Valkyria Squadron

Ch57: National Security Issue

National Security Issue

National Security Council, Nagata-chō, Chiyoda, Tokyo
February 21

An important meeting was taking place in a part of the building. Several of the country's leaders and officials were present, all with serious faces and some with worried expressions. And how could they not be, because just a few days ago, one of the most important facilities in the country was surprised by a terrorist attack by an unidentified group, and what is worse, they have no idea who finished it all before them.

Some generals continued to read the police reports. Some leaders blamed other defense departments for what happened. If they agreed on anything, it was that there was no agreement among them. The meeting just wasn't getting anywhere with their arguments. Suddenly, a person entered the room, it was Senator Yoshida, a very important and influential person in security decisions, even called the Guadian of Japan. He was an older man, close to 60 years old, his constitution was quite large, but when he saw a healthy person, in his eyes you could see decision and certainty His appearance at the meeting was expected, what was unexpected was who accompanied him, he was not someone unknown, but someone who was not thought to be in the country, was Mr. Miyazaki, a man of forty years, he looked like the typical man from a government office, he wore glasses and with his identity stamp, a cigarette that at this point was already part of his face. His job was in the Japanese embassy in the United States, making sure to collect information that could compromise the country's security, and to see him back before his planned return could only mean serious problems.

"One of Tokyo's most important electrical installations damaged, a dozen terrorists killed, a high school student dead with her head missing."
"And the police who only came to clean up the damage from a battle we do not know why it started or what their intentions were."
"Three groups of elite soldiers made fools of by a single person whose identity we do not know".
"I think it goes without saying that this is a worrying situation for the security of the country."
"And I take the time to cancel my vacation in Costa Rica, when I already arrived at the hotel, only to run into a bunch of people yelling at each other," Mr. Yoshida mentioned, silencing the others.

Everyone went back to their seats and sat down to listen to what he was saying, like students listening to their teacher. Moreover, although they did not want to admit it, part of it happened because he was absent from work because he was on his well-deserved vacation. Everyone at the bottom felt responsible for the failure.

"The Prime Minister, who was already under pressure from the press, now has to deal with this as well." Mr. Yoshida continued.
"And if we can't do anything, we'll probably be the ones following him on the front pages of the newspapers."
"I have already checked the reports on the plane and I am aware that the situation could not have been stranger."
"That's why I am not going to blame anyone in particular."
"But even with uncertainties, we can't just sit idly by."
"Mr. Miyasaki here took the liberty of looking for me and contacting me about what he was investigating."
"I think he can provide some information about what we are dealing with here."

Mr. Miyazaki then took a few steps forward and placed several folders on the table, each for those present at the meeting. They were ordinary paper folders with a few pages, but they had a peculiarity, they had large red letters that said: "Top Secret" in Japanese, along with the order to burn them after reading. Each of the members took one, not because they wanted the information, but because they were motivated by simple human curiosity to take one after reading what was written on the front. After everyone had a folder, Mr. Mikazaki cleared his throat and spoke to the small audience.

"Despite the lack of information, both the police and the Special Assault Team agree on one thing regarding what happened at the Ueno Dam."
"Whatever happened there ended before the police could arrive on the scene."
"In the space of 45 minutes, a terrorist group kidnapped a school bus full of students, took them to the generator complex, planted explosives, and I don't care what the newspapers say about the teacher, she's the heroine of this story."
"Another group was able to figure out what was happening, plan a rescue operation, execute it, and wipe out almost all of the terrorists before the first of our units could reach the scene."
"No matter how you look at it, the time frame is too short for any law enforcement agency."
"The only thing that occurred to me was that there was a third group that was watching the terrorists very closely."
"So much so that when they made their move in the dam, this group took advantage of the moment and went to work as well."
"The police only came to pick up the trash left by their confrontation."
"A group that knew the movements of the terrorists and did not inform the relevant authorities to avoid this unfortunate outcome".

The others began to murmur. The idea of another group acting behind the scenes was not crazy, in fact, they had mentioned it several times before that day, but they could not point to anyone in particular, but after seeing only the first sheet of the folder, everyone was nervous to know the point Mr. Miyizaki was trying to make.

"Taking the facts told by the soldiers who confronted them with this alleged third group, although strange, there is something undeniable in their testimonies."
"In those tunnels, there were also 2 girls who faced the police."
"In addition to their strange appearance, these two girls faced groups of heavily armed elite soldiers with only their hands and managed to flee the place with complete freedom".
"In addition to the fact that a strange giant fox appeared, and that someone mentioned in a report that it was probably an angry mountain spirit or something like that.
"Even though it does not make sense, the fact is undeniable: we are facing something we do not know, and we do not know the extent of its power."
"But still, this is not something new in the world."
"Thanks to my hard work, I was able to collect a lot of evidence and still classified information."
"During the continental war, the Alliance and the Empire faced several units of this unknown type."
"The first was the Balkan Empire using units called Dolls, which, to simplify their function, are androids with great physical and combat power."
"And to fight these units, the Alliance created its own variant of super soldiers, called Arksuits, which again, simplifying their function, are combat suits used by elite personnel, as I could confirm they are not very different from the anime your children surely watch on TV."
"If the fashionable invention at the end of the First World War was tanks, in the Second it was jet engines, and in the Cold War it was ballistic missiles, it seems that the new modality is the production of these super-soldiers."

Once again, everyone started talking, but this time it seemed to be to themselves. What Miyazaki said might seem ridiculous, but only a fool would rule out any possibility, no matter how foolish. But this time, it was not nonsense, the documents in the folder were undoubtedly important enough to put the country at odds with the others. It was full of information about what has just been commented: one of the reports of the appearance of the DOLLs along with photos of the remains of one with several soldiers of the Alliance that proved their existence, documents stolen on some specifications of one of the arksuit prototypes and basic design, and even some aerial photos of a confrontation between these two new types of units. No doubt, Ms. Miyazaki had done an exceptional job, one that could have even cost him his life if he had made a mistake.

"I know what you are thinking"
"How is this possible?"
"How are we going to face this new possible threat to our country?
"Perhaps this does not mean that we must sign the treaty now in order to be members of the Alliance and receive a little of its security."
"First of all, I want to make it clear that even though we have an alliance with the Alliance right now, forgive the redundancy."
"It may have immediate benefits, but in the long run it will affect us much more."
"That is why we have not made such an agreement yet."
"Well, if we manage to get better letters to negotiate a better treaty with the Alliance, let's say a seat on their Security Council will bring better benefits for all of us.
But for that we must not be the ones to bend their will".
"The Alliance must desperately need us to make this happen.
"And how will we do that?"
"Well, that's the part I want to get to."
"If we could create our own variant of these super-units, we would have a better bargaining chip, along with a way to deal with this new kind of threat for us."

"And do you have anything in mind to do that?" This time it was Mr. Yoshida who asked directly.

"In the last few weeks, while I was gathering this information, I managed to make contact with the president of the I.S.C., Mr. Damien Raven."
"As you know, they are one of the main suppliers of technology, weapons and medicine to the Alliance."
"Although he did not confirm it, he strongly implied that the development of the arksuit was their responsibility."
"He also mentioned that they had a new project in mind, a much better one that would make combat suits obsolete."
"But due to the end of the war, this project was canceled very early."
"But by talking to him, I was able to reach an agreement with Mr. Raven."
"If we can prove the funds along with help for its development, he will give us the exclusive use of this method to create our super-soldiers."
"Most of the information is confidential enough."
"But he has given me enough proof that it is a legitimate project."
"I also believe that the other information enclosed can help you make the right decision."

Everyone went back to check their folders one more time. They read it deeply and carefully, and then everyone began to debate in their minds about the decision to be made. Some of those who had argued at the beginning of the meeting were now seriously discussing what action to take. Well, if the information was true, and it was somehow made public that the government was involved in this, it would probably be the end of their lives. They would be publicly executed to satisfy the demands of the international community if they accepted what the I.S.C. wanted to complete their project. It was certainly a difficult decision, as difficult as any on which the safety of a country depended in a world so full of enemies. After discussing it among themselves, they all voiced their opinions and voted. There was a result with almost a majority of votes. This project would be carried out.

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