Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 27 Why did the price increase?

Hearing that Ange was here to find a suitable planting area, Esk immediately volunteered to lead the way.

This is one of the seven planting areas in the dungeon. It is not deserted, and naturally it cannot be given to Ange, but after passing through this planting area and reaching another tiankeng, it is overgrown with weeds.

Esk said: "This tiankeng is the best terrain in all our planting areas. It has a large area, flat terrain, closer to the ground, and good lighting conditions. The biggest disadvantage is that there is no water source, and there is a resting wind. Some can leak to the ground, and there are parts of the bottom of the pit where nothing can grow."

Aix's tone was full of regret. No matter how good the terrain is, no matter how fertile the land is, it is useless. A "no water source" makes this area unsuitable for planting.

Although it is possible to fetch water from other places, the human input required would be too great. The food that may be grown may not be enough to feed the manpower invested.

On the contrary, the wind of rest is easier to solve. Build some spoilers to direct the airflow to other places, just don't blow it to the ground. This kind of stuff in the field of fluid mechanics looks advanced, but any wind element magician can solve it.

After the introduction, Esk prepared to take Ange to the next tiankeng. Although the terrain of the next tiankeng was not good, at least there was running water for irrigation.

But Ange turned to Feilin and said, "Here, how much is it?"

"Ah? Is it okay here? But there is no water." Ferlin said in surprise, but just after he finished speaking, he found his own reason: "Indeed, with the strength of your lord, it doesn't matter if you have running water. As for the money, it doesn't matter anyway. It's wasteland, as long as the food you grow can be sold to us."

Whoever can reclaim the wasteland is theirs. The dungeon even encourages everyone to reclaim the wasteland. As long as one more acre of wasteland can be planted with grain, the dungeon can produce an extra grain.

However, it is a pity that there are not many people who have this kind of ability and technology to open up wasteland and grow food. In the end, the dungeon officials are supporting it, mainly because of Filin, because he has a large number of skeleton zombies as labor, which can make up for the terrain. Defects in terms of yield per mu.

If someone can grow food, it is equivalent to sharing the pressure for Filin. Even if it has to be bought with money in the end, at least there is a place to buy it. Nowadays, there is no place to buy food if there is money.

As long as Ange is willing to plant, not to mention free, he will be happy to subsidize the film a little bit.

Don't want money? Ange tilted his head, a little dazed, he was just a little skeleton who grew vegetables, and he had no concept of money or not. The concept of equivalent exchange was lost to him by Fei Linguan, but now he doesn't want money?

If you don’t want it, just don’t, as long as there is a place to grow things.

When I returned to the temple, I saw a row of women squatting at the door looking at their desires. The temple is not a place to entertain guests, not even a chair.

"My lord, this is Anna, the second in line heir to Winter City. She is currently in charge of various tasks in Winter City. This is her teacher, Lan." Lisa introduced.

Ange tilted his head because he didn't understand, didn't he mean to exchange magic crystals in Ice City? Why bring a Lich back alone, Magic Crystal?

"It's like this, my lord, Miss Anna wants to do a big business with you, but I can't decide, so they came here and wanted to talk to you in person." Lisa explained.

What is business? Don't understand, don't talk about it. An Ge shook his head, and walked into the temple on his own, leaving the three women standing still.

Seeing that Ange was back, the Angel Skull spread its wings and flew towards him. It was not until the rope was taut that the Angel Skull raised its arm towards Ange, revealing the place where it was injured in a fight.

During this period of time, it has become a habit of fighting with little zombies, and Ange has also become a habit of treating it. He turned a corner and walked up to it, using the purification technique to heal the wound on its arm.

Angel Skull raised his leg again, revealing the wound on his knee.

Ange had no choice but to perform another purification technique, but his palm fell to his knees and inadvertently wiped the skirt of the angel skull.

The smudges on the white skirt were disintegrated when the holy light was wiped off, revealing the original whiteness of the skirt, and a white smear mark appeared on the dirty skirt.

Curiously, Ange released another purification technique and wiped it directly on the skirt. It was indeed a purification technique. Wherever the holy light passed, the stains on the skirt disappeared. It turned out that this is the correct way to use the purification technique.

The stains on the white dress were completely purified by Ange, and then he saw the stains on the face and hair of the angel skull, and continued to clean it obsessively until the dirt was no longer visible.

The three women outside the temple looked at each other, and Anna said excitedly: "Is this scene magical? A skeleton purifies the dirt on a battle angel's body. No, no, I have to draw it. This is simply a famous painting handed down from generation to generation. "

The other two nodded in unison. It was indeed magical. The harmonious appearance of the skeleton and the angel in one picture was magical. It was the skeleton who used the purification technique, not the angel, and there was dirt on the angel.

"What does Master Ange mean? We didn't say anything, and he left. Does he not want to talk to us?" Lan asked worriedly.

Lisa thought for a while, then nodded hesitantly: "I didn't think carefully. If I hadn't dedicated my faith to him, I wouldn't be qualified to discuss it with him according to my status. His will is a divine metaphor."

Lan nodded, agreeing with Lisa's words. After all, in their cognition, Ange is probably the projection of the king.

What is a king? That is a more powerful existence than a god. It is rumored that there are more than one or two gods who were sealed by the undead king (Bronze Dragon: I am next) or slaughtered. People like myself are so bold as to negotiate business with the king?

Anna was a little frightened, and stuck out her tongue guiltily.

"Then what should we do now?" They were not qualified to talk to Ange, but without a large amount of Holy Mushroom Powder, the plan they agreed on before could not be discussed.

"Change first, and use the price you can afford to exchange. If the demand is high, my lord may expand the scale. You see that film is now being exchanged for a large amount of food. Isn't my lord planning to open up new farmland for planting?" Li Sarah said.

It can only be said that self-imagining is the most terrible thing. Ange just doesn't know what business is, so he doesn't want to talk about it. They think it's reasonable to be disgusted by them.

"Then what price should we offer? In the past, the price of the Church of Light was 20 magic crystals per catty of holy mushroom powder, so let's pay 30 magic crystals, and see if you agree with it?"

Lisa found Ange with this offer, and Ange nodded in agreement with some puzzlement. The reason for his confusion was that Lisa had said that twenty magic crystals per catty was the normal price, why did it suddenly become thirty magic crystals?

Thank you Panda loves to drink coffee without sugar, Kalkin Liuhui for your tip.

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