Urban Shenhao System

Chapter 536 The Uninvited Guest

An Qing is a person who does not suffer, people do not offend me, I do not offend others, the other party now has other secrets behind his back, the forces hidden in the dark have not yet surfaced, but they are clearly targeting him.

Of course he wouldn't bear this kind of thing. Knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy, An Qing must get rid of all enemies.

Three days later, the public bidding from the Daxia Energy Project Department aroused unprecedented positive enthusiasm around the world.

Relevant companies and official forces were alarmed. The source of energy, something that had only been heard in the Anqing live broadcast room, called for relevant global forces to start bidding so quickly?

The mobility is simply unimaginable, and the speed is amazing.

Almost everyone can predict that after this global bidding, the development and manufacturing speed of the earth's energy sources will be greatly improved in the future!

Competitiveness will also generate motivation. Competent companies and official affairs are all eyeing this bidding, and they will work hard!

Of course, there are also some voices of opposition on the Internet. Among them, a message supported by Chinese people shows that Anqing hopes that Anqing will use the energy source orders and partners to support domestic enterprises!
Regarding this rhetoric, An Qing didn't even bother to explain.

Maybe most people think that they have explained the knowledge of energy sources in the live broadcast room, and the content disseminated in the recorded videos, which are already professional knowledge in the field of energy sources.

In fact, this idea is absurd and groundless!
Part of the content I said in the live broadcast room seems to be perfect, but in fact there are too many things that need to be improved!
Now he puts part of his mind on the manufacture of the spacecraft, so the energy source needed for this project is simply astronomical!Such a huge demand requires global cooperation!

Moreover, in Anqing's view, the production of energy sources is actually just some accessories.

Although the bidders will make a profit on supplying the goods, these are irrelevant.

As for the backward industry of accessories, Anqing disdained to control it in the palm of his hand, and it would be more worry-free and labor-saving to throw it out and let others produce it.

He sat quietly in front of the computer and browsed the information on the website. Seeing the bidders who were invited to sign up, he felt quite satisfied.

Almost all major equipment manufacturers in the world have downloaded blueprints from the Internet, and are racing against time to produce energy prototypes and want to participate in the bidding.

With such enthusiasm for bidding, Director Wu of the project should get new samples soon.

An Qing was checking the public design drawings of various companies on the Internet, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

After hearing his response, the four of Meng Hang walked in excitedly.

"Master, the matter you asked me to investigate has come to fruition." He said while placing a document in front of An Qing, and the top picture reported, "The force behind Jack is the Louis family!"

"It turned out to be them? Why did they do this, and what benefits can they get?" Hearing this, An Qing frowned. He was no stranger to the Louis family.

This family has participating shares in many large technology companies around the world.

An Qing, who got the answer, suddenly felt a little confused, and couldn't understand the motives behind the Louis family.

As a master, An Qing couldn't figure it out, so Meng Hang couldn't figure it out even more.

"By the way, how did you find out about George?" An Qing asked, changing the subject.

"It's really a coincidence that the boss behind George is also from the Louis family. Their current CEO is called Avril, and this is the woman!" Meng Hang turned to the second page of the information and pointed to the glamorous woman in the photo.

"Meng Hang, please collect these materials and send them directly to Yu Lei, so that he can communicate with the authorities." An Qing glanced at the woman in the photo and gave the order directly.

He wants to use the information he found to completely convict Jack. Since these people are targeting him, they must be prepared to pay the price!
Only one day after this incident, An Qing suddenly received an unfamiliar number from abroad.

Hanging up three times in a row, but the other party still didn't give up calling, An Qing got through in doubt.

"Hello, is this Mr. An?" On the other end of the phone was a questioning woman's voice, speaking a little bluntly in Daxia language.

An Qing's heart twitched slightly, and there was already a guess about the candidate, "What do you want from me?"

"Mr. An, I took the liberty to call you. Can I have dinner with you tonight? Our family is very interested in bidding for energy projects..."

The woman on the other end of the phone was polite, but she still couldn't escape the fate of being rejected by An Qing.

"If you are interested in the project, you should follow the process to participate in the bidding. You should submit samples, submit materials, and submit materials. You don't need to contact me alone."

Hearing An Qing's refusal, the woman was not discouraged. Instead, she chuckled and said, "Mr. An, it's not very gentlemanly to treat a lady so indifferently like you. I'm already at the door, why don't you open the door and see me?"

Hearing what the other party said, An Qing also smiled, but his eyes were still indifferent.

He got up and went to open the door himself. As expected, the woman standing outside the door was exactly the same as the eldest lady of the Louis family in yesterday's information.

"Mr. An, excuse me." The woman greeted her generously with a coquettish smile.

"Miss Avril, please come in." An Qing revealed the identity of the other party, turned and entered the living room.

He just poured a glass of boiled water on the tea table and signaled the other party to sit down freely, "I didn't expect you to act so fast, and you came to visit today."

What An Qing said meant something. Although his address was not top-secret information, the other party found it accurately in only one day, which also explained the problem.

Comparing with the person in front of him, An Qing found that Avril Lavigne was more mature than what was shown in the information, with the charm of a woman and the demeanor of a superior in every gesture.

"An Sheng is amazing. I didn't expect you to be an out-and-out workaholic. You can see draft calculation papers everywhere in this living room."

Avril Lavigne's attitude is still neither humble nor overbearing, and she speaks with incoming and outgoing words.

She looked around, and suddenly the draft paper on the coffee table stopped moving.

"This is...the solution to the energy key?" Avril was very surprised, she looked up at An Qing and asked, "Can I have a look?"

"Yes." An Qing did not refuse.

Now that the energy sources have started public bidding, at least the first few steps of these key answers will be made public soon, and there is nothing to keep secret.

"Thank you so much!" Avril couldn't wait to pick up the manuscript paper and read it carefully.

Looking at the other person's appearance, An Qing believed that this woman could really understand, and he was also a little surprised about this.

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