Villain Of Destiny: Duplicate Medicine Is Old, Yun Yun Is Broken

Chapter 78: All Parties Gathered, Medusa, Su Mei! (Please Subscribe!)

The two people, one male and one female, are Xiao Dong and Medusa.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time..."

"I'm Xiao Dong..."

Looking at the people standing up to leave, Xiao Dong smiled and said hello.

These people's Cultivation Base is not low, and most of them should be involved in the sect.

"Is this person the Tier-7 alchemist?"

"Cultivation Base and I are no different..."

"The woman next to him should be a powerful Dou Ancestor..."

"Spatial fluctuations, Dou Ancestor is undoubtedly there. With Dou Ancestor following and protecting him, it seems that the identity of the Tier-7 alchemist should also be true.

Looking at Xiao Dong and Medusa, countless thoughts flashed through the hearts of everyone present.

"Haha, Mr. Ji came just in time.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the Tier-7 senior alchemist, Mr. Xiao Dongxiao..."

No one in the room spoke, so Su Mei couldn't help but step out to break the silence.

"Now that people are here, can we start talking?"

Sect Master, Emperor Mo Emperor's Young Master, sat down again and looked at Xiao Dong and said.

"Tell me, why are we here?"

Yin Laogu put down his crutch, looked sideways at Xiao Dong and asked.

"Haha, the reason why I gathered everyone together this time is not for anything else. I just want to ask everyone to help me with something."

Walking to the middle of everyone, Xiao Dong looked around at everyone present and smiled.

"We know it's something to do."

"I wonder what this Tier-7 alchemist wants us to go through?"

"What kind of reward can I give?"

The tasks Tier-7 alchemists ask people to do are definitely not simple.

But the reward should be very generous.

After all, he is a Tier-7 alchemist, and the pay is too shabby and not good-looking.

"After a while, I invite everyone to go to Ka Academy 2"

"When the time comes, please, please bring a few strong men from the sect with you."

"The more people, the better. The more strong men each sect sends, the more rewards I will give you.

"Don't worry, there is no upper limit, I can also pay the price."

Standing in the center of everyone's attention, Xiao Dong smiled and said.

"Go to Jiabei College?"

Yin Laogu frowned, Jiabei College is not an easy bone to chew on...

"I wonder, Mr. Xiao, what do you want us to do when you ask us to go to Jiabei College?"

"If it's something too dangerous, I'm afraid even if your reward is generous..."

The last sentence was not spoken, but the meaning was obvious.

"Haha, I don't need you to do anything more."

"You just need to help me hold down the Academy Elders, and then escort me safely to evacuate.

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to turn Jiabei Academy upside down and escort me out safely, right?"

Looking at Yin Laogu, and then at the other people present, Xiao Dong knew that he should come up with something practical.

Otherwise, these old foxes can spend 500 with you forever.

"After the work is completed, I will distribute the rewards according to what I just said. As a minimum guarantee, I promise you two self-breaking pills..."

After saying this, Xiao Dong took out the small white jade bottle from the Storage Ring.

This contains the last Emperor-Breaking Pill.

"Here is the Emperor-Breaking Pill."

"Everyone who has been around the Sin Corner Territory all year round should know the effect of the Emperor-Breaking Pill, right?"

Taking out the Po Huang Pill from the jade bottle, the nasal cavities of everyone in the room were immediately filled with the unique Pill Fragrance of the Alchemy Pill.

"This fragrance is indeed the Pill Fragrance unique to Tier-6 Alchemy Pill."

"I once saw Han Feng refine one."

Emperor Mo Sect Master smelled this Pill Fragrance, and his eyes flashed brightly.

This Alchemy Pill was once specially refined by Han Feng at the Mo Emperor Sect in order to ask his father for help.

He will never forget the Pill Fragrance emanating from it.

"The two guaranteed Emperor-Breaking Pills are indeed enough for us to take action. I wonder what Mr. Xiao wants to do when he goes to Jiabei Academy?"

"Robbing something? Killing someone? Or something else?"

"You have to tell us what to do, otherwise we won't be able to assess the risk.

Although Tie Hei, the leader of the Furious Lion Gang, has strong muscles, he is not stupid in mind.

He must figure out what Xiao Dong is planning.

If it is some big treasure from Jiabei College, then it will involve a lot.

When the time comes, Jiabei Academy will come out in force to wipe out the Sin Angle Territory.

"Well, the reward is very generous, but Mr. Xiao also has to tell us your main purpose, otherwise we won't be able to accept this matter.

"Yes, we have to know what we're going to do."

"I agree, Mr. Xiao, don't hide anything, just tell us what you want.

Kurogane's words resonated with everyone.

They also wanted to know what could make Xiao Dong invite them to Jiabei College with such a generous reward.


"I didn't intend to hide this thing originally. Since everyone asked, I will tell you."

The matter of falling heart inflammation cannot be hidden at all, and there is no intention to hide it.

"Do you know what an alchemist needs most?"

"Flame, precious medicinal materials, precious elixirs, and a good medicine refining cauldron."

Sect Master, the young master of Mo Huangzong, responded to Xiao Dong concisely and concisely.

This is common sense in Dou Qi's world. Even if you are not an alchemist, you probably know these things.

"Yes, but everything doesn't have a flame attraction zone."

Xiao Dong raised a smile and walked a few steps in the hall:

"To be honest, there is a Heavenly Flame in Jiabei Academy. I have confirmed this Heavenly Flame. It does indeed exist.

"It's at the Burning Heaven Qi Refining Tower of Jiabei Academy."

Heavenly Flame?

Burning Sky Qi Refining Tower?

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They had never known that there was a Heavenly Flame in the Fentian Qi Refining Tower of Jiabei Academy.

“I see, if you are fighting for the Heavenly Flame, then Mr. Xiao’s reward is reasonable.

A few Tier-6 Alchemy Pills are exchanged for a Heavenly Flame. This is indeed not a loss and is very worthwhile.

"I have told you my purpose, what do you think?"

"There are two guaranteed Emperor-Breaking Pills. If you don't want Po-zhou, you can exchange them for other big items."

Facing the price Xiao Dong offered again, everyone present looked at each other and said in unison:

"Mr. Xiao, let's discuss it.",

The matter is so important that they cannot act recklessly.


Xiao Dong smiled kindly and watched these people leave the house and go far away.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Walking out of the inner hall, Emperor Mo Sect Master spoke first.

"How else can I watch it?"

"The reward that boy offered was very generous. To be honest, I was moved."

Yin Laogu chuckled and said: "I've been stuck in 4-Star Dou Sovereign for a long time. Maybe this time I get to know this Tier-7 alchemist, this is my opportunity..."

In such a small place, being able to meet a Tier-7 alchemist is a rare opportunity.

"Old Yintou, don't be fooled by Alchemy Pill..."

"Alchemy Pill is indeed Tier-6. This is true, but you have to know that the opponent is Jiabei Academy..."

"There is no body of the strong Dou Sovereign hanging on the giant tree in Peace Town."

Tie Hei from the Raging Lion Gang reminded.

Jiabei Academy has never fallen since it was established in the Sin Angle Region.

No matter what he goes through, there will be mysterious power to help him get through it.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you look at the woman next to that boy?"

"That's the strong Dou Ancestor!"

"And definitely not a first time Dou Ancestor."

Yin Laogu came to the scene from Medusa, took one look at it and didn't dare to look again.

The strong pressure of Dou Ancestor was so overwhelming that he couldn't breathe.

"What happened to the strong Dou Ancestor?"

"Su Qian from Jiabei College is also a Dou Ancestor, and judging from the feeling, that woman is not much better than Su Qian, she should be at the same level.

Earth Fire Sect Sect Master Jin frowned and analyzed: "Su Qian is Dou Ancestor, the remaining Elders are a few Dou Sovereign, and most are Dou King. From this point of view, our high-level combat power is even."

"But don't forget, Qian Mu and Bai Lie from Jiabei Academy. Their combined attack is comparable to the average Dou Venerable."

"Even if you take it apart alone, there are still two 9-Star Dou Ancestor Peak."

If we only look at the apparent combat power, there is absolutely no problem with this mission.

But Qian Mu and Bai Lie are always unable to overcome the hurdle.

If no one confronts these two people, then everything they say will be nonsense.

"Qian Mu and Bai Lie, unless Jiabei College is in a serious crisis, they will not take action easily."

"The matter of snatching the Heavenly Flame is indeed important to Jiabei College, but it doesn't seem to be enough for them to take action.

"Even if we do, we probably won't do it right away."

"What's more, I don't believe that the Tier-7 alchemist has no other strong people except us and the women inside.

Seven Door Sect Master Yuan Yi finished speaking and glanced at the inner hall.

For such a big thing, in order to securely obtain the Heavenly Flame, he really couldn't believe it, so Xiao Dong invited several Dou Sovereigns, plus a Dou Ancestor.

"Aren't the two elders, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, here?"

In the inner hall, Xiao Dong walked up to Su Mei and asked.

This time when someone came, he didn't see the two old men with golden horns and silver horns. (cfch)

"I sent people to invite them, but they are not at the house."

"Maybe he went out for something."

The men sent out reported back that they had been waiting outside the door for a long time, but they did not see a reply from the gold and silver elders.

Su Mei felt that she was probably out, or didn't want to participate in this matter. Of course, she might also be waiting and watching.

"That's it..."

Without the gold and silver elders, the overall combat power will drop a lot.

Xiao Dong's plan is to let the two elders of Jin and Yin deal with Su Ren, and then let Medusa protect him, so that he can safely take away the falling heart inflammation.

But now that there are no gold and silver elders, this plan must be modified...

"I will continue to send people to ask questions over the two elders of Gold and Silver."

"We should be able to contact them before Mr. Xiao's plan."

Seeing the look in Xiao Dong's eyes, Su Mei spoke softly.

"No need, one more and two less is no big problem."

Shaking his head, Xiao Dong looked at the people who walked in from outside the house and smiled:

"How are you guys thinking about it?"

"As long as everyone agrees, before the plan begins, I will give each of you an Emperor-Breaking Pill as a deposit.

Xiao Dong didn't believe this kind of temptation, and these old foxes still didn't take the bait.

"Before we start, give me a Tier-6 Emperor-Breaking Pill?"

"As expected of a Tier-7 high-level alchemist, even Han Feng is ashamed of his skill..."

"It seems that I have the opportunity to be in good health here."

As soon as Xiao Dong said this, everyone who had just walked into the hall had different thoughts in their hearts.

"Okay, we promised Mr. Xiao. I wonder when Mr. Xiao's plan will be implemented?"

"Please inform us in advance so that our sect can make corresponding arrangements."

After everyone looked at each other, they spoke in unison, this is what they just said

If the outside is good.

"In half a month at most, or possibly in a few days, please arrange matters within the sect as soon as possible, but don't delay everyone..."

It's impossible to tell.

What Xiao Dong was thinking about was waiting for some Elders or Su Qian from Jiabei College to go out.

When implementing the plan, the success rate of the plan will be very high.

"Well, we get it."

After hearing Xiao Dong's words, everyone nodded, and at the same time, Sect Master, the Young Master of Emperor Mo Emperor spoke:

"If Mr. Xiao has nothing else to say, we will go back first."

"Things within the sect are quite busy, so I don't deserve Mr. Xiao's time. Please forgive me..."

They want to go back and discuss with the sect's senior officials how much powerhouses will be spent on this matter.

"Okay, then let's start planning to see you again."

"Of course, if anyone wants to withdraw, please inform Sect Master Yu Sumei in advance and she will contact me.

Xiao Dong bowed his hands in return to everyone in Sinjiao Domain.


After looking at Su Mei, Xiao Dong, Medusa, Emperor Mo Sect Master and others, they nodded and left.

"Mr. Xiao, how should the slave family contact you?"

After everyone disappeared from sight, Su Mei walked to Xiao Dong with elegant steps and asked.

"Haha, before the plan starts, I will come to Shuramen from time to time. When I have information, Master Su Mei Sect can just let me know."

There are few communication tools in the Dou Qi world, but fortunately, if Cultivation Base is advanced, you can go where you want to go at your fingertips.

"That's it..."

Su Mei smiled and nodded, then looked at Xiangmei and smiled at Xiao Dong:

"This powerful Dou Ancestor, Mr. Xiao Dong, hasn't been introduced to the slave family yet..."

She is curious about Medusa's identity.

A strong Dou Ancestor should not be unknown in a small place like this.

"The Snake Empire. Queen Medusa.

Looking at Medusa, Xiao Dong briefly introduced Medusa's identity.

"Queen Medusa?!"

Hearing Medusa's name, Su Mei's body trembled obviously.

"She...she...she is the Queen Medusa who killed three or four high-star Dou Sovereign experts in a row some time ago and conquered the Overweight Empire?"

Medusa's deeds have been fermented, and now few people don't know about it.

Especially the record of killing the powerful Dou Sovereign in an instant made the world recognize the power of the powerful Dou Ancestor again.

Dou Ancestor is so powerful and terrifying!

"Yes, she is Queen Medusa who is famous in some parts of the Dou Qi world!"


Xiao Dong's words made Medusa frown.

She felt a little strange, as if he was complimenting her, but not as if he was complimenting her.

"I have met Queen Medusa. Your deeds are now talked about in the entire Sin Corner..."

Walking in front of Medusa, Su Mei bowed her hands and lowered her posture.


Glancing at Su Mei, Medusa withdrew her gaze without interest.

A 4-5-star Dou Sovereign is not worthy of her too much attention.

"Okay, tonight's affairs are over, Sect Master Su Mei, then Queen Medusa and I will take our leave first."

Seeing that Medusa didn't want to pay much attention to Su Mei, Xiao Dong pulled Medusa behind him and watched Su Mei leave.

"Well, Mr. Xiao, be careful on the road..."

Su Mei was a sensible person. She smiled and sent Xiao Dong and Medusa off to the door.

"Goodbye, Su Mei Sect Master..."

Walking outside the inner hall, Xiao Dong waved goodbye to Su Mei again, and then signaled Medusa to use the power of space to take the two away.

At Xiao Dong's signal, Medusa raised her hand to adjust the power of space.

For a moment, ripples appeared in the surrounding space visible to the naked eye.

With a soft sound, Xiao Dong and Medusa disappeared in front of Su Mei's eyes.

"Dou Ancestor is a strong man who can use the power of space. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch a single move with such strength..."

Looking at the place where Medusa and Xiao Dong disappeared, Su Mei sighed.

"You want to do Heavenly Flame at Kabei Academy?"

In the Sinjiao Forest, the figures of Xiao Dong and Medusa appeared in an open space.

"if not?"

Standing next to Medusa, Xiao Dong looked at the moonlight and responded.

"Jabei Academy, even if I include the entire Snake Man Empire, I may not be able to swallow this place.

"It's very dangerous and difficult..."

ps: Thank you for subscribing, I beg you to subscribe automatically! I went to pick up bottles again today. The weather is very hot and I got a few degrees darker...

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