Several hours later, Batgirl stirred on the medical table in the Batcave, her eyes fluttering open. The dim, cool atmosphere of the cave enveloped her, and she took a moment to orient herself. The familiar hum of the Batcomputer filled the air, and she saw Batman seated in front of multiple monitors, his eyes scanning data streams, searching for any trace of Scarecrow.

“Welcome back,” Batman said without turning around, his voice steady but carrying an undertone of concern. “How are you feeling?”

Batgirl sat up slowly, wincing slightly as she did. “I’m fine, Batman. Just a little dizzy, but I’ll be okay.”

Batman finally turned his chair to face her, his expression unreadable behind the mask. “I’m glad to hear that, Barbara. But there’s something we need to discuss.”

She could sense the gravity in his tone and braced herself. “What is it?”

Batman’s eyes softened, just for a moment. “You’re suspended from duty until further notice.”

Batgirl’s eyes widened in shock. “What? You can’t be serious, Batman. I’m fine. I can still fight.”

“This isn’t up for debate,” he said firmly. “Last night was a close call, too close. You were injected with a new strain of fear toxin that nearly killed you. It made me realize something I’ve been avoiding for a long time.”

Barbara’s voice wavered slightly as she tried to reason with him. “But I can handle it, Batman. I’ve trained for this. I know the risks, and I’m willing to take them.”

Batman shook his head. “It’s not about your capabilities. It’s about your safety. You’re young, Barbara. You have your whole life ahead of you. You should be enjoying your youth, doing things that people your age do for fun, not risking your life every night.”

“I can’t just walk away from this,” she pleaded, her voice growing more desperate. “This is who I am. I’m Batgirl.”

Batman’s expression hardened. “And that’s why I’m making this decision. For your protection. You’re forbidden from any hero duties until I grant you permission to resume. That’s final.”

Tears of frustration welled in Barbara’s eyes. “Bruce, please… I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Don’t do this to me.”

His eyes locked onto hers, filled with an unspoken pain. “This isn’t easy for me, Barbara. But I can’t risk losing you. Not like this.”

She saw the sincerity in his eyes, the fear he rarely showed. “You don’t have to protect me, Bruce. I can handle it.”

His voice dropped to a whisper, laden with emotion. “This is for your own good, Barbara. I’m sorry, but my decision stands.”

Feeling defeated, Barbara lowered her gaze, the weight of his words settling heavily on her. “I understand,” she said quietly, though her heart ached with the loss.

Batman watched her for a moment longer before turning back to the monitors, his shoulders tense with the burden of his decision. “I’ll take you home.”

She nodded silently, the fight drained out of her. As Batman led her to the Batmobile, she couldn’t shake the feeling of helplessness. The ride back to her apartment was silent, both lost in their own thoughts.

As she stepped out of the Batmobile, she looked back at him. “I’ll be waiting for your call, Batman. Whenever you decide it’s best I resume duty.”

He met her gaze, the intensity of his stare unwavering. “Stay safe, Barbara.”

With that, he drove off into the night, leaving her standing alone, grappling with a mixture of frustration, sadness, and a determination to prove herself once again. The city’s lights cast a dim glow over her as she made her way inside, her mind already plotting ways to regain her place alongside the Dark Knight.


[Barbara Gordon’s POV]

Barbara was heading home from school when she heard her name being called out from far behind. Looking back she saw her friend Marie, waving at her as she ran towards Barbara.

“I thought you left already.” She said to Marie who barely caught up, panting heavily like she had just ran a marathon as she bent to rest her hands upon her knees.

“I needed to get something from the other side of campus.” Marie replied, still trying to catch her breath.

She stood straight up and they both continued to walk down the road. “So, have you gotten a job yet? You mentioned being in need of a part time job the other day.” Marie asked Barbara who seek for a part time job as she now had a lot more free time on her hands.

“No, I’ve searched a couple of decent places but none of them were hiring.” She did search up a few places but avoided bars and strip clubs, or establishments which she found to be inappropriate.

“That’s disappointing, not even the coffee shop we often visit down the road? We are quite familiar with the manager, he knows you’re a decent girl and would hire you.” Marie suggested, trying to help her friend out in the little way she could.

“Already tried, I spoke with the manager and he said he would love to have me work at the shop but they aren’t hiring at the moment.”

“Who knew searching for a part time job would be this much of a hassle.” Marie remarked as Barbara let out a sigh.

“I’ve got it.” Marie announced with her finger up in air, declaring she had an idea.

“Oh no!” Barbara exclaimed with a displeasing tone.

“You should probably hear me out before concluding if it’s a bad idea or not.” Marie pressed on, excited to share her idea which she thought to be the solution to their little brainstorming session.

“Fine, what is it?” She finally gave in, deciding to keep an open mind.

“Remember that hot guy with the white hair who we met on campus a while back? The one who’s been on the news lately, I think Mr. Hendricks was the name they often used to address him on the news.”

“Wait...Tom? No way.” She definitely did not want to work for Tom, she hated how cocky he could be when he’s being plain.

“Why? He seems like a nice guy and he’s quite loaded.” Marie pressed on as she tried convincing Barbara to look past whatever issues she had with him.

“You don’t know him like I do. I don’t know why he began this humanitarian activities of he’s which makes him seem like some good-hearted person to the public, but he can be quite arrogant if you really get to know him.”

“You won’t have to deal with him, you just have to keep doing your job and get your pay when due.” Marie made a reasonable argument and Barbara began to consider it, but Tom didn’t have some company or public business which she could apply to.

“Even if I agreed to go seeking for a job from him, he doesn’t have an establishment I could work at, except for the hospital he owns.”

“That’s quite true, but I have my mind on a different one.” Marie said with a mischievous smile as they arrived at a bus stop.

“Then which?” Barbara asked with a raised brow, wondering what Marie was up to.

“He’s having a club opening at the middle of town in a couple of days.”

“A club?” Barbara was surprised by the news, but was more surprised as to why her friend would suggest she work at a club.

“You didn’t get the news? He’s opening a relaxation centre everyone of all ages could visit, but it becomes a night club once it’s adult hours.” Marie explained, it was something majority of the kids at campus was excited for, but Barbara wasn’t aware of it as she didn’t indulge in popular activities kids her age often gratified.

“On second thought, a part time job could cost me a few lectures a week.” Barbara began to deliberate on it but sounded like she was searching for an excuse to not work there.

“I wasn’t talking about working PG rated hours, silly. I meant getting a job as the bartender at the night club.”

“No way, absolutely not.” She rejected the idea. “Come on, you would be having fun while working.”

“I do not like the idea of working at a night club, especially not for him.” Barbara denied the idea and put a stop to the conversation as a bus arrived at the bus stop. “Just think on it Barbs, it’s a great idea.” Marie said to her as she got into the bus which departed moments after she got in, while the girls waved each other goodbye.



I apologize for my inconsistency lately, unfortunately it would go on for a couple more weeks. 

I'm currently writing exams and this is my finals, I'll try posting as often as I possibly can.

Thank you all, for your understanding and continuous support. 


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