Versatile Mage: White Tiger Pendant

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Lethality of Metal

In the courtyard, Lu Jun finally laid eyes on the special alloy crafted by the magic laboratory. It had been changed into the form of a rapier, a long, gleaming black blade about four feet in length and about a meter and a half tall. Its weight seemed immeasurable.

"Heavy Gold, the hardest metal in the world, originates from the depths of the universe and is unearthed from meteorites. If it had magical properties and special effects, people would mistake it for a potent magical metal"

Lu Mei explained. "As the primary material, when alloyed with other metals, it excels in all aspects. It can withstand the might of Commander-level demons without a scratch, and even high-level mages can't make a dent in it." Demons were humanity's greatest enemies.

These monsters spanned the lower servant level, warrior level, commander level, monarch level, and emperor level, corresponding to the five primary magical realms of humans, which encompassed elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Normally, a monster possesses a strong physique combined with magic, resulting in combat ability equivalent to seven or eight magicians. This is true for both the servant and monarch levels, making monsters of the same level considerably stronger.

Very few humans had the strength to stand alone against monsters of an equivalent level. Such individuals were typically the chosen ones, having achieved the perfect fusion of cultivation, magic equipment, innate talents, and spiritual seeds.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk,, this stuff requires super-level fire magic to melt. It's a huge profit" Lu Jun realized the immense value of the alloy purchased for millions.

"Give it a try," Lu Mei encouraged, ready to witness his new magic skills. "If they're impressive, I might consider awakening these skills in the future." 

Lu Jun admired her and marveled at his sister's ambitious spirit, always striving to create a new path for herself.

"Basic Level 1 [Forging - Kai Feng]!"

Lu Jun controlled the stars and released the primary magic of the gold system. A platinum star trail passed through the air like a razor-sharp projectile.

Unusually, this white trail didn't dissipate but transformed into a hovering, shadowy form with seven connected stars.

He lifted the hefty heavy gold sword, controlling the white lines with his thoughts. It produced a screeching sound, a testament to the alloy's unyielding nature. Even under the influence of magic, it appeared malleable, leaving behind red lines.


Lu Jun gripped the seord with both hands, and a platinum radiance spread across his palms as he meticulously traced every inch of the blade, as if imbued with a semblance of consciousness.

After a while, his face paled, the golden stardust in his mind dimmed, and his mana was depleted.

The gold sword vibrated, its obsidian surface radiating an otherworldly glow. Golden patterns intertwined across its length, exuding a majestic and sacred aura.

"Success! It's become a magic weapon," Lu Jun rejoiced. He believed he could place the sword into the gold-type stardust to be warmed at any time.

Such was the characteristics of magic tools. Once branded, they could be absorbed into the spiritual world, becoming a mark. Filling them with magic energy allowed them to manifest in the physical world, a truly magical process.

The spiritual world functioned as a somewhat independent space. The gold system permitted only one exclusive magic tool, similar to a lifelong companion from that point onward.

At this moment, a new gold heavy sword materialized. When inactive, the sword bore a golden hue. Upon entering combat mode, it emanated a brilliant platinum sheen, giving it lethal capabilities.

Lu Mei was surprised. She hadn't expected a magic tool to be created immediately, and it was certainly top-tier among primary-level items. Its hardness surpassed that of many soul-level magic tools.

Its value had instantly multiplied several times, and the capital investment had been recovered.

With only a shield magic tool valued at hundreds of thousands, it could at most withstand a full-fledged strike from middle to upper-tier servant-level monsters.

Lu Jun understood it for a moment and grinned. Under the influence of the metal element, the heavy gold sword became even harder and adopted the [Strong] attribute. It could endure the might of advanced-level Commanders without breaking. Immortality was now within reach.

As one advanced to intermediate, high, and super levels, various metal enhancements were gradually incorporated, often accompanied by multiple effects.

"Isn't this akin to Mo Fan's future Earth system's natural Devouring Seed? It just substitutes minerals for a spiritual seed. It's a unique feature of the Gold system. Everyone possesses the potential to create it." 

Lu Jun identified the parallel. The so-called [Devouring Seed] was essentially a special type of spiritual seed. Only exceptionally gifted ordinary spiritual seeds could possess certain unique effects or enhancements. For instance, the water-type offered innate healing abilities, while the plant-type carried innate toxicity.

However, once the spiritual seed was changed, these effects were replaced by the new soul seed. The Devouring Seed was a particular spiritual seed that could preserve all its associated effects and amalgamate them.

If someone's natural talent was the Devouring Seed, they could reach intermediate, advanced, and super levels, finding both spiritual and soul seeds. With such a skill, the cumulative effect would far surpass that of a typical mage.

However, the strength of the gold sword wasn't the sole determinant of its lethality. Regardless of how potent the weapon, it remained comparable to an edgeless stick.

The true determinant of the sword'z power lay in magic. The gold system's primary magic, Kai Feng, the secondary size, and the tertiary golden light, determined its prowess.

"Come and test the power of your magic, but don't go overboard," Lu Mei advised, ready to observe his magical demonstration.

In the yard, Lu Mei moved a ten-centimeter-thick steel plate and inquired with curiosity.


Seeing this, Lu Jun lifted the heavy golden sword with both hands, infused it with magical energy, causing the platinum lines to flash, and brought it down with a resounding crash. However, the expected harsh, metallic crunch didn't occur.

Instead, it felt as though the sword had descended into mud. While there was resistance, with a bit of force, it smoothly sliced through the thick steel. A loud bang echoed as the longsword cleaved the sturdy metal. The sword's tip burrowed deep into the soil of the yard, and the two halves of the iron plate bounced away.

Cutting iron like clay!

Lu Jun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Simultaneously, the dim gold stardust was completely extinguished, his magic energy depleted, and the golden sword in his hand transformed into a wisp of platinum light before disappearing into his body.

A sword seal ascended and descended within the platinum stardust, nourished by the warmth emanating from the White Tiger Pendant.

"Ten-centimeter steel plates," Lu Mei picked up two iron pieces and examined their cross-sections. They were exceptionally smooth. 

She said oddly, "Even slave-level demons wear tough, horned armor, but it shouldn't be as resilient as steel. This lethality is astounding."


An elementary Thunder-Fire Mage might require protection from teammates and release three or four spells to eliminate weaker slave-level monsters. However, the Gold system possessed the potential to dispatch them with a single blow.

Nevertheless, Lu Mei, was part of the monster hunting team, possessed rich experience dealing with noticed 40 monsters in the past two years. She swiftly discerned a flaw in the Gold system and frowned. "Is it solely effective in close combat? This system has significant limitations."

Mages were exceptionally fragile, even when they attained the super level. If a minor servant-level demon were to close in, it could spell their doom. Close combat was exceedingly rare, especially at the basic level.

Lu Jun also understood this reality. At the elementary level, a distance of fifty meters was the lifeline. A skilled elementary mage needed two to three seconds to release magic, precisely the time it took for a small servant-level demon to rush over, given the fifty-meter distance.

Using two spells to fend it off.

Although the two series, Thunder and Fire, might not match the forging weapon in terms of lethality alone, their long-range capabilities offered a decisive advantage.

"No, this system might be a dead end," Lu Mei sighed softly. "Engaging in close combat with a sword is like a child playing with knives, walking on the edge of death. The margin for error is minuscule."

Lu Jun pondered whether he possessed the courage to raise a sword and confront a ferocious monster in close quarters.

Slave-level monsters were even more savage than tigers and leopards. He had been born in a peaceful era and would be frightened by a menacing dog. Casting spells from a distance was manageable, but engaging in a bloody close-range battle was an entirely different matter.

However, when Lu Jun considered the impending disasters of the future, determination filled his eyes. He believed he could gradually adapt to the challenges. 

Additionally, he hadn't seen that Mo Fan had started by hunting monsters in the safer city before venturing into the wilderness. It was only after facing consecutive disasters that he honed his unique skills.

He, too, could start small and progress steadily.

"No!" Lu Jun declared resolutely. "I want to master the Gold system, and I aim to join the city's monster hunting team to sharpen my abilities."

This winter vacation presented an excellent opportunity for his growth.

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