Using magic to finally become a girl (and to have insane sex with the girlfriend)


“I… have a confession to make.”


I look at Ange, my girlfriend of two years, sitting across the table with expectant, remorseful eyes.


“Go on…”


“I’m trans…”


“As if I don’t notice you constantly posting about wanting to be a girl, overlaying my clothes over yourself in the mirror, dismissing every heterosexual piece of content you’ve consumed as ‘the het standard fantasy’, asking your friends online to call you she/her, having a trans flag colour theme, etc.”


“I also… have bottom dysphoria…”


“Evidenced by the fact that you shirk away from having sex ever since we did it the first few times, getting really uncomfortable over boners, not wanting me to see or touch your penis, not wanting to hear about your penis, etc. see? Every time I mention ‘your penis’ you flinch like you’ve taken recoil damage.”


It’s true, I flinched three times hearing what she said.


“I also…”


“Do I need to talk about the weird magic spells that you’re trying to cast? I know you’ve been going outside to do them but it’s obvious with all the weird seemingly irrelevant items that keep being delivered here.”


I can only look down in embarrassment, I didn’t think everything I did was so telegraphed that even she knew what was happening. I even spent so long looking up and into the world of magic until I managed to get a contact for magical spells! They provided me a bubble where passersby won’t notice me doing magic but it seems I underestimated Ange’s perceptiveness.


“Leon…” Ange rests her hand on top of mine, “Or should I call you Liselotte? Cause it seems all your online friends call you that except for outside family and friends.”


I am shaking, I’m sure she can see and feel it too.


“Know that I love you and I won’t leave you alone like this, so don’t just up and disappear on me just because you feel uncomfortable.”


I slowly look up and meet her marine eyes“Are you sure you’ll stick by me, Ange?”


“I will, I promise you that.” She smiles.


We stand up and pull each other into a hug. I feel comforted by her words, which makes me feel that whatever happens to me next, she’ll still be there for me.


“Tomorrow, I’ll be a different me, the true me.”


“What is this? New day, new me?” Ange giggles.


“I’ll perform the spell and then come to sleep with you. You don’t have to wait for me before you sleep though.”


“Alright then missy, enjoy your arcane shenanigans.” Ange waves me goodnight and walks into the bedroom.


If all goes well, I’ll wake up as a girl next morning a la the genderbend manga series I own. Then finally, I can be rid of my gender and genital dysphoria with the added capacity to do magic! I’ve already delved into the arcane to change my body instead of taking the medicine route so let’s go deeper why not?


I go into the spare room where I’ve prepared all I need for the spell. I've been warned by the magician’s association that this spell has never been done before despite its documentation and any side effects are unknown. Well, at least on human subjects. It’s been done on various other critters to some success though I feel this was probably cast as torture in the olden ages but were never documented for obvious reasons.


I sit down in the centre of the circle and concentrate, manipulating the magical energy awakened within me and chanting the spell. In my mind’s eye, I can see the connections form between the circuits and the magical items I procured. I cannot let my concentration slip, one misstep and the recoil might permanently damage my body. Slowly the connections form and after the final item, my vision follows the circuitry as if on rails and I am enveloped in white before dimming and returning to black. I open my eyes and look around, still in the same room, I’m sweating like mad, the magical items seem to be lightly smoking as if burned.


“I think it worked… guess I’ll rinse off my sweat before jumping into bed.”


In the shower, I look at my disgusting little snake for the last time, and bid it a small goodbye despite my distaste for it. It has been a part of my body for the last 23 years of my life after all.


I dry myself off and go into bed with Ange already asleep, I close my eyes and pray I wake up as I envisioned.




Morning comes, Ange’s sleeping face is still in front of me, something… feels missing, I sit up and groggily make my way to the toilet, one difference I notice is my clothes are now oversized which holds great promise. I stand in front of the toilet bowl and pull my pants down, rejoice, for my snake is gone and replaced by a smooth line. I sit down on the toilet and relieve my bladder. It feels very odd but I should get accustomed to it soon enough, don’t forget to wipe myself!


I stand in front of the sink and mirror, I am visibly shorter, my hair is long and bushy, my underwear still fits somehow and removing my shirt, with some slight difficulty, I see my chest looks to be about a B. I widen my eyes, curiously looking at myself in the mirror, eyelashes long, eyes a lime green, small lips, if I had a sister, she’d probably look like I do. I scamper back to the bedroom, leaving my old clothes behind.


“Ange! Wake up! I’ve become a girl now!”


I try to shake her awake but she just grunts and turns over to the other side.




She grumbles and slowly opens her eyes, gently rubbing them. “Hmm? Wha?”


I put my hands on my hip and look at her triumphantly, “Look at me! I’m officially a girl now!”


Her eyes instantly shoot wide open, “Le-, I mean, Liselotte!? Y-Y-You’re…”


“Heheh~ I’m cute right? I’m even surprised!”


As I flaunt my new self smugly, she pulls me into her bosom.


“Oh you’re so adorable now! You looked a tad handsome in the past but now you’re just a tiny cutie! A little unkempt rascal! A sleepy-eyed baby!”


“I-I’m not a baby!” I don’t think I’ve become that short seeing as I could still see the mirror in the bathroom.


Ange scooches out of the covers and stands next to me. Huh? I’m looking up to meet her eyes.


“Oh wow! The top of your head is where my nose is! I was in the same position before!”


“I shrank by a head!?”


“You got your wish Liselotte, so stop complaining.” Ange says as she strokes my head, it feels comforting but also makes me slightly miffed.


“Let’s go comb your hair.” Ange sits me down in front of her dresser, looking in the mirror again, my eyes do have that sleepy look to them. Ange takes a brush and runs it through my hair with some difficulty with some snagging along the way. It hurts a bit but I have this kind of skrunkly hair so I have to bear with it.


After some brushing and fine combing, my hair still explodes out the sides but the back is pretty straight, well, straighter than me at least.


“Now don’t you just look like a doll?”


Ange has been smiling ear to ear since she started combing my hair and to be honest, seeing her this happy makes me even happier.


“Thanks Ange, although my hair still looks a bit rough…”


“No problem! Though now we just need to find you clothes. Especially for your chest.”


“If I had known I was going to be small I would’ve bought me some fitting underwear, all the bras I bought were for your size.”


“Well, let’s just take a preliminary measurement for now.”


Ange takes the tape measure and wraps it around my torso.


“Let’s see here… underbust 69.5… top bust 82… definitely a B alright. Certainly cute and adorable.”


Hello small breasts world. My visual estimate is right on mark.


“I’ll just let you wear a sports bra and…” Ange opens the wardrobe and starts rummaging through, “this dress!”


She pulls out a black gothic lolita dress adorned with small ribbons and frills everywhere. I’ve always wondered why it was there but…


“I’m gonna wear that? Won’t I look a bit…”


“Childish? Heavens no. You’ll be a cute little black angel! Here, the sports bra.”


I slip on the sports bra as if I were wearing a shirt and Ange puts on the dress for me. It feels nice and comfortable, now that I can also wear skirts and dresses without any weird glances.


“I have to say though, what size is this? It’s a bit small isn’t it?”


I turn around and look in the mirror, the upper half looks fine but the skirt’s a bit higher than my knees, almost near the mid of my thigh.


“That was mine when I was younger! I like to look at it and think back on all the fond memories I had wearing it. Now it fits you just about nicely.”


“I do look quite cute in it…”


The outfit is mostly black with some white like the skirt frills and more boldly, the arms. Because from the shoulder down to a little above the elbow is a white sleeve. There is also a pair of black frill lace gloves and a small hat.




As I start doing some small poses, I hear the sounds of camera shutters, ah well, I’ll let her have this one.


After the impromptu photoshoot, we leave the house and go buy clothes, very standard, though I think people were looking more at me than Ange but hey, I’m adorable. Not a narcissist, but I’m pretty cute myself.


Quick and easy shopping list, underwear check, clothes check, food check, desserts check, return to sender! Well, home but what do I say? I am on a high being a bona fide cis woman!


If you have any complaints about what’s been going on so far, deal with it. I am a wee bit unhinged and I won’t take your complaints, bring it to HR instead and they will lead you out the door.


“I’m feeling so confident about my body, I’d be down for nightwear!”


So I say, with both me and Ange holding at least two bags in our hands, I think it might be a bit much to want more stuff.


“Are you sure about that my dear Lise?”


Ange looks at me with a mischievous glint in her eye.


“I-I’m up for it!”


“Let’s go in there then!”


I look at where Ange is pointing to the left and it just so happens we stop in front of a very conspicuous lingerie shop. We walk inside and for some reason, there is a curtained off area behind the shop with a 🔞 symbol.


“Hello there, we’re looking for some nightwear. May we peruse the items at the back?” Ange asks the clerk.


“We can hold your bags temporarily while you check out our products, please enjoy.”


We walk past the curtains and there are dildos, ball gags, sexy cosplays, “massage” tools, vibrators, and some of the most risque nightwear I’ve ever seen.


“There’s barely any coverage on some of these…”


I am flushed and also surprised that the lingerie store in front “hides” this kind of stuff at the back. Ange picks out a number of stuff in my size as if it were natural and then we check them out at the cashier further back.


With the little detour over, we head back out and toward home. Our hands got a nice break but now we’re back to carrying our, or rather mine, shopping spoils.


“If only we had a car…” I grumble as we trudge home.


“It’s only the first time we’ll have this much stuff, the next few times will be a lot less cause you don’t really buy or use that much!”


One perk of manhood was muscle strength, but it’s not like I can’t train back to that level of strength because god damn this trip is already tiring my arms out. Help me!


The moment we reach our apartment, I dump my stuff on the couch and go to the spare room where I cast the genderbend spell. I need to clean up the place and tell my mentor that the spell so far has been a success with no noticeable side effects. Thankfully I can multitask both jobs now that I have some greater level of magic but it’s still a slow process having to divide my attention like this.


While writing the letter, Ange walks in with a cup of tea and places it beside me.


“Thank you Ange.” I turn and thank her before noticing that her hair is wet and she’s only wearing a towel.


“I’ll be waiting for you in our room. Don’t take too long, okay sweetheart?” She gives me a wink.


Was she always this kind of sultry sexy? Or is it because now that I’m a girl we can finally get to sex with nothing in the way? I watch her strut towards the door and she turns around to blow me a kiss before shutting it.


I am in love again, the way her hips moved and how her golden hair covered one of her eyes at the end was… really erotic. I am now motivated to finish up my business here and bathe before joining her.


In the bath, I look over my new body again, my ass is… quite fat? But I don’t really have a standard to compare against so I can’t really say that it’s large. My B70 chest is well, a B70 chest, what do you expect? My hair is calm when wet, which is a small positive, but I don’t think I can use my old shampoo now, which sucks because I just bought it and there’s still a lot of it left. Maybe I can give it to the neighbour?


How does it feel to masturbate as a woman though?


I got a bit rizzed up earlier by Ange and I’m still feeling a little heat. I move my hand to feel my new vagina, smooth as a baby for some reason, but a top down perspective isn’t very fun. So at least it was a good thing I installed a mirror in the bathroom! Why? I don’t know why, I just did.


I sit down and use my fingers to spread myself open, it's a peculiar fleshy pink. I take my left middle finger, and start gently rubbing it, it’s a bit ticklish but I’m starting to feel quite good. How would it be if I inserted my finger then? Releasing my other fingers, I slowly push in my left middle and ring finger, it’s a different feeling from having a finger up my butt from my rectal exams in the past. Granted it was with a lubed and gloved up finger from a doctor and should be in no way supposed to be taken sexually.


I feel the walls of my vagina with my fingers, twisting and turning my wrist in exploration and moving in and out. It’s a very gentle pleasure, nothing too moan-worthy. If I’m going to be fingered by Ange, I might as well try and find the most pleasurable spot by pressing around.


I exit the bath, a little more heated after experimenting inside for a while. I put on the translucent lace babydoll Ange picked out and a matching pair of panties to go along with it and entered our room.


“Oh my~ what a cute little dessert for lil ol me.” Ange is stark naked and gets off the bed strutting toward me, “How was your experience in the bath? You sure took your time exploring yourself huh? My dear kitten, Liselotte.”


Saying that, her fingers are already rubbing against my crotch. I can feel her heat and I don't want to stop it now.


“Hmm, so wet already…” Ange brings her fingers that were rubbing my crotch to her face to have a gander, before putting them in her mouth. “A nice taste as well.”


I have never wanted to be fucked so badly nor have I ever felt so validated in my life than right now, take me please, like right now.


“You’re expecting a lot aren’t you? It’s not fun to rush things you know?” Ange teases me flirtatiously.




“C’mere baby.”


I wrap my arms around her shoulders and pull her into a kiss, her hands grab my butt and have a little feel around. We stumble backwards and I am now pressed against the door.


“We’re not sleeping tonight Lise.” Ange whispers into my ear.


We kiss again, this time Ange pushes her hand down my panties and inserts two fingers into my already drenched pussy. Her movements are fluid and gentle as this is only the beginning with much more to come later.


“Ah! I’m gonna cum!”


“Already!? Cum on then!”




I feel my walls clamping onto Ange’s fingers, I can’t help it. She’s too good and her fingers feel better than mine. Is this because of her love? Not that it matters cause I feel a sense of euphoria I’ve never experienced. The euphoria of having the sex I’ve always dreamed and fantasised about.


“You’re a bit too fast aren’t you Lise?”


“I’m sorry… Ange… but your fingers felt too good.”


Ange licks her lips, “My fingers aren’t the only thing that’s gonna make you feel good.”


She squats down and pulls my pantines down along with her before she puts her mouth to my pussy and starts ravaging it with her tongue.


“Ah! No! I just, ahn! Came! Nn!”


Ange doesn’t respond as she stirs and sucks me up. Don’t tell me she’s been practising since the last time we attempted sex? That honestly makes me a little happy.


“Ah! I’m cumming! Nh! Again!”


Ange sticks her fingers in me again as she licks and sucks on my exposed clitoris.




I lose strength in my legs and slowly sink onto the floor. My breathing is ragged and my pussy is still spasming. A woman’s pleasure truly is a marvel that I’m glad to be experiencing, the fact that the spell worked this well to this extent is nothing short of a miracle.


“Thanks for the treat. I never knew you were this much of a bottom Lise…”


“I never knew… ha… you were… such a top either…”


Ange giggles. “Let’s get you onto the bed.”


I take her outstretched hand and we lie on the bed where we kiss again. I wanna try putting my finger into her as well so I slide my hand to her crotch.


“You want to have a go with me?”


I nod and push my fingers inside Ange, it feels warm and very different from mine.


“Go on.”


I start doing what she did to me earlier, a series of ins and outs but I also move and attack her breasts which are 3 cups bigger than mine.


“My breasts are mine first and yours second so no need to hold back.” Ange says as she pats me on the head. I’m a little annoyed by that tone so I go a little rougher on her.


“Mm! Yes! That’s it!”


Seems it's what she wants so I work my hand a little harder to please my lover.


“Mn! Ahn! Hyan!”


She’s close, I can feel it! Her walls are constricting my fingers! 




A wordless climax, how fun. I move away from her nipples and back to kiss her lips. I feel very fulfilled but it’s not enough. I crave more for all the times we didn’t have sex due to my genital dysphoria.


“You gave me your virginity when I was still a man, and now, I offer you mine.”


“How may I ask?”


“With this.”


Using magic, I mould a penis onto Ange, taking care to leave her vagina intact. I think of this as an extension of hers even though I hated mine with a searing passion.


“My Lise, how thoughtful.” Ange smiles and kisses me again. “Would you mind putting on the nurse outfit I got earlier?”






I changed into the nurse outfit and the thought of this nurse play is embarrassing but also quite a turn on. The feeling of being able to do what I normally see in pornography also feels quite at home seeing as before I figured out my trans nature, whenever I watched pornography with my friends as an after school activity. I always preferred putting myself in the position of the actress than the actor.


“D-Dear patient… please put on your pants… d-don’t wave your penis in front of me…”


“But nurse, you’re the one who made me like this. Please take responsibility and handle this.”




I grab her penis in my hands, it’s hot, and I start rubbing it up and down.


“I-is this enough?”


Ange shakes her head, she must really like having the power huh?


With her rejection, I move my hands a little rougher and take her glans into my mouth. This is my construct so I have no qualms taking it in. But I don’t really have any blowjob experience so I’m really just winging it from how I saw the actresses do it.


“I’m about to cum!”


The moment Ange said that, I stopped my movements.


“Huh? Why’d you stop Lise?”


I crawl on top of her and position myself just above her penis. My heart is racing, I’m finally doing this.


“Because I want you to cum inside me.”


I lower my hips and in goes her penis, it’s hot, it hurts and I feel it twitching, but I finally repaid my virginity to Ange. As I sit there with her penis in me, I feel as if everything fits into place. Like a long lost piece of a puzzle finally found and it completes the picture that is “Liselotte”, that is Me.


“What a naughty little girl you are, Lise.”


“Ehehe~” This moment of her calling me a girl hit harder than the rest of the times she did during the day. 


“Then I’ll gladly give this naughty little nurse what she wants!”




Ange starts thrusting from below and with her already being that close to ejaculating, she soon blows a load into me. 


“This is not enough Ange… Fuck me silly!”


“You bitch in heat!”


Ange’s penis is slammed into me again and again. I feel my walls contract and expand with each push and pull of Ange’s hips. A feeling so foreign and completely unthinkable for any man, yet so pleasurable I wonder why not every man wants to become a woman. Is it because they want to be in Ange’s position?


“How’s… Ugh! That!?”




Ange is thrusting like a madwoman and I feel like a small part of me exists just to be her living onahole. Which I don’t mind but that really spoils the relationship between us so I’d like to shelve that idea. My mouth has morphed into an ‘O’ shape and my tongue dangles out loosely. Ange leans forward and takes my tongue into her mouth, I’m still able to give her these sloppy kisses as she pounds my insides and soon.


“I’m cumming Lise!”


“Cum! Give me your cum!”


Her pace quickens, her penis bulges as my walls contract to try and keep it in me. With one final thrust…





Sheer white, the force sent into me is amazing. If I don’t get knocked up here it’ll be later. Realistically her hips should be sore and tired but with magic, that never happens.


We reposition, despite our size, Ange tries her best to not let her penis slip out of me as I get on fours on the bed with her behind me. Then she starts humping me again, the semen making it real slick to move in and out but also easier to slip out.


“Ahn! Ha! Yes! Ange!”


The nurse skirt is hiked up and my bare butt is there for her to enjoy. Every thrust she makes I feel the meat of my ass jiggle and suddenly.




“What a vulgar looking ass, I think you need some more exercise, me dear.”


Ange has just slapped my butt. The pain quickly resides and turns into pleasure. I didn’t know I was such an M. But please…


“Slap it more!”


“As you wish.”


The room was filled with the sound of flesh hitting flesh, one louder than the other. Each time my butt was slapped, I tighten up a bit and I’m sure Ange can feel it as she slaps my ass each time the thrusts in. But when it comes close to her cumming, she stops slapping my ass and starts to focus on thrusting.


“I’m cumming again Lise!”


Another load explodes into me, I have nothing to say except that I feel extremely vindicated as I clamp down on her, trying to keep her semen from spilling out.


We shift again and this time, Ange lifts my legs and hugs my thighs before standing off the bed. Ah, this position. I see it all in the dresser mirror, Ange’s dick squarely inside me with gravity making the semen inside me slowly leak out. She starts thrusting again, I don’t know if it’s the position or what but I’m feeling really good. She’s already cum three times and she’s still rock hard. I’m glad it can hold out for so long, I’m nowhere near done too. I use what limited movement I can to bounce on her dick as well which causes her to go just a wee bit deeper to hit my cervix. Each time my cervix kisses her glans I tighten and from the mirror I’m starting to see some foam from all the action. My face is mush and can only be described as a face of pure ecstasy.


“Cumming again!”


She lets out another load, this time I also squirt and get my juices on the mirror. Her penis slides out and spurts some cum on it as well.


We pause for a moment for me to clean off her dick with my mouth and when I look down, a puddle of semen has pooled there. To compensate for that loss, I sit my vagina on Ange’s penis and she plunges back in and ejaculates twice or even thrice more than what was lost. We were unstoppable and we had the whole night to go as far as our debauchery will take us.


“Lise… I want to fuck your ass as well.” Ange says as she rubs her graciously lubed up cock on my anus.


“Go ahead.” I say, spreading my buttcheeks wide open for her. I’ve never done anal before so I’ll take this chance.


Ange pushes in, it slips in nicely as my asshole tears. The pain is quick but the pleasure comes faster.


“You’re okay… Right?”


Even when balls-deep into my ass, Ange still cares for me. I feel so loved.


“It hurts a little, but you can move.”


At the goahead, Ange starts thrusting. It seems my asshole has quickly turned into an erogenous zone as I feel her as I would my pussy. I’m so glad that even pre-transition, she was willing to stick by me and now she’s even accommodating and making love to me in all the ways possible. I am using my new body for sex in all the ways I’ve imagined and fantasised about all these years.


“I’ve taken your anal virginity and now here’s your first anal creampie!”


Ange’s seed fills my anus, it’s as bountiful as the first load into my vagina. But she doesn’t stop thrusting and soon ejaculates another four more times into my ass. She pulls out and cum splatters onto the back of the nurse outfit. Both my holes are now happily covered in white.


No penis for me because why would I want one? I got rid of it and I’m happy like this. A trans woman needn’t feel less of a woman because she doesn’t have a vagina, but because of the means available to me alongside my dysphoria, I can become, or rather, I am now the woman I wished to be.


“Pha! There, all clean now.”


I clean the semen off Ange’s now limp penis, the magical energy to sustain it now ejaculated all over the room and both in and on me. My ass and vagina still oozes semen as I take a commemorative photo with my eyes blocked by the length and girth of Ange’s temporary penis from the angle of my genitals.


“It’s… finally… over…”


“Thank you for your hard work Ange.” I say as she slides down next to me to meet my eyes. “I love you.”


“Me too Lise, I’m sure you’ll get pregnant with how much I dumped into you.”


“If it doesn’t happen, we’ll just do it again!”


“Hahaha… let me just… rest…”


“Rest well Ange. Tomorrow will be a new day.”


I pull close to Ange and we drift off to sleep, whatever comes tomorrow or in the future I’m sure we can handle it. After all, I am a magical girl now.


Well, a magical girl with a seemingly insatiable lust and libido that no man alive can match. Guess I’ll write that in the report tomorrow on the side effect. But for now, I require sleep alongside my beautiful Ange who has kept me company and supported me for so long.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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