The presence of the thieves was a new development of which Batman was not previously aware. He did not care about their actions, as they were not within his jurisdiction. Batman was solely interested in obtaining information about the identity of the group of thieves and the mastermind behind their actions. Considering their capabilities, he could not afford to be ignorant of their existence.

Batman believed that criminals who operated in the shadows and avoided detection, covering their tracks flawlessly, were more dangerous than those who operated openly.

He decided to look into the group, they were related to unsolved police cases he had previously paid no attention to. But at this point, they were the Flash's burden to deal with. 

As he continued with his research, Batman picked up an invitation letter that Alfred had left next to his keyboard. The letter was addressed to Bruce Wayne, inviting him to a charity event which would be held in Central City. Batman initially had no plans to attend, but now he had a reason to.

The stolen project, the missing Khandaq diamond, the unsolved cases of grand theft, all revolved around Central City. 

He called Alfred and asked him to accept the invitation he had once rejected and make reservations for him. "It seems I will be visiting Central City after all. It's time I had a talk with Barry."


Barry received a call from Batman, who informed him that Bruce Wayne would be visiting Central City and would like to discuss a few matters regarding the city.

'Talk about being a master at handling different personas.' Barry thought, before digesting why Bruce had called him. 

"Wait, what?" Were the only words that escaped his mouth before Batman hung up the call and started to prepare for his trip. 

After receiving a call from Batman, Barry was left wondering. Bruce Wayne rarely participated in events outside of Gotham and almost never left the city. Barry was left to ponder the reason behind Bruce's upcoming visit. 


[Tom Hendricks POV] 

I was at a restaurant enjoying my hot meal, which was perfect for the freezing weather. While I munched on my delicious food, I noticed the news headlines which displayed on the TV screen. 

'Another squabble between Metropolis' Golden Boy and the Man of Steel.' *Sigh*.   "Aren't they tired of that eternal loop they are both stuck in?" I literally had to ask myself that question because I'm sick of it already. 

Growing up, we were all familiar with the rivalry between Superman and Lex Luthor. Although I wasn't a fan of DC comics, I'm aware that Lex had been trying to bring down the Man of Steel for as long as their rivalry had existed.

If only Superman was more like Homelander from that TV series 'The Boys' which my best friend made me binge watch with him at college, then he would have snatched Lex away from his office and to a desert area where he could kill the fucker and end the eternal headache. Or if he wanted the death to look more like an accident, he could fly up to Lex's plane in mid air and destroy the engines then just watch the plane crash into the ocean.

 'The End!'

A very simple solution to end the torment of Lex trying his possible best to kill Superman and never accomplishing it. 

Then there's Superman. I know killing was against Superman's morals, but this guy has had it coming for a long time now. Whenever Lex got caught, he'd just be thrown in jail which he gets out after cooling off for a week or two. 

A week in jail was like a vacation for him to cook up another plan of attack without the distraction from the outside world. When he is done with a promising plan or project, then he'll either get released or just break out from the jail, all to repeat the same cycle. 

Another headline was of Bruce Wayne who was confirmed to attend some charity event in Central City. 



Barry Allen's POV] 

Bruce had arrived in Central City and Barry invited him over to his place for dinner, which he declined and asked Barry to just meet him at the rooftop of the hotel Alfred had booked a room for him. 

Iris and Barry were taking a late-night stroll, holding hands and laughing as their voices carried through the streets. Iris held a strawberry ice cream in her other hand and took frequent licks, while Barry munched on a chocolate bar.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he released Iris's hand to answer the call. It was Bruce, who had just finished a meeting and wanted to have the conversation they had mentioned earlier.

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec." He looked at Iris, wishing Bruce hadn't called so he could continue to enjoy that relaxing evening with her. 

"I'm guessing that was Batman?" She said as she let out a sigh. 

"I'm sorry babe, I promise to make it up to you next time." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. 

"I understand, but he sure knows how to ruin a beautiful evening." Iris took a step closer to Barry then slowly approached his lips and  gave him a kiss. He dropped her off at her doorstep before speeding away to Batman. 


Batman stood atop a rooftop in Central City, his trench coat fluttering in the chilly night breeze. He had been observing the city from this vantage point for a while, taking in the fresh air of Central City, which was unlike the thick and polluted air of Gotham.


A gust of wind swept past Batman, causing his coat to sway dramatically. "Sometimes I think you do that on purpose," he remarked as he turned around to see the Flash standing there with a mischievous grin.

"Maybe I do, maybe I do not." He chuckled. 

"Again with the annoying jokes. Peaceful city you've got here."

"Not completely but compared to Gotham, yeah. I gotta ask, what was it you wanted to discuss that was so important you had to come here yourself?"

"I actually came here for a charity event which I know you are well aware of. I'm just using the opportunity to look into something.."

"I was going through the data we retrieved from Lex Luthor's mech-suit the other day, and started to investigate how he was able to manufacture a synthetic Kryptonite. The trail led me to Central City."

"What do you mean? Nothing ever happens in Central City." Barry's expression remained neutral, yet he was curious as to what Bruce meant by that. 

"Maybe that was true. According to what I have seen so far through my research, the amount of successful crimes within the city has increased over the past few months."

"That's a normal thing. People still commit crimes and steal stuff in Metropolis even though it is being protected by Superman."

Bruce sighed. "Barry, you still don't know how to identify a rising criminal organization with expertise. I discovered a series of crimes which had been taking place behind the scenes for over a few months now." He averted his gaze back to the pristine view of the city as he took a couple steps towards an edge.

"People commit crime on a daily basis, you of all people should know that's the basic reason why superheroes don't get days off." Barry took a step closer, standing behind Bruce who was still staring over the city and seemed like he had a lot in mind. "I don't see how the series of crimes that you mentioned, which had been going on for a while now, has anything to do with Central City."

"These series of crimes I mentioned, were all connected and not done at random. There wasn't anything like luck behind any of them, they were done with an extraordinary level of precision." He paused. "I tried connecting the dots and looked for a link between them so I could find a pattern or a loop which would lead me to them, but I couldn't find any. That was why I came here myself to discuss this in person, and ask if you know anything."

Bruce turned to Barry, looked him in the eye and asked. "Have you noticed anything strange going on around Central City lately?" 

"Um… Nothing really, just the same old villains trying to ruin the day for everyone." He contemplated telling Bruce about a vigilante who had been brutally beating up thugs but no report had come in since his encounter with Kid Flash and Gar, so he didn't see it as something he needed to tell him. It was his city after all, and was his responsibility to carry. 

"Okay Barry, I'll let you know if I find anything." 

"Sure, I hope you enjoy your stay here. Relax a little and feel at home… I was referring to Bruce Wayne, not your alter ego." With a sly smile creeping onto his lips, the Flash zipped away and disappeared into the night.


Bruce had his phone to his ear as he answered an incoming call from the Batcave. 

Someone he was expecting and whom he had left specific instructions with before leaving Gotham, was calling. 

"Found anything?" He asked, without specifying what he asked about. 

"I think I found something quite interesting." The voice replied. 



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