[Tom Hendricks POV] 

The meeting with Deathstroke was a true test of my abilities. In order to maintain my cover as both Ghost and Tom, I had been obsessing over the logistics for days. Luckily, my innovative creation of a state-of-the-art AI proved to be just what I needed.

As I watched from afar, Deathstroke conversed with a figure who appeared to be present in the flesh. However, the truth was that the figure was nothing more than a hologram. I had taken great care to embed tiny pieces of technology into the surface of the chair, giving the illusion of solid contact between the figure and the seat.

My heart was racing as I stepped outside, ready to confront Deathstroke. I had spent countless hours programming the ideal characteristics and attitude for my AI to express. With the audio from autopilot disabled, I communicated with Deathstroke through my watch, which was linked to my advanced AI. All it had to do was embody the persona I had programmed it to portray, according to the script I had laid out.

After the conversation, I smoothly deactivated the hologram, making it appear as though it had teleported away. Deceiving Deathstroke in this way left him with more questions than answers, and added to the air of mystery surrounding Ghost. Fortunately, the technology available in this universe was light years ahead of anything in my previous world, most of it was merely theoretical. 

I had devised a clever plan to avoid arousing any suspicion from Deathstroke. By assuming the guise of Ghost, I was able to downgrade my appearance and appear as a mere errand boy. It was crucial that he didn't link me as one of Ghost's subordinates, as that would might be a pain in the ass sometime in the near future. 

Now that I had secured Deathstroke's trust, it was time to think about the next steps in our plan. I needed to expand my sources of revenue beyond what I earned as Ghost and from my website. After much contemplation, I came to the conclusion that bank robberies were too mundane and predictable these days. The Bat-family was always on the lookout, and it was only a matter of time before they found a way to track down any stolen money that crossed their path. I wouldn't be able to go under their radar while moving it after the robbery, unless I intended to lay low for a while. 


As I racked my brain for ideas, a sudden epiphany hit me like a bolt of lightning, and a light bulb figuratively appeared above my head. I realized that technology was my forte, and the numerous requests for advanced weaponry on my website presented a lucrative opportunity. I could build these weapons myself and sell them on the dark web for exorbitant prices. 

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. This was a daring move, one that required finesse and skill, but I was confident in my abilities. With the latest technology at my fingertips and my genius mind, I was sure to create weapons that would surpass even the most advanced ones in existence and sell them at extremely high prices.

My mind was racing with all these potential money-making schemes, but I couldn't forget the importance of protecting my identity as Ghost. The last thing I needed was for someone to get too close to discovering who I really was.

The recent restrictions had forced me to conduct some business in person, but I knew I couldn't keep doing that. I needed a way to reconnoiter without being detected or seen.

I mulled over my options, thinking about the latest technology that could aid me in my endeavors. Maybe a high-tech invisibility cloak? Or perhaps a holographic disguise? I knew I had to come up with a foolproof plan, one that would keep me hidden and out of sight while I did my work.

After contemplating for a while, I came up with a simple solution to my dilemma. I decided to fly above the region and use my high-tech glasses to do the reconnaissance. However, flying was not something that I fancied. Despite this, I knew I had the ability to fly by manipulating the gravitational field around me, altering my center of gravity would allow me to fly and maneuver in mid-air. But first, I needed to learn how to fly.

I couldn't risk practicing indoors as I might lose control and end up damaging my ceiling. Lucky for me, I owned a private property in a business city, and no one would take note of me unless they were looking for something in my yard. I needed to master flying to move around undetected and conduct reconnaissance without anyone suspecting a thing.

As I stepped out into the backyard, the sun beat down on me, casting a warm glow on my skin. I gazed up at the endless blue sky and felt a sense of restlessness stir within me. 

Today, I was going to push myself further than ever before. I took a deep breath and stretched my arms out wide, feeling the wind whip through my hair. I had been honing my abilities and mastering new skills, and now it was time to put them to the test.As I stood there, the ground beneath my feet seemed to tremble with anticipation. I closed my eyes and focused on the power within me, feeling it surge through my veins like a raging river. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, I lifted my feet off the ground and felt myself rising into the air. 

As I soared through the sky, basking in the thrill of my newfound power, disaster struck. A sudden gust of wind caught me off guard, sending me spiraling out of control. Panic set in as I plummeted towards the ground at breakneck speed, my heart racing with terror.

But I refused to give up. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, channeling all my energy into regaining control. I could feel my body trembling with effort as I struggled to steady myself, but I refused to let go.

Just when I thought it was almost too late, a surge of power coursed through me. It was like a switch had been flipped inside of me, and suddenly I knew exactly what to do. With a burst of determination, I twisted my body and used the power of the wind to slow my descent.

For a moment, I hung there in mid-air, heart pounding with exhilaration. I had never felt so alive. And then, with a surge of power, I righted myself and soared back up towards the sky.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and a part of me wanted to give in to my fear of heights. But I refused to let it consume me. I had come too far to let fear hold me back now. As I soared higher and higher, the world fell away beneath me, and I was filled with a sense of awe and wonder. The sky stretched out before me, an endless expanse of blue and white, and I felt as though I could see forever.

Gravity was no longer a force to be reckoned with. With each passing second, I felt more and more in control, manipulating the very laws of nature to my will. The sky was my playground, and I was free to soar as high as I wanted.

The wind roared past me, whipping at my clothes and tousling my hair. I could feel the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins, and for the first time in a long time, I felt truly alive.

As I descended back to the ground, my heart was still racing with excitement. I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey, and that there was so much more waiting for me out there. But for now, I was content to bask in the thrill of the moment and revel in the power that I had just unleashed.

As I touched down in the backyard, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of pink and orange. But even as the night descended around me, I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey.

Flying had been more exhilarating than I could have ever imagined, and I felt a sense of freedom and power coursing through my veins. I knew that there was so much more to explore, so many more heights to conquer, and I couldn't wait to see where my newfound abilities would take me.

But I also knew that there was work to be done. I couldn't let my fear of heights hold me back any longer. I needed to trust in myself and in my abilities, to push myself beyond my limits and master the sky. 

As I stood there, gazing up at the stars twinkling overhead, I made up my mind that I would eliminate my fear of heights, one step at a time. I would hone my skills, perfect my control over the wind and my center of gravity, until both the land and the air were my domain.

I sank back into my couch, taking stock of the incredible abilities that I had gained through my training. The power to manipulate deflective and repulsive fields, and to control anything with a vector - it was like having telekinesis at my fingertips. Electricity, including bioelectricity, and then there was my ability to control the Earth's fields, and there's flight,which I had only just begun to tap into.

With all that, I'm left with a lot of options and possibilities and flying is just one of them. I just need to learn how to tap into each and every one of them, and I feel myself evolving at a continuous rate. 

After all that I was famished and needed to grab some dinner, so I headed into town for a restaurant which had me obsessed with their cooking.


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