her smile was radiant.

<Miss u, though! :(

<Send me titty pics :D

Elias sent her a picture of his own naked body - now distinctly more sleek and slender with his fully-erect cock jutting out maybe four inches from his much sparser patch of pubic hair. When he measured his height and weight in the little medical suite, he was only 5'9" tall and 150 pounds. He'd lost something like twenty pounds and three inches.

<Aw :(, Melanie messaged.

<Sad to see the little guy go

When the hornies came, and they still did for most of the first day, Elias retreated to the little meeting room he called home and masturbated. Stroking his cock still felt amazing, but his orgasms were changing. He emitted less and less semen with each passing wave and the white-hot pulse of pleasure that originated in the head of his cock became an all-encompassing radiating warmth that made his whole body writhe in paroxysms of pleasure, even as his shrinking cock spurted its diminishing load onto his belly. Increasingly, he would play with his larger, delightfully sensitive nipples, though there still wasn't anything much beneath them. With any luck, he wouldn't turn into one of those ridiculous overinflated bimbos that some women turned into. To that end, he also doubled down on the brain exercises. He had enough trouble in college as things were... he wasn't about to get himself turned into some vapid trollop. AHS 'victims' already had a reputation for being bimbos. He didn't want to help the reputation along by actually being one.

When he wasn't holed up in his room going to pound town, Elias spent plenty of time with the others. Well, three of the others. The older guy, Malcolm, never came out of his room except to shuffle off to the bathroom with a bedsheet and an oversized robe that completely concealed his body. But Ashley, Luke, and Diego all seemed like pretty decent people - even if Luke was annoyingly introverted, always absorbed in whatever he was listening to in his ear buds, and Diego was completely outrageous in everything he did. He shamelessly came on to all of them, and Elias was 99% sure that Ashley and Diego were fucking whenever the hornies came. At least what's what all the mixed moaning, screaming, thumping, and crashing from the next room over suggested. Ashley confirmed as much the next morning as they chatted over coffee in the lounge.

"My hornies are over, thank god," Elias said. "But it seems like I'm changing pretty fast. I think my voice is a little higher."

"And mine is lower," Ashley said. "I still sound like a girl, though. I'll take it while I can, I guess." She shrugged. Her loose army jacket was increasingly less so. "And poor Diego... his... you know... his dick is so tiny. It's almost gone..."

"But I heard... I mean the noises."

"He's very inventive." She giggled. "And has a very gifted tongue. It's just to take the edge off, you know? I think mine are almost done, too. The last one was hardly any different from usual horny."

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Elias said.

"Seventeen," she huffed. "Old enough. Why do you care?"

"Just curious. My family is kind of freaking out. Not so much my mom... she's got AHS, too. How about your family?"

"I told them right away. My mom has it, and it's just the two of us at home. I think I got it at school and gave it to her. And, hey, the out-of-town fam took it pretty well - we're very open, I guess. I texted my dad: hey, pops! Guess who doesn't have two daughters anymore? You! I've got gender-changing AHS. Next stop boy town! Toot toot! He sent me a surprise emoji and a thumbs-up."

"You seem very positive about it."

Ashley shrugged. "Don't get me wrong. I don't want to be a dude. But I'm not gonna cry over it like some little bitch. I've got to be a big girl about becoming a big boy. And I think I'm going to be pretty big..." She was wearing loose-fitting gym shorts, which she proceeded to pull down to reveal the engorged nubbin of a clitoris. It was the size of the first joint of Elias's thumb. Ashley thrust her hips a few times, laughing. It was slick with moisture and jutted out visibly from the few downy hairs at the front of her mons.

"Jesus!" Elias said, but he was laughing, too.

"Judgment-free zone, right?"

"Get me more coffee!" he shielded his eyes and waved his empty cup at her.

"Pretty soon, you'll be getting me the coffee, missy!"

In that moment, Elias knew the two of them were definitely going to fuck - if he wanted them to. He couldn't just cheat on Melanie like that, though. That would be unfair, right? He just had to wait one more day and he'd be back with Melanie and they could sate one another. Hopefully, she could also wait for him.

- - - - - 

"You excited to go home?" Ash asked - she'd been going by Ash. She said she'd often gone by Ash before, so if she was going to be a guy, she might as well embrace the nickname full-on.

"Yeah," Elias said. He sort-of did. He wanted to see Melanie, at least. They'd just got their saliva titers back, and they were all cleared to go home, though they'd still have to report for daily status checks.

He noted with some chagrin that their voices had almost exactly the same pitch. They were also almost exactly the same size - 5'7" and around 140 pounds. If you were to ask a stranger which of them was the boy (or girl), you'd be hard-pressed to get a definitive answer. Elias's face was the smoothest it had been since he was a child and he was the same height he'd been in the ninth grade.

"I can't wait to go home!" Luke enthused.

He practically skipped into the room, his oversized clothes flopping around him and a bookbag slung over his shoulder. Of all of them, he'd changed the most in the span of a day. He'd been just on the masculine side of androgyny before, but he'd definitely crossed that threshold. His hair was perhaps two inches longer, close to jaw length and (like Elias's hair) was streaked through with lighter color, though his was coppery orange rather than golden blonde. El was a bit jealous of that - blonde seemed a bit boring, honestly. But it was the subtle shift in Luke's face and the softer lilt to his voice that really radiated femininity.

A minute later, Diego padded in. He looked about the same as before, albeit just a bit further along the androgyny spectrum. Gauging from the tight fit of his dark t-shirt, erect nipples prominently on display, he didn't look to have lost much size. He approached Luke with a casual ease and groped the boy through his jeans. Luke moaned and rocked his hips to the sensation.

"You're not going without giving me some goodbye attention, are you?"

"Nooooo," Luke groaned. His eyes rolled back as Diego fondled what looked to be a pretty small cock. His lips, pale pink and slightly puffy, were parted in a perpetual moan of desire.

"Didn't think so."

"Hey," Ash said. She squared her shoulders and balled her fists. Elias's heart was racing - was this a lover's spat? Were the two of them about to fight? Should he get help? "Don't take advantage of her... er... him."

Diego shrugged. "I'm not. Am I, puta?" He rubbed Luke's chest through his shirt.

"Nooooo," he groaned again.


"Nooo. It's good," he gasped. "I like it."

"Aren't you like sixteen, Luke?" Elias asked. He, too, was a little put off.

"Hey compadre," Diego said. He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Judgment-free zone, right? Why don't we let Luke make up his own mind. I'll be back in my room. Anybody who wants can join." He looked pointedly to Ash. "Anybody."

Ash sighed and went back with them. Before she left, Ash looked back to Elias and grinned sheepishly. "It's just to make sure he doesn't do anything fucked up."

Sure. From the sounds coming out of Diego's room, it sounded like they were doing plenty that was fucked up. Or at least lots of fucking. Elias considered joining them back there but remembered Melanie. Instead, he just touched himself through his increasingly ill-fitting jeans until his knees buckled in orgasm. His ejaculation was small enough that it barely left any mess in his baggy boxers. Elias snorted in annoyance. They were still fucking back there and he was still worked up. He ordered a Ryde to get to Melanie's house. After two days in the Marchioness and two in the community center, he was tired of being cooped up.

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