Valhalla Saga

Chapter 259

Episode 72/Chapter 4: Ragnarok (4)

TL: Tsubak


The Sword of Creation opened up a path. It swept away the devils and evil dragons that were dying up the sky in black and drew a trajectory in the sky.

The sun followed from behind. It followed the path of the sword and filled the trajectory of the sky with bright light.

The light of the sky burned away the darkness. It passed the sky and headed to the ground and then headed towards Surtr.

Surtr saw that. The sun of the morning that represented the beginning was certainly strong. It was erupting after joining the power of four worlds into one so it was really threatening.

Surtr felt his body stiffen. He had already expected it but he ended up getting nervous.

Surtr laughed. He forced a laugh to press down his nervousness and then swung his Sword of fire towards the sun.

It stopped Tae Ho’s march for a moment and then yelled with all his strength.

“Let there be night!”

Surtr wasn’t able to see Tae Ho fight directly but he knew the method he used to defeat Nyx.

The sun that drove away the night. The master of Erin and Asgard that released an invincible power under the sun.

That’s why he had been expecting things. That the power of the sun will also be unleashed in this battle. Because of that Surtr was prepared for that.

The God of Memphis, Set, stepped forward. The ancient God of Memphis and the God of the night that had acquired the power of his mother, Nubt, spread the night.

Quetzalcoatl assisted him with his strength. He released his complete power for the first time since he acquired the power of the master of Maya Tezcatlipoca that was his old enemy and brother. That was the great power of the night that ruled half of a day.

Nanna, that was one of the seven ruling Gods of Dilmun, and the ruler of the night and moon didn’t exist anymore. However, the evil dragons of Dilmun that had broken her authority into pieces and stolen it released the power of the night in her stead.

It was no different for the Asuras that came from Xindu. They assisted in creating the night.

The curtain of night got spread from the Sword of fire of Surtr after it clashed head-on with the sun. Anjra Mainiuu joined the power of four worlds and created a single night as the World God of Avesta.

The night covered the sun. Tae Ho roared more loudly and the sun released light a few times stronger than now and tore apart the curtain of light. He then parried back the Sword of flames and charged towards Surtr.

Surtr was a giant that reached two hundred meters in height. But the sun of divine power wasn’t small either. The huge sun struck the chest of Surtr and the overwhelming light blinded all the battlefield of Asgard.

A loud explosion erupted under the complete darkness and Tae Ho that was the first to open his eyes gritted his eyes at the scene in front of his eyes.

Surtr was standing there. Half of the metal and black rocks that were covering the flames got destroyed and three of the five horns located at his head that were acting like a crown got destroyed but he was still fine.

It was thanks to the night having dispersed the power of the sun.

Surtr also looked at Tea Ho. He swung his sword quickly instead of saying anything.

A wave of flames covered the sky. Odin raised his hand hurriedly after he opened his eyes late but he wasn’t able to reach in time. That’s why Tae Ho had to be the one to step up.

Tae Ho swung the Sword of creation against the wave of flames. He swung it vertically instead of horizontally and made it clash against the wave and the light of creation that clashed against the wave of flames erupted and devoured the sky.


Tae Ho spread his wings. The sentence of Olympus shone in his right wing and the sentence of the Temple shone in his right one. He held the Sword of creation with his right hand that had the sentence of Erin and extended his left hand forward that had the sentence of Asgard.

Odin assisted with his strength. An invisible barrier that appeared in Tae Ho’s palms blocked the wave of flames perfectly.

A line got formed in the sky. Nothing happened inside that line but a lot of devils and evil dragons burned down and perished thanks to the wave of flames having flowed backward.

But the holy dragons and the birds of the highest branch couldn’t cheer.

Tae Ho started to breathe noticeably heavier and Odin ended up sitting down without strength. Freya collapsed and lied her head in the ground in a deep place of Valhalla.

I’m still able to go on.

Surtr said. No, he couldn’t say if he actually spoke like that. He just swung his Sword of flames again.

Tae Ho stopped that again and this time without Odin’s help. The line in the sky got formed a bit backward and Surt swung his sword once again. A wave of flames charged. The flames were also weaker than before as Surtr had also gotten exhausted. However, Tae Ho was also as weakened and exhausted. He possessed a body as long as he had life but that was thanks to the overwhelming expenditure of divine power assisting with the power of the saga.

Tae Ho blocked the wave with difficulty and he wasn’t able to endure it anymore when it exploded.

Surtr opened his mouth at that moment. He activated the authority of Anjra Mainiuu that had the characteristics of the dragon race. A breath of flames headed towards Tae Ho.

Tae Ho fluttered his wings and scattered the flames as much as possible. And then Nidhogg roared.

“Tae Ho master-!”

The World Dragon charged towards Surtr. Tae Ho ordered Nidhogg to never face Surtr head on and to only assist him in his battle but she couldn’t do that.

The body of the World Dragon dispersed the flames of Surtr with its body and then charged towards Surtr.

Tae Ho vomited blood. He tried to take out a golden apple with his trembling hands but he ended up losing consciousness. It was due to having spent so much strength he wasn’t able to endure it even with Idun’s blessing.

Tae Ho crashed. Surtr swung his Sword of flames towards the charging World Dragon and Nidhogg screamed and took the wave of flames head-on.


Odin called out to Freya and tried to stand up. He couldn’t put strength in his trembling arms.

Freya panted and cried. She tried to stand up however she could but she just twitched in the floor that was covered with blood.

“You shouldn’t be looking away?!”

Azidajaka got enraged and fired dozens of black orbs of light towards Echidna. Echidna looked at Tae Ho that had crashed in that instant and then gritted her teeth and formed a barrier of poison and meanwhile, Sigurd that had been looking at Azidajaka while all of this happened swung Gram.

Son Wukong and Thor weren’t able to move either. It was because Quetzalcoatl had grabbed Son Wukong’s feet, Set stopped the charge of Tae Ho, and the Asuras of Xindu attacked Heracles.

The Gods of Asgard were also in a bad situation. Siri transformed back into her Goddess appearance and fired arrows without stop but she couldn’t open up a path. Bracky swung Caladbolg that he received from Tae Ho and a hammer he got from the dwarves of Nidavelir at the same time to fight desperately but there were just too many enemies.

The Sword of flames stabbed the chest of the World Dragon and Nidhogg cried in pain. Hraesvelgr moved his hands instead of her. The World Dragon bit the neck and shoulder of Surtr and Adenmaha embraced Nidhogg that was convulsing in pain.

Tae Ho crashed down. A dust cloud arose and countless beings ran towards Tae Ho.

There were enemies and allies among them.

But there were more enemies, unfortunately. It was because he ended up entering the ranks of the enemy as he approached Surtr the closest possible to decrease the aftereffect that the four worldly suns created on the allies.

“For Asgard and the nine realms!”

“For Asgard and the nine realms!”

The warriors of Valhalla and the Steel warriors threw themselves. They charged towards death like moths flying to fire.

Deaths continued to pile up. The corpses of the warriors of Valhalla and Steel warriors started to pile up and the countless souls surged up to the sky to return to Valhalla.

Tae Ho opened his eyes with difficulty. The blessing of Idun was grabbing the last thread of lifeline he had. He felt like he could hear Idun’s voice beyond his consciousness.

My warrior Tae Ho.

My warrior Tae Ho.

Idun was crying. Tae Ho let out a sigh and then he vaguely saw something from the darkness that approached.

He could see the face of a Valkyrie. The face he could see from between the golden hair out with blood and sweat was familiar but the expression she was making wasn’t familiar.

Fierce feelings were swelling. Ingrid was crying and yelling and Tae Ho panted. Ingrid fed Tae Ho a golden apple. When the golden apple that became half liquid passed through Tae Ho’s throat he felt that his senses were recovering.

The World Dragon was dying.

It was the result of allowing several critical attacks by Surtr.

“Tae Ho! Warrior Tae Ho!”

Ingrid yelled up close. It was the first time she had seen crying. Tae Ho thought that he had to stand up and fight against the Fire giant.

He heard Idun’s voice and Heda crying.

Heda was fighting. She was running towards him while raising her sword.

Nidhogg cried. Hraesvelgr yelled and one of the wings of the World Dragon got torn apart.

[Concentrate, concentrate!]

Astelone yelled and Cuchulainn said something similar.

Tae Ho inhaled some air and concentrated on himself like Astelone had said.

Tae Ho’s own divinity.

Battle, conquest, meetings.

His divine power was depleted. It was also impossible to wield four seats of a master in one body. They had tried to lessen the burden through the ceremony and control his power but they had failed. They couldn’t join the power of four worlds into one perfectly and he wasted his divine power in an inefficient way.

Time flowed.

It was slow yet fast.

While Tae Ho took some breath, the dozens of warriors of Valhalla and Steel warriors fought for Tae Ho and they faced death.

Surtr climbed on top of the World Dragon and grabbed the only wing it had with his hands.

Ingrid tried to carry Tae Ho.

Odin finally stood up and Freya raised her head under the pool of blood.

Zeus charged towards the Flame giant and threw Astrape.

And Heda ran. She finally arrived at Tae Ho but she took a few more steps instead of taking care of Tae Ho. She swung her sword to protect him.

What did he have to do?

No answer returned from the sentence of Erin as all the Gods and kings of Erin had left with the God of light Lugh having left at the end. Even the great warrior Cuchulainn couldn’t give out an answer in this situation.

Surtr finally tore down the other wing the World Dragon had left. Nidhogg struggled under the pain that transcended her imagination.

Odin thought. Ended up thinking.

It really is the end. The end has arrived.

Blood rained from the sky. The birds of the highest branch and the holy dragons of the Temple crashed consecutively.

The sky and ground were crying.

The world was being sad.

And at that moment time stopped.

It wasn’t that a transcendental strength had been activated. Tae Ho felt it like that.

A voice.

It didn’t belong to Heda or Idun. It didn’t belong to anyone connected to Tae Ho.

He was able to feel it thanks to being the master of Asgard.

He could listen to it.

The sound of the world crying.

The voice the world let out.

Tae Ho concentrated even more and then finally understood under the time that seemed like it had frozen.

So that was it. That was the case.

You were watching from the beginning.

You had been observing from the start.

The beginning of the world.

The birth of the ancient Gods.

The activities of the countless lives born from Asgard and the other smaller worlds.

And you-

Have called,


A voice was heard. An answer returned.

Tae Ho could now know the owner of the voice and that’s why he dropped his mouth. He called the name of the woman.

“World God of Asgard.”

That was the name of the woman. The consciousness of the world that materialized due to Tae Ho.

Asgard replied back. It answered at Tae Ho’s call.


Urd, the eldest sister and the Goddess of the past, shed tears. The Goddess of the present Verdandi extended her hand and stroke the cheek of the youngest, Skuld.

It had been a month since Skuld had lost consciousness while looking at the fate of the world. And the reason she lost consciousness was that there was a reason she had to faint.

Skuld had been with the consciousness of the world the past month. She had prepared beforehand so that Tae Ho would be able to materialize the will of the world when the time came.

And that time had finally arrived.

Skuld didn’t look at the future but at the present. She contained the name of the one that wielded the fate of the world, the ten worlds in his hands.

She looked at a distant place once again.


Nidhogg embraced Adenmaha under the nasty pain. Adenmaha was the one that felt pain because she got embraced too tightly but she couldn’t stop.

She felt like dying. No, it hurt so much she just wanted to die.

But there was a voice that entered her ears. It didn’t belong to Adenmaha or Tae Ho and she had certainly heard this voice before.

The voice reduced Nidhogg’s pain for a moment. Thanks to that Nidhogg was able to concentrate and could remember the moment she had heard that voice.

When she reconciled with Audhumla. When she decided to protect the world with her.

There was someone that observed her decision.

Someone smiling at her decision.

Nidhogg knew it now. Who was the owner of the voice and who was the one that had been observing her.

That’s why Nidhogg called out her name. She gave Tae Ho strength as the dragon that protects the world, as the will of Audhumla.


A white Goddess embraced Tae Ho.

It was the will of the world that had materialized due to a saga. She was an existence that could only be described as the World God of Asgard.

She looked at Tae Ho. Tae Ho didn’t say anything but she could know.

The one that doesn’t only want to protect the five worlds but all ten worlds.

The one that wants to protect the world for real.

A white Goddess kissed Tae Ho in his lips. She gave him the best blessing.

Shall my strength be with you.

My everything.

The white Goddess disappeared and at that moment white light surged up from Tae Ho’s body.


Surtr flinched the moment he was about to strike the head of the World Dragon with his Sword of Flames. He could only turn back.

There was a streak of light surging up in the middle of the battlefield.

That light wasn’t strong at all and wasn’t powerful like the Sword of Creation that could tear apart the world.

But he could only stop. He ended up clenching the Sword of flames with more strength unconsciously.

There was white light and someone rising up from that light. The man that spread his dragon wings formed by light wasn’t an incomplete being anymore. He didn’t waste strength as he got oppressed by the four seats of masters.

The power of the four worlds formed a perfect harmony.

And there was only one reason that became possible.

The one standing at that place wasn’t merely a master anymore. He was an existence that has transcended a master.

“World God… Asgard.”

Surtr said and Tae Ho didn’t deny that.

The World God released his power.

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