In my pursuit of establishing myself as Ghost, I recognized that making a deal with Leo was essential for building a network of contacts in the criminal underworld. This would allow me to access a wide variety of job opportunities and establish connections with key players in the criminal world. 

The deal with Leo would prove to be a pivotal moment in my quest to establish a reliable stream of connections, enabling me to expand my influence and solidify my position as I climb up the ladder in the criminal underbelly someday. With Leo's support, I would have the resources and connections necessary to navigate the murky waters of the criminal world and achieve my goals as Ghost. The unpredictable criminal mastermind with a clean and perfect work record.

Having every job come to me through Leo actually placed a limit to the range of job offers I could receive, and the people who could gain access to me. If I hadn't done this, I would be stuck under Leo for a long while and it would seem like I'm working for him or he owned me. 

I've been thinking of this for a while now and thank the Good Lord for such a beautiful and easy solution which came my way, with me needing to lift a finger or stress over it. I knew for certain that Leo wouldn't want to let go of the grip he thought he had on me, and might even start up some bullshit talk like I owe him for the opportunity he had given to me. 

If I had asked him about it nicely already, and he decided to start that 'I own you' kind of conversation. Then I'm sorry folks, but that'd have been the last anyone would have heard from him.

We had finished with the jobs Leo was given by Mr. Santini as a way of repaying the debt he owed him. They were quite challenging jobs, which would have earned high pay for each. None of the kobs took place around Central City, most were to steal rare paintings and profoundly expensive diamonds from some museums located in Italy. Seriously, what's it with these Mafia bosses and paintings? 

The country looked quite different from the one I remembered from my previous life, maybe it was because of the advancement in technology or the difference in realities. 

Since I returned to Central City, I've been spending most of my time indoors and rarely leaving my apartment. Lately, I've been feeling very unmotivated, and I'm not sure if it's because this will be my first Christmas in a completely different world without any friends or family to spend it with.

The only family I have here are my grandparents and some distant relatives, but I don't feel comfortable around them yet. Although my grandparents have extended an invitation for me to spend the holidays with them, they would like to spend it with their grandchild who lost both parents and younger brother all at once.

The holiday season can be a difficult time for some people, particularly if they have lost loved ones, as it can bring back memories and emotions. However, I don't experience those feelings as I have no memories of my family due to waking up in this world as myself, without the knowledge of my predecessor's past. While I may not feel the sadness that others may assume I'm feeling, I understand that it's natural to grieve the loss of family members during this time.

Spending Christmas with my grandparents doesn't sound like a bad idea, after all it'd be way better than spending it alone. Which would confirm Olivia's theory of me being a loner, I'll think on it later. 

"Okay that's it. Time to hit the gym."

One of the best ways I used to pick myself up each time I was feeling unmotivated, was to get some workouts in. 

As I walked into the gym, I was greeted by the familiar smells of sweat and rubber. I felt a pang of guilt as I looked around at all the people working hard, some of them clearly struggling. I felt like a fraud - I didn't need to be there. I was already in good shape, and when I workout I don't stress myself by doing more than the required amount for each. I thought about heading back home, but something inside me was pushing me to keep going, so I headed over to the weights area.

I started with some light warm-ups, feeling my muscles slowly waking up. I could feel the tension in my body starting to ease up as I lifted the weights. The sound of the clanking weights and the grunting of the other gym-goers started to become a comforting background noise.

As I moved on to the more challenging weights, my mind started to wander. I thought about the goals I had in my previous lifetime and how I had lost my passion for them. I thought about how I used to love going on hikes and exploring new places, the thought fueled the idea I had about spending some time outside Central City. Maybe a place like Metropolis, there's no way I'd want to visit that shithole of a city known as Gotham anytime soon.

Before I knew it, I started to workout just as hard as my old self used to do. Maybe it was because of the memories, that I suddenly started to miss that feeling of working by myself to the bone. I pushed myself harder, focusing on the feeling of my muscles contracting and releasing. I could feel the sweat starting to pour down my face, but I didn't care. For the first time in a long time, he felt like my old self again. 

After completing my workout, I felt a sense of accomplishment mixed with a hint of pain. I had done something good for both my body and mind, but it felt like my limbs were numb. This was a feeling I hadn't experienced since I arrived here: the feeling of pushing myself beyond my limits not because I had to, but because I wanted to.

As I walked out of the gym, I felt depleted and sore, but also lighter than when I first arrived. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. This experience reminded me of the power of physical activity and the importance of pushing oneself beyond comfort zones, that was something my trainer used to talk about back when I seeked to attain the peak condition of an athlete. Even though it can be uncomfortable at times, the end result is worth it. 

As I made my way home that evening, I couldn't help but take note of the throngs of families bustling about, purchasing all manner of goods in preparation for the Christmas holiday. Despite the festive atmosphere, I found myself wondering: what was it about this time of year that made everyone so jolly? After all, it only takes one villain, fueled by a desire for chaos and a hatred of the holiday, to shatter the merriment with a sudden act of violence. 

Perhaps such individuals had suffered a tragedy, such as the loss of a loved one on Christmas Eve, and now sought to inflict their pain upon the jolly masses. Regardless, I recognized that this was a time for sharing and coming together with loved ones, despite the potential for danger lurking in the shadows. 

It's remarkable how even a seemingly insignificant childhood experience can shape a person's life and potentially lead them down a path of villainy in our dark world. 

Some individuals may harness the pain of their past and choose to walk towards the path of light, seeking to help others and make the world a better place. However, for others, the weight of their pain may become too much to bear, causing them to succumb to the darkness and leading them down a path they may feel powerless to avoid. Ultimately, the distinction between hero and villain can be a delicate one, with the choices we make in response to our experiences shaping our fate and the fate of those around us. 


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