Versatile Mage Battle Order System

Chapter 630 627.Jimei University [Dahezhang 1]

"Dean Xiao, I knew you were joking with me, so just tell me the solution. You won't hesitate to let me go up mountains of swords and seas of fire!" Zhao Manyan said with runny nose and tears.

Along the way, Xiao Feng helped him a lot. His father was saved by Xiao Feng. Although Zhao Manyan usually didn't care, he still recognized his brother in his heart. Even the Xiao Feng brothers who admired him felt like this. Is there no cure?

Dean Xiao sighed, "With all due respect, you might as well send him directly to Parthenon. Maybe Parthenon will have the healing medicine!"

"Yes to Parthenon, yes to Parthenon indeed!"

Zhao Manyan immediately cheered up, and Mo Fan stayed there, dragging Xiao Feng alone to book the fastest flight to Greece.

After Zhao Manyan left, Dean Xiao looked at Ding Yumian solemnly and said, "Don't expose this matter!"

"Got it!" Ding Yumian's tone was cold, as if his mood was fluctuating a bit.

"Learn to control it and don't let his emotions affect your mood!" Dean Xiao continued to say seriously.




Zhao Manyan immediately led Xiao Feng into the Parthenon in a hurry.

I happened to meet Astraea on the road.

Astraea directly snatched Xiao Feng's body, which made Zhao Manyan's head black.

"Sorry, you are not allowed to enter the Goddess Peak!"

"I, I, I, I want" Zhao Manyan was speechless, and in the end he could only wait in the Knights Hall.

He seemed to see the female knight training there, so he went over to say hello.

"Oh, you are Lin Yuner, you are Lin Yuner????" Zhao Manyan seemed to have thought of something. Isn't this Lin Yuxin's sister?

No wonder he didn't see her. It turned out that he was here. He finally met a beautiful girl and was an acquaintance. Zhao Manyan simply stopped flirting with girls. He now felt that brothers seemed to be more important than flirting with girls.

In Astraea's house.

She said she would leave it to Ye Xinxia to handle it, but in fact she knew what was going on and took him to her house on her own initiative.

Looking at the quiet Xiao Feng, she felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect to meet again in this way!" Astraea Fox kept staring at Xiao Feng.

Astraea checked the other party's body. It was a little worse than she expected, but it was not without treatment.

The God of Death came. To put it bluntly, the God of Death controlled Xiao Feng, cursed Xiao Feng, and kept Xiao Feng trapped in a tight zone.

It is not difficult to lift this curse. On the one hand, it requires the caster to remove the god of death, and on the other hand, it requires the caster to leave on his own initiative.

The first method is naturally to let Nalan Long end it all, but with the other party's attitude, it is simply impossible, so the other possibility is to let the God of Death take the initiative to leave.

The only way for the God of Death to leave on his own initiative is to do as he pleases.

Of course Astraea has what the other person wants in her hands, but how could she give it to him for free?

When she thought of how frivolous this bastard had been before, she became furious.

How is it possible to treat him properly?

And now I have to treat it. If I delay it for a few more days, my spirit will reach a state of depression and it will be impossible to cure it even if I want to.

"Good luck to you! But you still need to fulfill your promise!"

Astraea's fox eyes gradually revealed a smile, and she simply used a piece of brown paper to write down his conditions.

[Obey me unconditionally! 〕

[Be my Shadow Knight]

[Help me become a goddess]

[And you can only belong to me]

After writing this, looking at the unconscious Xiao Feng, Astraea showed a sly smile again, "You have to agree even if you don't agree. Compared with your life, these conditions seem cheap enough for you!"

Asaria took out a red stamp and printed fingerprints on all ten fingers of the opponent.

All were printed on that piece of paper, two copies, one for Astraea, and one for Xiao Feng.

"Where can I find a perfect man like you? You are too busy, so you can only use some means. I don't care what happens to you later, but the first one must belong to me!" Asharuya smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Astraea thought for a moment, then pursed her lips and kissed Xiao Feng's forehead.

"It turns out that this is how kissing feels, no wonder!"

How can Astraea still have the cold and serious appearance, but now she is completely like a woman, he is in a coma, and she can do whatever she wants.

"Okay, the things I finally packed up are actually cheaper for you!" Astraea muttered, but soon, she took out an unknown stone of darkness from her space magic tool, and she didn't know What effect does it have? I saw Astraea casting a secret spell.

The secret spell began to wrap around Xiao Feng's body, and strange runes appeared all over Xiao Feng's body. These runes seemed to be absorbing the power of the God of Death, and seemed to be talking to the God of Death with the help of stones.

Finally, it seemed that the deal was settled, the stone disappeared, and the runes gradually faded away.

"It won't take long to wake up!" Astraea looked at the red mark on the other person's face, thought for a while, and wiped him with a towel.

She thought for a moment, and since she had wiped her head, she might as well wipe her body.

At this time, Xiao Feng showed signs of waking up.

Xiao Feng originally thought that his life was over, but he survived the God of Death. He was actually confronting the God of Death, but in the end, the God of Death let him go and Xiao Feng returned.

Gradually returning to consciousness, he discovered that it was Astraea.

It must be a dream, but he likes this dream.

Xiao Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's waist. Asharuya was also shocked, and was suddenly pulled on the bed by Xiao Feng.

"My little girl is in her dream, so you can't resist anymore?"

Xiao Feng just hugged her, and Astraea's head fell on Xiao Feng's chest.

The scent of violets hits my face.

Are dreams so real?

He even has a sense of taste.

Xiao Feng looked at Keren'er who was so close and couldn't help but give her a kiss.

Astraea didn't even resist, she just accepted it blankly.

When Xiao Feng realized that all this was true, his eyes widened.

"It turns out it's true, so it's even more important to take advantage!" Xiao Feng continued to take advantage.

Astraea:? ? ?

"Brother Xiao Feng, are you there? Brother Xiao Feng, I heard that you were injured. Is it serious?"

A thumping sound came, and the two people quickly calmed down.

They reacted quickly. Astraea quickly returned to her seat. Xiao Feng also calmed down a little. There was only a sense of heat and pain in his body. He seemed a little mentally depressed and had no other symptoms.

Seeing Ye Xinxia coming over, Xiao Feng greeted him with a smile.

"You. What are you doing?" Seeing this scene, Ye Xinxia's face turned red. Looking at the other party's cheeks, they were all red from Astraea.

Astraea glanced at Xiao Feng and then coughed lightly.

"Well, nothing, nothing, nothing. Let me introduce, this is Sister Astraea!"



Ye Xinxia was stunned, and even Astraea wanted to pinch Xiao Feng's waist.

Shamelessly speaking so cunningly, it’s the other party.

"Then I won't bother you!" Ye Xinxia left here after seeing that the other party was fine.

Xiao Feng looked at Astraea, who frowned and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"How did you save me?" Xiao Feng looked at the other party.

"I won't tell you!" Astraea showed a fox smile.

"We are so close. You know my strengths and weaknesses, and I know your depths. Are you still unwilling to tell me?" Xiao Feng asked with a frown.

"What are you talking about?" Astraea said with a slightly red cheek.

"Okay, how about we do something happy?"

"Happy things???" Astraea continued to frown.

"You see, I just use my strengths to make up for your flaws and have a thoughtless exchange. Then I turn into a stream of clear water and stay in your world, realizing the great harmony of the beautiful world!" Xiao Fengyue said. The more outrageous it became, Astraea slowly widened her eyes.

There was anger in her sexy eyes, could she say such a shameless thing in such a lofty manner?

She thought for a while, and a smile appeared on her lips, "Yes, but you have to fulfill the above conditions!"

Astraea handed the brown paper to Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng took it with some confusion.

[I will obey you unconditionally]

[Get the certificate with you? 〕

Xiao Feng looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Why don't you agree? This girl is still at a disadvantage!" Astraea said angrily.

"No, absolutely not!" Xiao Feng refused. This was tantamount to selling his personal freedom to the other party. How could this be possible?

"Did I just save a white-eyed wolf? Do you know how much I paid for this?!" Astraea said angrily.

"So I want to ask you, how did you save me? I can make it up to you!" Xiao Feng said.

"No, you must get the certificate from me now, love me, and protect me!" Astraea said.

"There's no need for this. In fact, we don't need to go through these formalities!" Xiao Feng said while touching his nose.

"Sorry, I'm more traditional!" Astraea said.

"You saved me, I appreciate it, okay!" Xiao Feng agreed.

What's the big deal about getting a certificate? If the other party wants a name, just give it to him.

Moreover, he also knew the horror of Nalanlong's curse.

Nalanlong, you will regret it!

Zhao Manyan finally breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Xiao Feng was fine.

Finally, it was learned that Xiao Feng wanted to conceal his identity, and Zhao Manyan understood, so Zhao Manyan went back to tell Mo Fan the news.

Xiao Feng changed another appearance and walked on the street with Astraea.

"How did you do it? Your disguise technique is not simple!" If Astraea knew that the person in front of her was Xiao Feng, she might have thought she was with a stranger.

But the aura was still Xiao Feng's, but he was a completely different person.

"Why, do you like my appearance or my heart?" Xiao Feng asked with a smile.

"Don't change the subject!" Astraea likes him as a person and pays more attention to his appearance. Now she sees the unfamiliar Xiao Feng and is still a little alienated.

Well, she had tried her best to restrain herself but it was still very awkward.

"Let's go, don't you want to get the certificate? Let's go, my identity is sensitive now, if Nalanlong knows my identity as a foreigner, it will be over!"

"Otherwise, let's go some time!" Astraea would rather go with the real person. If you let him go with a stranger, of course, the stranger is Xiao Feng, but

"Come on, I don't mind what you mind, I will be responsible!" Xiao Feng continued to pull.

"No, just have a simple meal, no, no!"

"Is it really not possible? Don't regret it!" Xiao Feng asked.

"If I'm in danger, can you still not save me?" Astraea continued to ask.

"No, let's go, I'll treat you to pizza!"


Found a random restaurant.

"I'll let you feed me!" Astraea said proactively.

"Okay!" Xiao Feng was very happy talking to the other party. He didn't need to think too much, just like now.

A morning of dog food and a morning of sweet life passed by. Xiao Feng left here in the afternoon. During this period, he said hello to Ye Xinxia and Xiao Feng returned home.

"Welcome the revenge of your great devil!"

"The head of the family is having a meeting, so everyone has to stop training!"

When Mu Bai and his family members were training listlessly, Liu Xian ran over and said.

"You're going to have a meeting. You're not going. What? You're talking about a family meeting???"

Liu Xian frowned a little when she saw Mu Bai was so emotional.

Soon, all the family members gathered in the Xiongxiong annex building.

Mu Bai opened his eyes wide when he saw Xiao Feng, who was no different.

Xiao Feng was still alive, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After the children of the family arrived, Xiao Feng held a meeting. This time, Xiao Feng was not sloppy at all. "Find all the merchants who use our magic tools. Anyone who cooperates with the Nalan family will sever all ties with me!"

"Featherless Bird Taming is prohibited from selling to other parties, and the plan for Featherless Bird will be announced immediately!"

"The Great Purple Forged Sacred Tree is officially open, and all members of the family can have a chance to challenge it!"

When Xiao Feng returned, he clearly felt that the sacred tree had grown to a certain stage and was already bearing fruit. Everyone who reached the approval level would receive fruits. The fruits were similar to the oath fruits, and the effects were much better than those of the other party.

If you are lucky, you can get a natural soul seed and possibly break through your own bottleneck.

The family talked about it one by one, and Liu Xian recorded it one by one.

"Meeting adjourned!" Xiao Feng left the auxiliary building and came to the main building to rest.

Until Xiao Feng left, none of the core family members left.

"There is a situation!"

"Yes, there is definitely a situation!"

"Mu Bai, stop hiding it!" Mu Ningxue said with a cold face.

Xiao Feng is already alive, so there is no need to hide the matter.Mu Bai told all the news he knew.

"Why?" Shao Yu slapped the table angrily.

"The weak eat the strong, alas, so, we must improve our strength now and share the family's worries as soon as possible!" Mu Bai sighed leisurely.

"What is the great sacred tree? How do we get up there?"

"I will take everyone there later!" Mu Bai said.

Those tasks and content were assigned to Liu Xian. After Lin Yuxin received the news, she quickly arranged them according to Xiao Feng's ideas.

At the same time, the Heroic Family announced the success of taming the beast.

All the major families paid attention, and they quickly learned that the training base turned out to be Asahi Island.

As for Asahi Island, the entire sea area is filled with an army of featherless birds, and the number has increased many times compared to the previous number.

Cao Qinqin is now in charge of part of the care and training here, and there are also some family members who are selected by Xiao Feng who have good intentions and are willing to take the route of taming animals.

As for security issues, no one knows what the security level is here, and no one knows whether there is anyone guarding it.

The main building of the Heroic Family.

Liu Xian finished her day's work and came to Xiao Feng's room. After thinking about it, she knocked on the door.


Xiao Feng was practicing and soon knew it was Liu Xian.

His body has recovered, but all magic related to mental power cannot be released. In addition, some black magic cannot be released, so now he has no other advantage except being able to cast the elemental system.

He now has many magic systems, even if he can only use the elemental system, it is still worthwhile.

"are you OK?"

Liu Xian handed the other party a glass of water. Xiao Feng took the glass of water and took a sip. He looked at the other party and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"No, this is what it should be!" Liu Xian sat on the bed and looked at the other party seriously.

He was really lucky to be able to save her. He didn't want anything to happen to the head of the family again.

Xiao Feng also looked at the other person. The other person seemed to be overworked and very thin, with some dark circles under his eyes.

Xiao Feng reached out and touched the other party's cheek, "As expected of you, a gentle and virtuous little secretary!"

Liu Xian blushed and remained silent.

She thought of something and said, "Master, do you remember what I told you about the Healing Academy before?"


"There is a Dark Moon Pavilion at Jimei University. We have discussed cooperation. You can go and inspect it!" Liu Xian said.

"Oh, does that mean I'm going to Jimei University now?"

"Well, the sooner the better!" Liu Xian said.

"I heard that there is a holy land for practicing the shadow system there. Maybe there is a way to restore yourself. You really should go there!" Xiao Feng nodded.

"Okay, Master, you can rest first, I'll leave first!" After Liu Xian finished, I planned to leave.

"You're here, come and talk to me!"

"it is good!"

The conversation lasted until about ten o'clock, when Liu Xian was about to leave again.

"My body is very important. I have just recovered, so I can't work." Liu Xian said a little shyly.

"Then wouldn't it be nice if you were considerate and gentle?" Xiao Feng looked at the other party with a smile.

"That's all right!"

This was another fulfilling night, with some happy and some sad.

Nalan family.

"I don't allow you to go!" Nalanjia looked at each other angrily. She and Mu Bai were about to achieve enlightenment. After such a quarrel, Mu Bai directly cut off contact with her because of Xiao Feng.

She was directly expelled from the powerful family.

"No wonder you are so arrogant. It turns out that the situation has been changed. It is interesting to ban our Nalan family. I will destroy that place now!" Nalanjie was a little angry.

"Tie Nalanjia up! Don't let her go out without my order!"

After his men nodded, Nalanjie led a team of people and hurried to Asahi Island.


"Teacher Cao, are you asleep?" This is another sweet girl who took the route of taming animals. She was born unable to awaken magic. I don't know why?

She came into contact with animal taming, and she felt like she had been reborn.

<divclass="contentadv">"Sleep!" Cao Qinqin smiled and continued: "Don't put pressure on yourself, maybe the teacher can help you solve it!"

"Farewell, I didn't have any illusions originally, but now that I have a tamed beast, I am already very satisfied!" The sweet girl refused.

"How did you and the teacher meet?"

The sweet girl couldn't sleep and started talking to Cao Qinqin.

"How did the teacher and I know each other?" Cao Qinqin couldn't help but laugh when she thought of the scene where she admitted the wrong teacher during the graduation assessment.

With a "boom", the two little girls immediately sat upright.

"What happened?" The sweet little girl was shocked.

"Follow me to see!"

Cao Qinqin quickly put on her clothes, walked out of the house, and looked towards the Liao Watch Tower. She suddenly found that the entire sea area seemed to be boiling, and all the featherless bird army seemed to be attacking the sneak attackers.

"Is there an intruder?"

The girl also looked at the Liao Watchtower. It was obvious that several large ships wanted to move forward, but they were all attacked by featherless birds.

Even if they release large-scale destructive magic, there are still many featherless birds, one after another.

"If we let it continue to be destroyed like this, our army will suffer heavy losses!" These featherless birds are at the level of warriors at most, how can they withstand the repeated release of super-level magic?

"We can only let the teacher's guards go!" Cao Qinqin said.

"What?" the girl was curious.

"These people will lose their skins even if they don't die!"

I don’t know what magic scroll Cao Qinqin cast, but a roar suddenly appeared in the valley on one side.

A raging wave of demons swept through this place.

They were like brave and skilled warriors, gathering in the sea one after another.

"Aren't they land monsters?"

The girl was surprised, but soon they discovered that they demons seemed to be able to actively cooperate with the featherless bird.

The moment they arrive, the featherless bird acts as their vehicle, carrying them all into the air.

And those are Xiao Feng's Shitie Beast army, they are all powerful and domineering without fear of defense.

They saw that these intruding outsiders showed no mercy, destroying ships and even attacking them.

This scene was unexpected by Nalanjie and others.

Under what circumstances is there still deployment here?

The opponent's attacks were getting stronger and stronger, and the ocean was boiling so much that they almost lost their way in the ocean.

"Nalanjie, let's run quickly, we can't break in here!"


And when he answered no, the other family members had sunk to the bottom of the sea at some point, and they didn't know what invisible force controlled them.

Looking back, Nalanjie was the only one left.

Unexpectedly, such a scene was completely recorded by the remote function of the observation tower.

"Sister Jiang, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Cao Qingqing immediately transmitted the video to Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue nodded and quickly posted on major video websites.

The title is the shameless deeds of the Nalan family.

Everyone is originally a night owl, so when I was watching the video, I was quickly attracted by this video.

The video can be said to be a large-scale promotion, not only showing their taming of animals, but also showing the shamelessness and domineering nature of the Nalan family.

For a time, the entire Nalan family fell into a state of collapse.

During the day, the magic equipment business stunned them all.

Even if you think about it, you can't imagine that cheap magic tools are actually Xiao Feng's industry.

The revenge came so quickly, and the most outrageous thing was the video at night. In the confusion, the entire Nalan family was plunged into crisis.

All this is just a sign of the coming storm.

12 points in the early hours.

Nalanlong organized a family meeting.

The content is about the guidance of public opinion, but no matter what the discussion is, it is in a pessimistic state.

The most important thing is that they lost the right to use the featherless bird and can only change the taming of the sea, land and air, which will definitely be the future development potential.They missed it by accident, and the culprit of all this turned out to be Nalan Long!

At almost two o'clock, the five chiefs of the District also held a meeting.

Who would have thought that a simple oversight would attract the attention of the five great masters.

Especially the Jiang family and Ai family.

Because of Xiao Feng, Xu Zhaoting and Zhang Lulu were originally the top training targets, but they left one after another.

Ai Jia expressed anger.

Similarly, Jiang Shaoxu came to Jiang's house and had a quarrel with Jiang Tianhua.

Who knew that Jiang Tianhua doted on his little granddaughter the most, and bullying Xiao Feng was tantamount to having trouble with him.

What's more, he is his little brother's savior, how could he let the Nalan family behave so randomly?

In particular, Shi Xiao, the chief of the Western Region who has always been known as having an eccentric temper, never gave Nalanlong a good look.

"When Chairman Shao Zheng established the coastline, you, Nalanlong, raised objections. I am very dissatisfied. You must give me an explanation!" Shi Xiao slapped her little hand on the table. She was 1.6 meters tall and sat on the table. There are only a small number of people there, but the tone and attitude are the highest here.

Nalanlong glanced at the other party and did not respond.

"And because of your unilateral decision, some people misunderstood our health district. Don't you have anything to explain?" Shi Xiao continued to question.

"You have people to protect, and I have people to protect, it's that simple!" Nalanlong snorted coldly.

"Oh, the person you are protecting is a chicken thief! Destroying other people's research results in the middle of the night, right?" Shi Xiao slammed the table angrily.

Not knowing whether the other party used magic, Nalanlong suddenly fell towards the ceiling.

A well-known forbidden curse mage actually had no ability to fight back in front of Shi Xiao.

If it were placed outside, it would definitely look very different. Who would have thought that a little girl could defeat the person in front of her without using a little magic.

I don’t know what kind of ability the other party used, but Nalanlong was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Heaven is easy to reincarnate, no one will be spared by heaven. He knows the true terrifying ability of Shi Xiao, who is the strongest single person.

Among them, the one with the strongest destructive power is Hua Zhanhong.

However, just after Shi Xiao's incident, Hua Zhanhong smiled.

"Okay, you have people you protect, and I also have people I protect! I heard that Mo Fan was injured a lot!" Hua Zhanhong punched Nalanlong in the abdomen. A simple punch, I'm afraid, With the power of a thousand bulls, the opponent's veins popped out and he vomited blood.

Who would have thought that Nalanlong, who had eliminated Xiao Feng in the afternoon like he was destroying a chicken, would be nothing in front of these two big shots.

The most outrageous thing is that these two big shots only need one move.

"You no longer have the right to distribute the earth's mushrooms along the entire East China Sea coastline!" After the lesson, Hua Zhanhong said in a cold voice.

Nalanlong didn't even dare to fart, and nodded as if he was pounding garlic.

After the meeting, Nalanlong returned to the family. He really didn't expect that Shi Xiao was also a terrifying person.

If the only martial arts in the world were fast and unbreakable, then he would be willing to call Shi Xiao the number one.

Masters often only need one step to compete, but often this step only determines the speed.

Although Hua Zhanhong is powerful, first of all, it takes time to cast a spell. Nalan Jerong has never seen how Shi Xiao releases magic.

"How's it going? How's the conversation with dad?" Nalanjie came to Nalanlong with a stinking face.

Nalanlong looked at his unsatisfactory son and immediately reached out his hand and slapped him against the wall. Nalanjie instantly fell into the wall and spit out blood from his mouth.

"You unsatisfactory bitch!" Nalanlong snorted, "Come to me and apologize. That part of the industry you are in charge of" although it hurts, he had to consider the overall situation, "give it to the other party for free!"

Nalanjie watched the other party leave with a bit of disbelief. He knew that his father's strength was terrifying, but he didn't expect that someone could make him compromise.

What’s outrageous is that the resources of the generation he is in charge of are worth 200 billion. Do they really want to be handed over to others?

After the Lin family fell into despair, he relied on the Nalan family to achieve great success, but he gave it up to others. How could this be possible?

"Black Spider!"

Shi Xiao called her subordinates.

Black Spider bowed slightly.

"Assign you a mission!"

"Please command, sir!"

"I'll give you a bodyguard mission!" Shi Xiao confessed.

After receiving the order, Black Spider returned to the house and fell into deep thought after seeing the name in the envelope.

A lot of things happened in the outside world, but here at the Xiong Family, Liu Xian asked about some things in the Xiao Feng Guard District.

Because she saw the scars on Xiao Feng's body and couldn't help but feel sad.

"That's a 005 forbidden place thing!"

Xiao Feng recalled the memories.

When he first entered the forbidden land No. 005.

By chance, his little fox Xiaojiu thought about coming out.

But disasters followed one after another.

First, there were a lot of beauties surrounding him.

Well, to be precise, it's its eldest sister, second sister or something like that.

Finally, Xiao Feng finally understood, these are nine sisters!

And their eight sisters have been looking for Ninth Sister.

Jiumei realized that she was being playful, so she apologized.However, Xiao Feng suffered a disaster.

Although Jiumei always said that the other party was very caring, the eldest sister and the second sister were very unhappy and insisted on giving Xiao Feng a lesson.

It's not a severe pain, it's like an adult educating a little kid.

But this time Xiaojiu never came out again and was always under the supervision of her sisters.

He never thought that Xiao Feng would meet his love rival in a competitive place.


What kind of love rival, that guy obviously asked for it.

If you catch Xiao Feng, teach him a lesson.

Xiao Feng just calls him Toad, as if he admires Jiumei, so, hum, you know.

There are scars all over this body, huh!That's what this toad did!

But the good thing is that Xiao Feng is immune to all poisons and has developed skills throughout his life.

Toad will definitely not give up. After Xiao Feng escaped, Toad has been looking for that person.

After thinking about it, the two of them fell asleep.

The next day.

To be precise, Xiao Feng was woken up.

Because there are many cooperators who are interested in the future of Featherless Bird.

Xiao Feng ran away early in the morning, and he didn't bother to ask about this kind of thing.

However, there is one person who never takes the ordinary path. Black Spider actually knows the route Xiao Feng takes.

Not long after Xiao Feng left, the other party followed him.

"Which beautiful lady is this?"

Xiao Feng stretched out his hand cheerfully, ready to shake hands with her and make peace.

Black Spider rolled his eyes at the other person, wanting to take advantage, hum, that was a beautiful idea.

She snorted coldly and said: "I received the mission and said that I would protect you personally. I have no choice but to obey the order!"

Xiao Feng was stunned for a moment. In fact, he had heard some gossip today, saying that Nalanlong was dealt with by something.

Could it be Shi Xiao?

"I'm sorry, I suspect you were sent by Nalanlong to harm me. Leave now!"

Xiao Feng glared at the other party and planned to run away.

Black Spider rolled his eyes at him, this guy is really looking for trouble for himself!

She snorted coldly: "Wherever you go, I will chase you?"

"That's not a bad tone, so now the game begins with cat and mouse!"

Xiao Feng disappeared here.

In a certain corner, Xiao Feng came out of the men's room.

I don’t believe that the other party can still follow me here. What’s the result?

Black Spider is also thick-skinned. He will follow wherever he goes.

When she entered the men's room, she didn't blush or her heart beat.

Xiao Feng wondered if the other party had any side business?

"I know you are protecting me, okay? That's okay, you can go back, I don't need protection!" Xiao Feng has his own life, how would it be inappropriate for a woman to follow him?

Xiao Feng's mind suddenly started spinning, "Thank you, Mr. Shi Xiaoshi, for caring about me. I'll give her a gift. Please give it to her now!"

Xiao Feng dug out some of the rewards for signing in and found something suitable for women.

Well, cosmetics!

I don’t know the efficacy, but it is rumored that it can change the appearance and transform into a little girl. She must love beauty, right?

In this case, cosmetics should be very important.

Xiao Feng handed this thing to the other party.

Black Spider was stunned for a moment, what should she do?

Um, yes, give the items to the commander first, and then continue to protect the other party, um, that's it.

After figuring it out, Black Spider immediately returned with his things, while Xiao Feng chose to go to Jimei University.

In the early morning, Shi Xiao seemed to be training. With her high ponytail and yoga pants, she seemed to be exercising.

The appearance of the black spider surprised her.

"Didn't I ask you to protect him? Why are you back again?" Shi Xiao took a towel and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"He seemed to say thank you very much for coming, and said he was giving you something!" Black Spider quickly put the thing here, regardless of whether the other party responded or not, so he hurried back.

Being rejected inexplicably, Shi Xiao looked at the small box and there seemed to be no words on it.


A woman who has lived to her level has never seen anything, and has seen every treasure. What exactly is in this box now?She was a little curious.

After approving a coat, she came to the dressing table. There were all large and small bottles and jars on the dressing table. She was indeed a girl who loved to dress up.

She looked at herself in the mirror with enlarged pores. Although the order had been changed, she would never grow old. However, as time went by, any external assistance was useless. Even now, she was still troubled by the enlarged pores.

In order to show her off better, she had to put on thick foundation on her head. Even without applying it, she still looks good, but she loves beauty.

When Shi Xiao opened the box, he didn't know if the cosmetics were Sanwu products, so he wrote "cosmetics" on the lid, and then it was gone, gone.

"Are you thinking I'm old?" Shi Xiao muttered angrily.

But out of caution, she opened the lid and smelled it.


It has a nice and elegant fragrance, which suits her temperament very well.

"Can't you tell, you have great taste!" Shi Xiao smiled unconsciously.

Out of caution, she squeezed a little and smeared it on her little hands.

Apply it coolly in your hands and rub it in. The yellowed skin will become slightly more elastic and shiny.

"Hmph, that's interesting!" Shi Xiao wondered where this thing came from.

She is so strong, what is she afraid of?

I quickly applied this magical makeup to my face.

The more I apply it, the more excited I become, and the more I apply it, the more excited I become.

Because her skin is improving, and just by relying on this unknown Sanwu product, she has a kind of transcendent beauty.

It seems that I have found that using just one cosmetic product is enough. I no longer apply foundation, eye shadow, or moisturizer.

"It's interesting. It seems that I underestimated him!" Shi Xiao was in a relatively happy mood. After all, she has a beautiful heart and a beautiful person. Soon, she put on her military coat and started her day's duty.

Since Xiao Feng stopped the riot in Forbidden Land No. 005, Shi Xiao sometimes visited Forbidden Land No. 005.

Whenever there is a toad riot, she needs to impose sanctions.

When they met today, she realized something was wrong, and it was obvious that the other person didn't recognize her.

To be precise, it was the same as meeting the other party for the first time.

what's the situation?

Could it be another species?

No, this is the same emperor-level toad he encountered before.

It couldn't have been otherwise.

Is it cosmetics?

How can it be?How capable is he to create something like that?

If you really want to develop that kind of thing, the chaos factor and repair factor contained in it cannot be created by ordinary people. Even a chaos mage like him may not be able to study it, let alone the other party's.

But Shi Xiao couldn't figure out what to explain.

Xiao Feng entered Jimei University as a visitor.

It seems that he was such a neglectful person that he even forgot to bring his identity tag. Fortunately, Liu Xian told him that Liu Ru had already gone to Jimei University, and he just needed to contact Liu Ru when the time came.

Strolling to the campus, Xiao Feng experienced the feeling of campus life for once.

The teacher is wearing a short skirt and black stockings. Hey, that teacher seems to be walking towards me.

Could it be that the other person is doing it because he is handsome?

Xiao Feng just felt a little secretly happy when he realized that the teacher was actually walking towards him. He looked very young and was wearing a teacher's outfit, as if he was a new teacher.

"This student, you don't have any classes, can you cooperate with the teacher?"

"I'm not a gay." Just as Xiao Feng was about to refuse, the teacher said, "Classmate, please help me. The teacher is really in trouble. Can the teacher treat you to dinner later?"


Xiao Feng was a little confused. He was actually a helpful young man. If he met such a beautiful woman and the other party was in trouble, he would definitely help her.

Xiao Feng stretched out two fingers, "One meal is not enough, two meals are necessary!"

The teacher smiled sweetly, "Okay!"

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