Tom sat in front of his laptop, lost in thought as he contemplated the latest developments in his mission as Ghost. He had been tasked with a new mission, and it seemed urgent.

Just then, a beep from his laptop snapped him back to reality.

Tom's eyes were fixed on the glowing screen of his laptop, his mind preoccupied with the latest developments in his top-secret mission. Suddenly, a notification popped up on his screen, indicating a new job request for Ghost.

However, this particular request came from an unknown source, and Tom felt a sense of caution. He was not used to working with unfamiliar clients, especially when it came to high-stakes operations like the ones he handled.

But at the same time, he knew that anyone who was able to reach him must have connections in high places. He wasn't one to take on small jobs for small-time clients

As Tom reviewed the request, a sense of unease began to settle in the pit of his stomach. This was no ordinary job. It wasn't a request to steal anything or to carry out some nefarious scheme. Instead, it required him to analyze the blueprints of a remote warehouse and create a blueprint of his own. But this wasn't just any blueprint - it was a plan for maximum security, outlining where the surveillance cameras should be placed and how to fortify the building against potential threats.

Since he was so good at evading and bypassing security systems, the person wanted him to observe the warehouse and produce a top notch security program for the warehouse which would make it impenetrable without detection.

Tom's mind raced as he tried to make sense of it all. Why would someone need such a detailed plan for a warehouse in the middle of nowhere? And why did they need the services of Ghost, one of the most skilled operatives in the game? The whole thing felt like a trap, a setup designed to ensnare him and leave him at the mercy of his enemies.

But Tom was no fool. He knew that danger was a part of the job, that there were always risks involved when you worked in the shadows. And he also knew that he was the best in the business, that no one could match his skills when it came to breaking into high-security buildings and stealing sensitive information.

Tom couldn't help but let out a sarcastic growl of exasperation as he read the job details once again. "Wanting a contractor who makes top security seem like a piece of cake, to design a security program. Haa, the irony." he mused, shaking his head in disbelief.

But despite the apparent absurdity of the request, Tom knew that the pay was too good to pass up. He had made a name for himself in the industry by doing what others thought was impossible, and this job was no exception. If anyone could create a security program that was impenetrable, it was him.

Tom's brow furrowed as he scrutinized the blueprint and the scant details provided. His sharp mind quickly deduced that something was amiss as he observed the information which was sent to him, it wasn't detailed enough and there weren't security cameras around that region that he could hack into. Maybe they were purposely left out, maybe his employer didn't know they were important. Those thoughts went through Tom's mind but he had a bad feeling about it, almost like there was a sense of malice behind it. 

He shrugged off the feeling and continued with the work, after all, "what's the worst that could happen?" He muttered to himself as he called on to his AI for assistance. 

"Scan through the blueprint and building plans, then bring me options on the best ways of how we could max the security within the building and in all sections of the warehouse." He said with his hands laced together behind his head as he made a small twirl with his chair. 

"Okay master Tom. Analyzing documents and providing options." 

'It feels good being called Master.' He thought to himself, with a smile on his face and his eyes closed he relished in the feeling. 

"Having someone do a small fraction of the job sure feels relaxing, I gotta put my plans of mobilizing my team into motion soon." He muttered to himself. 

"Master Tom, here are the possible options on how to maximize the internal security of the warehouse." The voice of his AI butler snapped him out of his thoughts as multiple security blueprints and write ups started popping up on his computer screen. 

Looking at the screen, he picked out two options and just merged them together, resulting in an internal security system with no blind spot or loophole. "Perfect, maybe I should start up a security company." He said to his AI. 

"You could, but I doubt you are actually interested in such." Replied to his AI. 

"You are beginning to know me all too well, Arthur." The names he decided on calling his AI.

"I believe it's only logical, being that I spend the most time with you."

"That's…Actually true."

Tom's fingers flew across the keyboard as he finished up the internal aspect of the security program hw was mapping out for the employer. With a wicked smile on his face, he leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms. He had done it - he had designed a security program that would make the warehouse nearly impenetrable.

But there was still a nagging feeling in the back of his mind. He knew that he couldn't rely solely on the internal security to ensure the safety of the warehouse. He would need to go out there himself and analyze the surrounding area and cook up an external one.

The thought of making a drone to survey the area came to mind, but he quickly shrugged it. There were certain regions that he wouldn't be able to get a clear picture of, and he could only do it by foot as the area was surrounded by tall trees. 

That evening he strolled down to survey the surroundings of the warehouse so he could get a vivid idea on how to go about the external security and ensure there wasn't any blind spot intruders might take advantage of.

 It'll be kind of ironic if he was given a job to help some outlaws infiltrate the warehouse in order  to steal some valuable shit when it gets put into use, because it's only logical to assume that valuable stuff would be kept at that warehouse, considering the amount of security demanded to it. 

While going through the area and scouting out possibly blind spots, going around the building, he was met with a striking image of a man who has seen the ravages of time and war but he wore a security guard uniform and sunglasses. His face is etched with deep lines that speak of a life lived in danger. There is a sense of restrained power in his every movement, as if he could unleash devastating force at any moment.

As his eyes meet with Tom's, there is a palpable sense of unease that spreads through the air. It is as if the very atmosphere recognizes the presence of a dangerous predator. His sharp, angular features are etched with scars, some old and some new, all testament to the many battles he has fought.

He carries himself with a calm, almost regal air, but there is a coldness in his gaze that chills the very soul. His presence commands respect, and yet there is a sense of danger that lingers around him, like a storm cloud waiting to break.

"That's odd, no one ever comes around here. What are you doing here kid?" He asked Tom. His voice is deep and commanding, filled with a sense of authority that brooks no dissent. It is the voice of a man who has seen it all, and who has the scars to prove it. Every word is carefully chosen, every sentence carefully crafted, and there is a sense of power and control in every syllable.

"I was wandering around the area and got lost."

"Oh, I see that. Gotham City is the worst place to wander off to an unfamiliar area. Don't worry kid, I'll point you in the right direction." He said as a smile came across his lips. 

"Thank you, I pretty much appreciate your help." He said to the man as he pretended to head in the direction pointed to him by the man, he was done with his scouting mission and needed to leave anyway so there was no need for an excuse that'll make him stay longer. 

"Okay if you say so, stay safe out there kid. Not everything is as it seems." The strange man said in a manner that made it seem like it wasn't wisdom, maybe it was the white air that painted that picture of wisdom for Tom but he needed to leave, he was on a mission and couldn't afford to sat any longer than he already had. 

"I'll be heading back now, thanks again." Tom said as he left the area, leaving the man who just gave a short wave in response. 


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