Villain: Marrying a vegetative woman, crazy about it

Chapter 34

"Beauty ointment?"

After hearing Lin Xuan's revelation, Su Shengtian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He didn't expect the Lin family to have such an opportunity.

If the ointment's effect can really attract the public's attention, it is indeed possible for the Lin family to have the possibility of moving to a higher level.

"If that's the case, Xiaoxuan, why do you still want to sell your shares? If the news is true......."

"When the ointment developed by the Lin family is released, the value of your shares will soar."


Su Shengtian's eyes flickered with doubt.

He knew that with Lin Xuan's brain, he would never do something like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

And since he did it, there must be a reason behind it.

"That ointment has serious side effects!"

"It can really make people look radiant in the short term, and the skin will be smooth and tender after application"

"But the effect lasts less than a week, and the skin will begin to ulcerate and fester........"

In the original plot, when the Lin family first launched the beauty ointment they developed, it was indeed snapped up by a large number of people in a short period of time.

But within a week, the first woman who applied the ointment began to itch on her face, which gradually became ulcerated. At first, Lin Jianjun did not take it seriously and just regarded it as a personal physical problem.

But as more and more people used the ointment, problems began to appear one after another.........

Lin Jianjun was completely panicked.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do. In less than a day, Lin's company was boycotted by the whole nation and even interviewed by the relevant departments.........

As the protagonist, Su Yang, with his powerful medical skills, certainly stood up.

He handed the improved perfect prescription to Su Shengtian, and the Su family ushered in spring........

"ah....This? No wonder Xiaoxuan wanted to sell his shares quickly."

"Otherwise, as the major shareholder of Lin Group, you will be the one most likely to be implicated........"

Su Shengtian suddenly realized and admired Lin Xuan's decisiveness.

Although he was curious about Lin Xuan's source of information, everyone has their own secrets, so Su Shengtian naturally wouldn't ask too much.

Anyway, it was enough for him to trust this grandson-in-law unconditionally........

"Oh, right! Grandpa Su, this prescription is for you."

Lin Xuan took out a piece of white paper from his arms and handed it to Su Shengtian.

"What is this?"

Su Shengtian took the white paper in surprise, looked left and right, and saw that it was densely covered with various formulas and medicinal materials.

"This is the recipe for making a beauty pill. Just as the name suggests!"

"It can beautify and nourish the skin, and the effect is better than the beauty ointment that the Lin family currently has."

"And there are no side effects, because it can nourish the body from the inside out........"

"I hope that Grandpa Su, you can take this prescription and have the company's research department successfully produce samples, then put them into production and store them in large quantities."

"After the Lin family's ointment had problems, the beauty pills were used to treat skin ulcers and quickly entered the market........."

Lin Xuan did not hide anything.

He directly explained the effect of the prescription exchanged from the system.


So magical!!!

Su Shengtian's hands trembled.

He instantly felt that the white paper in his hand was worth a thousand gold and extremely heavy.

If someone else said this, Su Shengtian would just think that the other person was bragging.

But the other person was his grandson-in-law whom he trusted unconditionally.

Then he firmly believed that the effect of this prescription must be as magical as Lin Xuan said.

"Too expensive! Xiaoxuan, this elixir is so magical that it can create a new business empire from scratch!"

"I am not interested in any business empire. I just want to stay by Qingge's side day and night. So this prescription is a waste in my hands. Just consider it as my dowry to Qingge!"

Dowry again?

A dowry of 3 billion is already shocking enough.

And this prescription is even more priceless, and the wealth that can be derived from it is unimaginable.

Lin Xuan actually gave it away like this?!

But after opening his mouth,

Su Shengtian finally did not refuse.

The current Su Group really needs this prescription to rejuvenate it.

Anyway, in the future, this huge Su family will sooner or later be left to Lin Xuan and the others.

Saying more refusal would really seem awkward.

"this...All right! Then I will accept it with a thick face."

"I will tell the research department to make the sample as soon as possible......."

Su Shengtian smiled and nodded, carefully placing the prescription in his arms. He then exchanged a few words with Lin Xuan before leaving the room..........


Listening to the footsteps of Su Shengtian leaving.

In the dark consciousness space,

Su Qingge was in a very low mood. He felt sorry for his grandfather who worked so hard, and resented his own incompetence.

【Has grandpa left?】

【The company seems to have encountered a lot of troubles recently. Grandpa must be very hard-working.】

【He is so old, but he still has to work so hard every day.】

【Not only could I not help, but I became a burden and made my grandfather worry day and night.】

【If only I could wake up........】

【If only I could share some of Grandpa's burden instead of lying here like a waste..........】

【I am really useless!】...........

At this moment!

Su Qingge felt a familiar warmth in his palm.......

The temperature of Lin Xuan's palm

"It's okay! Qingge, don't worry. With me here, everything will get better and better!"

"Everything you want to protect, whether it's Grandpa or the Su family......."

""I will protect you until you wake up! I promise!"

As if knowing what Su Qingge was worried about, Lin Xuan made his own promise.

These low and firm words fell into Su Qingge's ears, making her heart tremble.

While she was moved, she was also surrounded by a strong sense of security.

This was something Su Qingge could not understand before........

Before she became a vegetable, she was a famous female CEO in the Magic City.

No matter what problems she faced, she subconsciously wanted to solve them by herself.

Because she had been betrayed before,

Su Qingge only believed that it was better to rely on oneself than on others, and that human nature is selfish.

With this belief, she gritted her teeth and endured many difficulties alone.

In order not to let people think that she was young and thus despised her, she would try to dress more maturely every time she went out, and try to put on a cold face that said"keep away from strangers", and she would go alone.

【But this is so tiring........】

【Sometimes I also want to be like an ordinary girl, hiding at home and watching TV shows leisurely】

【Free to do what you want without restriction】

【Eat fried chicken, wear pretty skirts, go shopping with friends, and go out with a smile every day.......】

【But I can't...My identity and my deep hatred remind me that I can't do that.】

【But now that I'm a vegetable, it's okay to be a little lazy, right?.......】

【It's okay to rely on others a little.......】..........

In the dark cage, Su Qingge muttered to himself, his consciousness slowly sinking and losing control.


It seemed that a tight string broke, and Su Qingge, who was completely relaxed,.......

She fell asleep......

Before this, she was only physically asleep.

But her mind was in an extremely oppressive and painful environment, and her consciousness was always clear, drowsy.........

Because she was afraid that once she lost consciousness, she might fall asleep completely and become a living corpse without even any consciousness........

But now she suddenly relaxed and felt that she could rest for a while without any worries.

Because the man said.......

Before I wake up, I will protect everything I cherish.........

He is so good, he can definitely do it. I am so tired!.......

So just for a little while, let me get some sleep......... good night, see you tomorrow.

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