Victor of Tucson

Book 8: Chapter 15: A Need for Funds

As he eagerly explained his choices to Lam, Victor's eyes gleamed with anticipation. He glanced over his shoulder at the line of people waiting, his annoyance at the rush fading into the background. This was a moment of significance for him, and he saw no reason to feel guilty about utilizing a service the city provided. He reasoned that the city must benefit from the transaction, and if it took him a few minutes, that was just the way it had to be.

“I’ve heard you say that you wish you had a weapon to use when Lifedrinker isn’t handy,” Lam said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. “The ability to control flames is nice, but what if there aren’t any?”

“I guess I could make some,” Victor chuckled, thumping his chest.

“Ah! That’s a good point. Still, a lash that can stretch to hit ‘distant’ targets might be just the thing you need. I’ve seen you fight. You’re a terror up close, but you do have to get close.”

Victor nodded, smiling at her a little sheepishly. “I wanted the whip, so I’m glad you’re not convincing me otherwise. One time, I channeled one of my ancestor’s powers, and she gave me a magical whip to use. God, it was incredible. I’m not saying this will be the same, but the idea that I might recapture that feeling even just a little . . .” He shrugged, trailing off, as Lam reached up to squeeze the meaty part of his shoulder.

“Do it then!”

Victor turned to the stone and selected the second option, choosing to put the power of the magma attunement gem into the gauntlet. Suddenly, a new message appeared:

Imbuing items with selected treasures in 5 seconds. To cancel, select the option now.

Victor didn’t cancel it, and he watched the items lying at his feet, wondering what the process would look like. As he mentally counted out five seconds, a shimmering cloud of gray and yellow fog erupted around the items. He heard crackles and pops and felt a wash of potent System Energy, and then the cloud dissipated, and he saw the objects had changed drastically.

“Roots!” Lam breathed, suitably impressed. Victor grinned, studying the set. The gauntlet and helmet had changed the most; they weren’t leather any longer but seemed to be made from a lustrous, deep red, almost black metal. Was that because they’d gotten the full “resilience of the Lava King?” More than their material, they’d changed in form. The helmet looked like a scowling monstrous reptile’s head.

“It’s almost like a dragon’s head. Even more than a wyrm.” He could only say that with any authority because he’d seen Tes’s draconic form. It looked like his face would peer out between the metallic fangs that stood out from the draconic snout. The beast’s angry eyes would be on his forehead, and the long, black horns would sweep back from there. It was an intimidating countenance. The gauntlet was similar in style, made of the same dark red metal, and would sheath his entire arm up to the elbow in reticulated scale plates. Spikes protruded from the knuckles, and he could see it was, like the helmet, lined with supple, red leather.

The pants, belt, and boots retained their original leather material but underwent a transformation in appearance, mirroring the deep red-black hue of the metal components. The leather now appeared sleek and supple, as if infused with the essence of the lava king's hide. Each piece was meticulously tooled with intricate patterns and adorned with small, gleaming studs that caught the light with a faint, fiery shimmer.

“Fancy,” Lam said without a hint of sarcasm.

“It’s not done,” Victor said, studying the System display:

Treasure imbuement complete. Sojourn five-piece set enchantments are available. Note: This set may be imbued with up to three Class A enchantments, two Class B enchantments, one Class C Enchantment, and one Class D Enchantment. Prices are based on material imbuement and enchantment value. Options are dependent on material imbuement. Set bonuses do not have to be purchased at this time and can be purchased separately at different times. Set bonuses cannot be removed or changed.

Class A:

  1. Resizing Enchantment – 5,000 standard Energy beads
  2. Self-cleaning & Repairing Enchantment – 5,000 standard Energy beads
  3. Enchantment Toggle: Disguise Armor as Clothing – 25,000 standard Energy beads
  4. Feather Fall Enchantment – 40,000 standard Energy beads
  5. Water Breathing Enchantment – 55,000 standard Energy beads

Class B:

  1. Ten-Percent Bonus to a Physical Attribute. Choose one:
  • Strength – 50,000 standard Energy beads
  • Vitality – 75,000 standard Energy beads
  • Dexterity – 50,000 standard Energy beads
  • Agility – 50,000 standard Energy beads
  1. Fifteen-Percent Resistance to a Damage Type. Choose one:
    • Fire – 5,000 standard Energy beads
    • Cold – 500,000 standard Energy beads
    • Electricity – 25,000 standard Energy beads
    • Poison – 25,000 standard Energy beads
    • Acid – 25,000 standard Energy beads
    • Slashing – 10,000 standard Energy beads
    • Piercing – 15,000 standard Energy beads
    • Crushing – 20,000 standard Energy beads
  2. Ten-Percent Enhanced Damage Type. Choose one:
    • Fire – 5,000 standard Energy beads
    • Cold – 500,000 standard Energy beads
    • Electricity – 25,000 standard Energy beads
    • Poison – 25,000 standard Energy beads
    • Acid – 25,000 standard Energy beads
    • Physical – 25,000 standard Energy beads
  3. Enchantment Toggle: Reflective Shielding – 90,000 standard Energy beads
  4. Enchantment Toggle: Fire Aura – 125,000 standard Energy beads
  5. Minor Regeneration Enchantment – 150,000 standard Energy beads

Class C:

  1. Enhanced Mass Enchantment – 150,000 standard Energy beads
  2. Lava Blast Enchantment – 250,000 standard Energy beads

Class D:

  1. Lava Domain Enchantment Toggle – 1,000,000 standard Energy beads
  2. Roar of the Lava King Enchantment – 1,250,000 standard Energy beads
  3. Flight of the Lava King Enchantment Toggle – 1,500,000 standard Energy beads

“Shit,” Victor sighed, looking at the overwhelming list. He glanced over his shoulder at the queue of citizens waiting for him to finish and shrugged, offering a quick, apologetic wave. He pulled out a notebook and pen, and, as quickly as he could, he scribbled down all of the options. “I’m going to need to think about this and probably raise some funds to get what I want. As usual, the System doesn’t give enough details for me to feel confident, but maybe Dar will have an opinion.”

Lam watched him writing, nodding. “Lots of options. I bet the enchantment ‘toggles’ require a certain amount of Energy to activate. Otherwise, I bet low-tier rich folk would load up these sets with the most expensive options.”

“Yeah,” Victor muttered, finishing his work. “Though a lot of these are clearly tuned to the hide of the lava king I put in there. I wonder how rare that shit was? What the hell even is a lava king? Judging by the helmet, it’s related to dragons.” He chuckled, amused and a little chagrined by his impulsive decision to put the hide into the mix. He picked up all the items, stowed them away, then turned away from the stone. “I’ll come back.”

Unlawfully taken from Royal Road, this story should be reported if seen on Amazon.

He and Lam walked down the steps, and Victor winked at the lady who’d been waiting to go next as he passed. “You’re up.” To his surprise, she smiled pleasantly, reaching up to preen her black, feathery plume of “hair,” blinking her overlarge, avian eyes at him while smiling coyly. She clearly wasn’t a full avian; she didn’t have a beak or wings, and Victor idly wondered if she was some mix of species or a different type of person entirely. It seemed like he saw a new kind of person everywhere he looked, and he despaired at the idea of ever getting them all straight. He’d struggled in Coloss with only a handful of different species.

“C’mon, flirt.” Lam pulled his arm, guiding him to the exit. “You’re going to sell the house, right? Seems you need some funds.”

Victor nodded, and that’s what they did. First, they visited the realtor who’d helped him find the place, and then, with her guidance, he put it back on the market, asking pretty much the same price he’d paid, which was just a bit more than 800,000 beads. Even if he got his asking price, he’d still be sitting at less than a million beads, and he could already predict he’d want to spend at least twice that much on his armor enchantments.

As he and Lam rode in the coach, heading to the house, intent on cleaning out the personal items they’d all left behind, he occupied himself thinking about the armor options. He felt like the three “class A” enchantments were going to be ones of necessity. He needed his armor to be able to resize, and he wanted it to be able to clean and mend itself, even though the lava king hide seemed to have given it regeneration capabilities. Finally, he really liked the idea that he could make it look like regular clothing; it would be a game changer for social activities.

Of course, the feather-falling and water-breathing enchantments seemed great, too. How much did he need those, though? He could fall from enormous heights without getting hurt, and when was the last time he’d needed to breathe underwater? It sounded cool, but he could already hold his breath a ridiculous amount of time, and if he ever needed more, couldn’t he buy a potion or item for that?

The hard choices started with the “class B” options. He could only pick two, and he liked them all. Should he boost an attribute? Ten percent of his maximum was a big boost. Still, he liked the idea of buying two damage boosts—fire and physical. He grinned at the thought but then shook his head. Maybe a ten-percent strength boost would outperform a ten-percent physical damage bonus. Considering his enormous strength when Berserk, he had to admit the choice wasn’t a clear-cut one.

Then there was the “class C” choice—enhanced mass or lava blast? What did enhanced mass even mean? Was it like his old Kethian Juggernaut helm? Would all of his armor impart extra density to him? If so, that might be better than being able to “blast lava,” but again, Victor didn’t know. How big was the blast? How often could he do it? Did it drain a lot of Energy? The System loved to be vague, and he hoped Ranish Dar would have some insight, especially when he considered the “class D” options.

Of course, the Flight of the Lava King was immediately tempting. How great would it be to fly like Valla? What if it wasn’t like that, though? What if it just gave him short, hovering spurts of flight? It would help if he had any idea what a real lava king could do. The roar was the least interesting option to him. He already did plenty of roaring. A lava domain, however? Would that change his surroundings? Would it give him boosts, thanks to his Class? “Too many damn questions,” he muttered.

“Dwelling on your armor?”

“Yeah. Hey, after the house, let’s visit an enchanter I know. I’ve got a few questions for her. Her shop’s not far away.”

She shrugged. “Sure. I’ve got nothing else to do, and so far, these errands have been very interesting. I’d like to look into alternate means of travel back to Fanwath. There’s got to be a cheaper way than paying the System at the World Hall.”

“Yeah. Should I ask Dar about it? He might point me in the right direction, but he might just tell me to figure it out. If we have that dinner party, though, maybe one of our ‘friends’ will have some ideas.”

“Oof! Thanks for reminding me! Let’s see if there’s a stationary shop nearby.” She produced one of the crystal guide tablets and began flipping through it.

“You’re cooking? Or should we look for a caterer?”

She poked his knee. “I’m cooking! I told you that.”

“Right.” Victor smiled and relaxed, waiting for the coach to arrive. When they reached his house, he spent a few minutes going through each room, collecting furniture, art, and odds and ends into his storage rings. His bedroom took longer because he tried to carefully separate Valla’s things from his so he could hand them over more easily. When he was done, he went out to the courtyard and collected his travel home, clipping it onto his belt.

While he waited for Lam to go through the grounds one more time, ensuring he didn’t miss anything, he looked at his wrist and the bracer where Khul Bach’s gemstone sat. He really needed to talk to him and fill him in on everything that was going on. While he thought about it, he considered the gauntlet from the Sojourn set; it would go on the same arm. “I guess I could put you into the vault,” he said, idly tapping the pink gem. “Probably safer in there, anyway.” He liked the idea, though it did make him worry he’d go even longer between his visits to the Degh spirit.

Footsteps crunched on the gravel walkway leading into the garden, and Lam appeared, carrying a copper sculpture of roses that Valla had purchased. “Don’t want to forget this.”

“Shit, right.” Victor reached out and claimed the item into his storage ring. “Thanks, Lam.”

She winked at him, and, smiling, they left the house. Victor looked back at it and contemplated the wrought-iron gate. He wondered if he should be upset about selling the house, but nothing stirred in his chest. He decided he hadn’t spent enough time at the house to feel anything—it hadn’t become “home” to him yet. Lam caught him looking back and reached up to grip his shoulder.

“Sad you didn’t keep it longer?”

“Nah, the opposite. Maybe I should feel something, but I don’t. I guess I didn’t spend enough time here.” While he spoke, he pictured the night before the competition dungeon. He remembered walking through the little courtyard to the gate, looking back to see Valla in the doorway to the house—“Ah! There it is,” he said as a little pang of nostalgia hit him. “Just had to add Valla to the picture.”

“Home is where the heart is. Just picture her at the lake house waiting for you.”

Victor laughed and nodded, “Yep, that’ll do it. C’mon.” He turned down the sidewalk and began walking, but he waved at Mr. Qwor and called, “We’re going to a nearby Artificer’s shop.” The driver nodded and got into the coach. Victor was fairly sure he’d be waiting outside Tria’s shop when they finished.

Ten minutes later, he opened Tria’s shop door and guided Lam inside. When he saw the yellow-feathered avian woman at her counter, he waved. “Tria. How’s it going?”

She made her strange trilling, cooing pleasure sound and said, “Hello, sir! Welcome back. I’m quite well, thank you.”

Victor grinned as he approached the counter. “You forgot my name, didn’t you?” It felt wonderful to be on the other side of that problem for a change.

“I . . .” she sputtered, tilting her head to the side. “I apologize, but your name escapes me! It's something distinctly violent-sounding, if I’m not mistaken. That’s right! It starts with a ‘vvvv’ sound.” She drew out the consonant like she was revving a motor. “I should know it! I saw you battling in the Iron Challenge! Another patron bought me a round when I said I knew you. Oh, drat! Put me out of my misery! What is it?”

“His name’s Victor, and I’m Lam. I’m pleased to meet you, ma’am.” Lam grinned and took the avian woman’s softly feathered hand.

“Too easy, Lam,” Victor sighed. “I could have tortured her a bit longer, don’t you think?” He chuckled and leaned on the counter, causing it to creak ominously. “Anyway, I promised I’d bring you more business, and here I am. Do you know anything about the Sojourn item sets?”

“Bah! Of course! They’re stealing a lot of my business with those damn things.”

“Really?” Lam asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tria clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Oh, not really. All of us Artificers like to complain, but not enough people are completing those sets for it to impact us much. What’s your question, big fellow?”

“Well, one of the enchantments you can purchase for those items is to have the armor ‘disguised’ as clothing. Do you know anything about that?”

“Of course! It’s not so much a disguise as it is a kind of altered state. Each armor piece is imbued with a dimensional space. The space is very limited, and it can only contain the item in question or the alternate version of the item, which, in this case, is a piece of clothing. If you had a breastplate, for instance, it might share a dimensional space with a fine shirt. As you toggle the enchantment, they will swap places.”

“So, I won’t actually be armored unless the armor is showing?”


“But it’s instant? The change?”

“Yes, quick as a thought.”

“Do you know how to do that enchantment?” Victor brought out his wyrm-scale vest and laid it on the counter. The scales rasped against each other, and the weight of the vest was palpable in the way it thunked onto the wood. “I mean, to something like this?”

Tria sucked in her breath, causing it to whistle through her beak as she leaned close, gently tracing her fingers over the wyrm scales. “So fine! So perfectly cured, cut, treated, and imbued! A true master crafted this! What wonderful scales! A truly ancient wyrm, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Yeah. He was a big son of a . . .” Victor trailed off, for once recognizing his cursing might not be appropriate.

“These scales are imbued with something exceedingly potent! It hurts my Artificer’s sight to peer at them! The blood of something mighty, something well into the lustrous veil. Was it given freely? Did you slay such a creature?”

“It was a gift,” Victor said, smiling. Some bittersweet memories of Tes ran through his mind at the memory. Did she know where he was? She had his blood, after all. What would he say to her now? How much had he changed since he’d last seen her? Would she be proud? Disappointed?

“This armor is beyond me. I could add the enchantment you asked about, however. The materials won’t mind the extra weight of such a simple working.” She looked up from her study of the armor and blinked her big, round eyes at him. “You’ll need to provide the alternate clothing item, and it will take me a few hours.”

“And the price?”

“A few thousand beads. Nothing much. It’s basically the same as crafting a simple dimensional container. Oh!” She held up a finger. “If I were you, I’d buy an enchanted shirt! One that can change its style and color. Then, when you switch to it, you can make it fit your outfit!”

Lam laughed and elbowed Victor in the ribs. “She’s smart. You know, I’ve been wanting to buy some new clothes.” She turned to Tria, “Is there a tailor with such items nearby?”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.