Villain: I Will Become Stronger By Accepting A Female Apprentice

Chapter 182 Thrilling

Half an hour passed, and Ye Fan still had no thoughts at all. He frowned, his face full of anxiety, and clutched the pen in his hand tightly.


He was struggling in his heart and was unwilling to accept this situation.

Not far away, Lang Zimiu looked at him like this, shaking his head slightly and frowning slightly.

Just like that, another two quarters of an hour passed.

That means there are only two quarters of an hour left.

On the stage, Wang Qinghan also came back to her senses, with an indescribable look in her beautiful eyes, like...

The color of love?

There was just a hint of it, hardly noticeable, and she immediately restrained it.

Gradually, she opened her delicate hands lightly and began to compose the poems in her heart.

Everyone who had finished composing poems noticed that this talented woman was starting to write, and they all looked at her with admiration and even love.

The jade hand moved lightly, and the handwriting was incredibly beautiful. Within ten breaths, it was finished.

After she finished writing, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, outlining a beautiful and elegant smile. She seemed to be very satisfied with the poem she had written, and at the same time she was a little yearning for it. There was a hint of yearning in her eyes inadvertently.

But Ye Fan still didn't have any good thoughts, and his brain was in a mess. As time passed, he watched the special incense on the stage burn more and more, with less than a quarter left, and there were all the incense on his forehead. I was sweating anxiously.

And the more nervous and impatient he is, the more confused his mind is, the less he can think of things, the less inspiration he has, and the less inspiration he can have.

I also conceived many poems and verses, but I was not particularly satisfied with them. I felt that I could not stand out in this literary competition and could not get the opportunity to enter the Wang family.

There are many people like him, and the environment they are in now is different from the quiet and alone environment they usually stay in.

You may feel nervous, awkward, or even confused.

These negative emotions will affect them very intuitively and directly.

Therefore, the mind and state of mind are also very important.

If he was taking the test on other things, Ye Fan would naturally not be like this, but poetry is indeed his weakness, so he showed such an anxious and nervous look.

In this way, time continued to pass. Lang Zimiu couldn't help but sigh when he saw that the boy still looked anxious and panicked.


If this kid can't stand out, he will have one less target to take advantage of.

I really need someone like him.

"There is only a quarter of an hour left, please pay attention."

At this moment, Wang Qinghan on the stage whispered a jade sound and reminded.

As the pleasant jade sound entered their ears, some people who were particularly anxious and uneasy felt that the negative influences in their hearts dissipated and their hearts became calmer.

This is not because Wang Qinghan's voice is beautiful, but because she has mastered such a skill.

It is to be able to soothe the restless hearts of others through sound.

Logically speaking, it was not allowed to help them like this, but Wang Qinghan couldn't help but decided to help them after seeing their appearance.

As the jade sound entered his ears, Ye Fan was slightly startled. His extremely anxious and anxious expression suddenly dissipated a lot, and his heart became much calmer.

He was slightly startled, and then he did something that shocked everyone present.


He suddenly slapped his face with both hands, making a loud crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, my cheeks became red and swollen.

At the same time, he was completely awake, and there was no trace of confusion or anxiety in his eyes.

Seeing this, not only Lang Zimiu was slightly shocked, but even Wang Qinghan on the stage was shocked by his actions.

This is?

Calm yourself down through pain?

Butler Wang on the other side also narrowed his old eyes and cast a hint of admiration at Mark.

Although this son is an ordinary person, he has no talent for cultivation since he was a child, and he only has the ability to study.

But unlike most people who only study, he has an unyielding energy that most cultivators do not have.

That's a good quality, a good trait.

After completely waking up and calming down, Ye Fan raised his eyes again and looked at the full moon in the sky, which was still glowing with a bright yellow halo.

Just watch it quietly, forgetting that there is less than a quarter of an hour left before the end.

In this way, about the time of a pot of tea passed.

I saw that the full moon that was hanging high was suddenly obscured by a layer of clouds. The clouds eroded the full moon bit by bit until it was completely covered.

Seeing this scene actually happening in front of his eyes, Ye Fan's expression froze slightly and his eyes widened.

An inexplicable feeling suddenly surged into his heart, as if some kind of artistic conception that matched some of his thoughts was about to come.

It seemed like I was about to get some inspiration.

He felt calmer for a while, and even blinked his eyes for a long time, just looking at the sky quietly.

There are less than ten minutes left.

Basically everyone has finished writing, and some people who have not come up with satisfactory verses have written the unsatisfactory verses because they are afraid of lack of time.

All of them showed a dejected expression, struggling and clenching their teeth.

It seems that he cannot accept his defeat this time.

I even felt resentful in my heart, feeling that it was unfair and deliberately asked questions that I was not good at.

Suddenly, Ye Fan was the only one left in the entire competition who did not write. He raised his eyes and looked at the full moon in the sky, which had been completely covered by clouds. There was nothing in his eyes except concentration and calmness.

It was as if he had really fallen into a special state.

Everyone also looked at him.

Some people watched calmly, without any disturbance in their hearts.

Some people are expecting him to write it at the last minute.

Others wanted to see him make a fool of himself.

It's the ordinary people outside who wish for his death, those who feel that he has done something they dare not do, and who reject him in their hearts.

Some of them were people who had just lost, and their resentment and dissatisfaction became even heavier.

He even cast a hostile look at Ye Fan, wanting to see him make a fool of himself and not be able to write anything until the end, so that he could get some comfort in his heart.

Someone is more of a failure than yourself.

"Someone is a bigger failure than myself."

This is a common and extremely ironic thought.

Many people have had such thoughts to cover up their own shame.

There are people who have failed more than me, and I am not particularly embarrassed.

Self-comfort, self-deception.

But in fact, what if someone really fails more than you?

Can you change the fact that you failed?


It can only bring some small self-comfort to your fragile, weak and shameful heart.

Lang Zimiu couldn't help showing a look of surprise when he saw Ye Fan in this state.


This is the direction of the plot.

This guy is really not simple.

Everyone had finished writing, except for him, who was watched by everyone.

Holy shit.

Isn't this the kind of treatment only protagonists get?

? ? ?

Lang Zimiu was very shocked and even a little excited.

In my mind, I even began to imagine that at the end of the poem, Ye Fan began to write an amazing poem.

"System, are you sure this guy is not a lucky guy?"

Lang Zimiu asked with surprise in his heart.

[No, at least not here. ]

[Of course, it may be my problem. The host can do whatever he wants according to his own judgment.]

After hearing the system's words, Lang Zimiu nodded slightly.

Indeed, he did not listen to everything the system said. He was 95% sure that this person was definitely not simple.

You must get in touch with him and see if you can take advantage of him.

"Master, is he the only one left?"

Lian Qingqiu was also aware of the current situation, snuggled into Lang Zimiu's arms and murmured sleepily.

She was indeed sleepy.

This atmosphere.


Lang Zimiu hummed slightly and looked at Ye Fan intently, looking forward to his performance in the future.

In this way, time continues to pass.

Wang Qinghan on the stage and Butler Wang on the other side both showed a look of anticipation and nervousness.

Butler Wang hopes that Ye Fan can write it.

The same goes for Wang Qinghan.

Because she observed that Ye Fan was in a very deep state at the moment. She was very familiar with this state.

And in this state, it is easiest to produce good works.

five minutes.

Four minutes.

three minutes.

Only about three minutes left.

Seeing that the special incense on the stage was burning shorter and shorter, only a little bit was left, and it was about to be completely burned out.

The look of anticipation and nervousness on everyone's faces became even more intense.

Ye Fan, on the other hand, still raised his eyes and looked at the full moon in the sky, still completely covered by clouds, in a state of trance, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

Everyone was confused, wondering what he was doing?

The moon in the sky, the title of this poem, is covered by clouds, so what are you looking at? The questions are all gone, so what’s the use of reading them again?

At this time, Lang Zimiu already had a rough guess in his mind. He opened his eyes wide and glanced at Ye Fan, looking at the full moon covered by clouds in the sky.

"Isn't it? Hello?"

"It's not what you think, is it?"

He complained with some excitement in his heart.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Hey, hey, hey, do you want to be so penetrating?


Is this so?

Is it really the main character plot?

For a moment, Lang Zimiu even felt his scalp numb.

Because his consciousness detected that the clouds began to disperse.

Sure enough, the clouds really began to disperse slowly.

At this time, there were only two minutes left.

It can be seen that the special incense on the stage has been completely burned out, and only a little bit can be seen.

It even feels like it will be over in the next second.

But Ye Fan still ignored what was going on outside the window, feeling like he was immersed in his own world.

It was as if everything in the outside world ceased to exist and only himself remained.

Finally, his entranced eyes trembled slightly and glowed.

It's moonlight.

It was the bright yellow moonlight that reflected the luster in his eyes.

The clouds began to disperse, revealing a corner of the previously covered full moon.

Then the clouds quickly dispersed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until the entire full moon appeared again, hanging high in the sky.

Ye Fan's eyes trembled slightly, and his expression changed from original concentration to a hint of excitement.

Wang Qinghan raised his eyes and looked at the full moon that reappeared in the sky, and at the same time looked at Ye Fan's somewhat excited look, and the nervousness suddenly emerged on his face.

Because the incense will be burned out soon, right away!

The same goes for everyone else, with nervous expressions on their faces, much more nervous than Mark himself.

It was as if they were the ones facing the loss of four people.

At the same time, some people who didn't like Ye Fan's good looks looked ugly and looked forward to the incense on the stage being burned out quickly, because they also felt that something was wrong, as if Ye Fan really felt some artistic conception and was about to write some good poems.

Ye Fan suddenly came back to his senses, looking like he had just woken up from a big dream. He immediately turned to the pen on the brown wooden table in front of him, dipped it in ink and began to write smoothly.

This process is not long, but in the eyes of everyone, it feels like a long time has passed.

Extremely nervous.

Are you still looking at Ye Fan while looking at the incense on the stage?

I am extremely nervous and have a full sense of immersion.

The same is true for Lang Zimiu.

He was more excited than anyone else. ,

Because he had made guesses in his mind in advance, and now all his predictions were about to come true.

This person really looks like a template for the protagonist.

After having this idea in his mind, Lang Zimiu suddenly froze and fell into a question that suddenly popped up in his mind.

If Ye Fan is the template for the protagonist, then.........

Save him outside...

what is it

The system said that he was destined to be the villain.

Then he saved this person who may have the template of the protagonist.

So what exactly is my template?

After this question came up in his mind, he suddenly felt a little scared to think about it.

There was panic and the urge to kill Mark.

I'm afraid that if I don't get rid of him now, I will be involved in something uncontrollable and be affected in the future.

Ye Fan wrote his own verses smoothly, and the excitement on his face was visible to the naked eye, as if he was particularly satisfied with the verses he wrote.

The pen stops.

As Ye Fan stopped writing, everyone began to breathe again, and the breath they were holding began to breathe again.

All the big rocks hanging in my heart were put down.

Suddenly looking at the incense on the stage, he saw that the incense had not been completely extinguished.

But after a breath, it was completely extinguished, and there was no more spark.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Caught up, just right, almost finished.

After witnessing this astonishing thing, everyone felt something strange and insurmountable.

Wang Qinghan stood up directly on the stage, wishing to go up and take a look at what Ye Fan wrote.

Then she immediately realized her indecentness, immediately removed the inappropriate look on her face, and started doing it again. ,

How to open your mouth Yuyin poured out:

"Time is over."

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