Vagabond’s Ambition

51: A D-D-D-Duel!

Heavy breathing. 

With a constant barrage of swords coming at her, Kaitlyn swung time after time, battering the swords coming at her to the side. A little ways away from Kaitlyn though was Chelsea, a large grin on her face as she held her own sword in her hand, directing a number of swords that were now in the air flying towards Kaitlyn. 

“Stupid ability...” Kaitlyn muttered to herself, beginning to struggle for breath a little as she fought her way towards Chelsea, “Worst in the world...”

As the crowd began to gather, some of the more knowledgeable spectators began to whisper among themselves, discussing the abilities of the two fighting adventurers. 

“So Chelsea’s adventurer name was Blade Storm,” one older adventurer explained to another younger one, “her ability is quite flashy... as you can see. She can control however many swords are around her. Makes her able to take out armies of enemies on her own if she can really get going.” 

The servants and other adventurers around the older adventurer letting out small gasps, they watched as Chelsea unsheathed another one of the swords she had strapped to her, throwing it towards the other swords to let it join the fray. 

Still fresh, Chelsea strode forward as Kaitlyn scowled at her from afar, joining the swords already assaulting Kaitlyn. 

“What about Kaitlyn then?” Another servant asked the older adventurer, “How is she able to stay afloat under this... I don’t think anyone could keep doing this but she’s been fighting it for a few minutes now...” 

The older adventurer tapped his foot, letting out a sigh, “Well... Kaitlyn’s ability isn’t flashy, that's what everyone knows. But because she’s very low-key and hidden most of the time, no one actually knows what her ability is unless they’re close to her personally...” 


Back with Kaitlyn and Chelsea however, Chelsea, now fighting Kaitlyn sword to sword, spat, “Don’t scowl at me young lady, your ability is just as annoying as mine! You have no grounds to be acting like that!” 

“Fuck... you,” Kaitlyn choked out, struggling to maintain her breath in the midst of the battle. 

Chuckling a bit at Kaitlyn’s taunt, Chelsea’s face hardened as she began to feel Kaitlyn continue to get stronger, “Your ability is so annoying...” 

With that, Chelsea shut her mouth as she focused on the battle, needing to win it before Kaitlyn got strong enough to just plow through her. 

The sounds of battle continuing to sound out, the two battled back and forth in the training ground. Kaitlyn jumping back at times to take a breath, or Chelsea extricating herself and taking a breather. 

As the crowd continued to grow though, with Blaine and Millicent showing up, sweat began to pour down both of their faces, with Chelsea’s condition getting worse and worse by the minute. Yet, at the same time, Kaitlyn, although not faring too well, seemed to be getting better, her breathing seemed to get smoother, her strikes faster, more precise, more forceful. 

Snow falling, putting flecks of white on the ground around the training ground, the two’s fight began to seem like it had a clear winner. 

Although Chelsea had a commanding lead, she was now being hounded by Kaitlyn who seemed to be a whole different person from the beginning of the fight. 

Chasing Chelsea, Kaitlyn’s eyes were laser-focused on each swing that Chelsea made, each breath she took, each direction she stepped. 


Watching Chelsea falter for a second, Kaitlyn rushed forward, bursting through the swords pressuring her, pouncing towards Chelsea. 

One hand annihilating the last sword that came towards her, the sword in Kaitlyn’s other hand came to a stop against Chelsea’s neck. 


A small puff of white escaping Kaitlyn as she stood there, out of breath, she nodded, “Good spar... If I didn’t improve as well I would’ve been toast...” 

The swords in the air all falling to the ground, Chelsea sighed, extending out a hand towards Kaitlyn, “Good spar, of course... so unfair. Your ability is such a natural counter... I’m like giving you stuff to counter and raise your combo with...” 

Shrugging, Kaitlyn shook Chelsea’s hand, before informing, “I know we’ve been talking quiet enough that the others won’t hear us but you know Blaine and Millicent are... right there... literally right there, right?”

Her expression freezing like the snowy nights of the northern territory she governed, Chelsea turned around bit by bit, an artificial smile on her face, “What’s up...? What brings you two here? Here to spectate like the rest of the crowd, I assume?” 



Forcing herself to keep a bright smile, Chelsea asked, propping herself up on Kaitlyn’s shoulder, “What brings you two lovely people here then?” 

“To bring you back to work,” Blaine answered without a moment’s hesitation. 

“To help Blaine bring you back to work if you don’t want to,” Millicent then added, her words also without a moment’s hesitation behind them. 

Letting out a long sigh, Chelsea lamented as she walked towards them, the crowd parting before her, “Just let me have my funnnn... it’s been so long since Kaitlyn, Jayce, Dexter, and Sasha have come by...” 

Following behind Chelsea, Millicent patted her on the shoulder reassuring, “You’ll get plenty of time. Don’t worry about it.” 

Watching the crowd begin to dissipate, the important figures leaving, the servants returning to work, the knights and adventurers returning to their training, Kaitlyn looked around, marveling at how large the training ground seemed to have become once more. 

Then, looking down at the snow-speckled ground, Kaitlyn shook her head before bending over and beginning the arduous process of cleaning up: picking up all of Chelsea’s swords. 

The snow still falling, gentle as always, the cold wind blowing, painfully painful to the bones as always, Kaitlyn piled up the swords in a corner while making a mental note to let someone move them back to the public racks of training equipment. 

Letting out a long breath as she finished piling up the last swords, Kaitlyn watched the moisture create a small cloud in front of her, smiling, satisfied that she had managed to beat Chelsea, “I did it...” 

Thanks for reading~!! Please leave a comment~!!

I honestly didn't have much to say at first...
Buttttt, first, sorry for the bad yu-gi-oh reference in the title...
Second... i'm so happyyy, a friend who i worried was like... not well because she hadn't been online in a while, said she was online again recentlyyyyy
so i'm really glad she's still chilling...

Anyhow, thanks for reading~!!
Take care all you reader people~ didn't say it earlier, but we hit 50 chapters yesterdayyyy, so ... been a real journey yeahhh
Take careeeee <3

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