The next day Wally paced around Barry's crime lab as he tried thinking profusely on the next move he would have to take in order to catch the criminal lurking around at night, hurting people. 

That evening he visited the neighborhood where the incidents had been reoccurring the most and kept watch all night but it was all to no avail. He tried again the next night and later that night the sound of a gunshot echoed through the cold night air as he raced to the spot of origin, hiding himself a few meters away from the source. He hoped to catch the vigilante when he showed up to clean up the mess but unfortunately for him that night Tom wasn't feeling motivated to go and educate the miscreant who had the guts to disturb the neighborhood even after hearing about the rumored vigilante who had been keeping every thug around there on their toes. 

The shooting took place at some distance away from Tom and it did not seem like a bother to him so he just continued his slumber. 

Wally waited but the vigilante never showed up and the crook was getting away after traumatizing and robbing a victim, so he swooped in and captured the thug then handed the wallet and valuables back to the owner before taking the miscreant to the police. 

Barry had left the city for official League business and might not return till further notice, Wally needed someone he could ask for help but did not want to call on The Flash because it might be a bother and also seem like he could not handle the one job he was given. 

So he picked up his phone in an attempt to call in a favor from a friend, a friend  who was always willing to help another friend in need. Someone he could count on and feel the good vibes with. 



A cell phone rang on the table as the young and green individual rolled off the couch, surrounded my pizza boxes and in search of the ringing cell phone. 

"Wally?" He asked as he answered the phone call, while still half asleep and rubbing his sleepy eyes. 

"Hey Gar, how are you doing mah boy?" Wally responded. 

"I'm good bro, it's been a while. How are things over there in Central City?" He bent his head over so he could hold the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he arranged the scattered  pizza boxes on the table. 

"You know, the usual. Still working on outrunning the literal Flash. Not that I'm getting any closer to doing so, so yeah I'm doing pretty good." Wally replied in an exasperated manner. 

"I see you've got it rough man."

"Yeah, I know it's sudden but what do you think about coming over to Central City for a while so we could have bro nights together, have fun and catch up." He suggested in a bubbly tone. 

"Sure bro, that'll be great." Gar got excited by the invitation as a wide smile appeared across his face. 

"I also need your help with something and you are the only one I can count on right now, when would you be able to make it to the city?" His tone suddenly became a little bit serious as he asked Gar the question. 

"When do you want me to come?" Gar replied in a semi-serious tone. 

"I know you've got your own shit going on so I'd say anytime that would be more convenient for you this week." He tried considering Gar's schedule and did not sound too desperate for help. 

"How about tomorrow?" He responded in a carefree tone like he had nothing planned for the week or was willing to clear his schedule so he could help out his friend. 

"Wow, that's great! Are you sure you'll be able to make it tomorrow?" Wally asked as he tried to conceal his excitement. 

"Yeah bro. I just need to take care of a few things over here and I'll be headed right there." He snapped his finger as he ended the sentence. 

"You're a lifesaver, Gar. Come with your hero suit since you'll definitely need it." He ended the call as he finished making the appointment with Gar. 

Central City was a place Gar did not get to visit often as his business was mainly within that City and anywhere else his help was needed, but going to Central City right now seemed like a mini vacation for him even though he was going to continue hero work over there.

The change of scenery and the thought of spending time with the young speedster had him all excited as he started preparing and attending to things so he didn't leave anything unfinished before heading out the day after. 

The next morning he packed his luggage and was ready to go after informing his teammates about his sudden vacation plan, wore a pair of sunglasses and headed straight for Central City. 


A knock at the door woke Wally up, he staggered to it as he wondered who it might be that was knocking at such an early hour. A green and friendly face in sunglasses with a smile on his lips surprised him as he looked through the peephole on the door. 

He had been expecting Gar's arrival to be later during the day and not so early, in excitement he opened the door as the smile on the lips of the green fellow grew wider upon seeing him. 


Gar shouted in excitement as they exchanged a bro's handshake and he walked into the apartment. 

After a while of catching up with one another, Wally freshened up and took Gar on a short tour around the city. They visited a few tourist attraction sites as Gar kept on taking pictures and hashtagged a few as  'Morning with mah bro.'

As the time slowly passed by, Wally took him to a coffee shop and placed orders for both of them. They took their seats as Wally saw it to be the perfect time to inform Gar about the case he was currently working on, which was also the main reason why he invited him over. 

"Hey Gar, I think it's time we talk about the case I need your help with."

"Yeah, you mentioned needing my help with something." Gar puts down his coffee as he turned to Wally. 

"There's a vigilante in Central City."

"A vigilante? I thought this city only had heroes, how come a vigilante is entering the scene?"

"That is what we've been trying to figure out."

"What's so bad with a vigilante in Central City, at least you guys now have one more person to help keep the city safe." 

"If that was the case, I'm sure we could work something out. But this guy is very violent and leaves his victims severely injured."

"Severely injured?" He asked the young speedster as he cocked up an eyebrow. 

"Yes. They usually end up in the hospital after he was done with them." 

"Uoo, that's gotta hurt." Gar remarked as he took a sip from his coffee. 

"What intel do you guys have on him currently?"

"That's the thing, we don't know anything about him. We don't know how he looks, his whereabouts, not even his name."


"Nothing. All we know is that he's a young male who happens to be metahuman."

"Since he's a meta, can't you guys search for anyone with his type of abilities?"

"That's the thing, we don't know what kind of powers he possesses because he never laid a finger on any of the victims or left a trace as to how he hurt them."

"Then how did he get to beat them so badly that they usually end up in hospital beds?" Gar asked him as he wondered how that was even possible. 

"The criminals he targeted were able to remember what had happened despite the concoction, and said he tossed them around like ragdolls without even moving close to them."

"So there was no contact?" He mused at the thought. 

"Nope none." Wally shaked his head as he took a sip from his hot drink. 

"That could mean he uses telekinesis or beats the shit outta them with an invisible hand." Remarked the green fellow as came to realize he was almost done with his drink. 

"Here are the pictures of the thugs he had come in contact with over the past few weeks." Wally stretched out his hand as he handed over his phone to his green friend. 

"Damn, that's gotta hurt badly. Are you saying all these were done by one person within the last few weeks?" He asked as he had an expression of pity on his face. 

"Yes. And the only clue we have on him, is the vicinity where he usually does his hunting for thugs." He said in a defeated tone. 

"I'm guessing you must have scouted the area already."

"I scouted the neighborhood on different nights, but came nowhere close to catching a glimpse of him."

"Well, tonight might be different." Gar stood up as he tried cheering Wally up. "It's time to go hunting for a vigilante."

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