The last assassin alive in that section laid in a puddle of blood with his eyes wide opened as he tried to comprehend what just happened. 

“All our soldiers serving at the front lines to guard the ritual and prevent any external abnormalities, suddenly died.” He stared at Tom who stood in the midst of a gruesome scene that looked like it was straight out of the Mortal Kombact universe. 

I didn’t witness the moment they died… Even though I was watching them.” The words that’s played in his head as he tried to comprehend what just happened. “Before I knew it, they were dead and blood was pooling under them.” Gritting his teeth as he struggled to look up at Tom in the distance as he muttered to himself. 

Overwhelmed by such amount overwhelming amount if power, Tom wondered how he could draw out such power when his back was completely against the wall. In the depths of desperation, he had found power. 

Looking towards the alter in the middle of his massacre, he notice Raven was gone and so was Ra’s, along with Talia. 

“Ra’s al Ghul!!!” He yelled as the spiraling vortex bore a hole through the top of the cave and he flew right to the surface. 

“Come out Ra’s, give me back my girlfriend and accept punishment for daring to interfere with our lives.” Tom said as he haunted for Ra’s, barging upon an open space where Ra’s and his army were in wait, armed and regrouped. 

“I’m right here, your flashy display doesn’t faze us at all.” Ra’s stated. 

“There you are.” Tom said with a maniacal smile on his face, stomping his feet on the ground as the ground swallowed every masked assassin surrounding Ra’s, leaving only their heads above the ground. 

“What are you going to do now that you don’t have an army to protect you?” Tom asked, willing to enjoy the hunt before killing him off. 

“I still have a human shield.” Ra’s said as he pulled a weak Raven from Talia’s hands, placing a sword at her neck. 

“Raven!!” Tom called out. 

“The shackles on Trigon has loosen up and am too weak to hold him down for long, kill me if you have to, just make sure you don’t let him have his way with things.” Raven said as she understood the situation they found themselves. “I… I love you.” She said through an almost teary voice, knowing Tom often made rational decisions and might kill her to save this world from her father’s wrath. 

“Isn’t that sweet.” Ra’s said. 


Tom reacted as he gritted his teeth. He looked to his side and saw a small stone from all the ruckus he made earlier then kicked the stone, embedding it with dark energy as it moved through the air with sound breaking speed. 

The stone cut through Ra’s al Ghul’s elbow which held the sword on Ravens neck as it almost scratched on her face but shot through her hair. 


Ra’s exclaimed with agonizing pain as blood splattered all around. Tom telekinetically caught the weak Raven and pulled her into his arms, tears of relief dripping down her eyes as she clung on to his arm. 

No one could approach Tom due to the fear he had instilled into their frozen hearts. His unholy power was too unpredictable and versatile, that it made their months of reckon on him seem utterly useless. 

“Father…!” Talia exclaimed, rushing to her father’s side as Tom had kicked another stone and took out Ra’s left leg from right above his knee, leaving Ra’s standing on one leg and using Talia as his support. 

Talia glared daggers at Tom, biting her lower lip, trying to contain her anger as the surrounding assassins kept their stance and ready to attack, their numbers had greatly diminished, while four of them quickly worked on stopping Ra’s bleeding from his arm and leg. 

“Stop!” Talia ordered, noticing the devilish smile Tom had on his face the moment he saw they were wiling to put aside their fear of him to attack and it would have been another one-sided slaughter. “Do not engage him, it would just lead to further casualty on our end.” She added. 

“Smart choice.” Tom commended. “Right from the night I encountered the League, I did my research on you, Ra’s.” Tom said. You would have been a valuable asset to me if we had been partners, but you choose to either have me under you or take my body.” He continued. 

“I kneel before no man, neither do I bow my head for anyone. Especially not to a boy like you.” Ra’s said, sounding like he had adapted to the pain. “You haven’t won just yet, I still have so many cards and pawns at my disposals. 


Tom laughed in an utterly disrespectful manner. “You know, during my research on you and the League, I came across a prophesy.” Tom said, taking note of Ra’s expression as he looked for any subtle changes but there was none. 

“The man who kills Ra’s al Ghul, the Demon Head, shall be known as Al Sah-him and would take over your place as the new Ra’s al Ghul.” Tom pointed at himself and gave a sarcastic gasp of surprise as he continued. “I guess that’s me, when I claim your head that is.” He said with a sudden switch of tone. 

The assassins enraged and angered by Tom’s disrespect towards their leader made them shun their fears and charged at Tom, disobeying Talia’s orders. 

“On your knees.” Tom commanded, exploiting the gravitational force in his radius as it brought every soul to their knees and unable to move. “How many of you are there? Cause’ am sure I’ve killed hundreds of you guys already.” Tom remarked as he noticed glaring at him with rage behind a blood lustful eyes. 

“Goodbye Ra’s, but unfortunately you bit more than you could chew this time around. On the bright side this could either be the end of the League of Assassins, or the beginning of a new era for the League.” Tom said with an hint of casual sarcasm, but the disdain in his voice made it difficult to tell if he was serious or joking around. 

“No… don’t do this.” Talia pleaded. 

“Do not tarnish my name, daughter.” Ra’s said to Talia, stopping her from pleading with Tom. If you’re waiting for me to lay at your feet begging for mercy, then you….” 

Ra’s was suddenly stopped half way through his speech with his mouth open as his jaw dropped. 

“Finally, I thought he would never shut up.” Tom said with a cold demeanor, his pupil emitting a crimson glow in the midst of the drama. “I suddenly began to feel sleepy right from the very moment he began to speak, I didn’t take him for a geezer who wouldn’t shut up.” 

“Noooooo…!!!” Talia’s loud scream echoed through the chamber as the decapitated head of her father fell to the ground. His head was severed from the upper jaw, reveling the gruesome scene of having his tongue and lower jaw exposed as blood sprinkled up in the air and his body dropped to the ground. 

“Grandpa!!!” Damian’s voice echoed from the entrance as he ran into the chamber, but dropped on one knee as his every movement was suddenly restricted by the intense gravitational force acting on Tom’s radius. 

“Show some respect, brat.” Tom said with an icy demeanor he increased the intensity around Damian, forcing him flat on his belly as it crater the ground beneath him. 

“Young Master!!!” The league called out in unison. 

“Damian!!!” Talia called out as she tried moving, but wouldn’t bulge. 

“Stop I beg of you.. Not him too!” She pleaded with Tom, her marital concern for Damian could be heard as she pleaded. 

“Do you hate me?” Tom asked, staring him down right in his eyes filled with rage. “If you do and insist on getting revenge, then I would make an exception and fight you head on. Although I’d take my sweet time ripping you limb from limb as your mother is forced to watch your slow and agonizing death.” The rage in Damian’s eyes intensified as he watched Tom look down on him like the bratty kid he actually was. 

“Have mercy on him please, he’s just a child.” Talia pleaded. 

“Now why should I show mercy on this brat.” Tom said as he telekinetically lifted Damian in the air, pulling towards him as he grabbed him by the throat. 

“Please, I will do anything you request, just don’t hurt him.” Talia pleaded. 

“Tom.” Raven softly called out, giving a slight squeeze to his free arm. 

“I’ll let him live… For now.” Tom said as he abruptly hurled Damian to the ground right next to his mother. 

“You lost Ra’s al Ghul to my invisible blade, and according to the prophesy the League shall be under my rule from this moment onward.” Tom declared, slowly approaching Talia as he continued. 

“You shall continue as the new Ra’s al Ghul but the League shall heed to my will when I call for it. I shall be known as Al Sah-him to the members of the league and not as Tom as every member of this association serves under me, if anyone has a problem with that, speak up and I shall grant you death in the most dishonorable way possible.” He said as he reached for Talia’s chin, lifter her face upward as he added. 

“Stay toned for further instructions.” He said as he turned around, flying off with Raven in his arms as she firmly held on to him. While Ra’s al Ghul’s corpse including his severed head followed right behind him, a precaution against letting the League use the Lazarus pit to resurrect the immortal bastard. 

“Once again you rescued me from an unfortunate faith which seems to linger around me like a curse.” She uttered as they soared through the desert night, bathed in the ethereal glow of the full moon. “Thanks.” She murmured, pressing a tender kiss upon his cheek. 

“It’s alright sweetheart, from here on you just need to focus on getting some rest and probably get some detox while you’re at it, only God knows what they might have pumped into your system just to sedate you and your magic.” He replied as he gracefully flew across the desert’s sky. 


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