[Bruce Wayne’s POV]

“What exactly happened out there Master Bruce?” Alfred asked as Batman and Barbara hopped off their vehicles and proceeded into the workspace of the Batcave.

“I don’t know Alfred, but that didn’t seem like a normal robbery.” Turning to Barbara, Alfred raised a brow, hoping she throws more light on the matter.

“Everything felt off, most of the robbers were already dead, killed by an highly skilled individual.” She said before taking a seat right in front of a portray of monitors and began typing away.

“I recognize those killing techniques, it is one often used by the League of Assassins.” Batman said to them.

“The League of Assassinsr? Surely the hostages witnessed who killed them.” Alfred suggested.

“Yes, we questioned a number of them and they said the other robbers were killed by a lady with black hair and a kid with snow white hair.” Batman said as he looked up to the screen.

“From the collective data, the descriptions matches theses two.” Barbara tapped on a key on the keyboard and two profiles appeared on the screen, one of Tom and the other of Barbara.

“And what connects these this two? It’s quite odd to imagine such polar opposites having dinner at such a private and exquisite restaurant. Alfred shared, stroking his chin as he read through the profiles displayed on the screen.

“That’s what we need to find out. What Talia al Ghul has to do with a kid like Tom. Especially since this is the first League activity since the disappearance of Ra’s al Ghul.” Bruce replied.

“The only robber left alive was a female who appeared to be too strong of a meta criminal to have gone unnoticed for this long.” Barbara added.

“Anything on her?” Batman asked and Barbara immediately clicked on another button and a profile of the oranges haired criminal displayed with no detail next to it. “We know about those two but her on the other hand is a complete mystery, there is absolutely nothing on her. She doesn’t exist, we only got a picture of her from our case recorder.”

“The only person’s who went missing from the scene apart from this criminal, are Tom and Talia.” Batman pointed out as he began to go through the tape from his fight against the mystery girl.

“There’s a sudden and abnormal change in the atmospheric pressure of a ship yard at the other side of Gotham, near Bludhaven.” Barbara reported.

“Contact Nightwing and have him check it out immediately, and try pulling up a live footage of the scene so we know what’s going on over there.”

“On it.” She replied as she got on the task. “Tapping into the ship yard’s virtual feed.” She updated.

“That’s odd.” She muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Batman asked. “I am not getting any signal from the cameras, almost as if they might have been disconnected or had their circuits fried. “

“Tell Nightwing to hasten up, something big is going on down there. Gear up, we’re also heading out. Even if we don’t make it in time, we could investigate the scene and to better understand what might have taken place there.” Batman instructed before heading straight up for the Batwing, and Barbara right behind him.

[Tom Hendricks POV]

Having exhausted herself by deploying a series of attacks at Tom, one after the other, she dropped to her knees as she continued to pant heavily.

“I don’t know how many times I would have to tell you before you get it into your thick skull that no matter how hard you try girl, you can’t hurt me. So why don’t you give up on that and just fess up who sent you after my head and why. Then maybe I might consider not giving you a slow and excruciating death.” Tom advised as he watched her stumble to her feet.

“I will have your head, this isn’t just business anymore but now it’s personal.” She replied, breathing through each breath as she refused to give Tom an answer.

“What did I ever do to you to make it personal? You’re the one who’s been attacking me, all I’ve done is use your attacks against you because I know one direct attack from me would end this little fun we are having tonight.”

“Fuck you and your messed up mind. The reports only mentioned you were strong, I guess they failed to mention how sick in the head you can be.” She said as she began to draw in electricity from high up in the sky and surrounding buildings, creating a spear made out of pure electricity in her hand.

“Okay nameless girl, I think that’s about enough.” Tom said as he noticed the huge amount of electricity she was harnessing, so strong and powerful that it was possible for her to lose control of it the moment she hurl it his way.

‘I will put everything I’ve got into this shot. At least with this, even if he tries sending my attack right back at me, I could release the compressed electricity and change it’s form into an out of control array of intense current and electrocute him till there’s not even a mustard seed size of moisture in his body.’ She thought to herself as the electricity crackled around her and the spear she held in her right hand grew longer and brighter.

“This is the end, your arrogance to not wanting to dodge this or make a run for it, would be the end of you.” She muttered before hurling the massive bolt of electricity at Tom.

“I said that’s enough.” Tom dashed right at the electrified bolt which came at him with the speed of light, grabbed it midair and compressed it into a small and more intense bolt of electricity before launching it right back at her.

‘No… Way.’ She thought to herself as she raised both hands in front of her, attempting to quell the lightening bolt and regain control of it but it was proving difficult for her.

The force from it pushed her backwards as her legs dragged along the ground while she finally got it under her control, but it was too late. Before she realized it, Tom had made his way to her side and landed a blow so heavy against her rib cage that it sent her flying into one of the containers in the yard, leaving quite a dent upon impact.

“I think I might have broken quite a number of ribs.” He muttered to himself as he casually approached her unconscious body. “Now go to sleep like a good little girl, you would need all your strength when I start with you.” He said to her before telekineticly lifting her off the ground, then flying off across the waters and into the night sky.

[Jason Todd’s POV]

Scouting an alley from a rooftop, Redhood kept an intense gaze at the front of a red door in the depths of a dark alley sidewall. Rain droplets bounced off his helmet and leather jacket as he watched three suspicious men on suit approaching the building he was staking out.

He dropped to the ground of the alley and perched next to a Dumpster to get a closer look at them when he noticed the one in the middle had a brief case with him.

He watched them walk inside and followed through the door, deciding it was time to act. He did the same and to his surprise he was met with another door ahead and with a security guard in front of it. “Hey ugly, step aside.” Redhood said to a hulking dark skinned man on dreads, he stood in front or the door like some guardian of some sort. Without giving a response, the hulking man reached for his pistol he had hoisted to the belt on his waist.


He yelled the moment a hurled knife ripped through his hand and out from the other side of his palm. “Keep it down you Oaf.” Redhood said with a stern tone, charging in as he struck the jugular vein of the so-called Oaf. He reached for one of his pistols and struck a blow on his head.

As the body dropped to the ground, Redhood proceeded to toss a small disc-like device through the red door that was previously being guarded. Behind the door was a small crowd of men all dressed in black, having their guns trained at the door.

They looked down below to see the disc stop right in front of them. “Get down!” The one in front yelled, but before they could react to it, it exploded, resulting into a smoke screen.

They fired gun shots through the smoke but Redhood glided across the floor, shooting two down as he tackled another to the ground. “Incoming call from Master Tom.” Gwen’s voice echoed in he’s ears as he fought on.

“Bad timing bro, am a bit busy right now.” First thing he said as the call connected. “Good, you’re a bit busy. Meaning you are just a bit occupied.” Tom replied from the other side of the line as more men came swarming in from the back rooms and firing at him.

Diving to a corner, he peeped from the side of the wall to see how many they were but got more shots fired at him. “I’m literally getting shot at right now, so yeah, bad timing.” He replied before reaching out his gun to fire back.

“Okay, I guess I would do it myself. And by that I mean call someone else to do it for me. Have fun playing soldier with your little friends over there.” Tom replied before handing up.

“Sometimes I think he forgets not everyone is as invincible as he is.” Red Hood muttered to himself as he let out a sigh before returning to the rain of bullets firing at him.

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