Valkyria Squadron

Ch68: The Wrong Side Of Heaven

The Wrong Side Of Heaven

Onigan City, Yoturn 2, Heaven
February 2

Onigan city was quite a different place than what anyone would expect to see in Heaven.  Far from the days bright by the sun or a cleanly impeccable city, the capital of the planet Yoturn 2 could only be described as dark, illuminated only by the hundreds of neon lights and commercial signs, the streets were full of garbage or people, and the truth of the place was that the entrance was completely closed to underage people, without exceptions. It was not a place with a healthy environment, on the contrary, it was perhaps the equivalent of the slums of a city. But the most surprising thing is why such a place came into being in the first place. The truth is that this place was originally just a normal place where angels met to exchange collectible items. But then a literal group of Nerd angels discovered a couple of comics with this style of the place and got down to business to make a place similar to the ones in these stories. The place became a tourist attraction because of its unique design and because it was the closest environment that an angel could experience to being in the middle of a place of criminals. It attracted even more merchants to exchange products and over time it became one of the best places to find those unique luxury things that attract angels so much to spend the money they earn working serving the living beings who came to rest eternally.

But despite its harsh and cruel city appearance, it is only a facade for tourists, in reality, the order is still governed, the police, the battles for gangs' territories take place once a week in areas prepared for such events, and the entrance cost around 25 credits, a personalized pistol of your favorite band could be obtained for 100. You could pay 50 to receive the experience of being mugged and shot in an alley, and in Friday included a photo of the police examining the scene of your crime for free. As you can imagine, this primarily attracts angels who have lived their entire lives in a clean, safe place and who have never been exposed to danger. Also because this Solar system was close to the outer circle of the security district, the angels who return from work fighting came to this place to relax, because it is said that this place was a "neutral" territory or what was the same as by agreement of everyone, whatever happened here, stayed here, no one criticized anyone about how they spent their time here.

The air traffic of the city was damn chaos, from the spaceports, personal spaceships, publishing flying trucks, and Aerodyne taxis coming and going everywhere, ironically making the best way to travel around the city was public transport and land vehicles. Among all this tide of flying vehicles, an Aerodyne approached, approached the entrance, and a man with a bag under it, saw the sign of the bar to verify if it was in the right place, The wrong side of Heaven. He was in the right place, with a gesture he dismissed the driver and the flying car left. 

Upon entering, Rafael looked deeply at the place to see what he could use to his advantage. The place was almost empty, but the few people who were there were quite peculiar, because except for Bartman and the current client who attended who were angels, the rest of the creatures that there were not even human. There was everything, from the typical alien with big dark eyes, something that appeared to be a shark man, a slime, a weird thing, and even a raccoon with a gun were all scattered around the premises. Rafael approached the table and asked for something to drink that was not too strong, but for some reason the other angel, the client, got angry about this and made him criticize him, mentioning that this was a bar for strong people and not a nursery. Rafael without saying anything put his hand to the other side of the counter, grabbed a bottle of liquor, and with total normality hit the angel's head with it. The man immediately fell to the ground where he started bleeding from his wound.  The others, seeing this, turned around and continued with their things.  The bartender seeing that he has just lost a client asked Rafael to continue doing business.

"Mr. Rafael, it is a pleasure to see someone of your caliber at my place"
"It allows me to offer one of my best light drinks as compensation for having gone through such an unpleasant encounter" said the bartender as he took out the bottles that would make up the concoction

"Who is the man on the ground?" Rafael asked while the sirens of the medical unit that was taking the same subject to treat him sounded.

"Oh, he?"
"Ignore him, he is one of my frequent clients"
"He is the captain of a space battleship, who just returned"
"If it had not been you, surely the same thing would have happened but with just a table"
"By tomorrow he will have forgotten everything and will return here anyways"

"Let's get straight to business"
"A friend of yours, Marco, told me that you are someone who can answer my questions"
"Do you think you can do that?"

"Well, Marco sent you then I have no problem"
"I imagine he already mentioned the prices to you?"

"I need you to tell me everything you know about Lisa the watchmaker"

"...." The bartender changed his face when he heard these words
"Sorry sir but this is a bar, here we sell drinks and guide collectors to the objects they are looking for"
"We don't know anything about exiled agents"

"And how did you know that I was referring to an exiled person?"

"I'm sorry sir but I can't help you"
"Measure better where you ask because if the police will listen to you, you will get me in trouble too"

"I can pay you for the information" Rafael said worried as he took out of his bag a box that he put on the table
"It is the latest model"

The bartender stood by to see what the box was about, and when he recognized it he was so surprised that he almost dropped the glass he was cleaning.

"That is the cell phone model that came out three months ago!"
"It's out of stock, it's hard to find even in stores on Earth!"
"How did you get something like this?"

"I have the invoice and the customs papers"
"This won't appear on the market here for like ten years"

Because only the warriors from the Celestial Security Section were the only ones allowed to go to the world of the living, it meant that they were the only ones who could bring back goods purchased there. And since even they are heavily checked on their return, the goods they can bring are few. In addition to this, they also had to present proof that they got it legally during their stay on earth, so everything they bring had to come with the original receipt from where they bought it on earth. So these papers also served as proof of ownership with a value equal to the product they accompanied. It is for all this large number of obstacles through customs that obtaining objects from the world of the living was considered a luxury for the angels. The angels loved to show proud proof of their achievements, and what a higher honor than to say that you belonged to a special operations squad that was on the earth or another planet with intelligent races and got the last luxury car of the year as a souvenir during their stay on earth. It was the dream of the young, the envy of the neighbors, and the honorable of the family in case someone succeeded. No one denied that several of the warriors who joined the security section did so thinking of bringing items to sell later to save and get something else they wanted.  Some angel farming families saved for a long time to buy an object like a old film camera to show during a party, even though the angels themselves had access to better cameras, with superior technology and hundreds of thousands of times cheaper. 

"Sir, even for something like that I can't do anything."
"Don't you want something different in exchange for that?"
"I know a couple of properties in the upper part of the city that I could get in exchange for that phone"

Rafael lost his nerve and threw the glass of alcohol that had been served against a wall.

"Please I need your help right now"
"They are planning to kill my wife soon and I need to know if this girl could prevent that from happening or not."
"Right now I have to do something and I have nothing left for you to know about her"
"Please help me" Rafael begged him almost crying to the poor man who was on the other side of the table

The bartender looked him in the eye and really seeing a person going through a need remembered that at the end of the day they were there to help others.

"Okay, but you heard this from Marco, not from me"

"Fair enough"

"Lisa was the typical exemplary student with good grades during school and high school, she did an extraordinary job as a guardian angel for whom no one thought he would be important."
"She earned the right to study at the watchmaker's school and was also a model student there"
"She passed the fierce watchmakers exam in just her third attempt and earned the right to use this power"
"But as if this was not enough then she enrolled in the undercover assault academy and graduated from there too"
"Making her one of the few watchmakers that were also good at combat and with field experience in extreme-risk operations"

"Excuse me interrupting you, but who is a watchmaker?"
"Is it a secret class of angels?"

"You really ask about an ex-watchmaker but you don't know what that holy profession is about?"

"As I said, I'm desperate and short on time, I'm trying to get everything as fast as I can"

"Watchmakers are angels who, as their name indicates, take care of time"
"They make sure that time does not see its course altered with respect to the will of THE BOSS"

"I'm sorry but I don't follow you"

"They are basically in charge of trying to fix the errors that some idiot with a time machine could cause"
"You know, like for example preventing you from accidentally killing your grandfather and things like that"
"But even if they pass their difficult tests, a true watchmaker is still handpicked by THE BOSS himself"
"That is why the case of Lisa is special because she has been the angel who won that position faster in history"

"And if  she was so Pro, how did she fall?"

"The Seventh Operation, that's what happened to her"

"Was she in the war against dragons?"

"That is correct"
"Your son was not the only one who gave a great spectacle there"
"But he even had the ups and most of the downs of him during that hard time"
"THE BOSS thought of sending only the best to help in the war"
"One of these was Lisa the watchmaker"
"She was sent there to prevent your son from having an emotional breakdown and also help in the war, guide him, give him a push, protect him without his noticing it"
“Since she was his original guardian angel assigned to Cesar, she knew him well enough, she was emotionally involved in the case and was interested in keeping him alive, for her more than a mission, it was to save her only family.”
"Needless to say, she failed miserably"
"Not only could she was unable to help Cesar as she was supposed to, but he also realized her true celestial identity as well., but Cesar was forced to help her overcome the fear of seeing how violent a fight  with dragons can be"
"The only thing she did well was advise him on how to use the Codex"

"But even if she ruins her role, that doesn't sound worth earning exile"

"You're right, but what happened after that was what changed her"
"This is where the rumors start, so even I'm not entirely sure what happened."
"It is said that when she returned she was disappointed about what she did when she was on earth"
"So she tried to improve on her new assignments"
"But no matter how much she tried, she couldn't leave behind the mistakes that she made out of her mind"
"Then the problems started to appear"
"They supposedly started a day with her trying to contact Cesar again to apologize for what happened on Atlantis"
"Since by that time he was already helping with the Celestial Security Section, they obviously denied her request"
"She kept asking for permission to speak with him until her superior had had enough of the subject and forbade her to continue bringing up the subject"
"After that, they say that she became paralyzed thinking about why they denied her so emphatically to let her go see him"

"That sounds troublesome enough, but still understandable to a point"

"Then her superiors discovered that she seemed to be in love with Cesar because of what happened in the war and the support he gave her despite his own precarious condition, although she did not know why her boss was what to believe purist angels who believe that angels should only be with people of the same species and that someone as exemplary as Lisa in love with a human was a waste"

"So guess what was the next thing she was banned from?"
"Fell in love?"
"Is it forbidden for an angel to fall in love with something other than an angel here as well?"

“No, of course not.”
“But not all top brass think that, and unfortunately for this story, Lisa's boss was one of them, and for him Lisa was unique, a rising star with infinite potential, a powerful angel among a billion.”
“Poor Lisa, still innocent in her time believing that all her fellow soldiers were as good at heart as she believed the bastard's demands were well-intentioned.”
"But even so, in her spare time she kept trying to find information about Cesar, to keep track of what he had been doing."
“But since Caesar's information is so important it is handled with the greatest of greed, no one outside of a very select few can even get to the secure repository where his information is.”
“I think it was that desperation to know that her confidant was well that somehow managed to contact Marco to get information about Cesar.”
"Then came the ugly parts"
"When Cesar crashed his jet in Italy, several teams were immediately dispatched to help him."
"Lisa didn't realize this until much later"
"Along with the report explaining that he was not fully treated for his injuries"
“Lisa, now desperate to see him, asked her boss for a job transfer, she was willing to give up her job as a watchmaker in exchange for any other job that would let her go to see Cesar, no matter how lowly it was.
“Lisa's boss did not take it well, his beloved prey would go away from him, his property was asking to be free, he realized that his will was not as strong as the emperor's”.
“He took her to a private room, beat her, abused her, humiliated her, broke her.”
“Lisa was not seen for at least a month.”
“It was during that time that the poor girl learned firsthand what true evil was and the fancy disguises it wore.”

"That nobody realized her boss was a  literal piece of shit?"

"Finally came the last nail in the coffin"
"Last year, it came to her ears how Cesar had died rescuing Nanami's body during the war"
"She tried to contact him in any way she could, but couldn't find him anywhere"
"Obviously because he had returned to earth with his new job that THE BOSS assigned him, so all the details about him are now classified and nobody knows anything about him since"
"This seems to break what little reason was left in the poor girl,  her last rope, her last sanity of her mind."
"It seems that after looking for him everywhere and not finding him, she thought that he was lost in the same way as Nanami"
"The next thing that happened, Lisa's boss was found dead nailed to the wall of his own office"
"When they revived him he told them that she was planning to escape to earth"
"The police managed to arrest her and they locked her in a prison"
"Where she returned to kill a guard trying to escape"
"By this point, it was clear that her mind was corrupted and her wings changed color to black"
"She became a fallen angel, motivated only by her wishes"
"Her rights as a watchmaker were immediately withdrawn"
"When their superiors superior to this they thought it was time to get rid of her"
"But it seems when they were trying to get rid of her, she managed to free herself and kill them one more time"
"The last thing that is said about her is that she he tried to escape but was only stopped by Stella's sister at the last moment, She tried to escape from her through a maintenance portal that they were repairing"
"Not without leaving before brutally wounded by an assault spear, with the curse of an incurable wound or something like that I heard"

"Fuck I knew this was it could be bad, just not that bad"

"The security section screwed up big with her"
"They didn't realize how cruel her boss was until last month when an investigation came out as guilty of harassment and abuse of authority"
"Apparently he wanted sex with Lisa and that's why he did what he did"
"He's on trial right now, but I doubt they'll give him anything less than life imprisonment"
"Regarding Lisa, no one knows what will happen to her, because although she is one more victim, when an angel falls,  is a fallen angel forever, because it is impossible for her to have a normal mind again"
"She will be left with her black wings forever"
"And this is how we got to the current situation"
"Are you maybe part of the next update of this unfolding tale?"

"What are you hinting at"

"In this place, I like to tell stories of struggles against adversity that have a good ending"
"I have followed this case for the reason that this conversion is one of the best in my repertoire"
"So I'm all ears to hear the end from you"

"Well, I really think I can do something about it to create the perfect opportunity, both to save my wife and to help Lisa"
"But for that, I will need the help of Marco and yours"

"Do you have something in mind, Mr. Rafael?"

The two men rushed to plan something, that despite lack of time, perhaps unconsciously would change the lives of many more people than they realized.

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