Valkyria Squadron

Ch81: Enemy Within

Enemy Within

United Nations Secretariat Building, Manhattan, New York.
March 5st
3:10 PM

Adelis POV

Everyone in the room was holding our breath watching the monitors that informed us in real-time what was happening at the airport. The satellite images contrasted too much with the audio that came to us on the radio. While the images only showed us small vehicles moving between the hangars and the runway in a couple of flashes of lights, the sound of people fighting, the captains giving orders, desperate cries for help. People were losing their lives right now because of the orders that we gave and yet here we were, in safety inside an underground bunker seeing everything but not being able to intervene to change the result for a more favorable one. Is this how the Gods see humans? be watching from the sky how they kill each other but doing nothing? pretending deafness to the real despair that is lived there?

My son is there too.Despite having promised not to do anything like this, it's down there too and all I can do is watch it from above.Tamamo did not even think about abandoning him and is fighting by his side.And all I can do is watch this monitor monitoring your progress.


"The Alpha team reports that they have secured the area under their control"

"Bravo and SWAT also report that they finished checking each of the airport's terminals"

"The 82nd is patrolling the surroundings and the runaways"

"All objectives completed"
"Confirmed, we have secured JFK airport"
"Operation Desert Jewel has been a success"

the 82nd airborne had risked enormously by not waiting for its escort planes and rushing here. They could be easily destroyed by an enemy fighter, but they decided to take the risk and the price was well worth it. Not only did they arrive early, in the conflict zone without air superiority, but they also parachuted into the middle of the battle for control of the airport to help our poorly prepared and equipped troops.

"All right"
"Give the heavy cargo planes the landing order immediately"
"Let the first ones be those that contain heavily armored vehicles like Tanks and LAVs"
"As soon as they kiss the ground I want them to run inland and protect the airport immediately"
"I want a defensive line of at least four kilometers around the airport"
"Then we will fill the place of every man and woman who can walk with a gun and prepare the recapture of our city"
"At last we have air coverage now?"

President John demonstrated his expertise in this by not getting carried away by surprise success and thinking about what to do next.

"The USS Essex is finally in range of the area of operations"
"Right now her fighters are escorting the 82nd planes"
"Due to Manhattan's anti-aircraft system under enemy control, they can't get too close there"

"Mr. President, I think the next thing we should do now is preparing the rescue mission to get you out of here as soon as possible."
"The chances of the Empire making it into the UN is quite high"
"With the forces that we now have, we can use the bridge to reinforce the area around the building and make a safe step to get you out of here"
"We will take you to JFK airport and send you on a highly escorted plane back to Washington" said one of the generals who accompanied us.

But despite the emotion in the room, I did not share the same opinion. There were thousands of things that were wrong and that we still did not know why our enemy did what he did. And that without leaving aside the man who tried to attack me on my way here. I don't want to rule out all the possibilities. The only thing I can think of that the Empire could use to invade New York in record time and with total stealth is that portal machine that Cesar says exists. Again this might be a crazy theory, but I think we left the point of the reason a long time ago.

The origin of the first attacks was in the port of New York, so that must be their place of origin, they not only use it as a base, but maybe somehow they managed to install a portal there and that's where they take their troops.If the portal is like a circular machine it would be much easier to introduce it to the country unnoticed.Divided into parts it could easily fit in a single container.We must destroy that portal as soon as possible and stop the flow of enemy troops at once.

"John, creating a rescue mission for us with the current available force will only make things worse"
"We don't have too many soldiers and the truth is, getting you out of here will greatly reduce the troops available for battle"
"Only the escort planes that accompanied him would be able to do something more significant"

"What the heck could be more important than saving the president of the United States!"

"The lives of 20 million people locked in this hell next to us"
"If we can survive this shit, what do you think will appear in the newspapers of the world?"
"The fearful president John Smith leaves the most important city in the world to his mercy to save his skin"
"There will be no political campaign capable of saving something like that"

"You are insulting the president!"

"I do not intend to be known as the president who saved his skin by letting his people die!"
"It goes against everything I believe in"
"If I am going to die it will be fighting to defend my America!"

"Exactly, just imagine the publicity that we will get from this"
"The president directs the defense of his country from the front lines"
"You will have a monument next to Lincoln"
"There will be no one to face you in the elections, there is no way to beat that"

"Okay, so what do you suggest instead?"

"The docks are the key piece of the enemy attack"
"Everything originated there, the missiles, the drones, the troops"
"It is not only an enemy base, it is its most vulnerable point"
"If we can destroy it, we will cut off its supplies"
"Then it will only be a matter of time to finish them off, because no matter how good they are when there are no bullets left to shoot, they will be outmatched"
"What we have for now could be enough for the task of launching a running attack"
"We have the armored units now!"
"The rescue mission can be done later when we have more reinforcements that arrive"

"And how do you know that they are getting more units from there?"
"It is impossible to create them from nothing"

"It's a hunch, It is because of something I was investigating before leaving Europe "I replied

"Mr. President, I advise you to send the rescue mission"
"There is no worse publicity than a president of a country captured by the enemy"

The President of the United States of America John Smith looked at the table where we were meeting, looked at everyone in the face, then at the table with the map of New York.

"We'll send those motherfuckers to hell even if it's the last thing we do"
"Do you see that port on the map?"
"I do not want to see it"

"Yes Mr president"


The people around us got up and will return to their computers to immediately prepare the attack on the port. I had managed to change the plan they had to one that I believed would possibly give us victory. But the more you see, one thing was to give an attack order, and the soldiers who died trying to carry it would be quite another. We will depend on them being able to achieve it, our victory will depend on them.

Suddenly the lights of the place went out by surprise. Someone in the background shouted, a lot of flashlights appeared, all the secret service agents had one.They were surrounding the president again trying to protect him. Xian, who until then was next to me, pushed me and led me to a wall, where she was in front of me trying to protect me.But just as fast as the lights went, they came back as if nothing had happened.For a second everyone thought it was just a generator failure.But then another time someone shouted again and pointed to the wall.

On one of the walls, you could see a man in his thirties. His face twisted in pain and surprise. He was still alive, but not for long. He was trying to speak, but only a gasp came out of his mouth. The man was brutally nailed to the wall by a dozen metal stakes, a form of both torture and execution. And there was only a single person capable of doing something like that, that was her bloody signature.

(What the heck was what happened!)
(Why did you do that!)

"That asshole tried to kill you when the lights went out" The demon replied
"I thought about taking it out since I had the opportunity"
"With an example like that, all those stupid men will think better of it before trying something"

(But you didn't have to make it so flashy!)
(Now they won't rest until they find someone!)
(Wait a minute!)
(Did he try to kill me?)
(Didn't he approach the president?)
(He didn't try to kill John, but instead, he attacked me?)

"Do you think I would have come out to save a man's life?"
"I'm not one of those stupid angels who believe in saving everyone"
"If he had been the goal, I would have just been enjoying watching"

(You had nothing to do with the lights?)

"No, I didn't do anything other than creating the new wall ornament"

Most of the people in the room continued to stare at the dying man in horror.The secret service drew their weapons but they didn't know what to do.President John Smith stares steadily at the wall as well.Everyone in the room talks about what may have happened.And meanwhile, I know what happened but I must hide it.Well, despite the fact that this closed place is full of allies, there are also people who have a different agenda hidden among them.Among all these people there is someone who wants to kill me even above the president and I can't even ask for help.

"It can not be possible!"
"He was next to me just now!"
"How did that happen!" I said yelling into the room

I fell to the floor feigning panic when I saw the wall that everyone was pointing at. I hoped to sow the doubt that there was a hidden traitor among all. The Secret Service men quickly took the man down and took him to another room.

"I want to know what the fuck was that!"
"You guys from there check everyone!"
"Only identified secret service agents and high-level personnel such as the president or Mrs. Adelis are allowed to carry a weapon for their defense"
"Everybody hands over their guns"
"If someone sees something suspicious report it immediately"

"I don't want to have a gun" I answered, partly so that they would believe in me, as well as I really did not occupy because I had Lisa with me

"Mrs. Adelis, are you okay?" Xian asked me holding my hand

"I do not feel well, I have dizziness and want to vomit"

"Hold on to me, I'll take you to the bathroom"
"Don't worry I'll keep you safe" Said my assistant.

With this, Xian managed to get rid of handing over his weapon as he led me to the women's restroom.Once I was near the bathroom, I opened the door and pulled Xian by the hand to enter the toilet with me. I immediately closed the door and finished my fake performance. I picked up my phone and wrote quickly: "2 different people tried to kill me today above the president, the man on the wall too . I don't even know who he is, don't worry about me.You investigate who else could be".Xian looked surprised when she saw the phone, but it made no noise.She looked into her eyes for a second, seeming to ask if what she was saying was true.I shook my head saying yes.She then responded by shaking her head as well, stating that she would do what I asked with a determined look on her face.

Right now we don't just have to organize a counterattack on the Empire. But we must also watch our backs trying to discover who it was who wanted to kill me and why. In addition to keeping President John Smith safe.

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