Versatile Mage Battle Order System

Chapter 627 Chapter 624.Meeting Ding Yumian in the Library [Additional update]

He quickly came to the campus. This time he didn't make a high profile, but came to the campus secretly.

He needed to keep an eye on Tao Jing's every move.

Only in this way can Lin Qihui be brought out.

After all this effort, Xiao Feng informed the family members that there were clues here, which was a delay of two days.

After the other party agreed, Xiao Feng also kept monitoring Tao Jing.

The teaching building, library, dining hall, and training room basically have this plan every day.

"The girl is quite serious!"

There seemed to be a challenge match from the other side in the afternoon, and Xiao Feng pretended to watch it secretly.

The person he was fighting against was an earth mage, probably an intermediate level two. Compared to Tao Jing, the opponent was more luxurious, with a thunder spirit type and top-level magic equipment.

The beating made Tao Jing unable to fight back at all.

Seeing this, Xiao Feng couldn't help but feel sad.

I wanted to rush onto the field and clean it up, but after thinking about it, something felt wrong. Since I was his student, I should work hard to overcome difficulties. Life is a failure all the time. Not everyone has a system like Xiao Feng.

Although Tao Jing lost, Xiao Feng admired Tao Jing's unyielding character.

"If we continue to grow like this, it will be difficult to reach 100, let alone 200!"

Xiao Feng muttered, the other party had perseverance, but what he lacked was a set of luxurious magic tools, spiritual seeds and equipment.

It seems that we have to find a way. I heard from Dean Xiao that the National Competition will be held in two years' time. Xiao Feng can't participate in the National Competition now. It doesn't mean that his students can't participate.

The world's number one national server, of course he hopes his students can also become the strongest.

It seems that we need to plan carefully in the future.

Xiao Feng left here.


It must have been the afternoon, and Xiao Feng suddenly discovered that the other party was not even willing to apply medicine to him, but insisted on carrying it by himself. He could not imagine that at such a young age, in the prime of youth, since he did not pay attention to his own From the outside, it seems that she still has obsessions in her heart!

He really wants to help this girl!

But according to other people's words, what is the difference between opening a back door?


"When did you start paying attention to her?"

A sudden, cold and pleasant voice came to mind behind Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng was startled, and hurriedly covered the other person's cherry mouth, and immediately pressed her against the library wall.

When he saw the other person's appearance clearly, he realized that it was Instructor Ding, also known as Ding Yumian.

Because Xiao Feng was afraid that his identity would be exposed, he did not expect such a move. Now, Xiao Feng covered Ding Yumian's delicate lips with his hand.

The two sides were still very close, and Xiao Feng could smell the elegant fragrance.

Ding Yumian knew it was Xiao Feng, but she didn't expect such a move. Her face turned slightly red.

Xiao Feng looked at Ding Yumian from a close distance. He had really good skin, the kind that could be broken by a blow. His fair and flawless skin was really endearing!

Xiao Feng came slightly closer, and the other person carefully closed his eyes and turned his head slightly to the side, as if he was shy or embarrassed.

"Teacher Ding, why are you still shy!"

After Xiao Feng gently supported the other party's messy hair, he pulled away from her and at the same time pulled her into a hidden corner.

Tao Jing, who was reading a book, looked back and asked, "Is it an illusion?"

She muttered something and continued to turn her head to read.

Ding Yumian was stunned for a moment, but didn't know what to say.

<divclass="contentadv">"By the way, thank you!" Xiao Feng thought of something else and said.

Ding Yumian seemed stunned for a moment. The other party knew that he had broken into his house.

That's not right, she told Dean Xiao not to talk about it.

"I heard from others that you weren't injured at all, right?" Xiao Feng said.

"No!" Ding Yumian shook his head.

"Looking at your expression, you must be injured. Come here and let me check you out!" Xiao Feng smiled broadly.

"This is me!" Ding Yumian spoke incoherently, not knowing what to do.

"You're kidding! Does the magic tool still work?" Xiao Feng changed the subject.

Ding Yumian didn't know whether he was disappointed or happy, but he breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you! It's useful!"

Xiao Feng nodded, then picked up a book on the shelf and started reading.

Ding Yumian saw that the book the other party was holding was a management book. She knew that the other party now belonged to a powerful family and obviously had a lot of troubles.

She also knew that the Healing Academy was established by Xiao Feng. She originally thought that the other party had helped her so much, so should she go to the Healing Academy to help him?

"How about I go to your college to help!" Ding Yumian thought for a moment and said.

"No need!" Xiao Feng replied casually while reading.

There seemed to be something wrong, and he quickly looked at the other person, "Dean Xiao is here, and I'm afraid that you will be in danger! I'm afraid that I will regret it!"

It would be best for Ding Yumian to help. However, the Xiongxiong Family is the first safe base. As for the academy, which is far away from the Xiongxiong Family, and there are no masters in the Healing Academy, people are aware of something bad. It will only increase worries.

Xiao Feng didn't want to make matters worse because of the original work, but he also hoped to break the original work and break the other party's fate.

Ding Yumian was a little sad when he heard the rejection at first, but then felt a little relieved when he heard the disgusting words.

But in the end, she said, "If you need me, I'm available at any time!"

"Really? Is it night or now? Is it a hotel or a grove?"

Hearing this, Ding Yumian was a little stunned. One second it was still the same topic, but the next second it was changed?

It turned out that Xiao Feng was still the same Xiao Feng, but Ding Yumian thought the other party was joking.

Xiao Feng said naughtily and continued to read, but in fact he continued to stare at Tao Jing.

Ding Yumian blinked and looked at the book that the other person held upside down and was still reading with such gusto. She couldn't figure out whether the other person was really reading or looking at her.

Ding Yumian observed him, and suddenly, he saw Xiao Feng making a weak gesture to him, and it seemed that the other party had become serious.

Xiao Feng saw a familiar person coming through the gap. Yes, this was Lin Qihui.

This person took the initiative to come to the door.

However, Xiao Feng did not expose all this. Instead, he was waiting for Lin Qihui to leave, while he was taking the next step.

"You're talking about Lin Qihui, I've been paying attention to this person for a long time!" Ding Yumian must be staring at Tao Jing here!

Bingxue is smart and thoughtful. She has long known that this person is not simple.

"It seems that we really care about each other! You guessed it!" Xiao Feng whispered and continued to look at each other.

The question mark on Ding Yumian's forehead, how could this be related to intimacy?

She doesn't care so much.

When the two of them observe, they will inevitably get close to each other. Many times, both sides can smell the nervous breathing of the other.

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