Tom’s daily routine had turned into a pattern, on few mornings of the week he would go to the gym and give his body the required workout it needed. On others he would laze around till it was time to go to class. His powers kicks in more often and subconsciously too, when he was done with his shower with just a thought he’s towel headed directly to him.

He had started growing accustomed to his newly acquired powers, casually using it for mundane activities around the house. He walked into the living room after breakfast and slouched into the couch, upon realizing that the remote was a little bit distant from him, a mental command was all that was needed.

Using his telekinesis, exactly what he wanted happened as the remote floated into his hands and the next thought he had in mind instantly was, ‘Having telekinesis is so convenient and helps avoid unnecessary stress.’

It was the 20th of September and it just so happened to be on a Monday of all days, the most burn out day of the week for either students and workers, turned out Tom was both a student and a part time worker. Looking at the time, Tom realized he had to get to class in less than an hour so he took care of everything which needed his attention in the house that morning and did them elegantly.

He was always relaxed and never in haste when heading to class, he had a spot around the middle section of the class where he could get an executive view of what is being thought by the lecturer or take a little nap if he wanted to without tipping off the lecturer.

His class had every groupie you could imagine; the backpack kids, the stunner kids, the goth kids, the nerds, the too pretty for school girls, the sensitive kids and so on. Tom chose solitary rather than having to be in a social group, although there was a student named ‘Patrick’ who always wanted to start a conversation with Tom but usually finds a way of escaping friendlies. 

Lectures that day were as boring as it could get but he paid no mind because all he needed to do in order to pass that course was get a good percentage of attendance then get a pass mark on his assessments and exams. 

Immediately after he was done with lectures for the day, Tom headed home to freshen up before he proceeded to his part time job as a bartender. A job he had grown acclimated to over the past few months, his boss Gary was a free minded and easy going man who did not care about Tom’s personal life. The only request was for him to keep doing a good job. 

As he prepared to leave the house for his work place, a breaking news popped up on the TV screen. There was news about a ‘Khandaq Diamond’ which was apparently stolen from a private museum where it was being held as part of a private collection a few days back, but no further information had been released for the public. 

Something about the news just didn’t sit right with Tom but anyways it wasn’t his problem, all he could think about was getting to work on time so he doesn’t get Linda or Gary mad at him for being tardy. The workers at the bar all lived like a small family, they treated each other with respect and joked most of the time. 


[Gary’s POV] 

Few months ago I got a call from Linda who was a worker of mine. She called me concerning a kid who wanted a job at my bar. This bar wasn’t a place for kids or people without a backbone, it was a place where dangerous people come to drink and clear their messy heads. 

A person who easily gets intimidated by the customers would become a prey to most and they might get rubbed on their way home from work. But this boy ‘Tom’ there was something about him that just seemed different from other kids who had wandered into my bar seeking a part time job.

I liked his guts so I hired him and over time he kept on impressing me, from how fast he learnt the names of so many drinks to how fast he learnt how to mix so many drinks. 

He even had his own special mixture of drinks which tasted like Tennessee Whiskey and would definitely put some hair on your chest. The customers loved his mixture to the point they started calling it a Tom’s Special, he doesn’t know how popular he'd become in the bar lately. It seems like he's always stuck in his head, like he was usually thinking about something else even while attending to another that needed his focus. But still he wasn’t spacey and was proficient in his job, I can’t shake the feeling that there was something more to Tom that I wasn't aware of. 

Only that I do not care about my workers personal lives, I just want them to keep doing a good job and not getting into any trouble. 


[Tom Hendricks POV] 

I had gotten to work that evening and was greeted by both Gary and Linda who seemed to be having a discussion behind the counter. The bar wasn’t as busy as it usually was but it was brimming with wasted folks who were willing to spend every dime they had on them on more and more drinks. 

I had resumed my duties and started taking more others, picking up from where Linda had left off. Cleaning the messy tables filled with empty bottles was such a bother but hey, it is part of my job after all. 

I returned behind the counter so I could continue doing what bartenders do, when a calm but soothing voice called to me.

I lifted my head to see the person who was ringing the bell and calling out to me while I was literally just in front of him. 

The thought that came to mind the moment I set eyes on the person responsible for the minor disturbance was, ‘What the hell is Michael Scofield from Prison Break doing in the DC verse?’

I swallowed that thought, acting like he wasn’t a familiar face to me as I turned and asked. “What drink would you like for the evening, good sir?"

“I heard you had a special combo which tastes as good as Tennessee whisky, I would like a glass of that.” His response was completely unexpected for Tom. 

“Right away sir, one house special coming up.” As I prepared the drink mixing different alcohols in order to achieve my main goal, he asked another unexpected question. 

“Do you remember two men with a blueprint whom you gave solutions to their security issues?”

The question seemed tacky as hell and I was sure this guy meant another thing completely. Call it my spider tingle if you will, but I was half inclined to believe that blueprint was a prison security layout. 

But then again, it had nothing to do with me if Scofield escaped again, after all I was just giving my honest thought so I decided to do the same to his question. 

“Yes I was the one who provided solutions to their security problems, they asked for my help as it had been a pain in the ass issue to them.”

“They were colleagues of mine and referred you to me, how would you like to work for me? We could put that brain of yours into good use.” He takes a sip from his drink then stares directly at me while waiting for my answer. 

“There’s nothing special about my brain. I'm just a little bit smarter than most people, and it was just basic knowledge anyone with a good eye could figure out. Also I don't even know who you are and you expect me to quit my job and come work for you?”

“It would be worth it, trust me. What's your name kid?”

“Basic manners.” I looked him straight in the eyes, not budging an inch against the stare of the possible criminal in front of me. “Hahaha! I like you kid, you’ve got spunk. The name’s Leonard, but my friends call me Leo.”

“Leonard it is then, I do not intend on becoming a friend of yours. And my name is Tom, a simple bartender who doesn’t want any trouble.”

He chuckled a bit then said. “Nice meeting you Tom, he extended a ln handshake to him” I shook his hand and responded in kind  “Itwasn’t a pleasure.”

With a smile on his lips he took the last sip of the drink in his glass before he waved farewell to me. “See you around kid.”

I cocked up an eyebrow and responded with, “Hopefully not.”

Upon hearing my response he laughed as he walked out the bar. I knew the missing diamond and the men with the blueprints along with Michael Scofield who was now called Leonard in the DC verse, are all connected. Normally I wouldn't want to be in the middle of this mess, hopefully I won’t see him again but I can’t shake the feeling that he’ll be watching me from a distance.

How exciting. 

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