[Bruce Wayne’s POV] 

It was late evening in Gotham City. Batman and Batgirl just returned to the Batcave, taking off their cowl as they got out off the Batmobile.

“Welcome Master Bruce, Miss Barbara.” Alfred welcomed. 

“Thank you Alfred. I won’t be having dinner tonight, and if you need me I’ll be at my study.” Bruce said, walking out of the Batcave as he called it a night. 

“I’m afraid you have a guest Master Bruce.” Alfred said, stopping him on his tracks. 

“Master Queen has been seated at your study for the past three hours, he insisted I don’t inform you of his presence until you returned.” Alfred informed. “If you’d excuse me Master Bruce, I have to go and prepare some tea.” Alfred said to him, walking out in the direction of the kitchen.

“It seems you have your hands full tonight, goodnight Bruce” Barbara said to him as she left for her room. 

Walking into his study, he saw Oliver standing in front of a bookshelf, scanning through the books.

“You stay out so late, do you even sleep?” Oliver Queen teased, having a playful tone to his pitch.

“Why are you here?” Bruce bluntly asked. 

“With everything that’s been going on, I think we’re due for a little chat.” He replied gesturing for Bruce to take a seat. 

“I know we are still recovering from the attack but I think….” He was abruptly cut off by a beeping sound from Bruce’s watch. 

“What’s that sound?” He asked. 

“An emergency, whatever it is you want it can wait for the night, I have to go.” Bruce said as he made his way to the Batcave. “Stay here.” He instructed before leaving Oliver behind.

Dropping on a rooftop as he surveyed the scene, trying to get gather as much information concerning what he just stumbled upon before dropping down. 

As he observed the scene, he barely noticed the person behind on time but immediately turned around to strike the invader. 

“Shhhhh!!! It’s just me.” Green Arrow said, fully geared up in his hero getup. 

“What are you doing? Gotham is under my jurisdiction and I don’t like it when people interfere with any of my business regarding Gotham.” Batman said in attempt of shutting him down completely without rescues. 

“So, what are we looking at?” Green Arrow asked, completely ignoring Batman’s words. 

Seeing as there was no point in trying to persuade a man who wouldn’t listen, he decided to move on without stressing on it. 

“Just stay close, and don’t do anything out of character, this isn’t Star City.” Batman instructed before shooting his grapple hook and gliding through the air, Green Arrow did the same except with an arrow attached to a line as they both dropped in the midst of some lackeys. 

The Green Arrow and Batman neutralized the base and Batman singled out a man as he dragged him to the kicked him to the ground. 

“He goes by the name Luka Volk and his a crime lord here in Gotham. I’ve been tracking his activities for a while now but he went completely off the grid for some months now.” Batman filled in Green Arrow on the situation.

“My facial recognition software just spotted him about half an hour ago. Either someone has been helping him hide, or he grew smarter, but I doubt it’s the latter.” Batman said as he stood up to his feet, dragging him up. “Now why don’t you give up who’s been helping you transport your goods on the low and completely evading the law.” Batman added. 

“Give us a name in five seconds or I’d drive this steel arrow right through your knee.” Green Arrow threatened with a baleful attitude, drawing his bow as Batman landed a quick and solid punch across the jaw of his hostage.

“Speak up.” Batman threatened while Green Arrow ended his countdown. “Time up buddy.” He said as he sent a steel arrow right through the thigh of their captive. 


As the arrow drilled through his thigh, it’s metal head dug into the ground with the arrow half way through his thigh. “That was a warning shot. Unless you want to start using a wheelchair for the rest of your life, start talking or the next one goes through your knee cap, then right into the other if you choose to be stubborn.” Batman warned, his cold and stoic demeanor made it clear he wasn’t kidding around.

“This time around you have just until five.” Green Arrow said as he began his countdown and drawing his bow in the process. “One…. Two… Three.” 

“Okay.. Wait.” He pleaded. “I could loose my life for this.” He said, a bit hesitant. 

“Speak up!” Batman said as he ripped out the arrow from his thigh. “Ghost!!” He yelled in agony. “His name is Ghost, that’s all I know about him.”

“YOU FUCKER!” He exclaimed in agonizing pain as he instantly applied pressure to his wound. 

“Ghost…” Batman muttered as he locked eyes with Green Arrow and both gave a subtle nod. “Tell us everything you know about him.” Batman pressed on. 

“All I know is his name, I swear. No one has seen him, no one even knows him. He could be anywhere and currently has great influence in Gotham City underground…” Heavily talking through the pain, he continued. “Surprising thing is that the Valentines, the Falcone, the Berettis and even the Cassamento crime family aren’t in opposition to the kind of power he’s been accumulating.” He spilled out. 

“What else do you know about him? Tell us what he’s majorly known for.” Green Arrow asked as he placed a foot right on the hand placed on the bleeding thigh as Green Arrow slowly increased the pressure, stepping on his wounded leg. 

“Honestly I don’t really know, his into a lot of jobs but is currently known as the most trusted and efficient broker in Gotham underworld…I swear that’s all I know.” He said, groaning from the pain. 

“We are done here.” Batman said before striking a blow to his head, knocking him out, the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. 


“You’re telling me this Ghost guy has been in your city for a while and even established himself in the criminal underground, all without your knowing.” Green Arrow said to Batman upon their arrival at the Batcave, Batman on his Batmobile and Green Arrow with his bike.

“I’ve been on the lookout for him since we first came across him, but am just only hearing of him in Gotham.” Batman said, taking a seat at his desk as he looked through a mass of  information on the monitors. 

“He’s in my turf now, I’ll smoke him out like I have always done.” Batman declared in a calm and stoic tone, not breaking his sight from the computer screens for even a second as typed on the keyboard. 

“Tea sir” Alfred poured Oliver Queen a cup of steaming hot tea, then placed another cup full of tea on the desk next to Bruce. “Thanks Alfred, it’s going to be a long night so I suggest you head on out now.” Batman suggested to Green Arrow, hoping to shake him off. 

“Come on Batsy, he’s involved with I and my city too.” He said, refusing Batman as they went through clues that could help them map out any of  Ghost’s activities so far. 


Lois Lane emerged from the bustling building of the Daily Planet which was just finished with reconstruction and back in business, her auburn hair cascading in loose waves around her shoulders. The city’s chaos seemed to fade as she stepped into the crisp air, a momentary escape from the relentless deadlines and newsroom chatter. Unbeknownst to her, an unexpected force brewed above, a tempest gathering strength.

Suddenly, an intense gust swept through the city, catching Lois off guard. She felt weightless, lifted off her feet as the wind whisked her into its invisible grasp. A symphony of her startled screams blended seamlessly with the howling wind, echoing through the urban canyons.

“Lois Lane, just the woman I wanted to see,” he declared, the words barely audible over the gusting wind. 

As Lois found herself suspended mid-air, her eyes fluttered open to an unexpected figure clad in sleek black attire, and his fit physique quite visible through his getup. Ace who was currently one of the most talked topics among the media, grinned beneath the mask concealing his identity.

With a gust of effort, Lois managed to steady herself, adjusting her disheveled clothes with an air of composure. “You basically kidnapped me for an interview?” she quipped, meeting Ace’s gaze with an arched eyebrow.

Ace chuckled, a hint of playfulness in his tone. “Would you have preferred a fancy dinner for our tête-à-tête?” He asked as he handed her bag to her.

Lois rolled her eyes but couldn’t deny her intrigue in the unexpected encounter. “Fine, what’s the message you went through all this trouble to send? ”

Leaning closer, Ace’s eyes sparkled beneath the mask. “Tell Superman I’ll be at their headquarters tomorrow night, right after dinner time. I just might be willing to address their request on the news.” 

“Why not do a private interview right now, we’re here already, we might as well do something.”

“I think it’s an opportunity for us to get to know ourselves even better. For starters, how about you give me your digits and we could go out on a fun date sometime.” Ace suggested, taking a step into her personal space, his nanotech mask unveiling itself into a visor as he planted a gentle kiss at the back of her hand before turning back into a complete mask. 

“What do you know… He does have manners.” She sarcastically remarked. “Only when I choose to.” He replied, clearly flirting with her.”

“Cocky much?” She asked, referring to his personality. “Very, much.” He replied as she called out her cell phone number, not showing much resistance her head overflowing with so many questions but she knew he wouldn’t answer them if he didn’t feel like it, so she kept quiet. 

“Pass on the message to Superman and the rest of the League.” Ace said as his feet left the ground, slowly floating into the night sky as he spoke to Lois. “Hopefully we get our date night one of these nights.” He teased before turning around. 

“Wait! Don’t just leave me here.” She called out. 

“Use the Elevator.” Ace briefly replied and with a smirk beneath his mask as he flew off into the night sky, leaving Lois at the rooftop and with a mix of confusing emotions.


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