Villainess’s Sweet Everyday

Chapter 41

Lesson 41

The head chef said, “Now back to work, dear calcirust… there’s nothing more for me to do, is there? ♪ And I’ll do it ♪

Master Calcirast said this with a calm voice. Oh, handsome, well, that’s ticklish……

“Thank you, Chef. Maricana was happy and… you can expect her salary this month. I’ll tell my father anyway.”

To that statement, the chef stretched his spine, “Thank you. Dear Calcirast,” he bent his hips and lowered his head.

Master Calcirasto said to his servants, “I’m going on a date with Maricana, so don’t worry… are you sure?,” he said. And the servants spoke with one voice, and let him hammer, and said, Yes, Master Calcirast.

I lift the bag I left in the chair in the next seat and line it up next to Master Calci Rust. And he offered his hand, and he said, “Do you mind?,” he says anxiously.

I said, “Pleasure! Dear Calci Rust!” He raised his voice. At the table, Mr. Cock and the others were wearing white plates, glasses, saucers, etc.

I said to Mr. Cock and the others, “Welcome! Thanks! I said.”

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