Valkyria Squadron

Ch61: Atlantis The Continent Of Troubles

Atlantis The Continent Of Troubles

After the commotion caused by Stella's visit, we all gathered for dinner. We were still talking about what we had to do in the next few days. We sat around the table and ate something very simple, chicken rings with salad. Tamamo helped with the salad and so far it was the best she has cooked, so you can see the progress with her diligent practice. Almost all of us, except Tamamo, use a spoon to eat, because although we have all tried, we are not skilled with chopsticks, the next in skill is Maria, but even she has a hard time, and since almost all of us eat the same, there is no rush to learn.

"I can't believe a demon is after you now to kill you."
"But considering that we have a goddess and even an angel with us, it must be natural for demons to exist as well."
"But why this one in particular, what did you do to her?" my sister asked.

"That is an excellent question, I have no idea why either."
"The only thing I can think of is that it's because of something that happened in Atlantis, but I don't know what part of that could make her angry," I answered sincerely.

"As I understand it, what happened there was important, but you never told anyone about it.
"What happened in that place?" Tamamo asked curiously.

"The question is rather, what did not happen there?"
"So many horrible things happened that I don't even know where to start".
"Well, I think it is best to tell it from the beginning."
"I'm not pretending to be here all night, so I'm not going to tell everything in detail, so pay attention."

Atlantis, as you can imagine, was a very ancient civilization. They were a very skilled people who always liked to break new boundaries, always pushing their inventions to the limit in an attempt to conquer new frontiers. They were a civilization that was very dependent on the use of their advanced magic-based technology. But this had a problem, this technology was very dependent on materials, their favorite material to work with was magic orichalcum, it was a very difficult element to find on Earth. So the Atlanteans always had to conquer new territories to get new areas to get resources. Why didn't they just explore their own territory for new veins of metal and orichalcum? Well, because they couldn't. Their territory, Their whole continent, was like no other. The place where Atlantis was located was a large floating island that could roam the planet freely.

They were the undisputed owners of the planet. Their domains were vast and their power unimaginable. But these people were also selfish and self-centered. To them, the humans on the surface of the planet were inferior, dirty beings. But still, trade was always a necessary evil, so in the lower part of the floating island, fortified ports were installed, strongly defended, so that people could sail to Atlantis to exchange goods, but never stay there; it was for this very reason that the lower part of the island was considered the lower class, while the richest and most powerful lived in the upper part. Time passed and the Atlanteans heard of a new civilization created by man without the help of magic, it was Mesopotamia. The Atlanteans visited them, but when they saw the level that man had reached, they boasted and laughed. They believed in beings superior to anything on the planet. And the ego came from them to such a level that they even rebelled against Heaven and openly declared war. They wanted to show that they were the perfect beings who had surpassed even THE BOSS.

Though it was undoubtedly foolish what they were doing, it was something they had carefully planned in advance. They had even made allies to whom they gave some of their technological advances, which the Atlanteans would use to increase their troop numbers in the coming war. These were allies that Sodom and Gomorrah had agreed to help the Atlanteans in exchange for their help in defeating their common enemy, Mesopotamia. You will know the fate of these two places if you have read some books. The Atlanteans managed to survive the attack from the heavens, but they suffered a considerable number of casualties despite the fact that they had not even managed to launch an attack. Because of the number of deaths they suffered so suddenly, the political situation in Atlantis was unstable. Therefore, they decided to temporarily withdraw from the conflict and travel west. In order to get more resources for the repairs and to create new weapons, the fools of Atlantis decided to try their luck again and invaded a new civilization. Unfortunately, I could not learn much about what this other civilization they attacked was like, but from what I heard, it was on a level similar to the Atlanteans themselves. This war turned out to be just as bad as the one before, when the Atlanteans finally met a people capable of facing them on the same level.

Due to the dire situation they were in, being attacked like never before and suffering unprecedented casualties, some of the officers of the same Atlantean army staged a coup to sign a peace treaty and return to their previous situation where they had nothing to worry about. Once again, Atlantis had to withdraw from its current war campaign due to these disputes in order to deal with its internal problems. It was during this revolution that the emperor of Atlantis, Nanami's father, was mortally wounded. On his deathbed in his castle, Perpetual Palace , the Emperor cast the Curse of the Dragons to finish off his opponents. What he didn't know was the threat these creatures were capable of. Then a time after, the dragons managed to create a portal that connected them to St. Petersburg, Russia, in the current era.

This is where I started. The day those dragons came into the world was the day I was vacationing there for the lottery I won. I managed to escape the city with Rose's group. We took refuge in Moscow, and then I had my incident in the tunnels. When we managed to get back to the portal where the dragons came to Earth, we realized that they were opening more all over the world. But that also indicated one thing, that the place these dragons were coming from was this other place that all the portals connected to. Atlantis was where they came from and where we had to go to finish them off.

When we came to Atlantis to fight the dragons, the civilization of Atlantis was in its last days, its great and powerful cities were now ruins, its warrior people and pride were now decimated, despite its great inventions for war, deadly diseases and pests were now present. Their fields were now dragon hunting grounds and famine was the norm. Their young Empress Nanami was clearly not old enough to inherit from the death of her parents and face an empire in ruins, not to mention the incessant onslaught of dragons that attacked every hour.

Thanks to the cooperation of Nanami, who convinced her people, the two armies came together to face the dragons. We call this combined army the Union. Thanks to our presence with fresh troops, the capital of Atlantis was able to survive a little to help us assemble new teams to fight the fierce beasts. The mages of the court made the startling discovery of dragon hunters among our people. They were descendants of people who had achieved the feat of killing a dragon in the past, such as Beowulf, Siegfried, Saint George, or Saint Martha. When these people used magic, they could develop powerful fighting skills as well as the ability to become stronger after killing their enemies. When these people were discovered, they were considered heroes or chosen ones by the people of Atlantis, and they were given white coats to represent their status before others. These people fit perfectly into the category of typical anime heroes, from their stupid way of seeing the world as a candy dimension, as well as their perfect values, unable to see evil in people, along with their stupid power of friendship. Most of them were a real pain in the ass to be around. And if you ask, no, I was not one of them. I am probably the most average person you can find. I was just a regular army soldier doing my job as Rose's guard, the kind of extra that appears in the background of an important conversation in a scene.

Union's plan to defeat the dragons was to send a vanguard to advance, while the bulk of the army remained to guard strategic points and ensure the supply of supplies. The goal was to get close to the lower part of the floating island, where the Celestial Forge was located, the place where the most important weapons of the Atlanteans, the orichalcum weapons, were created, and where the largest stockpile of this mineral was located and probably all that was left of it. With it, a sword would be created capable of defeating the Overlord, the first true dragon and ruler of the dragons. He commanded his army from the lowest point on the island, a fortified sanctuary where the remains of the founder of Atlantis were said to be, and where it was said that all the weight of Atlantis rested on his shoulders. If we could finish him off, we could win a war of attrition.

I was with the vanguard for most of the journey, accompanied Nanami as her guard, and saw my comrades die horribly easily. The funniest thing was that the dragons did not distinguish between white cloaks and normal soldiers like me, if your luck runs out there was your trip. When we arrived at the forge, not even a third of the vanguard that started the journey was left. I was brutally injured while defending Nanami and the entrance to the forge. The next thing I realized when I woke up was that I had not died and my new low height. While I was unconscious, the Atlanteans managed to forge the orichalcum sword, Avalon, but Nanami had died during that time and I got her body as her last wish because my original body was mortally wounded and she did not want me to die. I took the survivors and returned to the surface of the floating continent to report what had happened, the journey was difficult and long, but we made it. Once on the surface, Rose, who knew who I was, proposed a plan for me to go and pretend to be Nanami, who supposedly had gained great power to face the dragons and thus change her appearance from black to white. The Atlanteans wanted me to choose a new name, so I chose Elise and was called Elise, the last Empress of Atlantis.

Having regained some strength, equipment, and the last recruits we could find, we set out on one last expedition, the last one we could undertake with the last of our depleted supplies, for if this one did not succeed, nothing would, for we no longer had the capacity to produce any more weapons, both in Atlantis and back on the now barren Earth. The journey down was difficult. But the siege of the last enemy stronghold was something else entirely. It was there that we suffered our greatest losses at the hands of the cursed True Dragon of Death, the same black dragon that killed Luna. The only thing we could do to defeat it was to launch a suicide attack with so many soldiers that we saturated that bastard's Death Power. When the battle ended, we were not far from the room where the Overlord was waiting. The surviving White Cloaks, led by their best warrior, Sakura Izumi, immediately launched an attack against him. The few surviving troops followed. Unfortunately, I was ambushed and separated from everyone else, locked in a small dark labyrinth where I had to spend several hours. When I managed to get out and make my way to the sanctuary, the Overlord was waiting for me, on the bodies of all the now dead White Cloaks and the Codex in his hands. I had to fight him all alone, and as if that was not enough, he destroyed the machine that kept the island afloat, which began to fall, threatening to destroy the planet with its impact if he lost. But I managed to defeat him, and by winning the battle, I was able to use the Codex to end the war against the dragons.

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