A/N: I uploaded chapter 61 but for some reason most people did not see it and I apologize for that... With that out of the way, here it is. 


Currently I've been running maintenance on my app 'The Architect', and I was finally done with it. I did a full security sweep on it, checking if there's been any breach or if anyone was even close enough to break through my firewall. But there was none and everything was working perfectly. 

With a satisfied grin, I leaned back in my chair and surveyed my computer screen. 'The Architect' was running at peak performance after weeks of consecutive maintenance. I'd left no stone unturned in my pursuit of perfection, poring over every line of code and conducting a rigorous security sweep to ensure there were no weak points in my firewall. And it had all paid off - my app was bulletproof beyond reason. 

The app had been dealing with crazy requests and I had to constantly upgrade it within a particular time period. At this point there's almost no difference between it and an AI, oh there is. It isn't like that AI iron had which seemed like his Alfred, his butler I mean. 

With every upgrade, I felt like I was molding it into an AI-like masterpiece. I was constantly bombarded with requests for maintenance, but after conducting a thorough security sweep, I breathed a sigh of relief - no breaches or loopholes were found.

Maybe I should get it to that level, it'll be nice to get my personal security and prevent something like what happened the night when Selina infiltrated my place without my knowledge. It's weird talking with someone who isn't real, might even end up becoming the thing I talk to the most. 

Either way, it isn't a bad idea and I don't mind getting my personal butler. It'll be like a glimpse from old times, but this time it'll be mobile and follow me everywhere I go, a full time job. 

While I thought about it, an idea came to mind. There was a new software a tech-company had been developing for a while now, and it was a software that would greatly add to the creation of my AI. 

Seated at my desk, I stared intently at the illuminated screen of my laptop, conducting a thorough investigation on the target company - Palmer Technologies. To my surprise, they had a branch in the bustling city of Gotham, but alas, the branch was located on the other side of town. This news was somewhat disheartening as it was about half an hour ride time and effort to make the journey to their location. Nonetheless, I remained resolute in my pursuit of the valuable data that awaited me at Palmer Technologies.

The thought of breaking into Palmer Technologies' server filled me with a sense of excitement and apprehension. It was clear that I would need to undertake this operation alone, without any pawns. I carefully studied the blueprints of the building, mentally planning each step of the heist.

Unfortunately, the building was situated in Bludhaven, a considerable distance from my location in Gotham. A thirty-minute drive would be required, and the thought of such a long journey left me feeling somewhat frustrated. I contemplated booking a flight to the location, but that could potentially leave a trail of my activities. In the end, I decided that it would be best to make the journey on my bike, ensuring that there would be no clear evidence of my presence at the scene of the crime. With a deep breath, I set my plan into motion, ready to execute it flawlessly. 

With intense focus, I delved deep into Palmer Technologies' security system, analyzing every potential entry point and scrutinizing their defense measures. Despite my expertise, it became clear that extracting the file would require a direct transfer from the server. This was going to be a tough nut to crack, but I was determined to succeed.

Luckily, I managed to obtain the complete security detail and blueprints of the building, providing me with the necessary information to plan my every move. If all went according to plan, I would be in and out of Bludhaven in less than two days, my mission accomplished without leaving a trace of my presence.

After completing my preparations, I made my way to Bludhaven on my trusty bike. I relished every moment of the long-distance drive, feeling the wind whipping through my hair and the cool night air bringing a sense of calmness to my mind.

As soon as I arrived, I checked into a nearby motel and settled in for the night. Come morning, I ordered the necessary equipment to complete my disguise, as well as a few other items. With my shopping done, I returned to my motel room and added the final touches to my disguise, ensuring that every detail was perfect.

Before embarking on the mission, I created a fake ID, which I would input into the system at just the right moment. With my plan in place, I was ready to execute the heist flawlessly and with as minimum effort as it could be.

With my preparations complete, I donned my black hoodie and set out to survey the surroundings of the Palmer Technologies branch. I needed to figure out a way to conceal the necessary equipment for the operation, either by hiding it in a vehicle or stashing it somewhere nearby until the designated hour.

As I scouted the area, my eyes landed on a dumpster located in a deserted alleyway, a reasonable distance from the building. A plan started to form in my mind. I wrapped up the equipment carefully and hid it inside the dumpster, knowing that I would return for it later that evening. With everything in place, I felt confident that I could pull off the heist without a hitch. 

*Grawl… *

My stomach grumbled, reminding me that I had neglected my body in my single-minded focus on the operation. I knew that I would need all the energy I could get later that night, so I stopped at a restaurant to grab a quick meal. Once I was sated, I drove back to the motel and rested up until it was time to make my move. I had exactly an hour and a half to infiltrate the building and get out before any alarms were raised.

On getting to the dumpster where I stashed my equipment, I made sure there was no one in the area before I bought out the bag and was ready to infiltrate the building. 

With a deep breath, I focused my energy at the base of my feet, building up momentum for the daring feat I was about to attempt. I adjusted the bag on my shoulder, ensuring it was secure before looking up at the towering building in front of me.

I took a few quick steps back, assessing the distance and calculating the amount of force I would need to reach the roof undetected. With a sudden burst of energy, I propelled myself forward and soared into the air, my heart pounding with exhilaration.

For a moment, I felt weightless as I soared through the sky, my body a blur of motion against the backdrop of the city skyline. Then, with a swift and precise motion, I landed on the rooftop with a soft thud, my feet absorbing the impact with ease.

Looking around me, I felt a sense of triumph and excitement as I gazed out over the city below. It was a breathtaking sight, and for a moment, I felt like I was on top of the world. As I took a deep breath and savored the moment, I knew that this was just the beginning of my adventure.

I brought out my gas mask and navigated my way through the ventilation system of the lab, careful to avoid any dangerous air that might be extracted from the various labs.

As I crawled through the air vents, I made my way towards the restroom, knowing it would be the perfect place to take a moment and regroup. With a sense of relief, I dropped silently into the restroom, making sure it was empty before continuing on my mission.

I slipped on the ill-fitting janitor's uniform, hoping it would be enough to fool anyone who might be watching. The polyester fabric clinged to my skin, making me sweat despite the chill in the air. I adjusted the cap on my head which seated on a blond wig while I tugged at the sleeves,trying to make it look as natural as possible as I adjusted my fake mustache which seemed like I really grew them.

I stepped out of the restroom and into the bustling hallway of the high-security laboratory. My heart raced a little as I tried to blend in with the crowd of scientists and researchers, all rushing to their next appointment. I keep my head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone who might recognize my presence as that of an intruder.

As I made my way to the elevator, a group of suited guards approached. My stomach dropped as I realized they were headed straight towards me and I was ready for whatever the outcome might be. 


Please kindly visit my patreon to read 10 chapters ahead. 👇


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